Teresa N., Haleigh's paternal grandmother

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Difference is NG checked her facts and used those facts to hand CS's atty her *advertiser censored**. GR did not check any facts, he was shooting one allegation after another at RC. IMO he was attacking RC. He didnt give RC a chance to talk to his daughter and abductors, RC took the opportunity to do so while camera was still rolling and GR was walking away.

Ok, I am going back to lurking. Its now seems that the Cummings side of the fence are angels and everybody on the other side are devils. I honestly think that all of this is counterproductive in find Haleigh. ALL of it. There are precious little FACTS in this case. We still have the first witness who can't seem to get her story straight. Who was that person again, oh yeah now I remember Misty. Misty has had 30 hours of questioning, Misty has had 3 polygraphs. Misty is the person that LE has identified as being the key to the case. Misty walked out of an interview when the questions got a little rough and she felt like she was being attacked. Wonder where I heard that before, oh yeah GR attacked RC by asking him tough questions. And RC and TN are taking up for Misty. The one obstacle that we know of in this case.

And meanwhile Haleigh is still missing. Maybe it is high time someone takes off the kid gloves and start asking these upstanding citizens (rolls eyes) some hard questions. All of them, on both sides.

Here praying that Haleigh is safe.

Back to lurking:truce:
IMO, I think she is the most cunning of the lot. I also think she will do anything to protect RC.

I have to wonder what her motive was for taking Cobra to the wooded area. I find it hard to believe that anyone would wander around the woods for 4 hrs alone, knowing the area is infested with gators, snakes, and drug dealers. Then, when others are with her, become so scared of seeing a snake: without screaming. Something shady with that whole thing.
Nah I do not think KP would be an excellent attorney for anyone actually. I have no respect for attorneys who basically lie or take advantage of people. In my opinion NG did hand KP her azz because NG did what a journalist does and got the medical records, spoke to the principal, checked court records, checked police reports, check the school accident log etc she had facts to work with and I do not think KP was expecting that at all.

NG has never handed KP her azz ... tries to in perception by the audience.. the faces, the pouts... doesn't work except with the choir. KP would be an excellent attorney if employed by the Cummings family. A lot of these arguments just don't take rain!
IMO, I think she is the most cunning of the lot. I also think she will do anything to protect RC.

I have to wonder what her motive was for taking Cobra to the wooded area. I find it hard to believe that anyone would wander around the woods for 4 hrs alone, knowing the area is infested with gators, snakes, and drug dealers. Then, when others are with her, become so scared of seeing a snake: without screaming. Something shady with that whole thing.

I agree! She is the most cunning of the lot and
she should be looked at very hard., imo
We know of one public dinner, the rest are rumors. The local news said RC was passing out fliers at the fair. The having a good old time at the fair is rumor and I have yet to see all the pictures show up that everyone was supposedly taking.

I didn't say good old time at the fair, I'm simply pointing out a very public place in the very community he would be wary of, if he were.

Plenty of other people to pass out fliers if he were truly feeling vulnerable, kwim?
What is TN trying to hide?
The wedding?
All the talk of Misty being so great?
Cobra meeting?
Has she lawyered up?
Always with RC? in interviews etc.

I've seen her in quite a few interviews by herself. why would she need to lawyer up? Only 2 people, as far as I know have attys, and one had to hire one to defend himself against the first atty.

Unless we get to see the whole corbra/TN video, I don't think we will ever know the truth about what really went down.
IMO, I think she is the most cunning of the lot. I also think she will do anything to protect RC.

I have to wonder what her motive was for taking Cobra to the wooded area. I find it hard to believe that anyone would wander around the woods for 4 hrs alone, knowing the area is infested with gators, snakes, and drug dealers. Then, when others are with her, become so scared of seeing a snake: without screaming. Something shady with that whole thing.
Cobra is the *****, imo, and shady as they come most likely. It isn't Teresa's account I have heard...only the *****. I will wait until she comes out with what actually happened before I believe any of that farce of a video or article with AH. I don't trust him either!
NG has never handed KP her azz ... tries to in perception by the audience.. the faces, the pouts... doesn't work except with the choir. KP would be an excellent attorney if employed by the Cummings family. A lot of these arguments just don't take rain!

