Tempo Restaurant: What Happened There?

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"What are your opening hours?
We serve dinner Monday–Saturday from 5:00pm to 10pm. Our bar is open until midnight Monday through Thursday and until 1am on Friday and Saturday.

Where can customers park?
Parking can usually be found on street around the Downtown Mall. There is also a parking garage on the corner of 4th and Water Street.."



It was a football weekend, UVa played Louisville on September 13th. Tempo probably decided to stay open later due to all of the out of town visitors; perhaps they regret that decision now.
Hello all. Long time lurker, first time poster.

The following are my opinions only.

I've read on nearly every thread re: Hannah, that it seems odd that she went from being relatively surefooted in the Tuels CCTV footage to supposedly incapacitated when seen leaving Tempo with JM. I'm not sure why it's odd. BAC works exactly like that and especially combined with adrenaline.

What I mean by that is: If her last drink was 1 hour before she met up wth JM, her BAC was still rising, not at a stasis and decreasing. Alcohol takes time to be processed in the body and enter the bloodstream etc. This would be especially true if she consumed a massive amount of alcohol in a short time - which is so often the case with college kids.

Add to that adrenaline from her marathon trek through Cville and I see it it as being plausible if not expected that she would go from standing to jello. So JM may not have had to drug her, and IF she had a drink in Tempo it could have either been the straw to break the camel's back or had no real effect at all because she was going to crash anyway.

Sorry for the lengthy reply but that's been driving me nuts.

MOO- Of course.

FWIW, I would be willing to bet that Hannah was absolutely in Tempo and had a drink there even if she herself was not technically served, i.e. JM bought drinks took them back to a table where she was. It happens all the time in any establishment. Tempo should have kept quiet. Their CYA press release is going to cost them customers at the very least.
Debra Alfarone ‏@DebraAlfarone 9m
Bar owner says underage #HannahGraham could barely walk out of Tempo bar w/o help, says @USATODAY @wusa9 is in #Charlottesville


Feeling uncomfortable about this, and struggling to understand, wasn't the Tuels video after they left Tempo? I watched it again over and over this morning, HG's stride seems pretty steady to me. IMO she sure does not look like she can 'barely walk'

Do you have a link to the video? It is after she left tempo?
Hello all. Long time lurker, first time poster.

The following are my opinions only.

I've read on nearly every thread re: Hannah, that it seems odd that she went from being relatively surefooted in the Tuels CCTV footage to supposedly incapacitated when seen leaving Tempo with JM. I'm not sure why it's odd. BAC works exactly like that and especially combined with adrenaline.

What I mean by that is: If her last drink was 1 hour before she met up wth JM, her BAC was still rising, not at a stasis and decreasing. Alcohol takes time to be processed in the body and enter the bloodstream etc. This would be especially true if she consumed a massive amount of alcohol in a short time - which is so often the case with college kids.

Add to that adrenaline from her marathon trek through Cville and I see it it as being plausible if not expected that she would go from standing to jello. So JM may not have had to drug her, and IF she had a drink in Tempo it could have either been the straw to break the camel's back or had no real effect at all because she was going to crash anyway.

Sorry for the lengthy reply but that's been driving me nuts.

MOO- Of course.

How long was her "marathon trek"? How far did she actually walk? does anyone know or have it on a map? with distances and times it took her to walk them?
On the other hand, if he didn't fit in with the other clientele and the bouncer remembers at 12:45am: in front of Tempo
“I remember him dancing around out front,” Abby says. “He was being obnoxious, bumping into people. He seemed really out of place.

you would think when he came back the second time Abby would have kept a closer eye on the obnoxious, out of place lad, bumping in to people to make sure he didn't cause hassle to their upmarket clientele.

both drinks were $7. Would a soda/non-alcohol beverage be the same price as a beer/bourbon?

I never charged for a soda in any bar I worked at after midnight. Its a common restaurant courtesy thats often extended to every guest.

The reason for this is threefold, people often ask for a coffee or soda in the hopes of sobering up, designated drivers dont drink alcohol but they do get thirsty and because it only cost us a few cents since we have to have it for mixed drinks anyway.

Are you sure he paid 7 dollars for each drink? Or was it 7 dollars total?

Earlier he was drinking shots of bourbon and I can see him paying that much in an upscale restaurant for top shelf such as Makers Mark, Jack Daniels, Jim Beam etc.

