Terri very upset in the weeks before Kyron's disappearance

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Early on TH's mother said J was camping that weekend, but then he turned up at the Horman home on Saturday the 5th. Apparently we don't know the truth about where J really was or was supposed to be that weekend.
I agree, if true they're going to try to use this as motive (although IIRC a prosecutor doesn't have to prove motive).

But we know the boy moved out in March. So why did Kaine indicate otherwise? That he wasn't made to move out until after Kyron had disappeared???

I saw that interview too. Do you think Kaine misunderstood that question?
It seems appropriate to be upset that her child was being told he couldn't live with her anymore.

It becomes a stretch to suggest it then is reason for motive that Terri harmed Kyron.

I agree that it would be appropriate for Terri to be upset to hear that her son could not live there anymore. I disagree that it's a stretch for that to be motive for her to take Kyron for whatever her intention would be for him. I believe that people do things for revenge---both sexes.

The question I have, though, is just what was the straw that broke the camel's back? How long was this problem going on? We already know that the marriage was "stressed". Was this a ploy on K's part to get T and her son out of the house? Was T actually arguing and not getting along with her son, too? Was the son misbehaving (as we know teenagers can do) to the point where he was making homelife unbearable for a few family members and no one was doing anything about it? So many questions.
Early on TH's mother said J was camping that weekend, but then he turned up at the Horman home on Saturday the 5th. Apparently we don't know the truth about where J really was or was supposed to be that weekend.

Actually, we first heard he was there that Friday afternoon. It was subsequently changed in the narrative that he was there on that Saturday.
Wait a sec. KH said in an interview that they always sent the teen son to be with his dad every summer.

Now since the only person to say this aloud is Kaine, I tend to believe him. Terri has never said in press interviews that KH kicked her son out of the house -- only told this to friends.

I'd like to know if the teenage son went to his dad's last year, and years before that. OR, what happened for KH to kick him out. That detail I haven't read about.



It wasn't summer though. It was in March.

I'm just not understanding any of this.
If this IS true, then it would explain DY's hope that she just "stashed" Kyron, because I could never understand where that was coming from, but the "If my son can't live here, then neither can yours" would now make sense and that would be why DY thinks he is hidden away somewhere.
Terri's ex-husband, her son's father, said he, the son, moved out because he was butting heads with Kaine.

Yet Kaine says that the r/ship between J and Terri was not typical, and that he had to be the referee between them. And that J said he would want to live with Kaine if anything really bad ever happened. :waitasec:
Terri's ex-husband, her son's father, said he, the son, moved out because he was butting heads with Kaine.

Wow - thanks. From what KH has said, he was actually the mediator between mom and the teenage son.

Not explicitly stated as a Terri lie BUT SOMEONE has misled media/people to believe that J permanently moved out of the Horman home and in with his biological father several months before Kyron disappeared. Also, SOMEONE has led certain media to believe it was because of a bad relationship with Kaine. According to Kaine, this is all untrue. First, he states that J had not permanently moved out of their home, but that J spent the summers with his father. When Kyron went missing it was decided, due to what was happening in the Horman home and the investigation, it was best that J stay with his father. Kaine also states that the “friction” was mainly between J and Terri. While he admits that he and J butted heads at time from typical teenage boy/father role disagreements, he stated that he and J have a good relationship and that there were lots of times Kaine was having to act as mediator between Terri and J. Apparently Terri was not handling dealing with J well.

From this tid-bit, it would appear that Terri was not handling her son very well, and could very well be telling friends the opposite to make KH look bad?


I agree, if true they're going to try to use this as motive (although IIRC a prosecutor doesn't have to prove motive).

But we know the boy moved out in March. So why did Kaine indicate otherwise? That he wasn't made to move out until after Kyron had disappeared???

BBM. I don't think that is the case. I think J moved out of the Horman home in Mar (or maybe Jan, as someone mentioned the gp's saying). I think the issue Kaine was referring to was J staying for the summer.
JMO but I don't think things were rosy in the Horman household for awhile. Not blaming any one person, just in general.
Wow - thanks. From what KH has said, he was actually the mediator between mom and the teenage son.

