Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #11 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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claudicici: Think of it this way. If you purchase 6 pressure cookers you are planning to make bombs, right? And you also need to purchase a backpack to place each pressure cooker inside of. So when you find one certain type of backpack that the pressure cooker fits into, why would you not purchase 6 of the same style, rather than 6 different styles?

And I somehow doubt these murderers were into "I'll buy a red one for here, and a blue one for there.........." They probably just wanted black backpacks that a pressure cooker could fit into.
"in the criminal complaint they only say "he appears to" and "apparently".

This is "law enforcement speak". In the event of a trial, the actual video would be shown to the jury so the jury can see for themselves what takes place.


Lots of strange and stranger situations within this family, it seems. Perhaps the Massachusetts family took in the cousin in order to gain additional income. Both from welfare and from Uncle Ruslan directly. And many, many immigrant families are known for packing numerous "family members" and "extended family members" into very small apartments.
I've deleted the post because I keep going back and forth on whether that makes sense to me ,sorry,,,,,and now after looking again it does not seem like an identical backpack anyways....

TUESDAY, 5:51 A.M.

But back in Boston, investigators combing through hours of footage on Tuesday had begun to see a pattern among the various videos, their attention drawn especially to two young men walking east along Boylston Street in the 12 minutes before the explosions.

Neither seemed particularly worried about hiding their appearance — the man in the white hat even turned his cap around backward, giving the cameras a full shot of his profile. Suspect number 2, as he became known, talks nonchalantly on his cellphone, then scarcely reacts at all when the first bomb goes off.

When Alben, of the State Police, saw the results of the analysts’ work on Wednesday morning, he couldn’t believe it: they had captured an image of the young man in a white hat dropping a backpack outside the Forum Restaurant and then walking away.

“There was a eureka moment . . . It was right there for you to see,” said the colonel. “It was quite clear to me we had a breakthrough in the case.”



Investigators worked feverishly Wednesday trying to identify the men, searching other photos and video, trying to find high-definition images.

“We still needed more clarity,” said Alben, of the State Police. “As good as the videos were, we needed more clarity.”

They continued hunting down new images.
David Sapers, owner of the Boylston Street candy store Sugar Heaven, said he had called the FBI hot line on Tuesday to inform authorities that he had video. Wednesday morning, Homeland Security officers showed up and spent more than three hours reviewing the footage frame by frame with the store’s manager, said Sapers.

Colonel Alben, the State Police chief, briefed Patrick on Wednesday about the key piece of video showing Dzhokhar abandoning his backpack. Alben described the clip and showed the governor photographs culled from the footage, information that Patrick called “chilling.”


I believe they have actual video of DT dropping his knapsack off and walking away...actual video has not been released.
"Appears" and "apparently" may just be semantics.

There may be video showing placement of the bomb. There may not be.

Even if there is not, a criminal case comes together like a puzzle. Rational inferences can be made. Look at the timeline.


You know the government is not giving all the information and evidence out to the public.
Wondering if TT visited cousin Husein on his most recent trip to Russia? I find it odd that Husein apparently lived with the Tsarnaev brothers for a couple of years in high school, was close to TT, and this is the first we've heard of him? Or did I miss something?


(ETA: I'm not so sure about this site kavccazcenter.com, either, so take this all with a grain of salt.)

TUESDAY, 5:51 A.M.

But back in Boston, investigators combing through hours of footage on Tuesday had begun to see a pattern among the various videos, their attention drawn especially to two young men walking east along Boylston Street in the 12 minutes before the explosions.

Neither seemed particularly worried about hiding their appearance — the man in the white hat even turned his cap around backward, giving the cameras a full shot of his profile. Suspect number 2, as he became known, talks nonchalantly on his cellphone, then scarcely reacts at all when the first bomb goes off.

When Alben, of the State Police, saw the results of the analysts’ work on Wednesday morning, he couldn’t believe it: they had captured an image of the young man in a white hat dropping a backpack outside the Forum Restaurant and then walking away.

“There was a eureka moment . . . It was right there for you to see,” said the colonel. “It was quite clear to me we had a breakthrough in the case.”



Investigators worked feverishly Wednesday trying to identify the men, searching other photos and video, trying to find high-definition images.

“We still needed more clarity,” said Alben, of the State Police. “As good as the videos were, we needed more clarity.”

They continued hunting down new images.
David Sapers, owner of the Boylston Street candy store Sugar Heaven, said he had called the FBI hot line on Tuesday to inform authorities that he had video. Wednesday morning, Homeland Security officers showed up and spent more than three hours reviewing the footage frame by frame with the store’s manager, said Sapers.

