Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #11 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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I share your concerns for future terror acts within our borders, but take heart,
I firmly believe the suspicion and lack of support for our LE is a minority with an agenda. It is just so easy for anyone today to communicate hate and dissent via these public boards, but it doesn't mean they are in the majority, or for that matter even American. The good people of Boston will continue to hold the Boston Marathon, and every day I see those who have lost limbs continue to publicly demonstrate their American spirit at ball games, and public outings!

I don't understand these posts about "lack of support" for LE and agenda?
My personal "agenda" when I get interested in a case is how could this happen?how could it been prevented?what was going on in the suspects minds?
I'm interested in this particular case on many levels.First of because it was sooo horrific,because it happened at such an innocent event,an international event that to me represents we are one world.
I want to know how could they do this? And could it have been prevented?
The triple murder is also interesting to me,because it is so odd and someone out there knows what the weed that was left behind and the cash meant.Was it some sort of warning? I was excited when I thought we were closer to some answers but now IT is dead.And yes,that upsets me.
I think asking questions,being critical,wanting the truth is important in any situation in general and when sleuthing a crime it's essential,it's what we like to do.And our thoughts are free to lead us in all sorts of different directions.That's the beauty of discussing these cases ,everyone has their own point of views.
Should I feel ashamed because I'm not American ? No ,I'm not.I love this country and I agree,whoever doesn't should not live here.
Everyone has different backgrounds,my dad for example was of German decent but his people lived in Yugoslavia for hundreds of years.After WW2 they had to flee the country,they were prosecuted in retaliation of the horrible things the Germans did,just because they were of German descend.My grandma was raped and killed,my dad's baby brother thrown into a river.
Before this case I did not know much about people from Chechnya and again I see this senseless killing and crimes against humanity.
I know it sounds naive,but why can't we all just be one world? Why does everyone have to think I am better than anyone else,isn't that's what's causing all this pain in the first place? It's a never ending circle.
I'm sorry about the long post and I sort of forgot the point I was trying to make.Anyways I always feel as if I'm being accused of what I don't know when I post here and I want to be able to freely express my opinions.
I guess "you may say I'm a dreamer......":seeya:
IMO one of the biggest problems surrounding this incident was the delay on the part of the FBI in releasing and official statement to the press. The early, incorrect reports were based on quotes by people who "were not authorized to speak about the incident". Meaning they are lower level people who have "heard something" and are willing to share it. In addition, within the published accounts, incorrect terminology was used at times. I noticed the word "stand off" is used in the above posted article. There was never any stand off.

I know that traditionally the FBI has been slow to share the facts of any FBI-involved incident with the press. They really need to review this strategy in this age of the internet, blogs, texting, and tweeting.

I think the FBI should have just make an early, brief, and correct statement. Then there is a headline for a day that says "FBI shoots suspected murderer 6 times" and by the next day any further updates are on Page 31 of the newspaper.

Oh, and for whoever mentioned it, yes, it has been established in the past that reporters (and trial lawyers) read here at websleuths. What better place for them to get a feel for public opinion on an issue or story without having to navigate the numerous obscenity-laden posts that appear on so many sites?

I had a class on how to respond to the media during a disaster situation. The man that taught the class has underwent several disasters and was PR to the media. He said you have to feed information to the media on a regular basis or they will make things up. It's just sad. One disaster involved victims being put in a local hospital and having to lock down the hospital just to keep reporters out of the hospital and away from the victims. He said reporters dressed as chaplains, janitors, nurses, etc to try to gain access into the hospital. I absolutely couldn't believe media was like this. So I am not even sure they had sources and didn't just make things up in the days after the bombings. Truly ridiculous.

