Teresa N., Haleigh's paternal grandmother

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I guess we just all see things differently SS. I have great respect for your opinions and I'm usually of a similar mindset, but I'm just not seeing how Teresa and family are so much more the victims, than the Sheffields from what we know at this point. (NOT saying that you or anyone else said that of course, it just seems that's the way it is imo)

Sadly, Haleigh seems to be getting lost in the shuffle..here and in Satsuma
Thanks and I am aware people don't understand where I am coming from a lot on this case. I just call things the way I see them.

I did look at CS and the fam as victims in the beginning until I saw the "other" side of them and their agenda became clear. I didn't see a grieving, pleading family standing together with Ronald to bring Haleigh home which is where they should have been. It did appear they were going to do the right thing when Maria offered an apology the weekend of Rj's birthday and we watched while Ronald and Crystal embraced Rj and each other. This changed immediately after Rj's birthday was over and the Sheffield/Griffis' side went back to being themselves, I guess. The act served whatever purpose for the weekend. Sad to say, they blew it. Doing the right thing for Haleigh and Rj again was reverted back to their sour grapes and revenge, imo.

It IS about Haleigh which is the stance that Ronald and Teresa have tried to make it very clear to keep in focus. Where is Haleigh?

And why does her mother not care enough to beg and plead for her return or tell her how much she is loved every chance she gets on tv? It becomes all about her, her abuse, her feelings, and HER son. GMAB! If she even mentions Haleigh...it is an afterthought.
Just a couple questions:
1. Why is Teresa's last name different from Ronald's?
2. Is Ronald her only child? I didn't quite understand the answer to that question above, but its been a loooooooong day for me.
3. If not, is Haleigh her only Grand-daughter?
4. Was she a single mom?
5. Is she married/have a significant other right now... someone to be there for her?

RC and Crystal, his sister, confusing because RC had children with a different Crystal.

RC and Crystal are the children of Teresa. Their father's name is Jack C.
I believe they were married, now divorced and she is married to someone else whose last name is Neves. I've seen him on tv, and he looks as though he has a chronic drinking problem, just my observation, and moo.
I believe Teresa's daughter Crystal has a child, but I'm not sure if it's a boy or girl or if she has more than one.
I believe it has been mentioned that her bf is black.
She couldn't care less about Misty imo, or CS either.
She only cares about keeping her grandkids, and whatever needs to be said to that end, she will say. jmoooc.
Can you show me where she has lied? Of course, she cares about keeping her grandchildren!

She should be willing to do anything to keep them away from a family who would stoop so low as to use photos from a school accident to publically say the father was an abuser! And this doesn't even begin to go into the damage Crystal has done to this case (and to Rj) by taking him on tv to tout and taint his so-called first hand account of the story. (The forever growing story that now includes his fear that someone is coming through the floor to get him!! Talk about mental abuse, imo!)
I think TN is very intelligent, honest, well spoken, communicates well and speaks from the heart. When she talks, I believe her and trust her to cut to the chase, ignoring the nonsense and looking for her grandchild. But, even the thinest slice of cheese has 2 sides. I learned that along the way. :)

To some TN is a loving and supportive mother and grandmother. Others find her behavior laced with subterfuge. We are looking at, watching and hearing the same person so some of us are just plain wrong.
Seriously searching, you mentioned that Teresa's husband, Mr. Neves looks like he a drinker-- what made you think that, was he slurring his words?

Doesn't look like Ron has had much in the way of good role models in his family. Whenever I see pictures of Ron and Haleigh they are just beaming with happiness-- so if nothing else Teresa did a good job of teaching her son how to connect with his daughter and not be an absente parent which is what Ron's father sounds like.

I'm off to look for links to get to Satsuma County court records.
Seriously searching, you mentioned that Teresa's husband, Mr. Neves looks like he a drinker-- what made you think that, was he slurring his words?

Doesn't look like Ron has had much in the way of good role models in his family. Whenever I see pictures of Ron and Haleigh they are just beaming with happiness-- so if nothing else Teresa did a good job of teaching her son how to connect with his daughter and not be an absente parent which is what Ron's father sounds like.

I'm off to look for links to get to Satsuma County court records.

Teresa Neves has also done a terrific job of documenting Haleigh and Ronald in pictures. Pictures do not exist unless someone wants to take them. I assume there are as many with Junior.
Thanks and I am aware people don't understand where I am coming from a lot on this case. I just call things the way I see them.

I did look at CS and the fam as victims in the beginning until I saw the "other" side of them and their agenda became clear. I didn't see a grieving, pleading family standing together with Ronald to bring Haleigh home which is where they should have been. It did appear they were going to do the right thing when Maria offered an apology the weekend of Rj's birthday and we watched while Ronald and Crystal embraced Rj and each other. This changed immediately after Rj's birthday was over and the Sheffield/Griffis' side went back to being themselves, I guess. The act served whatever purpose for the weekend. Sad to say, they blew it. Doing the right thing for Haleigh and Rj again was reverted back to their sour grapes and revenge, imo.

