Terri very upset in the weeks before Kyron's disappearance

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Here's the Willamette Week article (check w/mods if this is considered MSM please. Gram, can you clarify on Willamette Week please? Thanks :blowkiss:):

Tarver says Terri Moulton Horman sent the boy to Roseburg in March this year because his grades were slipping and he was acting out at home.

“He and Kaine on occasion butted heads, because J is hard-headed,” Tarver says.

Trouble hit home again when Kyron disappeared. The day after Kyron vanished, Tarver says, J went to the Hormans’ house for a previously planned weeklong visit.

Tarver says on June 8, four days after Kyron disappeared, J called him from the Hormans’ house and mentioned Terri Moulton Horman had taken a polygraph test.


Tarver says when J mentioned the polygraph to him over the phone, he heard Terri Moulton Horman begin yelling in the background to be quiet and not reveal anything more. Given the intense media scrutiny, the family agreed J should return to Roseburg, Tarver says.

Yet Kaine says that the r/ship between J and Terri was not typical, and that he had to be the referee between them. And that J said he would want to live with Kaine if anything really bad ever happened. :waitasec:

Yeah, something definitely isn't adding up with regard to Terri's son, why he moved out, and with whom he butted heads. If you discount Terri because she is a liar, and Kaine because he doesn't want to be presented in a bad light, then you still have J's father. He obviously knows why his son moved in with him after being raised by Terri for all of his life prior to this year. He gave an interview and stated that J butted heads with Kaine. Why would he lie? Why would he be confused?
Reporter: Why was (son) sent to Roseburg?

Kaine: Well he spends the summer with his Dad and so he was up because of what was happening and he was here for a week and then he went back down and I think based on the media frenzy at the time it was decided it was best if he wasn't here just to get him out of that environment.
So Kaine lied?

Why would he do that?

Herding Cats
Thanks BeanE...that's exactly the info I was recalling earlier!
Yeah, something definitely isn't adding up with regard to Terri's son, why he moved out, and with whom he butted heads. If you discount Terri because she is a liar, and Kaine because he doesn't want to be presented in a bad light, then you still have J's father. He obviously knows why his son moved in with him after being raised by Terri for all of his life prior to this year. He gave an interview and stated that J butted heads with Kaine. Why would he lie? Why would he be confused?

And Tarver also said Terri sent J to live there. And it looks like it was confirmed as being last March.
Okay, we have Kaine and Tarver above and their timeframes, now we have the new article:

According to the acquaintance, Terri Horman came to a 24-Hour Fitness a month to two months before Kyron disappeared and said Terri was furious, and kept complaining to anyone who would listen, that Kaine was allegedly making her teenage son move out.


A month before Kyron disappeared would be May 4. Two months before would be April 4. Above says March, but doesn't say what part of March. Kaine says for the summer, but March is not summer, nor is April, nor is May.

Confusion reigns.
So Kaine lied?

Why would he do that?

Herding Cats

It sounds to me like Kaine and Terri's ex (J's father) were basically saying the same thing. J is 16, hard-headed, butting heads with the adults in his life... left shortly after Kyron's abduction.
One thing to consider is that IF a person is capable of disappearing a child, they're certainly capable of telling stories about goings-on in their home. It's possible whatever Tarver knows, he was told by Terri (i.e., may not have had any conversations at all with Kaine about the matter).
I think it's really awful and stressful that a teen boy would allegedly prefer to live with the step parent instead of his mom who's raised him or his real dad. What on earth was going on for that subject to even come up? That shows some bad marital trouble or mental manipulation going on with this kid. I believe the teen's Dad, that he was butting heads with Kaine, because the Dad is the one who has talked to the boy. To take a teen out of school early and send him to another location and change of schools is not good. If this kids was an Eagle Scout, how bad could his behavior have been to do that. I've got a feeling that his behavior was just fine and there's something fishy about all this. Poor Kyron and brother.
An acquaintance of Terri Horman, who asked to remain anonymous, said Monday Terri was very upset in the weeks before Kyron vanished because she said her husband, Kaine, was making her teenage son move out of the couple’s Portland home.

According to the acquaintance, Terri Horman came to a 24-Hour Fitness a month to two months before Kyron disappeared and said Terri was furious, and kept complaining to anyone who would listen, that Kaine was allegedly making her teenage son move out.

Terri’s son did move out of the home in March.

Friends, who worked out with Terri Horman at that 24-Hour Fitness, testified before a grand jury Monday.

According to sources, the friends were not extremely close to Terri but they were close enough that Terri often confided in them with issues from her home.

*********much more at link


That doesnt even make sense to me. So a month to two months before he went missing Terri was complaining that he was making her son move out when in reality he had ALREADY moved out.
I tell you what, I don't know who or what to believe anymore.

We have a lot of people here saying they were fence sitters for a long time and now are off and think TH is involved.

I was never a fence sitter. I thought TH was involved from the get-go.

NOW... I am a fence sitter.

I cannot believe that any other person could possibly have the motivation to remove Kyron from his father and his family home. I can't wrap my mind around it.

Off of the fence, I believed everyone but TH. But now I don't know if I believe KH. Perhaps HE really was the reason that J was forced to move out. HE could be lying.

Where is Kyron???
Okay, we have Kaine and Tarver above and their timeframes, now we have the new article:

According to the acquaintance, Terri Horman came to a 24-Hour Fitness a month to two months before Kyron disappeared and said Terri was furious, and kept complaining to anyone who would listen, that Kaine was allegedly making her teenage son move out.


