Teresa N., Haleigh's paternal grandmother #2

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Busy, are you saying TN has rented this place for 9 years?
But that wasn't important at this time. I want to know where TN lives. Busy is indicating that she has used this rita address for 9 years or so.
Is this MH a family inheritence? for Ron or has TN rented it for 9 years?
Tn lived on Shoreline in 2005..but did she really? don't know.

She was married and I thought her and her husband lived there butr don't know that either...I know they divorced. Anyhow Rc allegedly lives there when he files for custody. He says he lives with mom.

Prior to that RC lives in PP on rita.

After that TN lives on Rita...doesn't that seem like there is common holdings of this MH.
Tn lived on Shoreline in 2005..but did she really? don't know.

She was married and I thought her and her husband lived there butr don't know that either...I know they divorced. Anyhow Rc allegedly lives there when he files for custody.

Prior to that RC lives in PPor whatever city he says, on rita.

After that TN lives on Rita...doesn't that seem like there is common holdings of this MH.

Nowhere does Ron state he lived on Rita in those docs. Nowhere

I posted the links I few posts up, you should go and read them, then maybe you wouldn't be so confused.
Isn't it possible that the MH in PP was in the family and they retreated to it when necessary?

Isn't it possible that they lived elsewhere and just left it empty?

According to files, it seems that could be a likely possibility.

Don't see any reason who is not a home owner and firmly planted to travel all that distance to work each day when they can simply rent a place close to work...
I'm confused??? You just established Ron and Crystal lived there before he moved to Satsuma,now you are saying he never said he lived there?
People are assuming the 105 is the Rita address because the numbers match. In addition that is an address on documents back to 2000 or 2001 IIRC for TN. Crystal and RC lived with TN so people are going with the Rita address. By Feb 2007 RC is living on his own at the Sharon location with the children TN is no longer living with him.

I don't understand what the big hangup is on the entire address thing to be honest, it has been discussed a million times and the documents don't change. I don't understand the going over where RC and TN lived in 2005 has anything to do with Haleigh missing. So think at this point I will back out of this conversation as it just goes in circles and more circles lol.
IMO...Good idea! I see you keep getting sucked right back into this merry-go-round and the spinning is making me queasy, imo. LOL There is no reason to keep jumping on board when it means you are going nowhere fast, imo. ;) The information is out there to be found and you have provided it time after time, imo. There really is not an issue here, imo.

Why don't you take a look at Tommy's thread instead? LOL I have MANY issues to clear up there! :eek:
I don't understand, do you not consider where you live to be your home?

Yes, he meant the home he shared with Crystal and the children at either 105 or 145 Something Rd in Lake Como possibly Crescent City.Where do you get 105 Rita from? Still not getting it...

I'm confused??? You just established Ron and Crystal lived there before he moved to Satsuma,now you are saying he never said he lived there?

If you replying to me (hard to tell with out the quoting), I bolded my answer above. Notice where I bolded it does not state 105 Rita in PP.

I'm off this merry go round also, it's pointless to go round and round about info you can't back up.
I am saying that there is a good possibility that TN does not live in PP as a permanent home. What I would like to know if it is family property since RC eluded to it being so.

I can't go w/o confirmation, but I am willing to bet that Busy knows if that property was gifted

If one cares to research, it may prove interesting what turns up on resident addresses.
Things always go round and round when direct facts and information is asked about RC or TN.
If you replying to me (hard to tell with out the quoting), I bolded my answer above. Notice where I bolded it does not state 105 Rita in PP.

I'm off this merry go round also, it's pointless to go round and round about info you can't back up.

Instead of spinning, why didn't you just say what you think he meant when he told the judge I just moved from my home at 105 in Lake Como,......er Crescent City...er (I guess he just couldn't spit out Pomona Park)
It has been stated by others that he just left the place he and Crystal lived on Rita....

I will continue to think that place in Crescent City was a family property and not lived in all that much.
Also it may be a good idea to search the property, that is, if it still exists. Tom's Girl is right...we may never get confirmation but we sure got lots of it when they searched Marie's.
Any possibility that TN was not in Pomona Park when she got the call from RC?

As researched before her arrival to Satsuma was extremely quick (impossibly quick) if RC called her after the 911. The 911 was not over till after 3:33, as RC can be heard yelling "gimme the f@#@g phone at the end of the call.

So it can be speculated that he called her before the call to 911 or she was nearby when he finally call after 911. He stated he called after.....so...
At the beginning of this thread, I had posed the possibility that TN may not live in PP. As of this date, IMO, she doesn't. When she moved is to be determined. This MH in PP has been occupied off and on over the last 4 years by RC, TN, RC and TN, RC and Crystal and now TN by herself. RC called it "his home" when the judge asked him where he just moved from during the custody battle. He was vague and it should be noted he spoke low and described the same property as being in two different locals, both being different from TNs choice of Pomona Park. Now TN is a real estate agent and should know the property is in Crescent City because the other MHs on the street list Crescent City. This is what peaked my interest because she writes POMONA PARK.

In fact in one PIC of that street there is an empty lot near or on that exact address. My questions were leaning towards showing this and trying to figure out where exactly this place is. So as far as we know TN's property was not searched, but we do know the other GMA's was. IF Tn's was not searched, is it because the MH was moved? Don't know but would like to know if that MH is still on that property. Just more things to research and many ways to speculate.
Does that MH in Pomona Park belong to TN or RC? Is it still there or has it been moved?
Where has TN been?????? She is usually right beside RC, when he is having issues. Hmmmmm........
I too would like to know where TN has been. Does she live in Putnam County? Did she move since Haleigh went missing?TIA
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