Ted Bundy - Serial Killer - 1974-1978

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I hope that a few more cases come to conclusion. We all know there were more.

As far as picking every serial killer's brain, not all will tell the truth. If you have read about the majority, you will know some make up some wild tales to sit back and laugh at LE. TB only told about himself in all honestly, LE only asked b/c GR's crimes were so similar. They knew even if TB just started with some ridiculous spin he would reveal something about the pleasure that could help with a case very similar to his. That being said, more are likely to make up b.s. stories than to help in anyway even if they had the same m.o.

This behavior laughing at LE sure does exist but I think it is more likely prior to incarceration. they like to be involved with LE. Some go out and have a beer with them and talk about the crime and ask if they have any leads...omg.

I like your idea about picking their brain regarding other criminals, that may get interesting. never thought of that..
The techniques was first used in the late 1980’s to convict a Portland, Oregon, man of raping and impregnating his 13 year old daughter. Tissue samples were taken from both the man and the fetus (which had been previously aborted) and the DNA was analyzed. The results were conclusive and the man confessed. The test was remarkable not only in that it provided concrete evidence, but also because the samples compared weren’t from the same organism (the fetus had both the man’s and girl’s DNA, yet scientists were still able to find common sequences).


DNA profiling only came to be in the mid nineties. I think the OJ case was the first time it was used for ID...for all the good that did.
The techniques was first used in the late 1980’s to convict a Portland, Oregon, man of raping and impregnating his 13 year old daughter. Tissue samples were taken from both the man and the fetus (which had been previously aborted) and the DNA was analyzed. The results were conclusive and the man confessed. The test was remarkable not only in that it provided concrete evidence, but also because the samples compared weren’t from the same organism (the fetus had both the man’s and girl’s DNA, yet scientists were still able to find common sequences).


Thank you for this. ^^^^

It really did explode in mid 90's, and man if you studied it there is plenty to refute DNA testing too. But this I did not know of. :)
I'm baffled that there was not a blood or tissue sample saved in evidence from the get go.

If ever a person deserved to be electrocuted it was that monster.

The science was not there yet so not many thought about it. Someone was smart enough to save a vial of blood from TB, perhaps there is something viable from other victims saved too.
The science was not there yet so not many thought about it. Someone was smart enough to save a vial of blood from TB, perhaps there is something viable from other victims saved too.

Let's hope some families have some closure.I can't even imagine what it would feel like to lose a family or friend to a serial killer.
I hope that a few more cases come to conclusion. We all know there were more.

As far as picking every serial killer's brain, not all will tell the truth. If you have read about the majority, you will know some make up some wild tales to sit back and laugh at LE. TB only told about himself in all honestly, LE only asked b/c GR's crimes were so similar. They knew even if TB just started with some ridiculous spin he would reveal something about the pleasure that could help with a case very similar to his. That being said, more are likely to make up b.s. stories than to help in anyway even if they had the same m.o.

Ted Bundy contacted LE and offered to assist with GR. He offered to assist with other SK's and to give more information on his own murders and the location of victims in exchange for having the death sentence commuted. They had done a "Stay" of execution more than once on him for information he had given but the judge finally said no more because he lied and wasn't forth coming about everything. He really thought he could keep this up and avoid the big EC...........:gavel:
so what i wanna know is the sickos like bundy the ones that are of genius IQ and maybe some that arent wouldnt it not be better to keep them in solitary 34 hours a day for all i care but this way to beable to pick thier brains or like bundy he wanted to help i think we should be doing this with certin ones instead on the Dp
Am thinking you meant to write 24 hours? No matter. Bundy was a pathological liar. As are most SKs. Moreover, he was hardly a genius. His IQ was 124, which is above average but would not even qualify the guy for intertel, much less mensa.

