TAMMI posted bail, she is out of jail - 3 Feb 2010

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Sorry for the double post, but to steer this train back onto the tracks...why do you think someone who was considered such a flight risk was granted such a low, achievable bail?

Possibly plays into a strategy, but I woudn't want to speculate too much. :angel:
I'm still wondering what the heck Logan did. What is Tammi referring to when she says "Logan did this." As in, put her in jail? I swear, that lady really needs a reality check. I mean really, does she KNOW why she was thrown in jail or do we need to remind her?

She is so tangled up in all the bull$*@! that she's been spewing, she can't even keep her stories straight. And the threat. A grown woman throwing threats out. Grow up, lady. /end rant

That is what I think too... What the heck did Logan do ??? All I can figure is for once someone did not back down to TS and she thought Logan would be easy to manipulate due to his age...

I have the uttmost respect for how Logan handled this situation. He could have taken matters into his own hands and tried to outsmart TS that way- but he was smart enough to know to let LE handle it and to let LE handle TS...

And TS is something else. Gabriel is the victim here. So is Gabriel's dad.

I want to vomit everytime I hear TS play the victim or the martyr.... She is about as sick as they can get...
My question is why is she waiting until her court hearing on the 8th to tell why EJ couldnt put LM's name or should I say she didn't want to on that court document. Why can't TS say why now? Why the wait? If she felt "duped" why continue to protect Ej which she seems to have went back to doing on the interview today? Did anyone notice the bible in the windsheild? getting her quotes ready for her FB page I guess when she got home. :angel:
i would consider it more disgusted, than anything else, i'm a LDS so sub branch of christianity, what they are doing right now is hiding behind something they would assume works as a blind fold.

Only trouble with that theory is that is indeed going to irritate alot of members from church, because morals here have been abused & the church made a mockery of.

We pride ourselves on not coveting, loving thy neighbour, honesty etc etc

The ten commandments basically.

It's not God on their side, it's Satan.

And he's dug his claws in good & proper

TPS just forgot the "Bear false witness" thingy...
I am reviewing this thread with a migraine and that is not a good combo. lol
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Thanks for your patience and if you have not read the rules sticky at the top of this forum please take a moment to do so.
Possibly plays into a strategy, but I woudn't want to speculate too much. :angel:

Yes yes yes. That's exactly what I was thinking. They have psych profilers, and I bet they have a very clear understanding of what makes her tic. I bet they wanted to get her riled up and watch her self-destruct. :talker:
Raw Footage Of PTS interveiw outside Of The Jail -


I'm half way through veiwing this now, & can't help but notice PTS seems like she's enjoying her 15 minute of Fame...

I am in shock after seeing this video...wait...let me pick my jaw up off the floor...

that's better! :crazy:

Is this poor excuse for a human being for real? Tammi just ragged the he!! out of dear Logan, and that was definitely a threat against him at the end. They (TS/JS) are scary people! I bet they were threatening him during their phone calls to him too. JS is just a thinks-he-knows-it-all, smirking idiot, and TS is the most conniving, vindictive wench ever! It kills me that she is still getting face time to spew her venom, but maybe it will hurt her in the end. Let's hope! :furious: JMO
I not only agree with you, I now think that if Logan HAD taken off on a search for EJ out of state looking for that needle in a haystack, the Smiths might have even had him "bumped off" so that he just wasn't alive anymore to be a bother.

I hate thinking that, but their own lying, manipulating, temper-tantrum, threatening ways out in the open for us all to see have convinced me these are some seriously demented and twisted people. Thank God Logan did NOT engage with them at all; no telling where he might have ended up.

Bold mine.

ITA with you. I can picture "sweet, gentle" :rolleyes: JS doing something like that. There's something about him that I can't put my finger on, but I think in a dark alley, he wouldn't hesitate to do the deed or pay someone to do it.
If true then isn't TPS risking additional charges, such as kidnapping, child endangerment/abuse, etc?

I don't see how she is going to pull this off, if true, since it isn't going to cool down anytime soon and even later folks are going to notice them with a baby --- unless TPS is in jail for a few years but then when she comes out all eyes are on them.

Don't get it. I get she is desperate but I don't get how she thinks she can pull anything off now.

I don't think at this point TS is thinking she can still get Gabriel...now she is just mad as he!! at Logan, and will do anything and everything to keep him from getting his son back, even if it means that Gabe has to be handed off to someone else by whoever is hiding him right now. TS is just evil and at this point, it's all about winning. JMO
I not only agree with you, I now think that if Logan HAD taken off on a search for EJ out of state looking for that needle in a haystack, the Smiths might have even had him "bumped off" so that he just wasn't alive anymore to be a bother.

I hate thinking that, but their own lying, manipulating, temper-tantrum, threatening ways out in the open for us all to see have convinced me these are some seriously demented and twisted people. Thank God Logan did NOT engage with them at all; no telling where he might have ended up.

Logan went about it the legal way and got LE involved who went and got her.
You know, this is so funny. The World According to Tammi.

First, Elizabeth was an angel mommy and Logan was the devil himself. She, Saint Tammi, was just trying to help angel mommy.

Next, OMG! Eliz had lied and duped her, and it turned out Logan was wonderful. She even wanted to apologize to Logan in the media, even though it wasn't her fault that Eliz had duped and lied and made Saint Tammi think Logan was bad.

Now, we're back to the beginning. Eliz is angel mommy who devil dad Logan lied about, and Saint Tammi was, of course, just trying to help angel mommy.

So... what happened to bad Eliz who lied and duped her? Do we just forget about that? Wipe it from memory? Along with the wonderful Logan that Saint Tammi wanted to apologize to in the media?