Colonel Alben, the State Police chief, briefed Patrick on Wednesday about the key piece of video showing Dzhokhar abandoning his backpack. Alben described the clip and showed the governor photographs culled from the footage, information that Patrick called “chilling.”


I believe they have actual video of DT dropping his knapsack off and walking away...actual video has not been released.


TUESDAY, 5:51 A.M.

But back in Boston, investigators combing through hours of footage on Tuesday had begun to see a pattern among the various videos, their attention drawn especially to two young men walking east along Boylston Street in the 12 minutes before the explosions.

Neither seemed particularly worried about hiding their appearance — the man in the white hat even turned his cap around backward, giving the cameras a full shot of his profile. Suspect number 2, as he became known, talks nonchalantly on his cellphone, then scarcely reacts at all when the first bomb goes off.

When Alben, of the State Police, saw the results of the analysts’ work on Wednesday morning, he couldn’t believe it: they had captured an image of the young man in a white hat dropping a backpack outside the Forum Restaurant and then walking away.

“There was a eureka moment . . . It was right there for you to see,” said the colonel. “It was quite clear to me we had a breakthrough in the case.”



Investigators worked feverishly Wednesday trying to identify the men, searching other photos and video, trying to find high-definition images.

“We still needed more clarity,” said Alben, of the State Police. “As good as the videos were, we needed more clarity.”

They continued hunting down new images.
David Sapers, owner of the Boylston Street candy store Sugar Heaven, said he had called the FBI hot line on Tuesday to inform authorities that he had video. Wednesday morning, Homeland Security officers showed up and spent more than three hours reviewing the footage frame by frame with the store’s manager, said Sapers.

Colonel Alben, the State Police chief, briefed Patrick on Wednesday about the key piece of video showing Dzhokhar abandoning his backpack. Alben described the clip and showed the governor photographs culled from the footage, information that Patrick called “chilling.”


I believe they have actual video of DT dropping his knapsack off and walking away...actual video has not been released.

Thank you! I did not see this article before.

The number "13"? Bad luck?

Respectfully snipped

I went back and looked at the tweet. It read "Got me a haircut, I don't usually do those" and the date of the tweet followed April 13th, 2013. So DT did not include the date in his actual tweet. That makes a difference. He's stating that he doesn't usually get haircuts, period.

The next day he follows up with a couple of tweets about Breaking Bad. On the TV show, the main character shaves his head in order to symbolize his transformation from good guy "Walt White" to bad guy "Heisenberg". Hence the title Breaking Bad.


Seung-Hui Cho, Jared Loughner, Timothy McVeigh all cut their hair before they committed acts of violence. And who can forget James Holmes' crazy hairdo?

Was DT thinking of those men when he cut his hair (whenever that occurred)? I haven't a clue.

I will say, based on his tweets, he had considerable knowledge of American popular culture. It definitely seems like a bigger influence on his life than the Koran.

FBI report?? That's news to me! Are you talking about the charging document? That's not a report, it's a statement of probable cause to support the charges. It's not evidence.

The criminal complaints for all involved can be read in PDF format here from the FBI website.
Please do not bicker in here. If a post is against TOS, alert it and move on. Do NOT respond to it. If you respond, you will be held accountable. Just alert and move on.



TUESDAY, 5:51 A.M.

But back in Boston, investigators combing through hours of footage on Tuesday had begun to see a pattern among the various videos, their attention drawn especially to two young men walking east along Boylston Street in the 12 minutes before the explosions.

Neither seemed particularly worried about hiding their appearance — the man in the white hat even turned his cap around backward, giving the cameras a full shot of his profile. Suspect number 2, as he became known, talks nonchalantly on his cellphone, then scarcely reacts at all when the first bomb goes off.

When Alben, of the State Police, saw the results of the analysts’ work on Wednesday morning, he couldn’t believe it: they had captured an image of the young man in a white hat dropping a backpack outside the Forum Restaurant and then walking away.

“There was a eureka moment . . . It was right there for you to see,” said the colonel. “It was quite clear to me we had a breakthrough in the case.”



Investigators worked feverishly Wednesday trying to identify the men, searching other photos and video, trying to find high-definition images.

“We still needed more clarity,” said Alben, of the State Police. “As good as the videos were, we needed more clarity.”

They continued hunting down new images.
David Sapers, owner of the Boylston Street candy store Sugar Heaven, said he had called the FBI hot line on Tuesday to inform authorities that he had video. Wednesday morning, Homeland Security officers showed up and spent more than three hours reviewing the footage frame by frame with the store’s manager, said Sapers.

Colonel Alben, the State Police chief, briefed Patrick on Wednesday about the key piece of video showing Dzhokhar abandoning his backpack. Alben described the clip and showed the governor photographs culled from the footage, information that Patrick called “chilling.”


