Taylor Univ Crash Victim Misidentified 5 Weeks Ago

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This is such a sad story for all involved. One critical point of proper identification is that a patient's medical history is so important in providing treatment (not to mention the anguish of both families involved.) I think the responsibility (of obtaining the ID) usually falls upon EMS, at the scene. I know from working in a pediataric ICU that we go with what is presented by EMS.
On a slightly lighter note: Poor Laura must have been wondering "Who the heck are these people who keep visiting me?"
englishleigh said:
If she was conscious and alert enough to play a board game, you gotta wonder if she wondered who in the heck the VanRyns were, and where was her own family?
I've been thinking the exact same thing.

Here are a couple of followup stories today from the Grand Rapids (MI) Press. As always, you might need to enter a zip code (real or fake) to access them:


Posted today by Lisa at http://lauravanryn.blogspot.com/

I love you, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my Rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my Rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I call to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies. In my distress I call to the Lord; I cry to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears. He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters. He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me. They confronted me in the day of my disaster, but the Lord was my support. He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me. You, O Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light. As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him for who is God besides the Lord? And who is the Rock except our God? It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. The Lord lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be God my Savior! Therefore I will praise you amoung the nations, O Lord; I will sing praises to your name. (Psalm 18)

This is our prayer this morning, as we continue to trust Jesus Christ our Savior. He is there for all of us and for you. God's Word is sufficient, no matter what your circumstance.

Posted by Lisa Van Ryn

englishleigh said:
If she was conscious and alert enough to play a board game, you gotta wonder if she wondered who in the heck the VanRyns were, and where was her own family?
I would just guesss she doesn't know who she is?
There have been cases like this one through the years.Some you do not even hear about.
JBean said:
I would just guesss she doesn't know who she is?
Quite the opposite. The articles and some of the tv news reports say that when asked her name, she told them "Whitney."
hoppyfrog said:
Quite the opposite. The articles and some of the tv news reports say that when asked her name, she told them "Whitney."
Could she have said her friends name to ask where she was?She suffered head trama and was not making sense when she spoke.
Having visited people following horrific accidents, I can tell you they usually don't make much sense, even if they seem "awake," especially when there is a head injury involved. It does sound very surprising, but if you've been there, it seems very possible, too, sadly.
Dark Knight said:
Having visited people following horrific accidents, I can tell you they usually don't make much sense, even if they seem "awake," especially when there is a head injury involved. It does sound very surprising, but if you've been there, it seems very possible, too, sadly.
Hi Dark Knight,
I can tell you that when I was in a bad car accident,I asked for my grandfather(he had passed away years before the accident).Alot of other things also.I found this out by friends of mine who one was an EMT who responded to the scene and an Officer who is a friend of mine who also responded.I did not find out about those things until well after the accident when I spoke to them and read the reports.
izzyB said:
something similar happened here some years ago. the parents realized it after a few days when the trauma patient opened her eyes and they were blue and their loved one had brown eyes. very sad and a tragedy upon a tragedy.
Hello IzzyB,
Here is another case that happened in Michigan.Two teens in a car accident.The parents viewed who they thought was their son in a casket at the funeral home.They let the funeral home know that they did not believe that person in the casket was their son.The funeral home said that he was their son and he had massive injuries.Days before the funeral it was found out that the teen was not their son,their son was in fact alive.Thank God the parents did not listen to that funeral home.
Here are the transcripts from the terrible story;

SARA DORSEY, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): This car accident killed one Michigan boy and left another with the fight of his life. The Atrim County sheriff's office originally said 17-year-old Patrick Bement was killed, identified by the location of his wallet, and his friend, 16-year-old Nathaniel Smith, was in the hospital.

But that turned out to be a horrible mistake.

SHERIFF TERRY JOHNSON, ANTRIM COUNTY: This error has caused added stress and grief to the family and friends of the two young men. We will continue to investigate this incident and how this error may have occurred, and find ways to prevent it from occurring in the future.

DORSEY: The Bement family feared that the police had made a mistake immediately after seeing the boy in the casket, but those were downplayed by the funeral home, because the boy's injuries were so massive.

After two visitations and only days before the funeral, the Bements urged the Smiths to check a few scars in the toes of the boy in the hospital. That's when the mistake was discovered. Patrick Bement was alive, and Nathaniel Smith was dead.

STEVE HARVEY, TEACHER: On the one hand, you're somewhat relieved for Patrick's family, that he still has hope, and then that also means that another student has passed away, and so there's tremendous sadness on that part.

