Teresa Neves - Statements About Arrests & Her Opinion

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Since almost the beginning, I've thought that Ron was responsible, & Misty was covering for him, & that Ron & Teresa were pulling Misty's strings. But, I've tried to keep my mind open to other possibilities. The sex offender theory has never felt right-mainly because it would have taken a perfect alignment of the stars for that to have been pulled off. The propped door also contradicts this. Misty doesn't seem to have an original idea in her head, so I think that was a little trick she picked up from Tommy-& she used it either because she didn't have a house key & went out, or it was a part of the staging. Misty being responsible is another possible theory that I've had a problem believing-mainly because I just couldn't imagine Ron covering for her. But....we hear about kids being murdered all of the time who have stupid mothers covering for their pedophile ex-con boyfriends. So, that really could be a possibility. But why in the world would Teresa jump on the Misty bandwagon? because Ron wanted her to? I don't know if I can buy a grandmother loving on her grandchild's murderer. Also, I have to admit that I'm a little bothered by Tommy. He placed himself @ that trailer & you can bet there's a lot more to his story. But why did Ron send him that rat? makes no logical sense-unless Tommy & Misty are both involved & Ron, while covering for his 'love' Misty covers for Tommy by default.

IMHO..Ron C , his mother or his grandma would have never covered for Misty IF they thought for a second she was responsible...IF you look back at some of the videos, it's quite evident they had plans to make Misty the FALL GIRL if it ever looked like Ron C was going to be blamed for whatever happened to Haleigh...

For months things went along as they planned until Teresa Neves was told to get out of PCSO and never come back.. Shortly after that the altercation between Tommy and Ron C took place... Misty took out the RO and then she and Ron put the rat in Tommy's mailbox...
TN then called in MN and TM to assist them in setting up both TOMMY and Misty..They insisted Misty take those tests knowing full well she would fail miserably.....I suspect Teresa Neves also knew Tommy was aware of the fact Misty was with some of Ron's family that night.

Ron C, TN and GGMS have been playing Misty from the beginning, and IMHO she is a stooopid stooopid girl not to have known this.. As I see it her only hope is to tell the truth about what really happened. IF she doesn't she will be set up to take the fall for Ronald.. As it is with this drug arrest she could go to jail for what could be the rest of her life...The choice is hers.
If it were me, I would reveal the truth and take my chances..MY ONLY hope being the judge would declare me a youthful offender...JMO
FWIW, Some time ago someone posted links in the PL that Teresa had let both her RE license and Hairdresser license expire.

Was TN working when Haleigh went missing?
I keep wondering why she was not the one involved in caring for the kids but GGS was. She is so much younger and it had to be hard for GGS to keep up with the little ones if Ron had been working all this time.
I read Misty was only in the picture for 5 months. So what did Ron do before Misty came aboard. I wonder if at first Misty just did it to earn her keep and more responsibility was piled on real quick and the grandmas
were happy they had a break. Knowing Misty had that crazy weekend what person in their right mind would not step in to take over?
I think the gandmas only did all the Misty praises because they felt it looked bad on them for allowing this situation to beguin with, plus she was underage and it did not look good for Ron at all.
If they could get past all the excuses of their actions maybe they could see how irresponsible it was of Ron to not put his kids first.
Not that they would ever admit it I guess.
Teresa was on disability for around 3 months prior to Haleigh disappearing (I sure hope wearing those high heeled boots she's been seen wearing lately don't hurt her injury too much). Misty came into the picture at the end of Ron's relationship with Amber; she used to babysit for Amber (and allegedly Ron's....he says maybe) child. Ron is like a locust....scopes out the new crop while destroying the current one.
Was TN working when Haleigh went missing?
I keep wondering why she was not the one involved in caring for the kids but GGS was. She is so much younger and it had to be hard for GGS to keep up with the little ones if Ron had been working all this time.
I read Misty was only in the picture for 5 months. So what did Ron do before Misty came aboard. I wonder if at first Misty just did it to earn her keep and more responsibility was piled on real quick and the grandmas
were happy they had a break. Knowing Misty had that crazy weekend what person in their right mind would not step in to take over?
I think the gandmas only did all the Misty praises because they felt it looked bad on them for allowing this situation to beguin with, plus she was underage and it did not look good for Ron at all.
If they could get past all the excuses of their actions maybe they could see how irresponsible it was of Ron to not put his kids first.
Not that they would ever admit it I guess.

I feel like TN and GGMS had to say good things about Misty, you can't go on national TV and say your son left the kids with a drug addict and she was underage to boot. They knew DCF would be looking at this case, and they had to protect Ron and not lose JR too. The wedding was to keep Ron out of jail for sleeping with an underage girl, just one more thing the two woman tried to make look good and put lipstick on.
I feel like TN and GGMS had to say good things about Misty, you can't go on national TV and say your son left the kids with a drug addict and she was underage to boot. They knew DCF would be looking at this case, and they had to protect Ron and not lose JR too. The wedding was to keep Ron out of jail for sleeping with an underage girl, just one more thing the two woman tried to make look good and put lipstick on.

