Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #11 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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The FBI agent and state troopers had interviewed Todashev earlier that morning, the government official said. That afternoon, when Todashev did not answer his phone, the FBI agent, the two troopers and an Orlando police officer went to his condo, the government official said.

Todashev invited them in and began talking, the official said. As the conversation continued, Todashev indicated he was ready to confess to his involvement in the homicides, so the FBI agent pulled up a table so Todashev could write down his confession, the government official said. Meanwhile, one of the troopers left the room to make a phone call and the Orlando officer accompanied him, the official said.

So they had already talked to him that morning. I have to assume he told them about his wife's alibi for him. But they still wanted to see him later that day. So I bet it did not check out. Maybe his cell pinged in Waltham that day instead of Atlanta?
Or to put it another way he had been grilled in the Am and then for 8 hours before shot 7 times?
IMO, the only thing that the woman said that is VITAL to his ultimate killing is that she had talked to him in the weeks before he died. Like his best friends reported the only thing the FBI was talking to him about was Boston.

That is important.

This IMO is a strong notion, in that all the triple murder stuff came up only near the end. Obviously after days and hours of interviewing they could not get anything to stick re bombing so they started to see if they could nail triple.

And hey --according to the 14th version he had started to write. So all this could be cleared up with releasing a snippet of this "confession" They cannot use we can’t do that, he is six feet under with a bunch of holes in hi, active investigation stuff.
They read the media, it should be clear to them that they keep messing this up, creating more mistrust, by coming up with sillier and sillier accounts of what happened.

We’re forgiving, man up, one of you went trigger crazy, killed a valued asset unnecessarily. Worse case there is a consequence - think about it like this --whatever the consequence is not anywhere near the error made when killing another person without cause.

They are stalling, the media will go away , most of the public today is done with Boston as it is.

They will have hearings on the hearings about the hearing on the hearing to make a final determination from the final hearing on the hearings.

They will write a 541 page document, print up 245,000 of them that will sit in a warehouse for decades.

They will come up 4,212 reccomendations, of which 4,209 can not be implemented due to fiscal inabilites.
The writers of said report will do the talk show junket reminding all of us how comprhensive there search for the truth was. They will explain this as the reason for the report coming out in its final version in 2019.

Around and around!
Anyone who says they know everything that their spouse (especially an estranged spouse) says and does or who thinks they know everyone that the spouse associates with is either completely gullible or an outright LIAR.
From the FBI statement.

is going to be the victim of either serious bodily harm or possibly death, you have the right to use deadly physical force."

Is this before tazor guns became standard part of the tool belt?
(Also posted in the Waltham thread...)

About the Waltham murders and Todashev. Initial reports stated that he "had direct involvement" in that crime.

Just to be clear:
"Direct Involvement" does not necessarily mean that he had to be present at the murder scene and during the attacks. He could have been involved in the planning or in events that occurred in the minutes, hours, days, weeks or months after the murders.

IMO, it is far too early to get caught up on either the semantics or this so-called "proof" that an estranged wife has as to him being in Atlanta at the time of the murders. He very easily could have arranged all of it from anywhere. Or he could have assisted after the fact.

What kinds of guns do FBI agents use?

Agents carry Bureau-issued or approved handguns and may be issued additional equipment as needed. Those in specialized areas like the Hostage Rescue Teams may also be issued weapons that fit their duties. Agents are allowed to carry personal weapons, provided they do not violate the policies regarding firearms. Unless otherwise instructed, agents are required to be armed at all times.

We have no information at this time that the FBI agent had any other weapon on him besides a gun. FBI agents are not typically dressed like a police officer when interviewing a subject. They usually dress in professional attire.

We have no information at this time that the FBI agent had any other weapon on him besides a gun. FBI agents are not typically dressed like a police officer when interviewing a subject. They usually dress in professional attire.

I think it's not fruitful either to compare FBI agents with LE. I actually don't think they carry tasers.

This report says, I think, that the only less lethal weapons they carry are tear gas, pepper spray, and batons. I also think it would depend on the context of an investigation. They were not worried about being in a violent crowd control situation, etc.

