Teresa Neves - Statements About Arrests & Her Opinion

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I think a mother or father can support their child without supporting their acts of violence. We saw it with Jeffrey Dahmer's father. Although he stood by his son, he didn't try to cover for him or explain away his despicable deeds. He did try to understand what went so terribly wrong.
Of all the people we have seen and heard from since Haleigh went missing, I think the one who is reallhy having a hard time dealing with it is Teresa. I think her grief is genuine, and I think what she knows is eating her alive. She is in a hard place. If she tells what she knows, someone may be arrested and brougt to trial. But if she knows something and doesn't tell, it will keep bothering her in all sorts of ways. I just hope one of these days the sheriff gets a call with Teresa saying, "I can't live with this any longer. I have to do this for precious Haleigh. This is what I think (know) happened.........."
Can Fields use this to get Misty off the hook? Misty wouldn't have sold drugs if LE hadn't set her up to do it, she's only eighteen, it's not fair etc.?
I've actually thought about this concerning Donna Brock. If it turns out, (I don't think it will), that Donna was undercover? what a mess for the prosecution. Because if she was undercover & supplied the pills for sale, those pills woud have essentially come from the police. They'd be supplying, & then buying back & then reselling their own pills. Wouldn't that be entrapment? I don't think that Donna was undercover for LE-maybe undercover for herself, for a book or something, or maybe she was just another pill head who needed extra money.
Of all the people we have seen and heard from since Haleigh went missing, I think the one who is reallhy having a hard time dealing with it is Teresa. I think her grief is genuine, and I think what she knows is eating her alive. She is in a hard place. If she tells what she knows, someone may be arrested and brougt to trial. But if she knows something and doesn't tell, it will keep bothering her in all sorts of ways. I just hope one of these days the sheriff gets a call with Teresa saying, "I can't live with this any longer. I have to do this for precious Haleigh. This is what I think (know) happened.........."

BBM..Hopefully, what she knows IS eating her alive...And IF she is in a hard place, I say good because she has totally disrespected Haleigh's life and her memory.. She has proven her one and ONLY concern is covering for her precious son and herself. She hasn't done one DAMN thing to honor Haleigh ...JMO
Whatever happened to all that stuff about Teresa being a sheriff's office dispatcher? Was that all a lie? tia
Of all the people we have seen and heard from since Haleigh went missing, I think the one who is reallhy having a hard time dealing with it is Teresa. I think her grief is genuine, and I think what she knows is eating her alive. She is in a hard place. If she tells what she knows, someone may be arrested and brougt to trial. But if she knows something and doesn't tell, it will keep bothering her in all sorts of ways. I just hope one of these days the sheriff gets a call with Teresa saying, "I can't live with this any longer. I have to do this for precious Haleigh. This is what I think (know) happened.........."

Sorry, I disagree. Teresa comes across to me who has a lot of guilt for not raising her own children and panned them off to Mrs. Sykes. She is a classic enabler trying to make up for lost time. IMO, her guilt is apparant. I never thought I would see an enabler like Jackie Peterson in my lifetime, but Teresa is right up there.
I've actually thought about this concerning Donna Brock. If it turns out, (I don't think it will), that Donna was undercover? what a mess for the prosecution. Because if she was undercover & supplied the pills for sale, those pills woud have essentially come from the police. They'd be supplying, & then buying back & then reselling their own pills. Wouldn't that be entrapment? I don't think that Donna was undercover for LE-maybe undercover for herself, for a book or something, or maybe she was just another pill head who needed extra money.

I'm not sure what you're asking, but I've wondered about drug sales by LE. There are members here who have worked these type of cases who can answer this better, but I would think if LE supplies drugs, they would have to track those drugs or make the bust at the time of the sale. The last bust with Ron and Misty, I believe was a sale from LE to R&M. They were then immediately busted. Is this how everyone reads it too?

Also, I don't think they would take Donna's drugs and resell them if that's what you're asking. I could be wrong on all of this, but it doesn't seem to me that LE would take on the liability of letting drugs they supplied out of their sight.
I used to feel sorry for TN, however, that was before I knew about her non-parenting skills. How could a MOTHER, a true and loving MOTHER put themselves and their agenda before their children!

It broke my heart when RC said something like, "I bet the sorriest day of your life is when I was born". TN gushin, no,no,no....and I never loved your sister more than you".
Perhaps not the exact words, but you get the picture. How did this affect him? Thinking his sister was loved more and she was so unhappy that she had him? A father and mother who were not even involved, or cared during his formitive, or later years.

I don't know if this is the reason RC turned out the way he did. I don't excuse him for anything. But the above part breaks my heart. And I'm sure I'll get tomatos....
Whatever happened to all that stuff about Teresa being a sheriff's office dispatcher? Was that all a lie? tia

According to Levi Page on his show last night, she used to be a dispatcher in another county. I don't believe he said which one.
According to Levi Page on his show last night, she used to be a dispatcher in another county. I don't believe he said which one.

It has been reported (somewhere?) that Teresa Neves worked as a dispatcher at one time (not recently) with the Alachua County Sheriff's Department.
Of all the people we have seen and heard from since Haleigh went missing, I think the one who is reallhy having a hard time dealing with it is Teresa. I think her grief is genuine, and I think what she knows is eating her alive. She is in a hard place. If she tells what she knows, someone may be arrested and brougt to trial. But if she knows something and doesn't tell, it will keep bothering her in all sorts of ways. I just hope one of these days the sheriff gets a call with Teresa saying, "I can't live with this any longer. I have to do this for precious Haleigh. This is what I think (know) happened.........."