They could have gone on TV and said just that. It would be the truth, at least for some part of this whole mess. The fact remains that if they went to this much trouble to cover even the underage thing (a whole 'nuther ball o' wax) in order to keep Jr, says to me they know what happened to Haleigh. Truth is far more helpful than lies. Every. Time.
They could have gone on TV and said just that. It would be the truth, at least for some part of this whole mess. The fact remains that if they went to this much trouble to cover even the underage thing (a whole 'nuther ball o' wax) in order to keep Jr, says to me they know what happened to Haleigh. Truth is far more helpful than lies. Every. Time.

I agree they could have gone on TV and told the truth, but they didn't want to lose Jr or get Ron in trouble. All of the lies have done nothing but keep Haleigh from being found. And in the end, JR is gone anyway and Ron is in jail. So how is that working for them??
After reading what Whisperer wrote about Teresa having a real estate license and a hair dressing license, all I can say is that if she is the one doing Crystal Cumming's hair, that could explain why she is not employed as a hairdresser.JMO

Oh, PorcineGranny. You just crack me up!
This pretty much sums it all up..



Thanks Papa

Bombshell tonight! We have Papa's video of lies and misdirection by Great Grandma Sykes and Ron's mother concerning Babysitter turned Stepmom in the Haleigh Cummings case in Satsuma Florida ! (explosion sound effects )
Bombshell tonight! We have Papa's video of lies and misdirection by Great Grandma Sykes and Ron's mother concerning Babysitter turned Stepmom in the Haleigh Cummings case in Satsuma Florida ! (explosion sound effects )

LOL..Papa needs to submit that one to NG...And NG needs to show it... Would love for NG's viewing audience to see the truth as it really is concerning TN and GGMS... JMO
I feel like TN and GGMS had to say good things about Misty, you can't go on national TV and say your son left the kids with a drug addict and she was underage to boot. They knew DCF would be looking at this case, and they had to protect Ron and not lose JR too. The wedding was to keep Ron out of jail for sleeping with an underage girl, just one more thing the two woman tried to make look good and put lipstick on.

Bern I'm going along with your thoughts. A marriage between Ron and Misty was never because "It's what Haleigh would want." And it wasn't so, as Ron said "To keep your enemies close." It was and always will be because Ron was living with and sharing a bed with an underage girl. And that was public knowledge and spread all over the active media.
You are so correct, TN and GGMS had to glow about Misty in order to make it look like Ron and Misty's marriage was a match made in heaven. So they LIED to cover for Ron, not Misty. No matter what wonderful things they have said about her in the past.
But NOW, the story has changed. In order to once again cover and protect Ron, suddenly Misty has, according to Ron's protectors, chased after him and lured him into the crime of selling controlled substances.
Misty wise up. There is a bus coming with you name on it!
LOL..Papa needs to submit that one to NG...And NG needs to show it... Would love for NG's viewing audience to see the truth as it really is concerning TN and GGMS... JMO

Em, right you are. I already scripted the opening for her Monday night show. Let's all tune in and see if our famous Papa's work is shown coast to coast.
By the way, Papa wonderful work! Worthy of praise.
I especially liked the fire around GGS head, lol. straight to the point. awesome video.
Yeah, and would you call the fine folks in Law Enforcement "these (EXPLETIVE DELETED)" if you were in jail because you worked undercover with them to help find your missing daughter? I might worry about being locked up for the rest of my life if I had sold drugs but if I'm just there to aid LE tug Misty's heartstrings, as they put it on NG, surely they'll let me out when the plan's worked, or when it becomes clear it's not going to. I mean, if I'm very smart and I've got a very high IQ, surely I have checked out the possible outcomes and legal potholes of the plan with LE and my attorney, before agreeing to sell drugs in order to help LE trap my ex. I know it's all worth it if it helps find Haleigh but it's not like I particularly desire to spend my life in jail in either case.

Can you say (EXPLETIVE DELETED) on TV? Guess not.

The proof is in the pudding. If Ronald is in jail because he helped LE, it shouldn't last too long. If he gets a sentence, well...

I just watched this on TV the other night. The guy was a better actor than RC but they got his DNA on the murder weapon, so...

:) Moms who say their offspring is innocent because they wouldn't do nothing like that must be a dime a dozen.

LOLOL. I bet his lawyer is loving this. I'm innocent... except they may prove I did it... And mom says yeah, forgot they've got the recordings of you doing it... :loser:

DUH !!! What a bunch of LOSERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :croc:
Exactly what is the disability TN is collecting money for? ....I'll take a guess and say she claims a back injury....and it was somebody's else's fault and they are going to pay her for it.

I was told that if you need an attorney more than x2 in your lifetime, you need to do a check on your life and style of living, you are doing something wrong. I stand by that too.
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Here we can share and discuss quotes, videos, and observations, hashing out some of the things we have witnessed from Ron's mother, HaLeigh's paternal Grandmother; Ms. Teresa Neves.:waitasec:
In the interview/mobile home tour with NG's producer Marlena Schiavo and TN, NG asked the grandmother about the bedroom door being open or closed. TN responded, "The bedroom door is always open."
"I'm embarrassed to say there's always laundry on the floor, Ms Nancy."

NG walkthrough with Marlaina Schaivo
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