As for picking his brain wrt unsolved SK cases? Again, he was a pathological liar. In fact, he never explicitly admitted to murdering his victims and often led LE on wild goose chases... he would talk in circles... talk in second person (i.e., the killer probably did this or that... or felt this or that). Either way, SK interviews are, for the most part, a complete waste of time. That is, outside of providing the SK with a platform to play mind games and/or put on a show to titillate their audience.

That said, if we are to learn anything at all from these guys, it would involve not only researching their criminal, medical, psychological and personal history but looking into genetics, as well as relying upon 24x7 extended observation as opposed to interviews. Wrt the latter, the goal would be to learn how they interact with others. So you def do not want to keep them in solitary. And over time, you might have a very slim chance of learning what seems to set them off as well as observing key behavioral characteristics, personality-wise. And even then, you would expect them to put on a show.

The premise however is, no one can keep up the facade for protracted periods of time. Eventually things bleed through... who they are... what makes them tick... their habits, etcetera. Still, there is no guarantee you will learn anything that will be useful. Simply bc a) they are in a controlled setting, b) the potential for observer bias is very high and c) the dynamics that come together to make "personality" vary such that you cannot really pin these guys down.

Btw, and just a bit of trivia. It cost the state of Florida $60M to execute the man.
I've talked about this before but I lived in florida in the 70's very close to US1 between Vero Beach and Melbourne. I cannot recall the exact year, but it was either from 72 to 74 but no later. Anyway I was walking home from the store. It was a typical neighborhood of new and older homes. The area I was walking was a a long straight line of houses and to the left streets with rows of houses. There were 8 total streets on the left. I lived off the 7th street. As I was walking I was on the right hand side of the road and on a sidewalk. There was a car I noticed after about 100 yards I walked that was behind me, about 2 car lengths behind me. After another 50 ft the car moved closer and my hinky meter went way up; however something told me not to look back. I didn't look back but I could hear the car. I would look down at my feet and that is when I could see the shadow of the car. I remember thinking in my head "What am I going to do, this guy is going to grab me" I thought to stay calm, act like you don't know he is there. This is what I did as I passed street 3, when I got to street 6 I crossed the street ever so calmly and as I did I got a look at the car and not detail but could see the guy somewhat. Once I cross that street and got on the sidewalk...I took off running, in between a house. The car sped up, I hide in a house away from where I went in between and hid. I heard the car pass, and when I heard it farther away, down at the other end I took off, crossed behind the houses and ran into my house, locking all the doors, and laying on the floor to peep out under the curtain of the sliding glass door. This car went up and down both 6th and 7th (my street) 6 times looking for me.

Shortly after this TB was arrested. When I saw his picture for the first time I was scared. For the guy I saw had hair exactly like him, he also seemed to have the same build. I cannot say it was him but to this day I often wondered if it was him.

Here is a picture what I looked like then: http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c271/Lera213/Picture099.jpg
I've talked about this before but I lived in florida in the 70's very close to US1 between Vero Beach and Melbourne. I cannot recall the exact year, but it was either from 72 to 74 but no later. Anyway I was walking home from the store. It was a typical neighborhood of new and older homes. The area I was walking was a a long straight line of houses and to the left streets with rows of houses. There were 8 total streets on the left. I lived off the 7th street. As I was walking I was on the right hand side of the road and on a sidewalk. There was a car I noticed after about 100 yards I walked that was behind me, about 2 car lengths behind me. After another 50 ft the car moved closer and my hinky meter went way up; however something told me not to look back. I didn't look back but I could hear the car. I would look down at my feet and that is when I could see the shadow of the car. I remember thinking in my head "What am I going to do, this guy is going to grab me" I thought to stay calm, act like you don't know he is there. This is what I did as I passed street 3, when I got to street 6 I crossed the street ever so calmly and as I did I got a look at the car and not detail but could see the guy somewhat. Once I cross that street and got on the sidewalk...I took off running, in between a house. The car sped up, I hide in a house away from where I went in between and hid. I heard the car pass, and when I heard it farther away, down at the other end I took off, crossed behind the houses and ran into my house, locking all the doors, and laying on the floor to peep out under the curtain of the sliding glass door. This car went up and down both 6th and 7th (my street) 6 times looking for me.

