Yes, I'm aware this was at the 2nd bomb site--this cropped photo came from those I posted earlier in the thread (see post 2) of blast site #2. The question was if it looked like a chunk of curb had been removed after the blast...looks like it to me, but not sure if anyone else would see it, so was looking for a yay or nay opinion from others in here.
JMO, but I'm beginning to think, looking at the larger curbside picture from which this was cropped (beginning of thread), it probably can't be determined which side of the barrier that blast #2 originated from just by looking at the fallen barriers. They could have blown 5-10 feet up into the air for all we know, and then fallen back to the ground helter-skelter. The barrier on the other (left) side of the bleeding victims (to the left of them when looking at the larger curbside photo) has fallen backward onto pedestrians who were standing behind it. So, if the direction the barriers ended up in was what solely determined the original direction of the blast, you'd have two alternate situations pictured in the photo, as the one on top of the people had fallen back away from the street and onto them. Using directionality of that one barrier alone, that would seem to indicate a blast originating on the street side of the barrier. Whereas the barrier wrapped around the mailbox could indicate a blast from sidewalk side of the barrier.
So it's JMO, but after thinking on it, I don't think we can necessarily tell where the blast originated from just by looking at the barriers. Seems investigators would have done sidewalk markings as at blast site #1, though--where they'd have determined "blast seat" based on pavement markings and such. But I haven't been able to find any, and so that's another one of my questions--has anyone else seen sidewalk diagrams left by investigators for site #2?