Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #10 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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CNN Live, Anderson Cooper (TV)
Susan Candiotti - the widow of TT has indicated to the ME that she is interested in taking possession of the body.
I do not know where she obtained her shoes or her pricey looking handbag, etc. BUT I do know that the obvious having clothing and accessory items that are more expensive than one would expect to see on a welfare recipient (And believe me, I have nothing against someone who needs welfare. I have personally assisted numerous single mothers who were trying to better themselves by obtaining for them clothing, coats, boots, and other items they badly needed at the time.)

Interestingly, this is nothing new either. Within several of the published descriptions of Older Bomber when he was boxing- 2009 and 2010- he is described as being quite the "dandy" and "dressing like a rock star". White snakeskin boots? A long white silk scarf? There is a photo of him all over the internet with some kind of a white fur thingy around his neck. Sort of like Johnny Weir, the figure skater. (I like Johnny, by the way)

Yet in every single description of this guy, no matter where it comes from, we never hear of any job whatsoever other than delivering pizzas. (Listed on marriage license as a "driver".) And even that, has any pizza place come forward and said "Yes, he worked for us"? If so, I have not seen it reported.

This apparently healthy man was here in the US for 10 years and other than collecting welfare benefits all he ever did for work was deliver pizza.

I hope one day we learn the REAL story of what this guy was doing during his 10 years here. Because somehow I think there is a lot missing so far. And whatever is missing has been missing for some time now.
I have many personal thoughts on this case. It is extremely hard to stick to the facts especially when the media has reported so much untruth & LE as well. Thus one can make many educated inferences with regards to this case. Educated inferences are all that they are, not facts. I think we can all remember one very influential cofounder & CEO of Apple Inc. that did not have a college degree. Let's stick to the facts.

We can talk about the facts and discuss our observations and opinions.
CNN Live, Anderson Cooper (TV)
Susan Candioti - the widow of TT has indicated to the ME that she is interested in taking possession of the body.

i just heard that. yet an hour ago on Fox they said she didn't want to claim him and wanted him returned to his parents in Russia. who knows.....
i just heard that. yet an hour ago on Fox they said she didn't want to claim him and wanted him returned to his parents in Russia. who knows.....

That said that 30 minutes ago on CNN too.
I watched it live. Had a banner at the bottom saying she wanted the body to go to the family.

Wonder what changed in the CNN newsroom within the last half hour.

Ironically, I agree with folks here, in this thread, some of whom drove me nuts on other cases. That's the beauty of Websleuth's.

This case and this family brings out all kinds of emotion and opinion.
Yes, absolutely! So long as there is a clear understanding between the two.

Of course.
I've seen no problem with that here.

Just discussion and trying to understand the madness.

Everyday there's multiple developments.
Nice of you to sell so low!

We have no ideas of where her shoes came from. (Some could be gifts from parents, but most of us doubt her entire wardrobe is.) Or her clothes, or her bag, but it is all very expensive for someone solely supporting a husband and child, with no college degree. I think that is the point. And his trips and purchases.

In it's totality, they had more coming in, it would seem, then what we have been informed of.

Yes, though if it was through drug-trafficking, again...it may not be something she was even aware of, let alone, involved in. My own thoughts on KRT (from what limited info I've picked up) are that she is/was living a bit in her own world, maybe a "head in the sand" existence, steeped in religiosity, care for her daughter, and working a lot (if the accounts are true--it'll be easy enough to support that claim with W-2 forms come trial time, so it seems hardly likely her atty would see any advantage to lying about that presently.)

Sounds like she wasn't terribly happy in her marriage, but was (due to religious beliefs) sticking it out, though perhaps able to escape her situation somewhat through frequently staying with her parents, and through excessive religious practice and work (also bringing in some sort of steady income when her husband wasn't).

Her parents no doubt were able to buy her gifts from time to time, so I don't read a whole lot into what brand shoes she might be wearing. Though I'm not terribly label conscious (lol, I don't even recognize the shoe brand everyone is talking about), I do quite often find designer brands at our local thrift store, which I'll buy IF I like the way they fit/look. Often these have been worn once, then discarded by their bored owners. I can't assume she'd never shop at thrift stores just b/c of her well-to-background; we're financially comfortable, but I still carry my tight-budget habits with me wherever I go. They are the reason we are now (finally) able to have some breathing space.
IMO, it isn't surprising that a young man was involved in this crime. According to the FBI, 38% of all murders are committed by 18-24 year olds (source: http://bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/htus8008.pdf). I'm guessing males comprise 99% of that number.

Young men tend toward violence. Why? Probably because there is some evolutionary advantage in exhibiting violent behavior. That certainly was the case throughout human history, and DT only had to see the women fighting over his "loser" brother for evidence of that fact in modern times. The reality is DT's has many more female admirers now that he's one of the Boston Bombers than he did when he was a nice kid at UMASS-Podunkville. Such is the human condition.

Of course, I'm not suggesting DT thought out all that I've written. I'm suggesting he acted impulsively. It was probably his brother who was the mastermind behind the operation.


Don't you think a majority of those murders are related to people they know and their own age? The stats say a very high proportion are. What happens if we take gang violence out of the picture. The stats also say 70.2 % are gang related if I'm reading it correctly.