Not explicitly stated as a Terri lie BUT SOMEONE has misled media/people to believe that J permanently moved out of the Horman home and in with his biological father several months before Kyron disappeared. Also, SOMEONE has led certain media to believe it was because of a bad relationship with Kaine. According to Kaine, this is all untrue. First, he states that J had not permanently moved out of their home, but that J spent the summers with his father. When Kyron went missing it was decided, due to what was happening in the Horman home and the investigation, it was best that J stay with his father. Kaine also states that the “friction” was mainly between J and Terri. While he admits that he and J butted heads at time from typical teenage boy/father role disagreements, he stated that he and J have a good relationship and that there were lots of times Kaine was having to act as mediator between Terri and J. Apparently Terri was not handling dealing with J well.

From this tid-bit, it would appear that Terri was not handling her son very well, and could very well be telling friends the opposite to make KH look bad?



That link talks about an interview with Kaine but I don't see video or transcripts of the interview. Did I miss it?
From Kimsters Problems of the forum post yesterday...........

The only ones that we can sleuth at this time are TH and DDS. They haven't been officially named by LE as suspects, but Tricia feels that there is enough MSM information out there to allow them to be sleuthed.

As for anyone else, you can make your own assumptions about their behavior, but it must be backed up by something you've seen in the MSM. This makes it hard because WW is coming out with all sorts of "family issue" type reporting. Just make sure you are staying within the realm of what is being reported as you post. Blatant statements that victims are responsible for Kyron's disappearance are not allowed unless something is reported in the MSM that makes such a statement.

Think about the statement from Rosemont Farms before you post about people in this case. That will help you a lot!

And comments about any minors in this case being involved are not allowed. Not even hints. :nono:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5496064&postcount=4"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - ***PLEASE READ - Current Forum Issues***#2[/ame]

Do not even go there about any minor having involvement.... This is serious. You may discuss only to the extent this article makes this comment.
another snip from that article:

Friends, who worked out with Terri Horman at that 24-Hour Fitness, testified before a grand jury Monday.

According to sources, the friends were not extremely close to Terri but they were close enough that Terri often confided in them with issues from her home.

Three grand jury witnesses declined to speak with reporters outside the Multnomah County Courthouse Monday. But all three, according to sources, are members of that 24-Hour Fitness.

This also makes it sound like these two weren't close enough to TH to have been part of the batphone trio. I assume these two are Leckey and Aleshire. Could it be that others were involved with the phone scenario? Sama, MC...and ??? or still others?
I know from experience that if a 16 yr. old boy is not getting along with a step-parent, they can make life miserable for their parent as well. If they butt heads with the stepdad, for instance, the mom steps in and tries to referee and they end up butting heads as well. Teenagers are hard to live with, for natural parents... put step-parents in the mix and it gets pretty difficult and sometimes almost impossible to get along.
I never did buy that story that the boy would choose to live with Kaine rather than his mom, though. Can't quite wrap my mind around that.
One thing I try to keep in mind is that what would be considered unusual tension or problems in one family could be seen as perfectly normal and not out of the ordinary in another. It just all depends on how people were raised and what they've experienced as "normal" in their lives. Even within the same family, there can be a wide difference of opinion on that point.
This thread will close to give everyone an opportunity to read once again these issues that were just posted yesterday. I will reopen after you have all once again read this post.

Sorry gave you only one post.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=111263"]***PLEASE READ - Current Forum Issues***#2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Post responsibly please ........ this case seems to be breaking and we want you all with us when it does. :grouphug:

opening thread.
In Linky:

Terri’s son did move out of the home in March.

Friends, who worked out with Terri Horman at that 24-Hour Fitness, testified before a grand jury Monday.

According to sources, the friends were not extremely close to Terri but they were close enough that Terri often confided in them with issues from her home.

Three grand jury witnesses declined to speak with reporters outside the Multnomah County Courthouse Monday. But all three, according to sources, are members of that 24-Hour Fitness.

Here's the interview about the son:

It's the 25 minute audio interview from the Oregonian (MSM) with Kaine and Desiree. Go to the 20 minute mark.

Here's part I just transcribed:

Reporter: Why was (son) sent to Roseburg?

Kaine: Well he spends the summer with his Dad and so he was up because of what was happening and he was here for a week and then he went back down and I think based on the media frenzy at the time it was decided it was best if he wasn't here just to get him out of that environment.
Let me clarify you can discuss what has been in MSM but you may not sleuth Terri's son nor link to blogs, FB or otherwise sleuth. Anything that has been in MSM is OK just don't hint to anything else please. :)

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