7 dollars for a single beer on the other hand is ridiculous.For two of them, excluding tip, it sounds about right.
I never charged for a soda in any bar I worked at after midnight. Its a common restaurant courtesy thats often extended to every guest.

The reason for this is threefold, people often ask for a coffee or soda in the hopes of sobering up, designated drivers dont drink alcohol but they do get thirsty and because it only cost us a few cents since we have to have it for mixed drinks anyway.

Are you sure he paid 7 dollars for each drink? Or was it 7 dollars total?

Earlier he was drinking shots of bourbon and I can see him paying that much in an upscale restaurant for top shelf such as Makers Mark, Jack Daniels, Jim Beam etc.

7 dollars for a single beer on the other hand is ridiculous.For two of them, excluding tip, it sounds about right.

Just checked it http://insidecville.com/blog/ljs-timeline/

LJ ordered two drinks at 1:09am and paid for them exactly one minute later. The bartender rang them up at $7 a piece

so can we can rule out a non-alcoholic drink
Just checked it http://insidecville.com/blog/ljs-timeline/

LJ ordered two drinks at 1:09am and paid for them exactly one minute later. The bartender rang them up at $7 a piece
so can we can rule out a non-alcoholic drink

If this restaurant were really trying to be helpful they would tell police and the public what JLM ordered at 1:09. The bartender should remember and if not they have a record of it.

Ie if he ordered a bourbon and a strawberry daquiri for example that would be a little strange for a single heterosexual guy IMO.
A bit convenient when JM was on his own Tempo state what he bought (three Bourbon shots) not so when Hannah is around......
I just can't understand why most posters think that HG had to be drunk or tricked to be in the company of JLM. She was with him for a considerable time out in public. She could have left or asked others for help. I have every reason to believed she stayed with him because she wanted to. I also think she left with him & wherever they went was of her own free will. I have seen nothing to make me think otherwise. Again, if you disagree, what do you see him doing that's makes you think she was being forced to be with him?

LE has already stated that HG was extremely drunk.....so did the door person at Tempo. IMO if you think she was dead sober, youre either woefully under informed or incredibly naive at this point.

JLM was trying to score that night and he took the path of least resistance. Someone who cared about that young girl would have offered to help or had the common decency to get her home safely and THEN asked for her number, instead of taking advantage of her.
How long was her "marathon trek"? How far did she actually walk? does anyone know or have it on a map? with distances and times it took her to walk them?

Another poster (Enni) answered specifics with regards to distance better than I could at the moment, but my "marathon trek" hyperbole was just that. Hyperbole.

As far as we know by the timeline her friends last saw her at 11:50 at an off campus party/apartment. She is next spotted at McGrady's Pub at 12:46 am, then sprinting past the Shell station at 12:55 am. Then walking at a fast pace past Sal's and Tuels at approximately 1:08 am. At minimum we're looking at 30 mins of walking/running/wandering if not the maximum of 1hr 20 mins.

In my mind, even the roaming/walking/running for 30 mins as an intoxicated college student qualifies as a "marathon trek", I could also just be getting old...lol

Even at the minimum walking time, my point about the BAC/effects of alcohol rising stands and seems the right amount of time to go from functioning to jello.

I'm hoping that the picture I'm going to attempt to attach gives you a better idea of the ground she covered. map.jpg
In my heavy drinking days, there were more than a few occasions when Id drink huge amounts of alcohol, dance like crazy, be the life of the party and flirt with every pretty girl in sight. I was in constant motion during those times.

I didnt actually start to get drunk drunk , and by that I mean passing out and sometimes even throwing up, until I slowed down or made it home (via a cab) and tried to sleep.

We dont know what Hannah had to drink that night at the party. If it were jager bombs or red bull and vodka (or mixing alcohol with adderol) this delayed reaction could have been even more pronounced
I just can't understand why most posters think that HG had to be drunk or tricked to be in the company of JLM. She was with him for a considerable time out in public. She could have left or asked others for help. I have every reason to believed she stayed with him because she wanted to. I also think she left with him & wherever they went was of her own free will. I have seen nothing to make me think otherwise. Again, if you disagree, what do you see him doing that's makes you think she was being forced to be with him?

