Ted Bundy - Serial Killer - 1974-1978

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I believe that most states now get DNA for all crimes above a certain level. For instance in some states it might be anyone convicted of a violent/sexual crime, in other states it might be anyone convicted of a felony. They have solved quite a few cold cases because of that.

Below link says that all 50 states are now collecting DNA.

Thanks Mysteriew. Good information.
Bundy was - sadly - given too much popular media attention during his incarceration. Criminy, the guy gave multiple interviews and really enjoyed them.

I thought about TB during the sentencing/ victim impact phase of the BTK 'trial' (I know, he pled, wasn't sure what to call it). One of the family members - recognizing BTK's narcissism - made a point of looking directly at him, and telling him how he would never be the center of attention again, and no one would ever think about him ever again. The look on his face was priceless - like a little kid who was not getting his way.
FBI Quantico did exactly that. They sent staff out to CA to the worst prison for that type of offender. To be a good serial killer you can't be insane..most like to talk and will share their stories easily. Some of them told stories about themselves and are on youtube. You would be surprised how the pathologies are almost identical. These guys are not in solitary. Most have jobs and function at a very high level.

I would say part of the brain is functioning well...But part of the brain is not functioning as human. So IMO they are sick and dangerous.
A Charley Project link to the girl who may have been Bundy's first victim; page contains links to other possible victims among the missing at CP, suspected crimes to which Bundy never confessed but to which he may possibly be linked:
Nancy Baird
Lynette Culver
Julie Cunningham
Susan Curtis
Georgeanne Hopkins
Vicki Hollar
Rita Jolly
Debra Kent
Donna Manson
Denise Oliverson
Nancy Wilcox
Another murder possibly attributed to Bundy is that of Lonnie Trumbull, and the attempted murder of her roommate, Lisa Wick, also 20 y/o, in Seattle WA, on 06/23/1966,



Another one Bundy unfortunately didn't confess to before his execution since even the vial of blood may not completely close it.


I believe that most states now get DNA for all crimes above a certain level. For instance in some states it might be anyone convicted of a violent/sexual crime, in other states it might be anyone convicted of a felony. They have solved quite a few cold cases because of that.

Below link says that all 50 states are now collecting DNA.

I wish they would also DNA every birth.Then people would think twice if they knew DNA which is highly transferable was already on file before they even did a crime.Plus it would also help to identify a crime victim as long as they could take DNA no more Jane or John Does.Families would not have to wait years to find loved ones.JMO
Bundy would not admit to those 'younger" females he killed, even though he was convicted of one in Florida (that he kept denying). He would not admit to doing anything before he was about 28 yrs old. He did not "start" when he was 28. He admitted to his attorney that by the time he was 13-14 yrs old he was sneaking out at night and window peeping, perusing his grandfather's *advertiser censored*, and checking people's trash for pictures or *advertiser censored*. He also told him by the time he was 14 , he was having strong fantasies about having sex with dead females.

Does anyone really believe that he didn't do anything until he was 28 yrs old ? I don't.
And, he traveled at times all over the country. Sometime around 1969 he was in Calif and even rehooked up with an old girl friend there when he was about 24(?). There were all kinds of suspected serial murders in the LA area , etc. at that time that are still open.

I think he was busy from the age of 14 - 28 , that he did kill and tried to refine his methods, and in some situations may have not admitted to them because his victims were younger.
I've talked about this before but I lived in florida in the 70's very close to US1 between Vero Beach and Melbourne. I cannot recall the exact year, but it was either from 72 to 74 but no later. Anyway I was walking home from the store. It was a typical neighborhood of new and older homes. The area I was walking was a a long straight line of houses and to the left streets with rows of houses. There were 8 total streets on the left. I lived off the 7th street. As I was walking I was on the right hand side of the road and on a sidewalk. There was a car I noticed after about 100 yards I walked that was behind me, about 2 car lengths behind me. After another 50 ft the car moved closer and my hinky meter went way up; however something told me not to look back. I didn't look back but I could hear the car. I would look down at my feet and that is when I could see the shadow of the car. I remember thinking in my head "What am I going to do, this guy is going to grab me" I thought to stay calm, act like you don't know he is there. This is what I did as I passed street 3, when I got to street 6 I crossed the street ever so calmly and as I did I got a look at the car and not detail but could see the guy somewhat. Once I cross that street and got on the sidewalk...I took off running, in between a house. The car sped up, I hide in a house away from where I went in between and hid. I heard the car pass, and when I heard it farther away, down at the other end I took off, crossed behind the houses and ran into my house, locking all the doors, and laying on the floor to peep out under the curtain of the sliding glass door. This car went up and down both 6th and 7th (my street) 6 times looking for me.