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I don't understand these posts about "lack of support" for LE and agenda?
My personal "agenda" when I get interested in a case is how could this happen?how could it been prevented?what was going on in the suspects minds?
I'm interested in this particular case on many levels.First of because it was sooo horrific,because it happened at such an innocent event,an international event that to me represents we are one world.
I want to know how could they do this? And could it have been prevented?
The triple murder is also interesting to me,because it is so odd and someone out there knows what the weed that was left behind and the cash meant.Was it some sort of warning? I was excited when I thought we were closer to some answers but now IT is dead.And yes,that upsets me.
I think asking questions,being critical,wanting the truth is important in any situation in general and when sleuthing a crime it's essential,it's what we like to do.And our thoughts are free to lead us in all sorts of different directions.That's the beauty of discussing these cases ,everyone has their own point of views.
Should I feel ashamed because I'm not American ? No ,I'm not.I love this country and I agree,whoever doesn't should not live here.
Everyone has different backgrounds,my dad for example was of German decent but his people lived in Yugoslavia for hundreds of years.After WW2 they had to flee the country,they were prosecuted in retaliation of the horrible things the Germans did,just because they were of German descend.My grandma was raped and killed,my dad's baby brother thrown into a river.
Before this case I did not know much about people from Chechnya and again I see this senseless killing and crimes against humanity.
I know it sounds naive,but why can't we all just be one world? Why does everyone have to think I am better than anyone else,isn't that's what's causing all this pain in the first place? It's a never ending circle.
I'm sorry about the long post and I sort of forgot the point I was trying to make.Anyways I always feel as if I'm being accused of what I don't know when I post here and I want to be able to freely express my opinions.
I guess "you may say I'm a dreamer......":seeya:
Freely expressing your opinion however different, is one of our American freedoms. And giving harbor to those individuals that are persecuted is one of the other things that makes our Country great. It is only when those that we have supported then abuse, kill & maim that I consider their agendas anti American. Then when their friends and family begin to accuse our LE of coverup, & killing of innocents and I begin to see these same opinions expressed at an unusual rate on a forum such as this, do I exercise my right to express my opinion of "agendas" that I consider anti-American, anti LE, and certainly not investigative, nor peaceful, but rather agitating and hate filled against the Country that I love, and many many of my people and my friends and family have died for. Peace.
nice link thanks

I don't see why people don't understand this, or find fault with it.

It's realy all so very simple. If you do not want to be shot and possibly killed you never attack a person who has a badge, a gun and the legal backing to use it.

Reading the last few pages.. is tinfoil on sale?

:floorlaugh: I love this post

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Erika Brannock, the Towson-area pre-school teacher who had part of her leg amputated as a result of injuries received during the Boston Marathon bombings, is scheduled to be released from the hospital Monday.
She will return to the Baltimore area, where she will enter a rehabilitation center, a family spokesperson confirmed Sunday.
Brannock and her sister, Nicole Gross, were injured in the April 15 bombings. Brannock suffered injuries that resulted in her losing her lower left leg, while Gross suffered two broken legs and a severed Achilles tendon. The young women were waiting at the finish line for their mother, Carol Downing of Monkton, to finish the race. Gross' husband Michael Gross, was also injured.
The 29-year-old Brannock, of Cockeysville, is the last of the patients hospitalized at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center after the marathon.

I get tears in my eyes reading these stories and thinking about what the victims have gone through. Not only the victims that had physical injuries but also the many that will suffer psychologically. The strength of the victims is remarkable. The victims support of each other will be a huge factor in their healing, along with the support of the rest of the country and other countries that have offered their support as well.

Jordan Thomas lost his legs and nearly his life in a boat propeller accident at age 16.
His recovery has since centered on helping others who need artificial limbs.
“And I just remember thinking 'why don't these kids have access to prosthetics?’ And I came to find out that the insurance industry, the way they cover prosthetics is severely inadequate. It just puts such a financial burden on so many kids,” Thomas explained.
He started the Jordan Thomas Foundation while still in the hospital.

It costs anywhere from $100,000 to $120,000 to fit a child with an artificial limb through the age of 18.
She is described as an estranged wife, and Mr. Todashev is described as having a girlfriend. So how does his wife know who he did or didn't talk to?

Neighbors say the only person they saw at his condo was his blond girlfriend.

LE must have looked into that joint bank account of IT and estranged wife to see how the money flows.
Your article said she was the last patient at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. It's so good to hear that all their patients from the marathon have been rleased. I realize many of them are in rehab facilities, but so happy to hear this progress.
Congressmen find few Boston attack clues in Russia


Some of the meetings, he said, were made possible by American actor Steven Seagal.