It's insane.

Your post was great! I love the Saint Tammi....LOL
I wonder what Tammi meant in the video when she told Logan that he had "better watch out." Was she making some kind of a threat towards him?" It sounded kind of like a threat to me. But a threat to do what? With all the evidence of things she did that were both wrong and illegal, I can't believe that Tammi is still saying that she has done nothing wrong! And Jack is backing her up on that. What a sad example they set for their adopted daughter. I thought (hoped) that Tammi would be in jail longer.
If someone would like a transcription of that almost 15 minutes of babble, feel free to let me know. I will attempt to stop laughing long enough.
Is there a chance that TS says 'This baby' or 'that Baby' because she is maybe afraid of using G's NEW NAME? by mistake.. I mean she lies by mistake all the time you see it in her face when she realizes it and can't back track fast enough so have to cover her *advertiser censored* again, is there a chance she was actually SMART (ha) enough to NOT USE his name.. ???
Just wondering.. I dont know.. just an idea...
I hear ya. Odd, isn't it, how she never says "Gabriel"; I think there is something to your point about Gabriel possibly having a new name, jmo... I DO think that:
1) If the Smiths planned babysnatching (I refuse to call it adoption, as their plans were CRIMINAL) of Gabriel HAD been successful, I believe that they would have changed his name-
2) I also think that they would have cut all ties to EJ immediately if they could have gotten their coerced and phony "legal papers"- they would've dropped her like a hot potato and possibly moved.
3)I believe the Smiths had NO intention of adopting Elizabeth; that was just a ploy to seem actually concerned about her (as opposed to just being obsessed with illegally taking her child, which was the real case). I mean, remember they told her to stay in a SHELTER?? Who does that?? They didn't care about her begging for a bed in a homeless shelter even tho they have $$$ for hotels and even setting EJ up in her own place- in a different state, of course! This woman is giving you a beautiful baby and you tell her to go to a SHELTER??? Wow, such concern...:snooty:
4) Nothing short of AMAZING, how TS thinks that Logan has no right to raise HIS OWN SON!!! Many great comments on this thread re. her nasty ways of addressing/talking about Logan. I agree that TS is in denial/delusional/hateful, and also that she is LIVID that he never once played along with her BS.
5) And finally- to add my own take on TS vs. Logan: I think TS's attitude toward Logan goes beyond just her anger that she cannot control him. I feel she has some seriously deep-seated HATRED of certain types of men, as in men who see through her lying, evil BS, men who aren't afraid to tell her exactly what they think of her, men who are immune to her dubious "charms."
Perhaps Logan triggers some bad memories which TS would rather pretend never happened, like when her ex took her kids away, and didn't her own mother help too? OUCH. I don't for one second believe her spin on how those kids were removed from her. I'm a single parent and on fairly decent terms w/both my sons' fathers, but there ain't no way in hell either one could ever take one of my boys away for YEARS, because, duh, I am a mother who loves and takes care of her kids; they don't wanna leave mamma, lol!:angel: But for some reason I doubt Tammi Smith's kids are pining away for her! MUCH more to that story... JMO, MOO, etc.
She seriously posted bail? :mad:

What was her bail set at? And when is her court appearance?
If someone would like a transcription of that almost 15 minutes of babble, feel free to let me know. I will attempt to stop laughing long enough.

Yes I would love it! And I was looking for the transcript you did of the very first phone call that Elizabeth and Tammi had. I can't find it. TIA
I am a bit behind today and just watched the video and let me just say WOW, TPS sure is a piece of work. I can not even believe it. Right out of jail and already can't get enough of those cameras! Does she really believe she has done nothing wrong!! It is just unbelievable!

I can't wait for her day in court, maybe when she finally has to do some time she will wipe that smug look off her face. When she kept going on and on about why Logan didn't go get "the baby" while EJ was in San Antonio I wanted to scream at her and why didn't you??? This baby that you claim to love and already was a part of your family (calling him H's new brother and referring to Jack as Daddy on her FB pics). Why did she not run and go get him?! She keeps claiming we just wanted to help this poor girl, we felt so sorry for her blah blah blah. No TPS you wanted "that baby" for yourself! You didn't care who got stepped on in the process! TPS didn't go get Gabriel because she knew he would go back to LM and she wanted him for herself so she was holding out hope that LM would sign the papers or EJ could somehow change jurisdiction or whatever and Gabriel could be all hers. Her selfishness put Gabriel in a lot of danger and I do hope she will pay for that.

Ok rant over...I just cannot believe that video...what a vindictive spiteful woman she is.
I just got here and watched the video. All I can say is for a poor woman who implied (my impression) that she had been denied food and drink since she was arrested, she certainly overcame her dehydration and hunger very quickly! How very smug! Lot of eye movement...would love to get a opinion of her body language from someone who knows.

I have one question?

If her lawyers are so great why is she and Jack still giving interviews???
One more thing...when she puts so much emphasis on this baby I have to wonder how many more she could be involved with???


Horn said Smith also tried to recruit male acquaintances to get them to put their name on a document seeking to have McQueary submit to a DNA test. The document required the name of a potential father, and when Smith couldn't get anyone to agree to it, she forged her cousin's name, Horn said.

Jack Smith said his wife wrote down her cousin's name on a court document for a paternity test "as a joke" and because she was rushed by a court employee.
"We didn't think it was a big deal," he said.

:eek: I am no lawyer but I do believe that is fraud out and out, plain and simple.. Oh my and then to see the video...I wonder if this has happened before. I can't believe this...Beam me up Scotty...

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