Terri's Emails to Desiree

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With four and five daily emails between Terri and Desiree, surely there is discussion regarding the date and purpose of Kyron's doctor appointment.

LE must know by now the contents of their emails. I wish we were privy to what LE knows.
With four and five daily emails between Terri and Desiree, surely there is discussion regarding the date and purpose of Kyron's doctor appointment.

LE must know by now the contents of their emails. I wish we were privy to what LE knows.

I was thinking that too, that with so many emails on a daily basis, all that week, you would think there would have been some mention in there of an upcoming doctor's appointment, even if it was just a routine eye check or something like that.

The other thing I wish we knew is if there was anything in the emails that week about Terri driving to drop Kyron off to Desiree that Friday for the fishing trip. I'd really like a few more details on that, e.g., what time, and why Terri was supposed to do the driving, how it fit with the outing for ice cream and Kyron playing Wii with Kaine.
Yes, I think the emails will give a good insight into Desiree and Terri's relationship.

ETA: I assume Desiree pays Kyron's health insurance, so she'd need to know about any upcoming appointments in order to make sure it was covered under her plan. My mom always had to let my dad know before, unless it was an emergency of course.
Um, I thought these two didn't really like each other - or at least Desiree didn't like TH? So why not shut down these long chatty emails a long time ago?

FR; Probably because when your child is under someone else's care, you do what you can to maintain peace and civility. (jmo)

DY seems to be the type that thinks first and only says something derogatory if it's necessary. (imo) So I would imagine if the step mom were sending her long chatty emails it's just as easy to be nice about them rather than "shutting them down", which could involve hurt feelings, and possibly have that taken out on her child. (moo)
Let's face it... any deviation from Terri's normal behavior would be suspicious in the mom's eyes. But, I agree with Debs... if Terri had sent long, detailed emails, she would be accused of having no sense of urgency and acting like everything was okay when it clearly was not. I don't think she could do anything right, at that point.

I'm listening again to an audio of this email thing. Desiree states that she got 3 or 4 very short to the point emails from Terri "That day" and it was unlike Terri. She was usually "chit chatty" (Desiree's phrase) and "verbose" (Kaine's phrase). BUT!!!! A couple minutes later, Desiree states that she'd actually gotten 3 of them the night before (Thursday) and only ANSWERED them on that Friday. One was about the science fair, another one was about T-shirts (Desiree states as an aside to Kaine that she didn't know what that was about and she meant to ask him later on). Here's the link:
I'm listening again to an audio of this email thing. Desiree states that she got 3 or 4 very short to the point emails from Terri "That day" and it was unlike Terri. She was usually "chit chatty" (Desiree's phrase) and "verbose" (Kaine's phrase). BUT!!!! A couple minutes later, Desiree states that she'd actually gotten 3 of them the night before (Thursday) and only ANSWERED them on that Friday. One was about the science fair, another one was about T-shirts (Desiree states as an aside to Kaine that she didn't know what that was about and she meant to ask him later on). Here's the link:
are you kidding me?? was Terri inquiring about t-shirts before she even knew Kyron was missing??? could she have been under so much pressure scheduling the disappearance that she actually slipped up and started picking up info on an event that hadn't even taken place yet? I hope this is a huge break for the case but it's probably nothing. I wouldn't be surprised though if she actually did screw up on one tiny detail like this. that would be truly poetic.
Desiree doesn't seem to believe it was regarding Kyron is missing tee shirts. She in fact passed it off as yet another one of Terri's inconsequential emails not worth time looking into
are you kidding me?? was Terri inquiring about t-shirts before she even knew Kyron was missing??? could she have been under so much pressure scheduling the disappearance that she actually slipped up and started picking up info on an event that hadn't even taken place yet? I hope this is a huge break for the case but it's probably nothing. I wouldn't be surprised though if she actually did screw up on one tiny detail like this. that would be truly poetic.