It IS about Haleigh which is the stance that Ronald and Teresa have tried to make it very clear to keep in focus. Where is Haleigh?

And why does her mother not care enough to beg and plead for her return or tell her how much she is loved every chance she gets on tv? It becomes all about her, her abuse, her feelings, and HER son. GMAB! If she even mentions Haleigh...it is an afterthought.

From where I stand it looks like RC and MC have a LOT to explain, and if Crystal doesn't know where Haleigh is, it might very easily seem like that to her as well. Especially given the history of their tumultuous relationship. I could see a family standing and pleading together as one if they're in talking terms and have a measure of trust between themselves, but if one or both sides had serious suspicions that the other side had something to do with the disappearance, not likely.

IMO it seems like the Cummings need to keep the focus on Haleigh comes up when there is need to keep the focus away from awkward questions they don't like to answer. He had a rather hard time coming up with convincing things to say when asked to plead for his daughter on the Today show too.

OT but have some children actually been returned by their regretful abductors because they've seen the parents pleading on the television? "I broke into the home and thought that the kids were living there all by themselves and if I took one, nobody would miss it. I was planning to molest her and kill her but now I saw her daddy on tv and he asked me to bring the child back, so I'm gonna leave her to McDonalds instead, and I'm really sorry." Does it happen a lot?

I had a lot of sympathy for TN from the start but since the wedding it has seemed to me that there is something more going on than just grieving and worry. I just can't see why everybody in the family would so wholeheartedly embrace the juvenile girlfriend as the new and improved mommy for JR. when she hasn't been cleared of involvement in his sister's disappearance yet.
She couldn't care less about Misty imo, or CS either.
She only cares about keeping her grandkids, and whatever needs to be said to that end, she will say. jmoooc.

Yes much like MG. jmo
NG has never handed KP her azz ... tries to in perception by the audience.. the faces, the pouts... doesn't work except with the choir. KP would be an excellent attorney if employed by the Cummings family. A lot of these arguments just don't take rain!

Good point, Radio. KP seems to be very straightforward and ethical.. I think some would not put her down if she worked for Ron.
Until we see the children with her, how can we know how they felt about her? Kids will say anything to adults if they think it's what they want to hear. Or if they think it is what they are supposed to say.

Kids will generally "love" other kids, and that is what Misty was and is. She plays with them, so of course they are going to love being with her. Considering that they were taken away from their mother when they were just babies, they are going to feel more familiar with someone they are with every day rather than someone they only get to see every other weekend.
I dislike judging someone without knowing them personally, but as a mother and a grandmother, I would not talk about my grandkids' mother in a bad way, while singing the praises of their new stepmother who is barely a few years older than they are. That is rude and unkind, and not classy at all.
Crystal will always be their mother... Misty cannot change that, marrying Ron does not make her their "mommy." And I predict that this marriage will not last much longer than it takes for the ink to dry on the certificate.
As for TN, I do not fault her for protecting her son. But to disrespect their mother like that on national t.v. goes against everything I believe in. Saying that she "knows" Crystal and put up with her means nothing. Crystal's parents put up with a lot regarding Ron for that long, too, yet some don't believe them either.
EXACTLY!!!! It was not looking for Haleigh or begging for her return home like Teresa and Ronald were doing every single chance they got on tv!!

And we all know who started slinging that BS! Sour grapes and revenge are all those people know!! To them...none of this has been about Haleigh from the very beginning!!

KP made it clear from the start that she was helping Crytal with the custody issues, nothing more. Crystal has the right to pursue that, regardless of what people think of her. That said, I don't approve of them going on t.v. about the abuse allegations and the other things, but I don't fault her for trying to get her son back. She didn't have adequate representation before, it appears that she does now, so maybe it will be resolved.
However, IMO, saying it has never been about Haleigh is wrong. Haleigh went missing under Ron and Misty's watch, and Crystal fears that Jr. is in a bad situation. I don't blame her for being afraid for his life, ANY mother would be the same in this situation. Her fears might be completely unfounded... there may be no abuse whatsoever, and I sincerely hope there is not... but she has every right to pursue it, although I wish it was not played out in the media, but the blame should not be placed on her, the media has a way of bringing out the worst in people. Geraldo was the instigator, IMO.
Also.... Crystal may not have been aware of Misty's age until this case broke. She spoke kindly about Misty in the beginning, so that leads me to believe that she did not know then what she knows now. When she did find out, naturally she had some doubts and misgivings.... as would a lot of mothers.
And yes... she started the mudslinging first. There could be a lot of reasons for that, and I am not going to judge her on that alone. I will just say that in reviewing all the interviews, she comes across as more sincere and believable than Ron or Misty. It's all a matter of opinion, I guess.