Shortly after this TB was arrested. When I saw his picture for the first time I was scared. For the guy I saw had hair exactly like him, he also seemed to have the same build. I cannot say it was him but to this day I often wondered if it was him.

Here is a picture what I looked like then: http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c271/Lera213/Picture099.jpg

That had to be a terrifying experience to say the least. Thank God you kept your witts about you! If you had shown fear he would have reacted sooner or pulled up to get your attention. I believe he made the statement that one thing that really was a trigger to him was "seeing fear in their eyes." I might be wrong about it being TB it might have been GR. But one of them said it.
who said thatthey all had to tell the truth If it saves one girls life isn;t that better then getting nothing . And ya thier gonna lie but they all crave the attention the recognittion and their not if done right gonna recieve anything unless its 100 percent accurate .All im getting at here is i think its a hell of alot better to be interogating them to try to gain insight then it is to just fry em in the chair.
Thanks, it was very scary and to this day I see it in my mind like it was yesterday. You know, I knew all the cars just about in that neighborhood and this car I had never seen and I would have remembered it. It looked to be an charger kind of car you know that scoop on the hood? But this car was not taken care of, the paint job was bad, rust I believe. It sounded like no muffler on the car too.

TB was killing a lot longer then what is stated on Wiki I bet!
who said thatthey all had to tell the truth If it saves one girls life isn;t that better then getting nothing . And ya thier gonna lie but they all crave the attention the recognittion and their not if done right gonna recieve anything unless its 100 percent accurate .All im getting at here is i think its a hell of alot better to be interogating them to try to gain insight then it is to just fry em in the chair.
you might have a point if they can be water boarded to get the information!

Look most of them string the police along for whatever reason but one reason is they are locked up so they cannot enjoy their hunt and kill, what is the next best thing to get their fix? Yeah look at crime scene photo's, they will pick up on a cop talking about a case and they will say yeah I think maybe I have to know more. They string them along and say I have to see a photo, blah blah blah..they just want to look at the crime scene photos and play their narcissistic taunts to the police.
Thanks, it was very scary and to this day I see it in my mind like it was yesterday. You know, I knew all the cars just about in that neighborhood and this car I had never seen and I would have remembered it. It looked to be an charger kind of car you know that scoop on the hood? But this car was not taken care of, the paint job was bad, rust I believe. It sounded like no muffler on the car too.

TB was killing a lot longer then what is stated on Wiki I bet!

I believe I read some place that they thought he began at an early age but didn't "perfect" his skills for a lot longer. He only spoke about the "kills" he did after perfecting his skills.

He did say there were a lot more murders than he got "credit" for and he laughed about it. We will never know how many girls he killed.

I wonder if he had lived if he would have kept talking or not. I believe he would have told a few just to get another "stay" of execution and maybe kept this up for the rest of his life but I doubt that he would ever have told all of them.

A lot of the information he gave was false too. So who knows? I think he also wanted to go on record as having killed the most women ever because of his statement at one time when asked if 36 women were all and he said add a 1 in front of that.

Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. Actually, I was disappointed when he was executed because I thought he would tell more but after doing a lot of reading about him I'm not sure he would have.

We have to remember that he was not a normal human being. He didn't have a conscience.
I agree, I was being sarcastic in my last post. I'm glad they have a DNA profile now. Perhaps cases will be solved or at least if a cold case is stuck on Bundy and it doesn't have anything to do with Bundy, it can then move on to another suspect and get solved.
He was the first serial killer I ever really read about, "studied", and was intruiged with. I have never thought, not for an instant, that he would actually tell all he knew...he was using the murders and their details for personal gain at the end, and played an exceptionally vile and gruesome game of cat-and-mouse.