(Also posted in the Waltham thread...)

About the Waltham murders and Todashev. Initial reports stated that he "had direct involvement" in that crime.

Just to be clear:
"Direct Involvement" does not necessarily mean that he had to be present at the murder scene and during the attacks. He could have been involved in the planning or in events that occurred in the minutes, hours, days, weeks or months after the murders.

IMO, it is far too early to get caught up on either the semantics or this so-called "proof" that an estranged wife has as to him being in Atlanta at the time of the murders. He very easily could have arranged all of it from anywhere. Or he could have assisted after the fact.

Good point on the meaning of his involvement, direct or not. I'm very hesitant to believe anything the estranged wife says.

I think it's very possible that the FBI/LE either waited to ask about the Waltham murders so this guy wouldn't flee or the guy did not want others to know he was being asked about these murders.
To begin with, anybody who has posted with me here knows I am extremely pro-LE. I also have a son in the military, was in charge of raising funds for a veteran's memorial in my county, help with our county's 4th of July fireworks and my father-in-law (the only survivor in his company of the Normandy landing) is in charge of raising funds for a patriotism class for 4th graders and 8th graders in our local school. My father-in-law also is in charge of a group that works with local veteran's groups and arranges for an annual bus trip for veterans to Washington D.C to tour the military monuments.

That being said, the death of the Orlando "suspect" does't pass the smell test. SEVEN shots including one in the back of the head and NO audio or video recording of the interview?

Since 9/11 and Cheney, some military special op forces were delegated to work directly under the report of the U.S. executive branch (instead of the previous military command chain) for domestic work, to avoid some of the pesky legal oversights the F.B.I. has. (Jeremy Scahill, a journalist & filmmaker, has written about these new "domestic covert operators" in his latest book, Dirty Wars. The documentary, based upon the book, took 1st place in its documentary category at this year's Sundance Film Festival. Dirty Wars is out on June 22 . Scahill worked WITH these special paramilitary foces both inside & outside the U.S. & the truth isn't always what's reported on mainstream media.)

Anyway, my point is that the federal agency the media has been referring to as F.B.I., may
or may not have been the F.B.I. These days all agencies working on behalf of the federal government are not. And things are not always what they seem or the way they are reported.

Yes, I do believe that the Tsarnav brothers were the Boston Bombers. But, that is the only part of the "official" story, I fully believe.

Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it. --Mark Twain

I think questioning anything and everything is VERY American, otherwise our founders would have remained British loyalists.

My own opinion.
Freely expressing your opinion however different, is one of our American freedoms. And giving harbor to those individuals that are persecuted is one of the other things that makes our Country great. It is only when those that we have supported then abuse, kill & maim that I consider their agendas anti American. Then when their friends and family begin to accuse our LE of coverup, & killing of innocents and I begin to see these same opinions expressed at an unusual rate on a forum such as this, do I exercise my right to express my opinion of "agendas" that I consider anti-American, anti LE, and certainly not investigative, nor peaceful, but rather agitating and hate filled against the Country that I love, and many many of my people and my friends and family have died for. Peace.
That I consider their agendas anti American…….. Accuse our LE of cover-up, & killing of innocents………. ……………….. Hate filled against the Country

Those of us who have expressed concern about Orlando are not hate filled or anti American. We are individuals who have a different take on what has transpired and continue to go on and on.
I have no hate for my country. I generally, however disdain anyone in any context who is not being honest. That simple. There are reasons why people are dishonest and none of them tend to be for “good” reasons!
The countless versions of what transpired in an open room in 8 seconds which result in 28 versions of those 8 seconds ought to result in concerns. It is that simple!

And honestly it would be interesting to hear from those of you who think those concerned are anti-American , help us understand how each of you line up knives vs. ice picks vs. swords vs. metal pipes vs. broomsticks etc. and the mind numbing confusion those involved seem to having.