ITA. And I made the original statement because NG didn't mince any words with KP and CS at all. As a matter of fact didn't NG ask CS about why she didn't get custody in the first place? What does that have to do with Haleigh missing now? No one was complaining then. I just get so sick of people getting so mad that someone asked RC questions and now he is being attacked. Whatever RC is going thru is nothing compared to what Haleigh is going thru not being with her family.
Please do not go back to lurking. I never said the Cummings side are angels. I do not think anyone involved in this entire thing are angels. We are all entitled to our opinions, does not make mine right and yours wrong or vice versa.

Ok, I am going back to lurking. Its now seems that the Cummings side of the fence are angels and everybody on the other side are devils. I honestly think that all of this is counterproductive in find Haleigh. ALL of it. There are precious little FACTS in this case. We still have the first witness who can't seem to get her story straight. Who was that person again, oh yeah now I remember Misty. Misty has had 30 hours of questioning, Misty has had 3 polygraphs. Misty is the person that LE has identified as being the key to the case. Misty walked out of an interview when the questions got a little rough and she felt like she was being attacked. Wonder where I heard that before, oh yeah GR attacked RC by asking him tough questions. And RC and TN are taking up for Misty. The one obstacle that we know of in this case.

And meanwhile Haleigh is still missing. Maybe it is high time someone takes off the kid gloves and start asking these upstanding citizens (rolls eyes) some hard questions. All of them, on both sides.

Here praying that Haleigh is safe.

Back to lurking:truce:
Nah I do not think KP would be an excellent attorney for anyone actually. I have no respect for attorneys who basically lie or take advantage of people. In my opinion NG did hand KP her azz because NG did what a journalist does and got the medical records, spoke to the principal, checked court records, checked police reports, check the school accident log etc she had facts to work with and I do not think KP was expecting that at all.

We disagree. Kp is highly respected by the Florida Bar.
Thats enough. She is an excellent Family Attorney.

Trashing the entire ensemble that helps the faction
you oppose is glass clear. It may make for good arguments
on an Internet site... but will never change hard facts as they
are for anyone. Truth is truth and these lil arguments do not
change any of that in the real big world out there.
I really think the reason that Rons mom got so mad at GR was when he asked Ron if he was a drug informant? Ron was even shocked at the question? Watch the video and you will see what I mean. I as well as others that I have talked to, cannot believe he would ask such a stupid questions on national TV?
I really cannot believe he was not punished in some way for that one.
I believe Rons mom works for the Sherriffs department and this question was probably brought on by GR talking to Crystal IMO. GR probably didnt ask the questions that he said he was going to when they went live or that would have been edited out.

That was the most unproffesional interview that I have EVER seen live?

My son would have stood tall also with GR as he didnt have anything to hide.
He was at work! came home to finding his daughter missing and I think he has restrained himself pretty well for someone that was a single parent.

I would have probably physically injured someone at this point... lol

This man has done Nothing to his child.
See thats the entire problem IMO. KP is not here to find Haleigh. There was nothing mentioned from Crystal or KP about little Haleigh. It was all about trying to obtain custody and what a monster RC is. Therefore, NG asking those questions were in line with what the interview was about. I wish the custody stuff would of been kept private, and the media time would be spent on talking about Haleigh!!!!

ITA. And I made the original statement because NG didn't mince any words with KP and CS at all. As a matter of fact didn't NG ask CS about why she didn't get custody in the first place? What does that have to do with Haleigh missing now? No one was complaining then. I just get so sick of people getting so mad that someone asked RC questions and now he is being attacked. Whatever RC is going thru is nothing compared to what Haleigh is going thru not being with her family.
ITA. And I made the original statement because NG didn't mince any words with KP and CS at all. As a matter of fact didn't NG ask CS about why she didn't get custody in the first place? What does that have to do with Haleigh missing now? No one was complaining then. I just get so sick of people getting so mad that someone asked RC questions and now he is being attacked. Whatever RC is going thru is nothing compared to what Haleigh is going thru not being with her family.

Well, it does distract from logical conversation doesn't it!! LOL!!
Yes we disagree, and I am done at this point responding as it has been offensive when you make such comments such as "trashing the entire ensemble that helps the faction you oppose is glass clear". You have obviously missed many of my post and my point as I do not oppose any side, I just keep an open mind and look at ALL sides.