IMO, I believe that is what killed Paul Van der Sloot.........STRESS of knowing and covering up the death of a beautiful girl for an evil son!
The hardest part of loving someone in my opinion is to watch them fall and stand by them so when they try to get up your hand is outreached..without trying to prevent the fall in the first place. I think she trys so hard to prevent him from falling that she never let him climb.
I used to feel sorry for TN, however, that was before I knew about her non-parenting skills. How could a MOTHER, a true and loving MOTHER put themselves and their agenda before their children!

It broke my heart when RC said something like, "I bet the sorriest day of your life is when I was born". TN gushin, no,no,no....and I never loved your sister more than you".
Perhaps not the exact words, but you get the picture. How did this affect him? Thinking his sister was loved more and she was so unhappy that she had him? A father and mother who were not even involved, or cared during his formitive, or later years.

I don't know if this is the reason RC turned out the way he did. I don't excuse him for anything. But the above part breaks my heart. And I'm sure I'll get tomatos....

not throwing anything at you here :) It IS heartbreaking on every level...I am an imperfect parent, raised my child myself and surely made mistakes--so I try hard to not judge...there but for the Grace of God and all that..and I am no"student" of the Anthony case...however, that said--the one thing I always noticed was that Cindy put KC ahead of Caylee and it pizzed me off HUGE...I see TN, regardless of the reasons, doing the same thing and that, I can't comprehend...JMO, MOO etc...
Of all the people we have seen and heard from since Haleigh went missing, I think the one who is reallhy having a hard time dealing with it is Teresa. I think her grief is genuine, and I think what she knows is eating her alive. She is in a hard place. If she tells what she knows, someone may be arrested and brougt to trial. But if she knows something and doesn't tell, it will keep bothering her in all sorts of ways. I just hope one of these days the sheriff gets a call with Teresa saying, "I can't live with this any longer. I have to do this for precious Haleigh. This is what I think (know) happened.........."

Makes you wonder what is eating at her more, grief or guilt? I'm sure that she feels a lot of grief about Haleigh but as it appears now, not enough grief to do what is right for Haleigh. At this point she appears willing to let Haleigh rot somewhere in order to protect her son. From the nauseating jail phone conversations Teresa is having with Ron, she is feeling more guilt and grief over where her precious son is residing right now than grief and guilt over Haleigh's demise and she is allowing her granddaughter to lie somewhere exposed to the elements in order to cover for her "son". This is what prevents me from feeling any compassion for her at all, but then I'm a real hard azz anyway.:furious:
I used to feel sorry for TN, however, that was before I knew about her non-parenting skills. How could a MOTHER, a true and loving MOTHER put themselves and their agenda before their children!

It broke my heart when RC said something like, "I bet the sorriest day of your life is when I was born". TN gushin, no,no,no....and I never loved your sister more than you".
Perhaps not the exact words, but you get the picture. How did this affect him? Thinking his sister was loved more and she was so unhappy that she had him? A father and mother who were not even involved, or cared during his formitive, or later years.

I don't know if this is the reason RC turned out the way he did. I don't excuse him for anything. But the above part breaks my heart. And I'm sure I'll get tomatos....

No Tomatoes (unless we can share a nice fresh green salad yum) but some of us grew up in nearly identical circumstances and it only made us try to be kinder, more loving people. I do think we all make choices.

Now you have me wanting a salad. Come on summer and get here!
The hardest part of loving someone in my opinion is to watch them fall and stand by them so when they try to get up your hand is outreached..without trying to prevent the fall in the first place. I think she trys so hard to prevent him from falling that she never let him climb.

I think she let him climb and fall; she just didn't let him get up from the fall by himself. She and GGMS always rushed in and picked him up.
Sorry, I disagree. Teresa comes across to me who has a lot of guilt for not raising her own children and panned them off to Mrs. Sykes. She is a classic enabler trying to make up for lost time. IMO, her guilt is apparant. I never thought I would see an enabler like Jackie Peterson in my lifetime, but Teresa is right up there.

I totally agree with your post. You're right...she is a classic enabler, and I have a hard time feeling any sympathy for her. I don't see her having 'real' tears for Haleigh.....only concern for her son. JMO
Of all the people we have seen and heard from since Haleigh went missing, I think the one who is reallhy having a hard time dealing with it is Teresa. I think her grief is genuine, and I think what she knows is eating her alive. She is in a hard place. If she tells what she knows, someone may be arrested and brougt to trial. But if she knows something and doesn't tell, it will keep bothering her in all sorts of ways. I just hope one of these days the sheriff gets a call with Teresa saying, "I can't live with this any longer. I have to do this for precious Haleigh. This is what I think (know) happened.........."
I think this might apply more to GGS than Teresa. From the beginning, Teresa has acted as if she were grieving a dead grandchild, & she has had a year to come to some kind of grips. Maybe her focus on Ron has made it easier? Now, GGS is a different story, in my eyes. But if push comes to shove, I don't know if she would speak up. Ron is afterall, in a lot of trouble & she might not want to make it worse. She might look @ the pen as the pen, regardless of why he is there.
I think this might apply more to GGS than Teresa. From the beginning, Teresa has acted as if she were grieving a dead grandchild, & she has had a year to come to some kind of grips. Maybe her focus on Ron has made it easier? Now, GGS is a different story, in my eyes. But if push comes to shove, I don't know if she would speak up. Ron is afterall, in a lot of trouble & she might not want to make it worse. She might look @ the pen as the pen, regardless of why he is there.
But if LE would garuntee a lighter sentence for information, she might just speak up. She's a realist & would look @ the big picture.
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