Tammi Smith -The Charges

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Oh snap...are some WS going to make the news again?:floorlaugh:

I suppose their alleged attempts at hiring hackers to get people's true ID didn't work? Could this really have anything to do with where Gabriel is, or is this just an attempt to sue more people TPS?

7/1/2011 Status Conference

...The Court has received Defendant’s Motion for Discovery of all E-Mail Communications Received by the State from the Public and the State’s Response...

IT IS ORDERED granting the Defendant’s motion. The State shall have one (1) week to provide all discovery to the Defense.

IT IS ORDERED the parties shall schedule and conduct a Settlement Conference prior to the next Status Conference...
I guess we are at a point on this forum where people really do have to choose. There are only a few possible scenarios. One is that Gabriel is alive and with people under the direction and control of Tammi Smith. Another is that he is alive but with unknown people who have ties to Elizabeth but not to Tammi Smith. Lastly, that Gabriel is dead, either by accident or intent, at the hands of his mother.

I'd guess that a lot of LE believes that Elizabeth killed Gabriel since Det. Salame says she admitted this to him in an interview. I wish we knew more about the interview- maybe she was mentally whacked out or messing with the detective.

I also know that a lot of wsers believe that Gabe is alive and that, as Mr. Raynak says, "...all roads lead to Tammi Smith."

I hope everyone feels comfortable and free to express an opinion as to what is the truth. It's what we do here.

it doesn't even matter what the truth is anymore because there won't be any justice for gabriel... if in the case of casey anthony, she was free to walk, i feel the state has even less evidence against elizabeth (after all they can't even prove gabriel is dead), and much less against tammi. they would be free to walk too. i believe there is no justice in our legal system anymore, it's heartbreaking esp when it involves children. murderes will get away with their deeds as long as they deny it and lie till the end.
it doesn't even matter what the truth is anymore because there won't be any justice for gabriel... if in the case of casey anthony, she was free to walk, i feel the state has even less evidence against elizabeth (after all they can't even prove gabriel is dead), and much less against tammi. they would be free to walk too. i believe there is no justice in our legal system anymore, it's heartbreaking esp when it involves children. murderes will get away with their deeds as long as they deny it and lie till the end.

I totally agree with you Noopy. Sadly and disgustingly is this the way our legal system and society is heading?!! And to think these evil doers will profit from their crimes by selling their stories. Just so so disgusting and should not be allowed. Someone needs to change this ASAP. Anyone involved in a crime, guilty or innocent, family, friends, acquintances, jurors ect. should not profit from crime.
Sounds like this is in regards to TPS' previous mental health record, and whether or not that information will be admissible? That's what I gather from that. Thoughts?

Under party information it's listed as below so I thought it was Elizabeth??

Elizabeth Joanne Johnson - (2)

Tammi Peters Smith - (3)


MIL - Motion In Limine - Party (002) [/I]
Under party information it's listed as below so I thought it was Elizabeth??

Elizabeth Joanne Johnson - (2)

Tammi Peters Smith - (3)


MIL - Motion In Limine - Party (002) [/I]

Look at the very top of the page, it couldn't be more confusing ;) Party 1 is the state, party 2 (001) is EJ, party 3 (002) is TPS.
If 001 were in parenthesis it would be EJ, this request relates to TPS or 002. AFAIK, lol.
Sounds like this is in regards to TPS' previous mental health record, and whether or not that information will be admissible? That's what I gather from that. Thoughts?

I don't think this motion covers things like rehab, addiction, depression or OCD type issues. Why bother? A lot of people go through stuff like that and people really don't care. I suspect that this involves a past diagnosis that might shed some light on why Tammi would go to such great lengths to defeat Logan's legal custody of Gabriel. I also think it is a diagnosis that would shock the jurors (and maybe her supporters), and negate the argument that she is just a good samaritan who was trying to help a young mother in distress.

Here's an excerpt from that website where she so free told the World about her life

"..., I began to become clinically depressed. I had what they call Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I tried to leave my husband, but he threatened to never let me see my kids again if I left him. He said, "who's gonna help you, your druggie mom on welfare?" So I didn't leave him. Eventually he got tired of hearing me cry that I wanted to leave so he had a Dr. put me on Prozac! Over six months time they had me taking tranquilizers, anti depressants, anti psychotics, etc. and he got a free ride with me...didn't have to rape me anymore, I was oblivious to anything, even my kids! Very sad (for my kids especially) I know. One day after trying to commit suicide on all those drugs, God reminded me that he was still there and he loved me. So I figured out a way to wean myself off without him knowing."....

Anti Psychotics aren't handed out like anti-depressants. There has to be a definite delusion or hallucinations going on for those to get Rxed...


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