Shortly after this TB was arrested. When I saw his picture for the first time I was scared. For the guy I saw had hair exactly like him, he also seemed to have the same build. I cannot say it was him but to this day I often wondered if it was him.

Here is a picture what I looked like then: http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c271/Lera213/Picture099.jpg

Lera, I don't doubt that you were very much in danger that day. I'm so glad you were clever enough to escape the man who was stalking you.

But there's no evidence that Ted Bundy was in Florida until 1978. That was after his escape from a jail in Colorado and he seems to have chosen Florida because he'd never been there before and he thought nobody would recognize him. (And nobody did. He was caught because he went back to killing women and children.)
I wish they would also DNA every birth.Then people would think twice if they knew DNA which is highly transferable was already on file before they even did a crime.Plus it would also help to identify a crime victim as long as they could take DNA no more Jane or John Does.Families would not have to wait years to find loved ones.JMO

What a can of worms that would open!!
What a can of worms that would open!!

Would it ever! People are too paranoid now for a national i.d. card system.

I also suspect there is a coming backlash against the overuse of DNA. It can't be dated and it is entirely dependent on the quality of the collection and testing procedures.

Today saw Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito released by an Italian appeals court after independent experts discovered the DNA evidence against them had been contaminated and then "helped to a match" by a corrupt forensics expert.

Right now, American juries tend to be in awe of DNA. That will soon change, I predict.
I've talked about this before but I lived in florida in the 70's very close to US1 between Vero Beach and Melbourne. I cannot recall the exact year, but it was either from 72 to 74 but no later. Anyway I was walking home from the store. It was a typical neighborhood of new and older homes. The area I was walking was a a long straight line of houses and to the left streets with rows of houses. There were 8 total streets on the left. I lived off the 7th street. As I was walking I was on the right hand side of the road and on a sidewalk. There was a car I noticed after about 100 yards I walked that was behind me, about 2 car lengths behind me. After another 50 ft the car moved closer and my hinky meter went way up; however something told me not to look back. I didn't look back but I could hear the car. I would look down at my feet and that is when I could see the shadow of the car. I remember thinking in my head "What am I going to do, this guy is going to grab me" I thought to stay calm, act like you don't know he is there. This is what I did as I passed street 3, when I got to street 6 I crossed the street ever so calmly and as I did I got a look at the car and not detail but could see the guy somewhat. Once I cross that street and got on the sidewalk...I took off running, in between a house. The car sped up, I hide in a house away from where I went in between and hid. I heard the car pass, and when I heard it farther away, down at the other end I took off, crossed behind the houses and ran into my house, locking all the doors, and laying on the floor to peep out under the curtain of the sliding glass door. This car went up and down both 6th and 7th (my street) 6 times looking for me.

Shortly after this TB was arrested. When I saw his picture for the first time I was scared. For the guy I saw had hair exactly like him, he also seemed to have the same build. I cannot say it was him but to this day I often wondered if it was him.

Here is a picture what I looked like then: http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c271/Lera213/Picture099.jpg

Wow you look just like what Ted Bundy would have been looking for in a victim. You had the long brown hair parted in the middle. You could have actually out ran Ted Bundy! You should buy a lottery ticket!
Does anyone who follows Bundy know anything about his claim that a bone of Georgeann Hawkins was found on September 6, 1974?

Was there any confirmation that a bone was ever found?

I also noticed he claimed that part of Donna Manson's remains were found in 1975, and it was confirmed that remains were indeed found but since lost. (It was only a partial, I wonder why they don't go back to that spot)

Not sure if there has been any confirmation of Georgeann's bone supposedly being found... but I'm thinking if Bundy knew about it, it had to be through the media...

Has anyone heard anything about this?
I've talked about this before but I lived in florida in the 70's very close to US1 between Vero Beach and Melbourne. I cannot recall the exact year, but it was either from 72 to 74 but no later.

