Teresa Neves - Statements About Arrests & Her Opinion

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TN & GMS conducting their own search of the Shell Harbor area before the law arrived to do their search.
I believe one time on Nancy Grace, TN said (or sniffled?) something along the lines of doing whatever it took to find out what happened to Haleigh, then saying:

"....and we don't care who it implicates."
This video is embedded further up in the thread. I haven't figured out how to do that yet.


I pulled a few things out that Teresa said, and transcribed them below. These statements of Teresa's point to her knowledge of the crime, in my opinion. Not because she says anything directly; it is her demeanor, her word choices, her utter lack of genuine fear for her granddaughter, among other troubling things. It goes without saying that these are MY OPINIONS and my take on Teresa Neves' state of mind and her character at the time of this interview.

The interview begins with Art Harris asking Teresa to "Tell me about HaLeigh."

She begins describing HaLeigh. She smiles, and though she looks tired and could possibly be suffering grief that she is attempting to hide, she sounds like a robot, for lack of a better description, as she speaks about her "precious angel, Daddy's heart." It is as if she's being asked about a child who just received an award in kindergarten, not a missing granddaughter that could be in the clutches of a maniac, going through god knows what at that very moment. It is not congruent.

Art Harris asks Teresa about her support of Misty:

She smiles and says, "I can easily explain that. I have NEVER (emphasis of her words in caps) seen my grandchildren more HAPPY in their LIVES than they have been with Ronald and Misty..."

"...To me it was an extreme joy to see them like a little family..."
(Bolding of past tense "was" by me). "Like" a little family also stands out too, though it is just a gut reaction to not liking how she worded this.

Past tense again: "MY babies loved her," referring to Misty. "They absolutely wanted Ronald to MARRY her so could be mommy. The "absolutely" stands out as being a deceptive tool, in my eyes.

Incredibly cruel and insensitive considering HaLeigh and Little Ron HAVE a mommy who they saw regularly, who Little Ron was continuing to see regularly. A young, grieving mother who this woman, Teresa Neves, helped take these children away from in a very ugly custody battle.

Watching Teresa become quiet after saying this, it appears as if she is realizing she went too far, that her unspoken venom towards Crystal Sheffield, the children's mother, would be perceived badly, that this outrageous statement would not be well received.

Then again, nothing in her personality so far, that we have been privy to, points to her having an ounce of sympathy, empathy, much shame, or any type of introspective tendencies.

These are all my OPINIONS.

February 7, 2007

But Neves also worries about what will happen if Misty Croslin has been telling the truth or can't remember any more information about the night her granddaughter vanished.

"Law enforcement has spent a year waiting to be able to question her to be able to find out what she knows. If they're wrong, we've wasted a year," Neves said.
[SIZE=+1] http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/08/19/earlyshow/main5251508.shtml[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]Still, Teresa Neves, Haleigh's grandmother, said on "The Early Show" Wednesday she doesn't think Croslin-Cummings had anything to do with Haleigh's disappearance.

"I hope she did not," Neves said, referring to the investigation. " ... This will hopefully clear some things up and they'll know what's going on." [/SIZE]
...you know...you know...you know...

...you know...you know...you know...


Along with this was the repeated sniffling noise, with no apparent tears, no dripping nose, and always in place of answering a legitimate question. The combination of "you know :: sniff :: " serves only to refocus the questioner away from topics she would rather not answer. If forced through to a response, it is more pronounced sniffling and circular reasoning. For a link, check any of the earlier visits with NG. She was a master by Christmas at it, when she sniffily and 'you know's her way through a statement on how they're handling the holidays and deflects with a huge sniff and then says "Ron needed to go talk to Haleigh."
Along with this was the repeated sniffling noise, with no apparent tears, no dripping nose, and always in place of answering a legitimate question. The combination of "you know :: sniff :: " serves only to refocus the questioner away from topics she would rather not answer. If forced through to a response, it is more pronounced sniffling and circular reasoning. For a link, check any of the earlier visits with NG. She was a master by Christmas at it, when she sniffily and 'you know's her way through a statement on how they're handling the holidays and deflects with a huge sniff and then says "Ron needed to go talk to Haleigh."

Which leads to a whole nother story. Is it not TN that has stated, They'll believe she's alive until someone can prove or show her otherwise? If she's supposedly still alive, where might it be that "Ron needed to go talk to Haleigh"?

If she supposedly is not alive, I still want to know where might it be that "Ron needed to go talk to Haleigh"?
[SIZE=+1] http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/08/19/earlyshow/main5251508.shtml[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]Still, Teresa Neves, Haleigh's grandmother, said on "The Early Show" Wednesday she doesn't think Croslin-Cummings had anything to do with Haleigh's disappearance.

"I hope she did not," Neves said, referring to the investigation. " ... This will hopefully clear some things up and they'll know what's going on." [/SIZE]
In this same interview we see Teresa, first and foremost, needing to "clear" Ron. Second and third, as I see it, keep Misty in the clear, and if not, destroy her credibility in case she talks truth because, thirdly, Tesesa is terrified that Misty could be the one to land her in jail. I mean, Teresa is appearing with her own attorney.

Link. Video to the left of the story: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/08/19/earlyshow/main5251508.shtml

First question by reporter for Teresa: "...what's the latest you've been told about where police stand on this investigation?"

TN: Umm..my son has been cleared and they are looking into the details of Misty's account.

(Yet, Ron's own attorney, I believe it was on Nancy Grace, told the world that Ron could not be cleared, that he continued to be on the list of suspects, though he'd been moved farther down on that list).

As with her mother in the "that's a crock" interview, Teresa's main objective, no matter the question being asked, is to speak about Ron and his "innocence."

Red flags a-wavin'!

My opinion.
Just going back and reviewing some stuff. Does anyone remember who this green trailer belonged to where TN took Cobra? Cobra was hot on Snod. I'm still trying to find out if Snod had some connection to this bunch?

Was that the place where the guy was raising hogs underground. I don't believe I just typed that, but it really happened, right? :hills:
Was that the place where the guy was raising hogs underground. I don't believe I just typed that, but it really happened, right? :hills:

Yep! One more suspicious thing TN did. Quietly slipped away from a man in the woods because she saw a snake, when he had a gun and could have shot it! She left quietly, not even telling him about the snake, or asking him for help, or even telling him she was leaving???? WTH
Yep! One more suspicious thing TN did. Quietly slipped away from a man in the woods because she saw a snake, when he had a gun and could have shot it! She left quietly, not even telling him about the snake, or asking him for help, or even telling him she was leaving???? WTH

Yes, I remember that, it was way too strange, I though she may have been on drugs. Who does that? I wish Cobra could have stayed on the case, I believe he was close to getting the truth, maybe too close. Wonder why he doesn't write a book.
I must say that Teresa outdid herself when she tearfully asked Ronald "Don't you have something to tell me?" and he acted horrified that she would ask him while being recorded and tried very hard to steer her away from the question. This conversation occurred at the very beginning of Ronald's jail time.
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