To hear Ronald Cummings’ mother tell it, Misty Cummings is at the top of the list of all-time terrific girlfriends or fiances her son has ever had.

Thanks for the link Indiana. I've been attempting to go back over all interviews in this case and transcribe any and all (only direct interviews with family members) that don't have media trancripts available. I'm going to post this one here and in the media transcripts thread. (hope that's okay mods...) I know that there are some who are not able to play the media/video links on their computers and this is helpful to them but it's also nice to actually have the words right in front of you to re-evaluate the interviews... (for those like me that need words and pics :bang:)

AH Interview with TN: March 30, 2009
Link: http://www.artharris.com/2009/03/

AH: Art H (Interviewer)
TH: Theresa (Ronald C’s mother)

AH: Tell me about Haleigh
TN: Haleigh is a very precious little girl. She is grandma’s angel, daddy’s heart, umm she’s tiny. She’s petite. She loves to sing and she loves makeup. She likes to play dress up. She loves to color and paint. She is very good at school. Oh wow, there’s just so many amazing things about Haleigh.
AH: What are some of the things that you really liked doing with her and she liked doing with grandma? What does she call you?
TN: She calls me grandma, yeah and we love to paint together. She likes to get into all that water paint. We love to do makeup cause she can make me look like a clown and I don’t care. She loves to paint my nails. She paints from one end to the other end, and that’s fine with me.
AH: Tell me, explain your support
TN: I can explain that. I have never seen my grandchildren more happy in their lives then they have been with Ronald and Misty. They are ecstatic. They’re always smiling, they’re always playing. They are, to me, it was an extreme joy to see them like a little family always doing things together. My babies loved her. I mean they absolutely wanted Ronald to marry her so she could be mommy.
AH: You’ve met a lot of Ronald’s girlfriends and the fiancé’s how Misty rank in your mind does?
TN: Ahh to my knowledge Ronald has only had one other fiancé’ and ahh some of the girlfriends; Misty is at the very top of the list. I can tell ya that, absolutely, she takes better care of the children than anyone I’ve ever seen with them. Umm they love her. You just cannot, you would have to see it to actually enjoy it. It touches your heart how happy they all are together. My granddaughter is out there somewhere, instead of pointing fingers and trying to make somebody out to be the bad guy they need to be looking for my granddaughter you know, and I have spoke with enough of the detectives and the people in the law enforcement, that I am comfortable with where I stand, so you know…
AH: Do they know who took Haleigh?
TN: No they do not
AH: Do they have some good suspects?
TN: I wish they did
I feel ya, as I have pretty much stuck to lurking in this case. I'm trying to be open minded, I truly am, but how can you do that when the Cummings seem to be OFF LIMITS and Sheffields, no holds barred?

>>>creeping back to my corner<<<< :truce:

of noncustodial mothers is fairly typical. Because of this case I have done some reading about mothers who don't have custody of their children and the negativity they face. It's also often from other women as is probably the case here where I assume the bulk of the Crystal denigraters are women. This attitude is justified because "they gave RC custody" so he MUST be a steller parent and she must be an unfit mother. He is idealized as apparently often happens with men who get custody while the women who lose it are demonized. Thus RC is a model loving father even though when given custody he made clear his mother and GM would be watching the children and thereafter he moved his illegal teen girlfriend Misty in to watch them, as she said, 24/7. He is praised for refusing to return the children to their mother prior to any court finding him the father or awarding him any legal visitation or custody.

It's not really worth arguing about as it seems clear Crystal is not the key to Haleigh's disappearance. People can disparage Crystal all day long and it won't change the outcome of this case or make RC & MC's story any more credible.
of noncustodial mothers is fairly typical. Because of this case I have done some reading about mothers who don't have custody of their children and the negativity they face. It's also often from other women as is probably the case here where I assume the bulk of the Crystal denigraters are women. This attitude is justified because "they gave RC custody" so he MUST be a steller parent and she must be an unfit mother. He is idealized as apparently often happens with men who get custody while the women who lose it are demonized. Thus RC is a model loving father even though when given custody he made clear his mother and GM would be watching the children and thereafter he moved his illegal teen girlfriend Misty in to watch them, as she said, 24/7. He is praised for refusing to return the children to their mother prior to any court finding him the father or awarding him any legal visitation or custody.

It's not really worth arguing about as it seems clear Crystal is not the key to Haleigh's disappearance. People can disparage Crystal all day long and it won't change the outcome of this case or make RC & MC's story any more credible.