New poster here, so apologies if my wording above wasn't clear.

I believe Hannah did go with him willingly, not knowing that JLM had been on the prowl all night and was very aggressively pursuing women (per his acquantances as quoted in the Coy Barefoot article.) She was lost and tired, probably grateful for a helpful lift from someone who worked at her college's hospital. He, on the other hand, was on the make. He changed directions just to follow her, but she wouldn't have had any way of knowing that or of suspecting any danger.

That said, there's no doubt that Hannah was inebriated according to all who crossed paths with her that night.
I believe Hannah did go with him willingly, not knowing that JLM had been on the prowl all night and was very aggressively pursuing women (per his acquantances as quoted in the Coy Barefoot article.)....He changed directions just to follow her, but she wouldn't have had any way of knowing that or of suspecting any danger...

Shortened for brevity.

I'm starting to think the same. IMO HG went willingly with JM into his vehicle. Perhaps he told her he was an old cabbie and would drop her off at her party. Perhaps she just wanted to go home. Don't know. But a poster a while back (sorry, I don't remember who) said something about how "abduction" can legally mean you were detained against will. So that's where I think trouble started. JM didn't let her go.
He was frighteningly persistent and physical with the women quoted in the Barefoot article, even when asked — apparently numerous times — to back off. They left 2 places trying to get away from him and told him off! These women were with someone he knows well and in public — if he was that disrespectful w/them, it's not hard to imagine how he'd be without an audience.

JLM is not looking like someone who would take "no" for an answer very easily — even w/o taking the prior rape (and assault) charges into consideration. He likely targeted Hannah b/c she was obviously somewhat compromised (per other witnesses) and therefore an easy mark.
If this restaurant were really trying to be helpful they would tell police and the public what JLM ordered at 1:09. The bartender should remember and if not they have a record of it.

Ie if he ordered a bourbon and a strawberry daquiri for example that would be a little strange for a single heterosexual guy IMO.

Didn't a story say he ordered two beers?

I can't speak for others on whether or not they assume she was forced to be with JM. Personally, I'm NOT saying that she was "forced" to stay with JM at Tempo. What I am saying is that she was noted to be drunk and therefore not making sound judgements. And I completely disagree with your assessment that she spent a "considerable amount of time" with JM in public. At the outset, she was in public within his company from 1:08 am to 1:45 am (appx), That's less than 40 mins and not a "considerable amount of time".

For all we know, he could have offered her a ride home and she accepted. She was intoxicated and not making sound judgements. It is NEVER sound judgement to get into the vehicle of someone you've known for 40 mins and who has been drinking. That's not a knock on JM. He could have been Chris Helmsworth and it still wouldn't have been sound judgement. It becomes an issue of force when JM is the last person to see her and she disappears from the planet, he refuses to answer questions and he goes on the run to Texas. Not a lot of room for holes in that logic.


As to the quoted post (BBM):
Evidence of force is force.
Absence of evidence of force is not force.
Her poor judgement is not evidence of force.
Lack of information of her whereabouts is not evidence of force, it isn't even circumstantial evidence of force. It is just absence of information.

Prosecutors lose jurors to reasonable doubt when they say something exists but don't provide evidence, or when they say something is evidence of something else (but it really isn't).

I think it is fine to acknowledge that during all of the visible portions of her time with JM, that HG agreed to be with him. That concept should not be offensive, it should be informative and invoke discussion. Why did she not leave while she could? (Discussing the answer to this question could help prevent loss of other daughters, and no I don't have a personal interest in JM's "innocence.")

I have personally wondered what JM could have offered to make HG choose to stick around. Some have suggested protection, familiarity, a promised ride.

I wonder if it was need, if she stayed to help HIM with something, as was her nature. Did he say he lost something, or was lost himself, or was depressed?

It is just a question of whether her personality was shining through her intoxication (at whatever level that might have been.)

Apparently a common tactic of child predators is to ask for help finding a missing dog. What was JM's strategy, besides removing socks?
Didn't a story say he ordered two beers?

If it did I dont recall it being mentioned in any of the post in the past 16 threads Ive read.

I posited in a few threads that if JLM ordered beers, either longnecks or a can (hey its a college town and PBR is cheap) that if would be really easy for him to sneak them out in a pants pocket.

I dont recall seeing anyone answer that question though.

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