OMG, I seriously doubt she was referring to "Kyron's missing T-shirts". LOL
Here's a rough draft of what was talked about in 25 minute interview. The notes I typed in as the interview was played. more detail of course in actual audio interview....

timeline cannot be discussed
90 minute window of time, terri said that cell pings did not match where she was.
came from terri directly. she mentioned the teething and driving around
kaone left 745am, last saw kyron. lil after 8. left at145, got home a lil after 2
terris demeanor-sitting in her chair, emailing and facebook
emailing desiree
supposedly to pick up science project.. didnt make sense
she did take it in the truck..
her story was she had walked thru, set up thursday.
didnt make sense, she didnt bring sense
emailed desiree that she was going to find out when she could pick up project so that desiree could see it.
told about fair, showed pics of kyron. kiara playing in her room, grabbed eat and work in office upstairs
terri was very communicative with desiree,1 sentence emails to dy. abnormal because usually quite wordy and long.3-4 emails. science project, t shirts(that dy still hasnt gotten) irrelevant
no one knows what and where she was doing.. no way to track, no reason to track her.
who said they met up? dede spicher&terri? we didnt know they met up
cant really answere factually about s dede involved. but motherly instinct tells me she involved.
dede smug about questions about kyron. not cooperating
terri knows where kyron is
each friend has a piece of info as to where kyron is. all together where, who, and when
one of terris friends.helped put 40th bday together, every 6mos or so. seemed nice. i dont know.
terri's deception.asking kaine do u want meto talk about? hesitant,
not friends, did not hire to help with kyron.
deception about affair, everything that whole yr or two is all made up
lies about drinking, taking doses far exceeding, drinking herself to sleep every night
made comments that alcohol levels were down at their homes when staying with guests outta town. after dui, more recently
not diagnosed as ppd. told kaine thats what she had, dont know meds
sounds as though kaine believes she was definitely drinking again
where terri got 350,000? very vocal that she paid 350,000
is she asking for terri? no. her demeanor is, she's a whole new kid.
how did u meet terri? not gonna talk about it, we both have our interpretations, but we are united in finding kyron
steroids, not to my understanding. transformation 185 to 123 jan-april 2005 to compete in one contest,only body building.
james spends the summer with his dad. came up when kyron went missing then sent back because of stress back to dads for summer. kaine more structured than terri(per dy) he and terri had alot of problems, said he wanted to live with kaine if something were to happen..
every other weekend, with desiree, split holidays and summers (6 weeks each)


Okay ... Was Baby K teething or was it an earache?
I did. I don't feel like I'm a needy person, but I just wanted to make sure the lines of communication were open all the time regarding the boys. (Hubs had been basically raising them on his own since they were 3 & 4 yo.) I had the honor of raising my two (step) sons from elem school age and their bio-mom lived several states away. The communication situation, for us, was just more comfortable for hubs (except for the child support part; not my business really since it was decided long before I came into the picture).

I didn't update her daily, maybe once or twice a month, as well as phone calls about the same depending on what was going on. We were comfortable talking to each other because I made sure she felt that she could call me anytime and she was grateful for the way I was raising her boys. (I won't go into why; however, she willingly gave up custody so she could live her life as a single person.)

We always showed a united front in all matters concerning the boys' discipline, education, etc. If there were ever any disagreements or misunderstandings, they were always worked out privately. Most times she deferred to us for obvious reasons. The boys soon learned she was the "Disney" mom, which we felt was actually very sad.

Now that their in their late 20's, we rarely talk to her; but then again, there's really no need to communicate on a regular basis. If I had met her under different circumstances (i.e., neighbor, co-worker), I seriously doubt we would have been friends -- different morals and all.

You did the right thing and should be proud.

I was always in close communication with my ex-husband and also my husband's ex-wife and still am to this day. It was very important to us that all of our children knew there was absolutely no conflict between us. It has gone extremely well for 27 years. We always have been united when it came to our children. Even now and they are grown.

We attend birthday parties together and even invite them over for Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner. We wouldn't have it any other way because it has turned out to be a wonderful experience for our children and to this day they feel so relaxed when all of us are together. There is absolutely no petty animosity between us. History is history and should be set aside where it belongs when it comes to doing what is right for our children, imo.

If I had email as a tool of communication back then I would have utilized it quite often. It would give me the abilities to keep the other parents abreast of things they should know. I sure wish I had had the option to send them photos via email too.

Imo, Terri did the most communication outreach rather than Kaine. I imagine often she is the one that traveled to meet Desiree when it was her weekend to have Kyron.


Okay ... Was Baby K teething or was it an earache?

Here's a post that points to where Kaine acknowledged that she was teething:
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5511052&postcount=194"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Where Terri parked at the school[/ame]

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