I believe they have actual video of DT dropping his knapsack off and walking away...actual video has not been released.

Does anyone else remember statements regarding something incriminating that suspect #2 did while he was moving away from the site???
Does anyone else remember statements regarding something incriminating that suspect #2 did while he was moving away from the site???

I don't recall anything specifically...can you refresh my/our memory?

I do believe I read the second bomb went off approximately 10 seconds after DT placed his knapsack down, though. However, unsure if that was simply earlier unconfirmed reports. Will search for link/s. That stunned me! All around, still shocking and so sad (to me). IMO, this indicates DT was willing to die if need be.
If I am reading the complaint right, the allegation is he put the backpack down and was in that area around 4 minutes.

30 seconds before the bomb went off, he appeared to be talking on cell or holding phone to ear for about 18 seconds. A few seconds after that, there is reaction to the explosion by crowd to first bomb. He walks away and 10 seconds later, explosion number 2.

Paragraphs 14 and 15. http://www.fbi.gov/news/updates-on-investigation-into-multiple-explosions-in-boston

I hope I pasted the link right.
I was having trouble quoting but this is in regards to the pic above with the brown purse. I also believe the brunette woman next to the mailbox with the brown handbag is with the gray haired woman in the gray jacket next to her. Enlarged, the gray jacket lady's purse has to be in front of the barrier in the second pic. I think the brown purse is on top of that brown and white bag. In the first pic, the blue "pipe" is actually the blue jeaned leg of the brunette. She has one foot on the bottom of the barrier and is resting her purse on her leg, holding the handle with her left hand.
I don't recall anything specifically...can you refresh my/our memory?

I do believe I read the second bomb went off approximately 10 seconds after DT placed his knapsack down, though. However, unsure if that was simply earlier unconfirmed reports. Will search for link/s. That stunned me! All around, still shocking and so sad (to me). IMO, this indicates DT was willing to die if need be.

So, it appears it is alleged to have exploded 10 seconds after he walked away. He just stayed in the spot a few minutes after he put it down.

Just chilling.

I was having trouble quoting but this is in regards to the pic above with the brown purse. I also believe the brunette woman next to the mailbox with the brown handbag is with the gray haired woman in the gray jacket next to her. Enlarged, the gray jacket lady's purse has to be in front of the barrier in the second pic. I think the brown purse is on top of that brown and white bag. In the first pic, the blue "pipe" is actually the blue jeaned leg of the brunette. She has one foot on the bottom of the barrier and is resting her purse on her leg, holding the handle with her left hand.

Thank you deoneta! Yes now that you point it out I can see it too: it's her leg! Ha!
So, it appears it is alleged to have exploded 10 seconds after he walked away. He just stayed in the spot a few minutes after he put it down.

Just chilling.




Before the Attack

2:45 p.m. Dzhokhar is seen stopping in front of the restaurant and slipping his knapsack onto the ground. He remains for about four minutes, occasionally looking at his cell phone. After the first explosion, Dzhokhar walks away without his bag.

First Bomb

A few seconds after Dzhokhar finished the call, at about 2:49 p.m., the first bomb exploded about 100 feet before the finish line.

Second Bomb

The second bomb exploded about 10 seconds after the first.

After the Attack

Shortly after the first explosion, Dzhokhar was seen heading away from the blasts without his bag. This photo was taken at 2:50 p.m.

I'm sorry but i do not believe that the bombers body should be returned to family or given a proper muslim burial or whatever. I believe he forfeited his right to have a proper burial as he would have wished or how his family would have wanted. He is a terrorist and a killer, a traitor to the country that took him in and gave him welfare/foodstamps.

His body should be cremated and disposed of in the trash or scattered in a landfill, feed it to pigs for all I care but he deserves NO respect. There should be NO place on earth for him to be buried where anyone can visit. Why give other crazy people a place to go and honor him?

That's just my opinion and you are free to have a different opinion and I respect that completely.
I'm sorry but i do not believe that the bombers body should be returned to family or given a proper muslim burial or whatever. I believe he forfeited his right to have a proper burial as he would have wished or how his family would have wanted. He is a terrorist and a killer, a traitor to the country that took him in and gave him welfare/foodstamps.

His body should be cremated and disposed of in the trash or scattered in a landfill, feed it to pigs for all I care but he deserves NO respect. There should be NO place on earth for him to be buried where anyone can visit. Why give other crazy people a place to go and honor him?

That's just my opinion and you are free to have a different opinion and I respect that completely.

I'm not a big god believer, but I really disagree. My upbringing tells me that once someone dies, they are returned to god, the goddess, the great spirit or whatever. Whatever bad was in this man is gone. He should be buried and let it go at that.
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