The congressman repeatedly thanked Seagal, who took credit for arranging the congressmen's meeting at the FSB, and said it helped avoid the experience of past foreign trips when all of the meetings had been arranged by the U.S. Embassy.
I don't understand these posts about "lack of support" for LE and agenda?
My personal "agenda" when I get interested in a case is how could this happen?how could it been prevented?what was going on in the suspects minds?
I'm interested in this particular case on many levels.First of because it was sooo horrific,because it happened at such an innocent event,an international event that to me represents we are one world.
I want to know how could they do this? And could it have been prevented?
The triple murder is also interesting to me,because it is so odd and someone out there knows what the weed that was left behind and the cash meant.Was it some sort of warning? I was excited when I thought we were closer to some answers but now IT is dead.And yes,that upsets me.
I think asking questions,being critical,wanting the truth is important in any situation in general and when sleuthing a crime it's essential,it's what we like to do.And our thoughts are free to lead us in all sorts of different directions.That's the beauty of discussing these cases ,everyone has their own point of views.
Should I feel ashamed because I'm not American ? No ,I'm not.I love this country and I agree,whoever doesn't should not live here.
Everyone has different backgrounds,my dad for example was of German decent but his people lived in Yugoslavia for hundreds of years.After WW2 they had to flee the country,they were prosecuted in retaliation of the horrible things the Germans did,just because they were of German descend.My grandma was raped and killed,my dad's baby brother thrown into a river.
Before this case I did not know much about people from Chechnya and again I see this senseless killing and crimes against humanity.
I know it sounds naive,but why can't we all just be one world? Why does everyone have to think I am better than anyone else,isn't that's what's causing all this pain in the first place? It's a never ending circle.
I'm sorry about the long post and I sort of forgot the point I was trying to make.Anyways I always feel as if I'm being accused of what I don't know when I post here and I want to be able to freely express my opinions.
I guess "you may say I'm a dreamer......":seeya:

Hi claudicici,

I liked your post. I too have felt the same way at times here. By that I mean that our purpose is more about sharing than necessarily agreeing.

I have followed your posts and from reading this one what hit me is I feel you , I and several others are looking for the truth.

But for this whole mess, we wanted the truth about everything the first time. People make mistakes. The Orlando mess IMO,( if there is not a lot of polishing up done) serious mistakes were made.,

My sense is that some others feel our expectation of the truth, from the beginning, by people who are paid by us, is accusing or conspiracy stuff.

There is also an angle of insult as it relates to Orlando. Gosh, if you’re going to mislead, withhold and not be forthcoming – think it out.

Although some find the cascades of bullets in the two shoot out at the ole coral in Boston acceptable, I found overkill, but in those instances there is understanding of CHAOS.

In Orlando the notion the high value witness ends up in a box because 4 folks, in 892 sq. feet did not manage something in moderate way is, I think for both of us bothersome and worthy of questions. Yes challenging what has been just plan out stupid explanations for who did what, when and supposedly why. Is insulting.

Even then, if one is going to be untruthful make up something less insulting. There should be great cause for concern, if in fact, broomsticks, knives, ice picks become items LE is unable to identify the minute the dude bleed out and croaked as a result of overkill.

They have tazor that is the –end of it for me. It takes the exact same motions to fire a gun or tazor - we have all seen video – never have I see a video wherein the suspect did not go down. In reality it seems to be that the tazor actually has better “down on the floor and out of commission “success rate than bullets.

The dialog ought to come around to reasons why that non-lethal modality was not utilized. Period. As we all know evidence tells many stories.

We went from gravely injured, serious, bla bla to what is, in fact , a boo boo that needed a couple of stitches. Again one can go back to the notion that if we are being told the truth we have another serious problem because it means that no one at the scene could discriminate between a gravely injured human being and a boo boo. That is a problem.(On this one it is even hard to imagine "lets release gravely wounded". What, they did not expect it to get out that a couple of stitches were needed after what was the alledged horrific effort to murder a member of LE

We are not doing conspiracy, we are not doing disrespect for LE, we are not anti-American etc. etc.We have a right, in this setting, to be angry at being lied to in stupid ways.