"From 1980 to 2008, among all homicide victims....More than half (56.4%) of male murder victims were killed by an acquaintance"

I believe that goes up for the age group you have cited.

I don't buy the evolutionary advantage angle of violence at all. It's culture and socioeconomics.
Really detailed article about TT's trip to Russia, his sudden departure, and his association with Plotnikov.

Russia had Elder Boston Suspect Under Surveillance http://shar.es/l2hBh via @sharethis #boston #suspect #bombing

Plotnikov's is a particularly shocking case, since his family was Christian, and didn't encourage his radicalizaition in any way.
That said that 30 minutes ago on CNN too.
I watched it live. Had a banner at the bottom saying she wanted the body to go to the family.

Wonder what changed in the CNN newsroom within the last half hour.


The only way I can figure it is, maybe she, as the widow, has to first claim it in order to then allow his relatives to have it.
I saw a banner on CNN earlier that KRT wished for TT's remains to be turned over to the T family and now I just heard on Anderson Cooper that KRT wants the remains of her husband and that a local mosque was contacted re: a service; but they referred whomever called to a funeral home because they want to distance themselves from a connection between Islam and violence.
I saw a banner on CNN earlier that KRT wished for TT's remains to be turned over to the T family and now I just heard on Anderson Cooper that KRT wants the remains of her husband and that a local mosque was contacted re: a service; but they referred whomever called to a funeral home because they want to distance themselves from a connection between Islam and violence.

We're watching the same show. :) Yes, I heard that mosque comment as I was typing. Sounds like it's still very convoluted.
There was a spokesman, Bob Baer (?sp), former CIA Officer to the Middle East, on AC 360 that feels (speculating) that the bombing devices were complicated enough that there had to be accomplices involved. He stated that there would have had to have been dry runs in order to test the trigger device in order to make sure it could detonate from a distance. He claims that there was some sophistication involved because the detonator was elaborately constructed and complicated enough that one spark could have set the whole thing off at any time during making and transporting. Further, he feels the bombing went off too smoothly.
TT did visit Russia and spend six months there. I would not be surprised at all if he got some training while there. I don't think these bombs involved a lot of training, but he probably did get some hands on experience, and not just build them off the internet.
Re: Violence
It seems, in this case, there is a family who has been on the run from violence and a violent town or towns. There is a mother who seems unbalanced who appears to lack compassion, honesty and integrity. Then there seems to be a generational history of domestic violence with TT against his GF and probably KRT, the sister who was beaten by her husband, the sister that hit and was hit by her partner, the screaming and yelling reported by neighbors, mom beating her own chest and pounding the table, AT (Dad) saying something to the effect that apparently, "you can't hit women there." Neighbors also reported yelling coming from the apartment even when the T parents lived in there. Then you have the two sons setting off bombs amongst women, children young and elderly people. Reports had both TT's ex GF and KRT yelling as well.

There is quite a history of violence in that family and the extended family. DT was no doubt a witness to quite a bit of it.
TT did visit Russia and spend six months there. I would not be surprised at all if he got some training while there. I don't think these bombs involved a lot of training, but he probably did get some hands on experience, and not just build them off the internet.

It also looks like Russia had him under surveillance for a good amount of time, but lost him towards the end of his visit. It was reported that TT was in Russia to obtain another passport, but returned to the USA before getting it.
This is a really thought-provoking piece on the whole issue of Mirandizing a suspect, specifically in DT's case. Just an excerpt from the third update:
"He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself." ~ Thomas Paine, 1795

That's the same principle that led then-lawyer-and-revolutionary John Adams to vigorously defend five British soldiers (of the hated occupying army) accused of one of the most notorious crimes of the revolutionary period: the 1770 murder of five colonists in Boston as part of the so-called Boston Massacre. As the ACLU explained, no lawyers were willing to represent the soldiers because "of the virulent anti-British sentiment in Boston" and "Adams later wrote that he risked infamy and even death, and incurred much popular suspicion and prejudice."

Ultimately, Adams called his defense of these soldiers "one of the most gallant, generous, manly and disinterested actions of my whole life, and one of the best pieces of service I ever rendered my country." That's because Adams understood what Paine understood: if you permit the government to trample upon the basic rights of those whom you hate, then you're permitting the government to trample upon those rights in general, for everyone.

This is not a platitude they were invoking but an undeniable historical truth. Governments know that their best opportunity to institutionalize rights violations is when they can most easily manipulate the public into acquiescing to them by stoking public emotions of contempt against the individual target. For the reasons Paine and Adams explained, it is exactly in such cases - when public rage finds its most intense expression - when it is necessary to be most vigilant in defense of those rights.


According to this article, DT repeatedly asked for a lawyer, but interrogators ignored him, continuing with questioning for 16 hours. If true, this could have serious repercussions for both this case as well as setting a questionable precedent for future court cases.
The bombs were "run off of the speed controls of a toy car. There were all sorts of command detonates signal tests they needed to do." -Bob Baer, former CIA Officer to Middle East. He states that he was told by FBI today that they don't believe the two could have acted alone.
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