Tape on Jon Benets mouth - New info

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Might the odor have been caused by clorox,to clean up any blood spatters?I think I've read speculation of that.Ames did a good job on researching head injuries..JB was likely bleeding from the ears and or nose,after it occurred.The brown mucous indicates that..old blood.
There was a drawer of Patsy's open that had med supplies in it..meaning she could have used gauze or something to clean her up.
I think the fingerprints on the underside of the tape on JBR's mouth should be a lot easier to determine than those on Caylee's tape, given that Caylee had been out in the elements for so long.

I wonder if the underside of the JBR tape was ever tested for fingerprints. They should find John's and Fleet's. Anyone else's would be suspect.
Of course it's not a FACT. For it to be a FACT, the officers would have had to have swabbed all surfaces in the bathroom and tested for peroxide. And we know that wasn't done. The said they smelled a "peroxide-like odor" in her bathroom. The source was probably ACR or ST's book. Thousands of pages, so try searching or googling it and see what pops up.
I think the fingerprints on the underside of the tape on JBR's mouth should be a lot easier to determine than those on Caylee's tape, given that Caylee had been out in the elements for so long.

I wonder if the underside of the JBR tape was ever tested for fingerprints. They should find John's and Fleet's. Anyone else's would be suspect.

--->>>The technology for retrieving fingerprints from tape, was not developed in 1996. My thread starting post #1 was not too clear as I read it again. The forensics expert on CTV, said it was first available for use in 2002, and enabled them to close a cold case. News of this sort, seems to have trouble making itself out WEST as far as Boulder. Some folk still think that the earth is flat and not roundish.

I suspect that Mary Lacy would not have taken any step to make certain that the duct tape found on JonBenet would be tested for fingerprints using the new technology.

I need to quiz my deputy son about WHAT happens to evidence in LE custody after 13 years, or cases from a long time ago.

Does anyone here have a connection with the Boulder LE to find out why the tape cannot be tested now for fingerprints or DNA? Camper, maybe your son can give us a good answer and we can go from there.
Does anyone here have a connection with the Boulder LE to find out why the tape cannot be tested now for fingerprints or DNA? Camper, maybe your son can give us a good answer and we can go from there.

Of course, JR claimed he took the tape of JBR's mouth, and FW also has said that he picked it up, and threw it back on the blanket. So finding those prints would be expected. Now, if PR's prints were there that would be a big red flag, because that tape stayed in the basement and PR supposedly never touched it. I'd love to see her prints discovered on it and have someone slip and say that it was because she used the tape on her paintings...after she said she never owned that tape (even though her hardware store receipt showed she'd likely bought it).

MY thoughts are that the tape contains some DNA incriminating the family. That's why they won't re-test it. In light of the recent new DNA findings on the longjohns, they should be retesting everything they have for DNA, not just prints. DNA can be obtained from the body oils in a print sometimes too, as well as from the spoon, glass, and pineapple bowl. And how about that box of mystery tissues that PR claimed didn't belong to the house? Lets see whose prints are on that? You know, I bet they never saved it.
Why would JR rip the tape off JBR lips when she was already gone?
It always troubled me WHY DID HE MOVE HER and ruin the crime scene???
JR is a VERY intelligent man...........we all know NOT TO TOUCH anything!
Plus why would did JR bring JBR upstairs and shock his wife and everyone?
Nothing ever sounded right from the time JBR was found......IMO
Why would JR rip the tape off JBR lips when she was already gone?
It always troubled me WHY DID HE MOVE HER and ruin the crime scene???
JR is a VERY intelligent man...........we all know NOT TO TOUCH anything!
Plus why would did JR bring JBR upstairs and shock his wife and everyone?
Nothing ever sounded right from the time JBR was found......IMO

Four words...
To contaminate the evidence.

Okay, more than four...and to be able to explain away his fibers or DNA in case any belonging to him was found. Patsy did the same thing when she flung herself onto JB's body..and started reciting the Lazarus speech.
yes,same reason they invited all the friends over..to contaminate the crime scene.they were definitely thinking ahead.
call 911 when note says not to,invite friends over when note says JB will be killed if they speak to anyone..at all..
..totally mess up crime scene,house and body included.I suspect they may have had some coaching on that.
yes,same reason they invited all the friends over..to contaminate the crime scene.they were definitely thinking ahead.
call 911 when note says not to,invite friends over when note says JB will be killed if they speak to anyone..at all..
..totally mess up crime scene,house and body included.I suspect they may have had some coaching on that.

Yes, isn't it interesting how those phone records for that night disappeared. Lets see, who could coach a perp on how to contaminate a crime scene....hmmmm- OH yes, a DEFENSE attorney! Isn't is convenient that they had a few as close, personal friends.
Yes, isn't it interesting how those phone records for that night disappeared. Lets see, who could coach a perp on how to contaminate a crime scene....hmmmm- OH yes, a DEFENSE attorney! Isn't is convenient that they had a few as close, personal friends.
too convenient!
Four words...
To contaminate the evidence.