We are people, and people do not like being lied to. On the two abovementioned points waiting for an investigation is akin to saying we are not sure a plane crashed when it’s in pieces and smoking on the ground.

We need an investigation to find out the whys, but we certainly should not need weeks to determine if a plane crashed.

What was laying aside of the corpse. That ought to give anyone, the capacity the first time out, to state what happened. Can’t be a mystery

If ten seconds after killing someone and next to the body is a broomstick well then, it seems kind of fair to conclude that the broomstick was used. If one asked a four year what conclusion they make if they saw a dead young man and a broomstick next to him the kid would probably be able to say something about the broomstick. It’s just silly.

It’s not a conspiracy, but it most certainly is not ,by those designated to look for the truth, an honest explanation as to why a high value information source lay dead on the floor after being shot 7 times. Common sense can only lead there.

One plus one in this instance is not coming out to two…hasn’t from the beginning and still weeks later does not add up…………………….

That is all I have been saying and I beleive that is all you have been saying..
Hi claudicici,


They have tazor that is the –end of it for me. It takes the exact same motions to fire a gun or tazor - we have all seen video – never have I see a video wherein the suspect did not go down. In reality it seems to be that the tazor actually has better “down on the floor and out of commission “success rate than bullets.

The dialog ought to come around to reasons why that non-lethal modality was not utilized. Period. As we all know evidence tells many stories.


CARIIS - Lots of points. Sometime when I have more time I will respond to other parts, but I wanted to respond to the taser questions above.

Here is a link to the Police Chief Magazine study on level of use of force.
There is a table that lists the use-of-force continuum adapted from the Orlando Police Department's Resistance and Response Continuum.

Suspect resistance Officer use of force
1. No resistance 1. Officer presence
2. Verbal noncompliance 2. Verbal commands
3. Passive resistance 3. Hands-on tactics, chemical spray
4. Active resistance 4. Intermediate weapons: baton, Taser, strikes, nondeadly force
5. Aggressive resistance 5. Intermediate weapons, intensified techniques, nondeadly force
6. Deadly-force resistance 6. Deadly force

The definition of levels of resistance was also provided:

Passive Resistance The subject fails to obey verbal direction, preventing the officer from taking lawful action.
Active Resistance The subject’s actions are intended to facilitate an escape or prevent an arrest. The action is not likely to cause injury.
Aggressive Resistance The subject has battered or is about to batter an officer, and the subject’s action is likely to cause injury.
Deadly-Force Resistance The subject’s actions are likely to cause death or significant bodily harm to the officer or another person.

So, I think we can all agree that IT's level of resistance was not any of 1-4. (None, Verbal, Passive or Active Resistance). The question remains was it Aggressive or Deadly-Force? Were his actions, as a trained MMA fighter, with some sort of weapon assaulting the agent, likely to cause injury or likely to cause death?

These are the thought processes the officer must have in a split second when the attack occurred. Did they make the right choice? I do not have enough information to know. Should they have used a taser? Depends on whether they thought IT was likely to cause death or significant bodily harm on the agent.
Freely expressing your opinion however different, is one of our American freedoms. And giving harbor to those individuals that are persecuted is one of the other things that makes our Country great. It is only when those that we have supported then abuse, kill & maim that I consider their agendas anti American. Then when their friends and family begin to accuse our LE of coverup, & killing of innocents and I begin to see these same opinions expressed at an unusual rate on a forum such as this, do I exercise my right to express my opinion of "agendas" that I consider anti-American, anti LE, and certainly not investigative, nor peaceful, but rather agitating and hate filled against the Country that I love, and many many of my people and my friends and family have died for. Peace.

That's not true or fair. We are not basing our opinions on family and friends of those accused, we are basing our opinion on what has been presented to us, and perhaps, unlike some others we are not as subjective and emotional about it due to varying circumstances. So, if someone has investigative theories that do not match yours they are anti American? I find your post here offensive and lacking understanding of our previous probing into the case. IMO
Hi claudicici,

I liked your post. I too have felt the same way at times here. By that I mean that our purpose is more about sharing than necessarily agreeing.

I have followed your posts and from reading this one what hit me is I feel you , I and several others are looking for the truth.