We disagree. Kp is highly respected by the Florida Bar.
Thats enough. She is an excellent Family Attorney.

Trashing the entire ensemble that helps the faction
you oppose is glass clear. It may make for good arguments
on an Internet site... but will never change hard facts as they
are for anyone. Truth is truth and these lil arguments do not
change any of that in the real big world out there.
Nah I do not think KP would be an excellent attorney for anyone actually. I have no respect for attorneys who basically lie or take advantage of people. In my opinion NG did hand KP her azz because NG did what a journalist does and got the medical records, spoke to the principal, checked court records, checked police reports, check the school accident log etc she had facts to work with and I do not think KP was expecting that at all.

Umm actually NG didn't check all her facts as she kept asking why CS never reported abuse before, when she actually did. There is also the matter of everyone talking about a custody case that hasn't been filed yet.
Ok, I am going back to lurking. Its now seems that the Cummings side of the fence are angels and everybody on the other side are devils. I honestly think that all of this is counterproductive in find Haleigh. ALL of it. There are precious little FACTS in this case. We still have the first witness who can't seem to get her story straight. Who was that person again, oh yeah now I remember Misty. Misty has had 30 hours of questioning, Misty has had 3 polygraphs. Misty is the person that LE has identified as being the key to the case. Misty walked out of an interview when the questions got a little rough and she felt like she was being attacked. Wonder where I heard that before, oh yeah GR attacked RC by asking him tough questions. And RC and TN are taking up for Misty. The one obstacle that we know of in this case.

And meanwhile Haleigh is still missing. Maybe it is high time someone takes off the kid gloves and start asking these upstanding citizens (rolls eyes) some hard questions. All of them, on both sides.

Here praying that Haleigh is safe.

Back to lurking:truce:

Please don't go to lurking nnglas-- it's time (past time actually) for the kid gloves to be tucked away! Tough questions and supposition are necessary to find this precious girl.

I'll add that GR is not my favorite by any stretch, but that interview was based on Ron's public record...fair game in my book. RC et al. were foolish to respond in that way! jmo
IMO, I think she is the most cunning of the lot. I also think she will do anything to protect RC.

I have to wonder what her motive was for taking Cobra to the wooded area. I find it hard to believe that anyone would wander around the woods for 4 hrs alone, knowing the area is infested with gators, snakes, and drug dealers. Then, when others are with her, become so scared of seeing a snake: without screaming. Something shady with that whole thing.

We don't know she was out there for 4 hours, cobra said that. we don't know what went down that day because 98% of the video is missing.
Cobra is the *****, imo, and shady as they come most likely. It isn't Teresa's account I have heard...only the ******. I will wait until she comes out with what actually happened before I believe any of that farce of a video or article with AH. I don't trust him either!

Why hasn't she? I'm sure she'd be given the podium...
Yes we disagree, and I am done at this point responding as it has been offensive when you make such comments such as "trashing the entire ensemble that helps the faction you oppose is glass clear". You have obviously missed many of my post and my point as I do not oppose any side, I just keep an open mind and look at ALL sides.

OK! I haven't read every single post you have placed - of course not,
I just haven't seen the posts - thats all.

We will let it go. No problem.
See thats the entire problem IMO. KP is not here to find Haleigh. There was nothing mentioned from Crystal or KP about little Haleigh. It was all about trying to obtain custody and what a monster RC is. Therefore, NG asking those questions were in line with what the interview was about. I wish the custody stuff would of been kept private, and the media time would be spent on talking about Haleigh!!!!

You are correct in that KP and CS didn't mention find Haleigh. That bothered me too. However I do feel that the interview was about the pictures and abuse claims and that is all NG was interested in talking about. But yes if definately concerned me that there was no mention of Haleigh and/or her abductors.

I respect all of your opinions Busylady, so please don't feel like I have tried to attack you in your post. Like you I am frustrated that some here seem to be more interested in calling Cobra a snake rather then finding Haleigh. Cobra was not around when that little girl went missing. IMO he is the last person that needs to attacked. Its counterproductive. He means nothing to me in the whole scheme of things.
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