Ted Bundy was still out west then. He killed the sorority women in Tallahassee January 14, 1978, Kimberly Leach in Lake City February 8, and was arrested in Pensacola February 12. When he drove from Tallahassee to Jacksonville after the sorority murders, he was in a FSU van that he had stolen.

Although I lived in Tallahassee then (as now), I was on my honeymoon the month of January 1978. We got home right at the end of the month and the manhunt for the as yet unidentified Bundy was still going on.

A friend of ours had been picked up and questioned about the sorority murders since he lived in the rooming house next door to the one Bundy lived in and hung out on campus although he was no longer a student. (That friend was more than a little odd and had come to the attention of law enforcement before then.)

Since we had not watched any news for the month we were gone, we had heard nothing of the murders back home. It was quite a shock to come home to all of that.
I wish they would also DNA every birth.Then people would think twice if they knew DNA which is highly transferable was already on file before they even did a crime.Plus it would also help to identify a crime victim as long as they could take DNA no more Jane or John Does.Families would not have to wait years to find loved ones.JMO

You know, a lot of people are using DNA to try to trace their family history. Now that DNA is also being used to attempt to solve crimes:

Will genealogy crack mystery of Federal Way girl’s slaying?
Published 10:19 a.m., Tuesday, January 10, 2012

King County investigators looking for a break in a decades-old slaying of a teen girl might have a new lead. Or, as it happens, a very, very old one.

A California forensic consultant has tied DNA found after Federal Way teen Sarah Yarborough was killed to a 17th-century Massachusetts family.

"Based on the analysis done on the suspect DNA profile in this case it has been learned that the suspect is a member of the extended family of Robert Fuller, who arrived in Salem Massachusetts, in the 1630's," said Sgt. Cindi West, a King County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman.

While the result does little to identify the 16-year-old’s killer, the forensic investigator told CNN it may help investigators narrow their list of suspects.

Read more: http://www.seattlepi.com/local/arti...tery-of-Federal-Way-2455313.php#ixzz1mKO8DPif

While I applaud the use for solving serious violent crimes, I worry about what other uses governments might have for DNA if it is on file for every person.
The techniques was first used in the late 1980’s to convict a Portland, Oregon, man of raping and impregnating his 13 year old daughter. Tissue samples were taken from both the man and the fetus (which had been previously aborted) and the DNA was analyzed. The results were conclusive and the man confessed. The test was remarkable not only in that it provided concrete evidence, but also because the samples compared weren’t from the same organism (the fetus had both the man’s and girl’s DNA, yet scientists were still able to find common sequences).


DNA profiling was first developed and successfully used in 1984 in England ... other countries then began experimenting with the science. In the 1970s, DNA profiling was science fiction and even after 1984, it took years before the statistics were accepted by the courts as a valid method for identification.
The science was not there yet so not many thought about it. Someone was smart enough to save a vial of blood from TB, perhaps there is something viable from other victims saved too.

It could be that the blood was saved because there were still some people thinking that criminals could be identified by things like the size or shape of their brains, or perhaps something in the blood ... who knows.
Former defense attorney claims serial killer Ted Bundy confessed
to 'murdering more than 100 people and his first victim was a MAN'
(Daily Mail)
The one-time attorney of the notorious murderer Ted Bundy has penned a memoir detailing the disturbing conversations he had with the killer before he was executed in 1989.

Seattle attorney John Henry Browne represented Bundy in the 1970s, a time when he had unparallelled access to one of the darkest minds of the 20th century.
At the height of his murder spree, female college students disappeared at a rate of one per month.

But in a shocking claim, Mr Browne said that Bundy told him his first victim was a man. 'That’s never been known,' Mr Browne said to Fox.

The attorney said he found it very difficult to return to the Bundy case, as his conversations with the brutal rapist and murderer haunted him.

'It’s too creepy,' he said. 'I didn’t want to visit those dark places again.'
more, with many pictures, at DM link above
I have no doubts that monster killed a large number of victims. Wonder how Ted is liking it down in HELL?
I'm wondering about Teddy Boy's claim he killed men. I think he was cowardly enough that the situation would have had to be extremely in his favor before he killed another man. Because he would rightly feel he would get his *advertiser censored* kicked in a fair fight.

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