But for this whole mess, we wanted the truth about everything the first time. People make mistakes. The Orlando mess IMO,( if there is not a lot of polishing up done) serious mistakes were made.,

My sense is that some others feel our expectation of the truth, from the beginning, by people who are paid by us, is accusing or conspiracy stuff.

There is also an angle of insult as it relates to Orlando. Gosh, if you&#8217;re going to mislead, withhold and not be forthcoming &#8211; think it out.

Although some find the cascades of bullets in the two shoot out at the ole coral in Boston acceptable, I found overkill, but in those instances there is understanding of CHAOS.

In Orlando the notion the high value witness ends up in a box because 4 folks, in 892 sq. feet did not manage something in moderate way is, I think for both of us bothersome and worthy of questions. Yes challenging what has been just plan out stupid explanations for who did what, when and supposedly why. Is insulting.

Even then, if one is going to be untruthful make up something less insulting. There should be great cause for concern, if in fact, broomsticks, knives, ice picks become items LE is unable to identify the minute the dude bleed out and croaked as a result of overkill.

They have tazor that is the &#8211;end of it for me. It takes the exact same motions to fire a gun or tazor - we have all seen video &#8211; never have I see a video wherein the suspect did not go down. In reality it seems to be that the tazor actually has better &#8220;down on the floor and out of commission &#8220;success rate than bullets.

The dialog ought to come around to reasons why that non-lethal modality was not utilized. Period. As we all know evidence tells many stories.

We went from gravely injured, serious, bla bla to what is, in fact , a boo boo that needed a couple of stitches. Again one can go back to the notion that if we are being told the truth we have another serious problem because it means that no one at the scene could discriminate between a gravely injured human being and a boo boo. That is a problem.(On this one it is even hard to imagine "lets release gravely wounded". What, they did not expect it to get out that a couple of stitches were needed after what was the alledged horrific effort to murder a member of LE

We are not doing conspiracy, we are not doing disrespect for LE, we are not anti-American etc. etc.We have a right, in this setting, to be angry at being lied to in stupid ways.

We are people, and people do not like being lied to. On the two abovementioned points waiting for an investigation is akin to saying we are not sure a plane crashed when it&#8217;s in pieces and smoking on the ground.

We need an investigation to find out the whys, but we certainly should not need weeks to determine if a plane crashed.

What was laying aside of the corpse. That ought to give anyone, the capacity the first time out, to state what happened. Can&#8217;t be a mystery

If ten seconds after killing someone and next to the body is a broomstick well then, it seems kind of fair to conclude that the broomstick was used. If one asked a four year what conclusion they make if they saw a dead young man and a broomstick next to him the kid would probably be able to say something about the broomstick. It&#8217;s just silly.

It&#8217;s not a conspiracy, but it most certainly is not ,by those designated to look for the truth, an honest explanation as to why a high value information source lay dead on the floor after being shot 7 times. Common sense can only lead there.

One plus one in this instance is not coming out to two&#8230;hasn&#8217;t from the beginning and still weeks later does not add up&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;.

That is all I have been saying and I beleive that is all you have been saying..

Thank you!!! We bring up queries and then get attacked for having personal agendas. I understand some Americans are extremely patriotic but it doesn't mean that Americans, or the LE or FBI are not capable of human errors and blunders under pressure. With what has been reported, anyone has a right to question it. The world is full of corruption, everyone here has a right to an opinion WITHOUT being accused of having a hidden agenda or being anti-American, especially as you do not personally know us.
I am sad and depressed tonight.
I am very biased about how I perceive acts against our countrymen because my children are third generation career military service members.
Based on titles, I guess we have already prevented two "World Wars." But judging from this latest example that these brothers have shown us, I am doubtful about how successful we've been in our "War on Terror." I believe this war is much more insidious and would not be surprised if there continues to be more and more attacks similar to this one ~ perpetrated by individuals who have sketchy to no connection to any "known" terrorist groups. Dang, if our government resists classifying Nidal Hasan's slaughtering at Ft Hood as terrorist activity, I guess I should not be shocked that there are those who are, before all facts are in, comfortable suspecting the government's actions more than the suspects of wrong doing.
I believe it is possible that there might have been mistakes made in Orlando but I don't believe, if it is true, that LE was amiss in their judgement of how endangered they were (and who can judge this other than the people there?), that there was any planned action on their part to kill this likely helpful, valuable witness.
Just hurts my heart to think that so many have sacrificed so much to, at this point, get so little support and so much suspicion.