DORSEY: The sheriff's office took fingerprints and dental records from both boys. Now they are trying to figure out just what happened.

JOHNSON: Our complete, complete apologies to the family and the family members of all who are involved in this unfortunate circumstance.

DORSEY (on camera): I talked to Patrick Bement's stepmother today. She said her family has mixed emotions about all of this. On the one hand, they're happy to have Patrick back, but she said their hearts break for the Smith family. Only days ago, they were in the same position, planning a funeral. She said the Smiths are now just being strong and trying to get through all of this.

Sara Dorsey, CNN, Atlanta.


COOPER: Hard to believe.

news link
It mentions above in the bold print that the family checked his toes. That is what I was wondering about the two girls. I understand the severe head trauma distorting the facial features. But what about the feet? The back? The hands? I would recognize my childrens feet anywhere.
This is such a sad story!

What a tragic chain of events...yet very understandable, IMO

Peace to both families...

Glow said:
It mentions above in the bold print that the family checked his toes. That is what I was wondering about the two girls. I understand the severe head trauma distorting the facial features. But what about the feet? The back? The hands? I would recognize my childrens feet anywhere.
Hi Glow,
I put that the bold print on that to show how the families indentified the teen and to show that there were other means to indentify.
I know I think about weird things sometimes but I wonder what happens in regards to funeral expenses that the other family has already incurred and maybe even life insurance proceeds. Hospital bills too for that matter. I can't imagine the mess.
dark_shadows said:
Hello IzzyB,
Here is another case that happened in Michigan.Two teens in a car accident.The parents viewed who they thought was their son in a casket at the funeral home.They let the funeral home know that they did not believe that person in the casket was their son.The funeral home said that he was their son and he had massive injuries.Days before the funeral it was found out that the teen was not their son,their son was in fact alive.
The above is exactly why in the first link I posted from WOOD-TV in Grand Rapids, MI the reporter spoke of "another" case of mistaken identity. This other case you mention is still fresh in the mind of people in West Michigan.

Another poster mentioned the case of Nathan Smith and Patrick Bement. This is an article today about the logistical problems faced by the families of Nathan Smith and Patrick Bement once the mixup of their identities was discovered:


hoppyfrog said:
The above is exactly why in the first link I posted from WOOD-TV in Grand Rapids, MI the reporter spoke of "another" case of mistaken identity. This other case you mention is still fresh in the mind of people in West Michigan.

I did not read that link.
I remember that case from a couple of years ago.There are more cases than that.
Glow said:
It mentions above in the bold print that the family checked his toes. That is what I was wondering about the two girls. I understand the severe head trauma distorting the facial features. But what about the feet? The back? The hands? I would recognize my childrens feet anywhere.


I totally agree with you. Something just doesn't make sense here. I would imagine the parents were there constantly for five weeks,and they didn't notice anything peculiar even down to the hands,feet,,ears etc? I saw a picture of the two girls before the accident,except for them both being blonde and fair skinned,they didn't look very much alike.

Something just doesn't add up. Strange and sad.
Cerak family takes over crash survivor's blog

CALEDONIA, Mich. (AP Newswire) - The family blog that's been tracking the recovery of Taylor University student Laura VanRyn is now following Whitney Cerak -- the woman with whom her identity was accidentally switched after a deadly crash.

Whitney's sister Carly posted a new entry on the blog tonight. She wrote that her family's joy at being reunited with Whitney was "pushed aside" by the pain they felt for the VanRyns.

Carly Cerak wrote that Whitney was asking for her family and when they met they all cried together. Then she asked to go home.

Whitney Cerak and Laura VanRyn were among ten students and staffers riding in a university van that was hit by a truck on April-26th. Five were killed, including a woman everyone thought was Cerak.

In fact, Cerak was in a coma from a brain injury. But she was believed to be VanRyn -- whose relatives stood vigil at the woman's bed at a rehabilitation center in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

(Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

dark_shadows said:
Hi Glow,
I put that the bold print on that to show how the families indentified the teen and to show that there were other means to indentify.

I thought that maybe you did Dark Shadows. I thought that you picked out the really important part of that article and highlighted it. If you hadn't I might have zoomed right past it. I had already been thinking along those lines. I was thinking about how a new mother loks so intently at her babys other features besides the face. looking for familiar landmarks. Later she plays with her babys feet and puts shoes on those littel feet everyday. If I could not identify my child I would go straight to their feet. Feet usually come out relatively unscathed no matter what the trauma, plus they are so individualized and familiar to a mother.

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