I am all open how you understand these daily inconsistencies. I
If we were talking about the creation of the solar system I am ok.
This is visually looking at items and being capable of correctly identifying them next to a dead body.
Do you think anyone would find that difficult, challenging, or prone to 6 “versions”?
Indeed I do have concerns- just have never heard of someone concluding that a broomstick. …………………..if it is a broomstick it is my understanding that is a broomstick is a broomstick

Help us understand the reasons for, evidently, being incapable of identifying a broomstick in a lit room

days and days and and days and and days and afterwards???? We are approaching two weeks -- Help us-- and if it turns out that these folks were authentically confused about sizes and shapes of everyday items then we have FAR more things to be very worried about, no?
I am sad and depressed tonight.
I am very biased about how I perceive acts against our countrymen because my children are third generation career military service members.
Based on titles, I guess we have already prevented two "World Wars." But judging from this latest example that these brothers have shown us, I am doubtful about how successful we've been in our "War on Terror." I believe this war is much more insidious and would not be surprised if there continues to be more and more attacks similar to this one ~ perpetrated by individuals who have sketchy to no connection to any "known" terrorist groups. Dang, if our government resists classifying Nidal Hasan's slaughtering at Ft Hood as terrorist activity, I guess I should not be shocked that there are those who are, before all facts are in, comfortable suspecting the government's actions more than the suspects of wrong doing.I believe it is possible that there might have been mistakes made in Orlando but I don't believe, if it is true, that LE was amiss in their judgement of how endangered they were (and who can judge this other than the people there?), that there was any planned action on their part to kill this likely helpful, valuable witness.
Just hurts my heart to think that so many have sacrificed so much to, at this point, get so little support and so much suspicion.


IMO That was a strategic move on the Gov.'s part. If they had classified it as a terrorist activity, the extremists would claim it as a victory and would have celebrated it as a major coup. One of "their" attacks succeeded in the enemies own camp.

Just like we watch it with horror, the extremists celebrate it and use it to believe that what they do is right and that God approves of it. If he didn't approve, he wouldn't allow it in their minds.

IMO all terrorists activities should be called just criminal acts or work of delusional people. It would take some of the wind out of their sails and put the operatives in question. Thus making others less likely to want to emulate them.

After all, they believe that terrorists get special treatment in Heaven. But what do delusional people get?
That I consider their agendas anti American…….. Accuse our LE of cover-up, & killing of innocents………. ……………….. Hate filled against the Country

Those of us who have expressed concern about Orlando are not hate filled or anti American. We are individuals who have a different take on what has transpired and continue to go on and on.
I have no hate for my country. I generally, however disdain anyone in any context who is not being honest. That simple. There are reasons why people are dishonest and none of them tend to be for “good” reasons!
The countless versions of what transpired in an open room in 8 seconds which result in 28 versions of those 8 seconds ought to result in concerns. It is that simple!

And honestly it would be interesting to hear from those of you who think those concerned are anti-American , help us understand how each of you line up knives vs. ice picks vs. swords vs. metal pipes vs. broomsticks etc. and the mind numbing confusion those involved seem to having.

I am all open how you understand these daily inconsistencies. I
If we were talking about the creation of the solar system I am ok.
This is visually looking at items and being capable of correctly identifying them next to a dead body.
Do you think anyone would find that difficult, challenging, or prone to 6 “versions”?
Indeed I do have concerns- just have never heard of someone concluding that a broomstick. …………………..if it is a broomstick it is my understanding that is a broomstick is a broomstick

Help us understand the reasons for, evidently, being incapable of identifying a broomstick in a lit room

days and days and and days and and days and afterwards???? Help us

Were these 'details' about the shooting coming from Law Enforcement? It seems to me they were written by the press, and unconfirmed sources, which means they could have been just made up to fill in the story.

I have not seen anywhere that it was an FBI agent saying it was an ice pick and then saying it was a broom handle. Have you?
bbm, Exactly, We (outsiders) have no idea what happened. Anything that is said about what happened in that apartment other then the LE/FBI that were there is making up stories. I will wait for,http://www.fbi.gov/news/pressrel/pr...egarding-shooting-incident-in-orlando-florida

If it's not from their mouths I don't want to hear it. All the talking heads, journalists/reporters can come up with some crazy stuff. They will say anything to get you to read, did he have a stick? or was it a broom handle? maybe it was a sword. I actually like to read the differing stories from the different thinking minds at work trying to garner the most attention. One thing that most are running with is the, shot in the BACK of the head when the wound is clearly on the top above his left ear. They are playing to the people that have not seen the photos. It doesn't matter what the FBI/LE say in the end, there are those that have their minds made up and even the truth will not satisfy. I am of the mind that he knew he was not walking out of that apartment under his own free will once confronted with the Triple Murder. That's just my opinion.