bbm, Exactly, We (outsiders) have no idea what happened. Anything that is said about what happened in that apartment other then the LE/FBI that were there is making up stories. I will wait for,http://www.fbi.gov/news/pressrel/pr...egarding-shooting-incident-in-orlando-florida

If it's not from their mouths I don't want to hear it. All the talking heads, journalists/reporters can come up with some crazy stuff. They will say anything to get you to read, did he have a stick? or was it a broom handle? maybe it was a sword. I actually like to read the differing stories from the different thinking minds at work trying to garner the most attention. One thing that most are running with is the, shot in the BACK of the head when the wound is clearly on the top above his left ear. They are playing to the people that have not seen the photos. It doesn't matter what the FBI/LE say in the end, there are those that have their minds made up and even the truth will not satisfy. I am of the mind that he knew he was not walking out of that apartment under his own free will once confronted with the Triple Murder. That's just my opinion.
Hi claudicici,

I liked your post. I too have felt the same way at times here. By that I mean that our purpose is more about sharing than necessarily agreeing.

I have followed your posts and from reading this one what hit me is I feel you , I and several others are looking for the truth.

But for this whole mess, we wanted the truth about everything the first time. People make mistakes. The Orlando mess IMO,( if there is not a lot of polishing up done) serious mistakes were made.,

My sense is that some others feel our expectation of the truth, from the beginning, by people who are paid by us, is accusing or conspiracy stuff.

There is also an angle of insult as it relates to Orlando. Gosh, if you’re going to mislead, withhold and not be forthcoming – think it out.

Although some find the cascades of bullets in the two shoot out at the ole coral in Boston acceptable, I found overkill, but in those instances there is understanding of CHAOS.

In Orlando the notion the high value witness ends up in a box because 4 folks, in 892 sq. feet did not manage something in moderate way is, I think for both of us bothersome and worthy of questions. Yes challenging what has been just plan out stupid explanations for who did what, when and supposedly why. Is insulting.

Even then, if one is going to be untruthful make up something less insulting. There should be great cause for concern, if in fact, broomsticks, knives, ice picks become items LE is unable to identify the minute the dude bleed out and croaked as a result of overkill.

They have tazor that is the –end of it for me. It takes the exact same motions to fire a gun or tazor - we have all seen video – never have I see a video wherein the suspect did not go down. In reality it seems to be that the tazor actually has better “down on the floor and out of commission “success rate than bullets.

The dialog ought to come around to reasons why that non-lethal modality was not utilized. Period. As we all know evidence tells many stories.

We went from gravely injured, serious, bla bla to what is, in fact , a boo boo that needed a couple of stitches. Again one can go back to the notion that if we are being told the truth we have another serious problem because it means that no one at the scene could discriminate between a gravely injured human being and a boo boo. That is a problem.(On this one it is even hard to imagine "lets release gravely wounded". What, they did not expect it to get out that a couple of stitches were needed after what was the alledged horrific effort to murder a member of LE

We are not doing conspiracy, we are not doing disrespect for LE, we are not anti-American etc. etc.We have a right, in this setting, to be angry at being lied to in stupid ways.

We are people, and people do not like being lied to. On the two abovementioned points waiting for an investigation is akin to saying we are not sure a plane crashed when it’s in pieces and smoking on the ground.

We need an investigation to find out the whys, but we certainly should not need weeks to determine if a plane crashed.

What was laying aside of the corpse. That ought to give anyone, the capacity the first time out, to state what happened. Can’t be a mystery

If ten seconds after killing someone and next to the body is a broomstick well then, it seems kind of fair to conclude that the broomstick was used. If one asked a four year what conclusion they make if they saw a dead young man and a broomstick next to him the kid would probably be able to say something about the broomstick. It’s just silly.

It’s not a conspiracy, but it most certainly is not ,by those designated to look for the truth, an honest explanation as to why a high value information source lay dead on the floor after being shot 7 times. Common sense can only lead there.