Okay, more than four...and to be able to explain away his fibers or DNA in case any belonging to him was found. Patsy did the same thing when she flung herself onto JB's body..and started reciting the Lazarus speech.

As "Plan Bs" go, it wasn't that bad.
IMO she had that Lazarus speech planned,to a T.she knew exactly what she was going to say!
IMO she had that Lazarus speech planned,to a T.she knew exactly what she was going to say!

Sure she did! Who in the world would have ever have thought to say such a thing, at a time like that anyway? I would have been in such a state a shock, I am sure that all I would have done would be stand there and scream, until somebody had to slap me to snap me out of it. It would never occur to me to say..."Jesus, you raised Lazarus from the dead, now want you please raise my baby from the dead". I mean...COME ON. Let's get REAL...
Sure she did! Who in the world would have ever have thought to say such a thing, at a time like that anyway? I would have been in such a state a shock, I am sure that all I would have done would be stand there and scream, until somebody had to slap me to snap me out of it. It would never occur to me to say..."Jesus, you raised Lazarus from the dead, now want you please raise my baby from the dead". I mean...COME ON. Let's get REAL...

I've just been pondering this "speech" and it hit me. I lost my sister to cancer at the beginning of November. We had been told that she had a few weeks - it turned out to be a few days. However, my point is that her death was expected. But there was no way I could have said she was "dead" straight after - in fact I stuggle saying it now. I can't believe that Patsy could have discovered only seconds before that her daughter was in fact dead, and then said it so plainly. It indicates a degree of acceptance which simply wouldn't be there.
I've just been pondering this "speech" and it hit me. I lost my sister to cancer at the beginning of November. We had been told that she had a few weeks - it turned out to be a few days. However, my point is that her death was expected. But there was no way I could have said she was "dead" straight after - in fact I stuggle saying it now. I can't believe that Patsy could have discovered only seconds before that her daughter was in fact dead, and then said it so plainly. It indicates a degree of acceptance which simply wouldn't be there.

Hi Tina, I am so sorry to hear about losing your sister. I think you are right that degree of acceptance would not be there yet. There is a specific sequence of emotions we all go thru with a death and I think acceptance is the last one. xox
I've just been pondering this "speech" and it hit me. I lost my sister to cancer at the beginning of November. We had been told that she had a few weeks - it turned out to be a few days. However, my point is that her death was expected. But there was no way I could have said she was "dead" straight after - in fact I stuggle saying it now. I can't believe that Patsy could have discovered only seconds before that her daughter was in fact dead, and then said it so plainly. It indicates a degree of acceptance which simply wouldn't be there.

So sorry to hear about your sister, I know that has got to be hard on you.
I really don't think that you can ever fully prepare yourself, even if it is "expected". That is the way that it was with my mom too. This may sound like I am nuts..but, after my mom died, I convinced myself that she wasn't dead. At night, when I couldn't sleep for thinking about her...I would say to myself..."She is at home asleep, safe and sound". It was the only way that I could deal with her death. I finally came to terms with it. Which is a good thing, because she passed away in 1997.

As far as Patsy goes...yeah, she had a degree of acceptance of JB's death, way too soon. Another example is when Fleet yelled from the basement.."WE FOUND HER! CALL AN AMBULANCE!!!" And, she didn't even budge from the couch that she was sitting on. She KNEW that JB was dead...that is why she didn't come a running. Any other parent, upon hearing the words..."WE FOUND HER! CALL AN AMBULANCE!!"....after finding a ransom note, and their child was presumed missing....would RUN not walk to their child, hoping that they could do anything at all to help them. IMO...if there had of been a REAL intruder, and a real Ransom note...and Patsy heard the words..."WE FOUND HER! CALL AN AMBULANCE!"...she would have thought that JB was hurt...not dead.
Never heard of calling an ambulance for an already dead person. When my mom died, we didn't call an ambulance...we called the funeral home.
TinaD, I'm very sorry about your sister. I lost my mom last year. My dad a few years ago. Cancer is the most vile traitor to humanity there is.
I think the fingerprints on the underside of the tape on JBR's mouth should be a lot easier to determine than those on Caylee's tape, given that Caylee had been out in the elements for so long.

I wonder if the underside of the JBR tape was ever tested for fingerprints. They should find John's and Fleet's. Anyone else's would be suspect.

Hi Wallflower, I think it was within the last week or so that Dr Baden stated on Greta that there was a plethra of evidence on the duct tape involved in Caylee's case. I tend to believe him as he stated it like there was no bones about it. We shall see what evidence they found ;}


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