A month before Kyron disappeared would be May 4. Two months before would be April 4. Above says March, but doesn't say what part of March. Kaine says for the summer, but March is not summer, nor is April, nor is May.

Confusion reigns.

I could easily see his wanting to leave the poor fella out of it as much as possible and not to say anything that would reflect negatively on him in the least. Maybe it was just that he was sent to the dad earlier than he normally would have been because of a bit of acting up or tension with either/both TH and KH, but with the option to return after the summer.

My instinct is that he just didn't want to say anything that would in any way cast any aspersions on the young man or drag him deeper into this mess, even if they butted heads like crazy. There are just so many (too many!) potentials for some of the things we've heard/read in this case. Just offering some possibilities that popped to mind. Thanks for finding that article! :)
Yeah, something definitely isn't adding up with regard to Terri's son, why he moved out, and with whom he butted heads. If you discount Terri because she is a liar, and Kaine because he doesn't want to be presented in a bad light, then you still have J's father. He obviously knows why his son moved in with him after being raised by Terri for all of his life prior to this year. He gave an interview and stated that J butted heads with Kaine. Why would he lie? Why would he be confused?

I don't think he lied. I think maybe Terri lied. I suspect she controlled communication with father Tarver.

Living with a 16 year old boy myself at the moment, sometimes when they get mad, they don't know WHO they're mad at. It would be easy for Terri to describe scenes to her ex-husband that made it sound like Kaine was to blame.

I am going to guess that J butted heads with both of them, and that the family dynamics in that house were complex, to say the least.
Sorry, Herding...not following you. How does that indicate that he was lying? Thanks :)

Honestly? I'm not following a lot of this either. LOL. But aren't we hearing several different stories about when J was sent away to live? And one said March, another said the day after Kyron disappeared, and others testified at the GJ that it was several months ago that TH was mad at Kaine that he was making her son go away.

So for Kaine to say "yeah, well, aside from a few little burps, everything was fine in my marriage...", to me, is probably a lie. But mostly, I am wondering if he's lying about when J was sent away, why he was sent away (typical summer at his Dad's or butting heads w/ Kaine...), and most importantly, why he was sent away.

So I'm confused as all heck, but I've had lightbulbs going off tonight, so maybe I'm jumping the gun...which has been known to happen. I just think that there is something which is not tracking at all in this whole J story...and I can't quite figure it out, or understand why there would be lies told about it, regardless of who told the lies.

Does that help? Or at least clarify that I am completely lost? LOL.

Herding Cats
Terri was very upset in the weeks before Kyron vanished because she said her husband, Kaine, was making her teenage son move out of the couple’s Portland home.


Bingo, and there it is.

Don't "BINGO" yet. Remember, Terri is a practiced a frequent liar. She might have said this to people at the gym for the attention/ drama/ effect, it could be a lie. I have also heard accounts that Terri herself sent her son to live with his dad or his grandparents.....so who knows what the real truth is?
One thing to consider is that IF a person is capable of disappearing a child, they're certainly capable of telling stories about goings-on in their home. It's possible whatever Tarver knows, he was told by Terri (i.e., may not have had any conversations at all with Kaine about the matter).

Well I would imagine he had some conversations with J about what was going on and when etc. I don't know why we'd assume that all info came from Terri. J is a teenager, not a young child. And Tarver knows timeframes because he's got J coming and going into his own home - that's not just something told him by Terri.
I think I posted in the wrong thread. I'm so lost. Sorry.
Honestly? I'm not following a lot of this either. LOL. But aren't we hearing several different stories about when J was sent away to live? And one said March, another said the day after Kyron disappeared, and others testified at the GJ that it was several months ago that TH was mad at Kaine that he was making her son go away.

So for Kaine to say "yeah, well, aside from a few little burps, everything was fine in my marriage...", to me, is probably a lie. But mostly, I am wondering if he's lying about when J was sent away, why he was sent away (typical summer at his Dad's or butting heads w/ Kaine...), and most importantly, why he was sent away.

So I'm confused as all heck, but I've had lightbulbs going off tonight, so maybe I'm jumping the gun...which has been known to happen. I just think that there is something which is not tracking at all in this whole J story...and I can't quite figure it out, or understand why there would be lies told about it, regardless of who told the lies.

Does that help? Or at least clarify that I am completely lost? LOL.

Herding Cats

Thank you! :) It IS extremely difficult in this case to make heads or tails of some of what has been said.

I think I might be able to clarify one thing (maybe): As far as Kaine saying he was sent away after Kyron disappeared, I don't believe he meant that was the first he'd been sent to his dad. What he was referring to was the visit the child was supposed to be having with them. He came and stayed for a bit after Kyron went missing, but they decided because of all the hoopla, it would be best for him to go back to his dad's. So I don't think that particular point was a contradiction.

The rest of it :crazy::crazy::crazy: -- who the heck knows.
Okay, I haven't read through all of the thread yet, so my apologies if someone else has already said this. But things are starting to click in my head. KH & TH's repeated comments that they believe that Kyron is being held somewhere....is starting to make sense. They believe that Terri sent Kyron away somewhere since her son was sent away by Kaine. It was an act of revenge against Kaine.

I'm going to tie in with another thread here, but it all kind of connects together in my mind. MSM is reporting that an adult was in the white truck while TH & Kyron were inside the school. This 3rd person may have been there to subdue Kyron while TH drove away. This person may have stuck Kyron into another vehicle and drove away. So now they are looking for this person becuase they believe they may still have Kyron alive somewhere.

This is all entirely speculation, but for the first time in about 9 weeks....I have a glimmer of hope that Kyron might actually still be alive.

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