One plus one in this instance is not coming out to two…hasn’t from the beginning and still weeks later does not add up…………………….

That is all I have been saying and I beleive that is all you have been saying..

I would suggest those questions about varying stories be ask to the media since they are the ones that are reporting this. It's not coming from the FBI.

Is it standard for FBI agents to even carry tasers? I really doubt they do and he was the one that reacted first to the threat. He has every right to determine whether his life was in danger or not and they have, as others have noted with links, the right to use their gun. If someone flips a table on me and is within close range charging me and I'm down and they have the upper hand then I sure as heck would pull my gun and unload it on them as well.

Nothing that has been reported other that the press release from the FBI has come from any source that has been named or even deemed credible. It's pretty obvious the media is the throwing out confusing information.
I share your concerns for future terror acts within our borders, but take heart,
I firmly believe the suspicion and lack of support for our LE is a minority with an agenda. It is just so easy for anyone today to communicate hate and dissent via these public boards, but it doesn't mean they are in the majority, or for that matter even American. The good people of Boston will continue to hold the Boston Marathon, and every day I see those who have lost limbs continue to publicly demonstrate their American spirit at ball games, and public outings!
I firmly believe the suspicion and lack of support for our LE is a minority with an agenda

Sadly that is not the case. Misconduct is soaring:

As such, the detrimental aspects of police misconduct cannot be overstated. In terms of public trust for law enforcement, recent polls show that only 56 percent of people rated the police as having a high or very high ethical standard as compared with 84 percent for nurses.1


The Loss of Public Trust in Law Enforcement
Steven L. Frazier
Madera Police Department
May 2007

Over 347 million dollars in settlements have been paid out

Homeland security:
The Transportation Security Administration had 612 allegations of misconduct, including allowing thousands of pieces of luggage onto flights without proper screening and taking bribes to allow passengers expedited security checks.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news...g-homeland-security-corruption/#ixzz2V9yNWTDO
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

trust has declined in the press (24 to 11 percent), education (36 to 28 percent), banks (35 percent to 31 percent), corporations (26 to 17 percent), and even organized religion (35 to 25 percent)

53 percent of Americans think that the federal government threatens their own rights and freedoms,

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog...icans-trust-federal-government/#ixzz2VA0P6XcC
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Thank you!!! We bring up queries and then get attacked for having personal agendas. I understand some Americans are extremely patriotic but it doesn't mean that Americans, or the LE or FBI are not capable of human errors and blunders under pressure. With what has been reported, anyone has a right to question it. The world is full of corruption, everyone here has a right to an opinion WITHOUT being accused of having a hidden agenda or being anti-American, especially as you do not personally know us.
For sure , and this notion that we are the greatest country in the world, number one, the best etc etc. Well, in all liklihood that might have been accurate in the 50's.

However, todays realities are so far off from that truth years ago. We are on the decline, falling apart and in deep trouble.
Here are the realities:

The U.S. ranks 16th in freedom of the press
The U.S. ranks 22nd in freedom from corruption
The U.S. ranks 69th in approval of UN leadership
The U.S. ranks 41st in privacy
The U.S. ranks 31st in quality of living
The U.S. ranks 39th in income inequality
The U.S. ranks 18th in hospital beds
The U.S. ranks 35th in math

Now worries tho , I did find some top tens for us:

The U.S. ranks 7th in divorce
The U.S. ranks 3rd in poverty
The U.S. ranks 6th in assaults
The U.S. ranks 6th in drug crimes
The U.S. ranks 5th in unemployment
The U.S. ranks 9th in bribery

I found us some number ones also!

The U.S. ranks 1st in explosives imports
The U.S. ranks 1st in military spending
The U.S. ranks 1st in prisoners
The U.S. ranks 1st in sending people to jail
The U.S. ranks 1st in explosives exports

Anyone open to a reality check?
Neighbors say the only person they saw at his condo was his blond girlfriend.

LE must have looked into that joint bank account of IT and estranged wife to see how the money flows.

....so IT's ex wife knows everything about him and who and what they talked about yet TT's wife who lived with him supposedly knows nothing.....:waiting::
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