In addition RC has been investigated three times in the past 4 years for child abuse or child neglect allegations. Most people state that because there was no change in the custody status resulting from these allegations, that must mean that RC was a stellar parent. This is not the case as is apparent by his activities and poor decisions. No outcome to the investigations does not necessarily mean that no abuse has occurred.
Coming out of lurking mode, I tend to get quiet when things get heated up. Throwing this out there.......Teresa is most definately in a tight position in this. I see her tears to be genuine for the most part. I normally am a good judge of behavior......so it struck me as a planned intentional action on TN's part to take photographs of Haleighs injuries from school. She had calculating reasons to document such events. Smart move....but we will find TN is not only on top of keeping good score... and has a huge influence on this custody issue. Couple that strong move with the comment about Misty being more of a mother figure to her 2 grandbabies. TN has huge motivation for not wanting her son to lose custody. Her motives seem endearing, in a sense. But I can see her little web she creates behind the scenes. She (TN) wont say nothing bad about the mother (CS), but she hasnt said anything good either.....and she paints a pretty picture of a 17 yr old (MC) Mary Poppins fairytale to the public, who knows darn well that girl (MC) had potentially left her grandbabies alone and maybe used drugs that night, maybe wasnt home, maybe lied to LE, maybe cheated on her son, maybe even threatened to leave Ronald if he didnt do what she told him to do.....(TN) expects us to believe she was mother of the year material?

TN who has her ducks in a row, buys this BS? from MC & her son, lets not forget his shannergans?? No way. She's too smart for that. IMO
Seriously searching, you mentioned that Teresa's husband, Mr. Neves looks like he a drinker-- what made you think that, was he slurring his words?

Doesn't look like Ron has had much in the way of good role models in his family. Whenever I see pictures of Ron and Haleigh they are just beaming with happiness-- so if nothing else Teresa did a good job of teaching her son how to connect with his daughter and not be an absente parent which is what Ron's father sounds like.

I'm off to look for links to get to Satsuma County court records.
Please show me where I mentioned her husband looks like a drinker as I don't recall saying it. Thanks. (I don't remember seeing him on tv speaking at all either.)

To hear Ronald Cummings’ mother tell it, Misty Cummings is at the top of the list of all-time terrific girlfriends or fiances her son has ever had.

I hate to sound rude but I'd hate to see what the others were like. We don't know for sure about her using drugs, but Misti has very questionable associates as proven by their arrest records. There's every reason to believe these various people were also allowed to be around Ron's kids. Most grandmas have much higher expectations and wouldn't rush to get the kids a new teen mommy right after one goes missing on Misti's watch. Very strange IMO. I could see if she'd known Misti for years now, but five months? Who can know anyone in that amount of time when it comes to precious grandbabies.
I also thought taking pictures of an injured child seemed odd. My thought was maybe she was thinking of litigation of some sort? School? Hospital? Family of child at school which might have pushed her or something? Just thinking out loud since many people see something like this as a "Get Rich Quick" opportunity.

Growing up I had a friend whose mother was like that on more than one occasion. Once she broke her arm falling off someone's truck at the local mini mart store. She wasn't supposed to be that far from home so told her mom she fell off my front stairs. Her mom immediately called my mom to ask if we had homeowner's insurance. She caught it when I told her mother what really happened. LOL

This incident of TN's picture taking made me think of that mom - always on the lookout for what she could get out of a situation. Just an idea.

Coming out of lurking mode, I tend to get quiet when things get heated up. Throwing this out there.......Teresa is most definately in a tight position in this. I see her tears to be genuine for the most part. I normally am a good judge of behavior......so it struck me as a planned intentional action on TN's part to take photographs of Haleighs injuries from school. She had calculating reasons to document such events. Smart move....but we will find TN is not only on top of keeping good score... and has a huge influence on this custody issue. Couple that strong move with the comment about Misty being more of a mother figure to her 2 grandbabies. TN has huge motivation for not wanting her son to lose custody. Her motives seem endearing, in a sense. But I can see her little web she creates behind the scenes. She (TN) wont say nothing bad about the mother (CS), but she hasnt said anything good either.....and she paints a pretty picture of a 17 yr old (MC) Mary Poppins fairytale to the public, who knows darn well that girl (MC) had potentially left her grandbabies alone and maybe used drugs that night, maybe wasnt home, maybe lied to LE, maybe cheated on her son, maybe even threatened to leave Ronald if he didnt do what she told him to do.....(TN) expects us to believe she was mother of the year material?

TN who has her ducks in a row, buys this BS? from MC & her son, lets not forget his shannergans?? No way. She's too smart for that. IMO

To hear Ronald Cummings’ mother tell it, Misty Cummings is at the top of the list of all-time terrific girlfriends or fiances her son has ever had.

Maybe there hasn't been much competition in the quality of gfs.

Of all the wives & gfs, my son has gone through, there's only one that seems to have 1/2 a brain, and she got that after she left him. And this isn't nobody is good enough for my son.
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