I agree.

Just a couple of points I want to point out. Looking at it from the LE side, they were there to question someone about not a deadly incident, but a massive incident involving a bomb. Resistance certainly indicates that this person has something to hide. So when this guy attacks, they not only have to consider what does he have in his hand, but what does he have in this apartment. If he broke loose, could he access other weapons or bombs? An officer was apparently attacked and injured in some way. That cannot be allowed. How actively did he resist? At least enough that an LE was harmed.

Another point. These are not your usual criminals. This guy is suspected of being an extremist. A culture that believes a suicide bomber receives some type of special place in Heaven. A culture that believes it is shameful to be taken alive. So if he felt he was going to be arrested, would it be surprising if he decided to try to take someone with him? Or at least to get himself shot in the fight? I actually believe that possibly what happened is just what he had in mind. He "sacrificed" himself for his cause. His death not only protected anything he may have known about other extremists and their activities, but it gave dissenters something to use in the fight. That the US Government is evil and picks on poor Muslims.
Has anyone posted the actual police report,arrest from both of his contacts with law enforcement recently
Were these 'details' about the shooting coming from Law Enforcement? It seems to me they were written by the press, and unconfirmed sources, which means they could have been just made up to fill in the story.

I have not seen anywhere that it was an FBI agent saying it was an ice pick and then saying it was a broom handle. Have you?

I agree the media often goes to press too early without the facts just to get a story. But all these unconfirmed sources seem to want to get the real story out, they may not have all the facts but they do know that something strange happened. Actually that's why it's not easy to have a conspiracy because someone is going to talk.
For sure , and this notion that we are the greatest country in the world, number one, the best etc etc. Well, in all liklihood that might have been accurate in the 50's.

However, todays realities are so far off from that truth years ago. We are on the decline, falling apart and in deep trouble.
Here are the realities:

The U.S. ranks 16th in freedom of the press
The U.S. ranks 22nd in freedom from corruption
The U.S. ranks 69th in approval of UN leadership
The U.S. ranks 41st in privacy
The U.S. ranks 31st in quality of living
The U.S. ranks 39th in income inequality
The U.S. ranks 18th in hospital beds
The U.S. ranks 35th in math

Now worries tho , I did find some top tens for us:

The U.S. ranks 7th in divorce
The U.S. ranks 3rd in poverty
The U.S. ranks 6th in assaults
The U.S. ranks 6th in drug crimes
The U.S. ranks 5th in unemployment
The U.S. ranks 9th in bribery

I found us some number ones also!

The U.S. ranks 1st in explosives imports
The U.S. ranks 1st in military spending
The U.S. ranks 1st in prisoners
The U.S. ranks 1st in sending people to jail
The U.S. ranks 1st in explosives exports

Anyone open to a reality check?

My reality is that I firmly believe this is the greatest country in the world.
For many reasons.

What you call a reality check I call a crock.

I agree the media often goes to press too early without the facts just to get a story. But all these unconfirmed sources seem to want to get the real story out, they may not have all the facts but they do know that something strange happened. Actually that's why it's not easy to have a conspiracy because someone is going to talk.

True, but if you then have a series of stories describing an ice pick, a sword, a broom handle and then a knife....it makes LE look either inept or dishonest, and that seems unfair if it is not a story coming from them.
"I heard a couple of loud bangs and saw a couple of cop cars riding by," said Jared Morse, who lives in the area. "They wouldn't let anyone out to see anything or anything like that, so they made us go back inside."

If the danger was dead on the floor why would residents be prohibing them leaving there unit -freedom?


They were probably afraid there were explosives or booby traps in the apartment. If there had been, and they had not corralled the bystanders, wouldn't you be here criticizing them for that?
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