He would give just enough information to get a PD interested, investigate a bit, and then discover maybe, just maybe, TB was the perp. Then he'd hold out more information in trade for a stay of execution, or more time, or something of value for him, and then dole out just enough again for another PD...and over and over it went.

The state of FL finally realized that TB was never going to give it up; not all of it, not nearly all of it. And they put a stop to the game, against the protests of some families and some PDs.

For example, in WA state, he confessed to, I think, a dozen killings. They've only been able to identify 8. That leaves 4...and he gave some info about them, but didn't give enough for closure of the case file or even closure for the families.

There is a lot of speculation that some killings were done while he was on the run between CO and FL, and even more that were committed when he went back east (several times, once to Vermont for certain). It is almost certain he killed when visiting San Francisco. And on, and on, and on.

He was evil, pure and simple. He used his murders, and families' need and pain, as currency to purchase time. And he didn't care.

I hope, desperately, that this DNA profile can help bring the closure so desperately needed to some families. I also know that we will never know the full extent of his crimes, and, given his (infamous) statement, after being accused of killing 30, of "add a digit to that and you'll be closer", his murders were far greater than anyone ever realized...closer, perhaps, to 300.

Given the environment, the innocence, and the tendency to look the other way while hippies sought free love and life without rules, I believe he could've done that number, or close to it, without ever being caught. Bear in mind also that there were numerous serial killers active, and LE was not up to speed on this type of crime, and you have a perfect confluence of events to not catch someone for a long, long time.

Just my thoughts. I pray that the DNA is valid, and allows for closure. And I pray we never ever are subjected to this type of person again, although I doubt that particular prayer will be answered....

Herding Cats
I think every person convicted of murder should have to give DNA for the National DNA Registry. I'm really tired of their rights being above the victms rights. I understand that some states do this and others do not.

If I am wrong someone please feel free to correct me.
Yes, I agree.

You never know what information Bundy would have provided had he not been killed. He could still be in prison today shedding light on secrets he did not reveal prior to his execution.

When you're in prison there is nothing to do a lot of the time but sit and stare at the ceiling in your cell. That has to cause some self-reflection eventually even for the worst of the worst.

Good Morning people.. Im curious as to how you have a guy locked up in jail for years before he was put to death and no one thought to take a blood sample for DNA later on surely they new they were developing new ways to catch criminals.

Heres a question for alot of you i would love to hear your own oppinions . Ted bundy was a main reason that they caught gary ridgeway . the detectives on the green river task force were stumped for years and years so they decided to ask ted for help and he told them that they needed to find a new body a body that was killed very recentlly but to leave her there and do not publicise that they found the body and if they wait he would come back and would have sex with them again. now on this body he didn;t but when he wa caught some one asked him hey gary did you ever go back like the next day or 2 to be with them again and he said yes almost every single time..so what i wanna know is the sickos like bundy the ones that are of genius IQ and maybe some that arent wouldnt it not be better to keep them in solitary 34 hours a day for all i care but this way to beable to pick thier brains or like bundy he wanted to help i think we should be doing this with certin ones instead on the Dp . we could be learning something about what to look for in a new killer ...what do u guys/girls think
I think every person convicted of murder should have to give DNA for the National DNA Registry. I'm really tired of their rights being above the victms rights. I understand that some states do this and others do not.

If I am wrong someone please feel free to correct me.

I believe that most states now get DNA for all crimes above a certain level. For instance in some states it might be anyone convicted of a violent/sexual crime, in other states it might be anyone convicted of a felony. They have solved quite a few cold cases because of that.

Below link says that all 50 states are now collecting DNA.

The Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) is a DNA database funded by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). It is a computer system that stores DNA profiles created by federal, state, and local crime laboratories in the United States, with the ability to search the database to assist in the identification of suspects in crimes.[1]

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