Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #8 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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I really can not see them holding any kind of Service for the older brother
they are simply asking for trouble, and they will have to once again have police back up etc... to keep the area secure, and who pays for all this, The People Of Boston, and I think they have gone through enough, and I am from Canada.

Maybe the sisters just take the body, and have whatever, wherever, and the media not cover it. Really do you people really want to know?

You are exactly right.

No one here wants to know or cares. They can do what they want with his remains, don't know why the shenanigans of mom and auntie, don't care. Believe me, they would not like what most people would want to do. Better off being quiet and taking him home.
"The CIA asked the main U.S. counterterrorism agency to add the name of one of the suspected Boston Marathon bombers to a watch list more than a year before the attack, according to U.S. officials.


The new disclosure suggests that the U.S. government may have had more reason than previously known to scrutinize Tsarnaev in the months leading up to the bombings in Boston. It also raises questions as to why U.S. authorities didn’t flag his return to the country after a seven-month trip to Russia last year."


Heads will roll ...

I hear you....however are we suggested that anyone who's a s residents and spends months in another country with a known radical underground they should be flagged by the FBI and investigated? ..... Or only if they had been flagged previously AND the spent months in a foreign country?
OMG that is HORRIBLE! I hope someone sues over this!!!

Forcing innocent citizens out of their homes at gunpoint? Forcing them to put their hands up?Middle aged folks that do not have ANY suspected association with the terrorists???

And what if those people had dogs? Are the SWAT officers going to just burst in and gun down any pets that may be protective against intruders?

I don't care who they were searching for or why, how dare they do that to private citizens without cause! This makes me furious! Just like when the government moved in and stole guns from desperate homeowners just trying to survive.

Watertown -- mass searches forcing people out of their homes:

Police perform house-to-house raids in Watertown MA ripping innocent families from their homes - YouTube

I think that is the house they were living in. Was watching it live. They thought the brothers were still in there, may have been, I can't remember, I think they were. Before shoot out in street.
Just thinking....perhaps the marijuana the bodies were covered with was not good quality.....maybe the message was "we don't want your s*itty marijuana"

Maybe they were trying to pass off cheap stuff, as the good stuff and making considerable profit doing it.

Or, perhaps the message was "we told you to stop selling your pot on OUR turf?"
Or, perhaps the message was "we told you to stop selling your pot on OUR turf?"

And they left 5K on the scene? Police already explored the pot selling angle (other dealers upset for whateover reason). It got them nowhere.
If this was over profit, then $5,000 wouldn't be left on the scene.

I wasnt really saying it was over profit....I was saying it could be over someone feeling like they had been taken....maybe thy didn't care about money....maybe it was more on the principal that someone tried to fool them, and they weren't going to stand for it.

I'd believe that more then TT killing them because te sold his brother weed.
Thinking about DT ... maybe he was more than just a pot head, maybe he was into harder drugs as well. Maybe he was so out of touch with reality that he didn't feel any empathy when observing the aftermath of his actions at the marathon. From reports I don't think he was radicalized as his brother was, but still he went along with him. Why? I can not imagine that simply because TT was his older brother whom he adored it could lead him to such a violent behaviour. Something else must have caused him to act that way. Someone said he probably loves explosions, maybe he was regarding it all as a big adventure? Mix some hard drugs in and an immature character who always lets big brother make the important decisions in life, refusing to take responsibility himself, and I could believe that.

Like someone else here earlier I wonder what he is thinking and feeling now. Does he still wear that smirk on his face? Or does it slowly dawn on him what he has done? I hope he is horrified and disgusted by himself, remorseful, and cooperative with investigators.
"The CIA asked the main U.S. counterterrorism agency to add the name of one of the suspected Boston Marathon bombers to a watch list more than a year before the attack, according to U.S. officials.


The new disclosure suggests that the U.S. government may have had more reason than previously known to scrutinize Tsarnaev in the months leading up to the bombings in Boston. It also raises questions as to why U.S. authorities didn’t flag his return to the country after a seven-month trip to Russia last year."


Heads will roll ...

I doubt that heads will roll.

We can protect peoples feelings or peoples lives. We need to decide which is most important to us.
So, David Petraeus was the Director of the CIA at that time, I believe, but he was also very busy with his biographer Paula Broadwell. He was also friends with Jill (Khawham) Kelley and her twin sister Natalie Khawam. They were born in Lebanon. What a mess!!! And now, he will be a visiting professor at CUNY starting August 1.

"He says in a statement released by Macaulay he's pleased to teach at the college, where most students are children of immigrants. He says he looks forward to leading a seminar on the global economic slowdown."
And they left 5K on the scene? Police already explored the pot selling angle (other dealers upset for whateover reason). It got them nowhere.

Yeah, IDK. I have seen similar though. Guy here was selling on the turf of a "motorcycle club". He'd been warned a couple times. One night an "associate" of theirs showed up, put a pillow case over his head, tied him to a chair and beat the crap out of his head with a baseball bat. Left behind all his pot, and the money. He wasn't there to rob him, he was there to send a real clear message to that guy, and to anyone else who might think that selling on their turf was a good idea.

Message received, I think.

Guy is still a vegetable.
I hear you....however are we suggested that anyone who's a s residents and spends months in another country with a known radical underground they should be flagged by the FBI and investigated? ..... Or only if they had been flagged previously AND the spent months in a foreign country?

Why not both?
Yeah, IDK. I have seen similar though. Guy here was selling on the turf of a "motorcycle club". He'd been warned a couple times. One night an "associate" of theirs showed up, put a pillow case over his head, tied him to a chair and beat the crap out of his head with a baseball bat. Left behind all his pot, and the money. He wasn't there to rob him, he was there to send a real clear message to that guy, and to anyone else who might think that selling on their turf was a good idea.

Message received, I think.

Guy is still a vegetable.

Throats "slit from ear to ear" as happend with three murder victims would be an extremely unusual way for other pot dealer to deal with selling on his turf and such.
And sounds like police went with that theory (other dealers) and it got them nowhere.
I don't belive that was the motive.
I hear you....however are we suggested that anyone who's a s residents and spends months in another country with a known radical underground they should be flagged by the FBI and investigated? ..... Or only if they had been flagged previously AND the spent months in a foreign country?

Looking at the carnage and the cost...I say both. One brother was just here on a green card...we supported him...we fed him...we helped with his housing. Once he spent months interacting with radicals...let him stay there. Cut him off. Flag him. Pull the green card.

Hospitality and generosity is over. Come to where I live and see the rural poor...or where I used to live and work with the urban poor. Lets put our money THERE. These are the American poor...and they are suffering. Money is limited. If some refugee is interacting with terror groups in his Homeland...Buh Bye.
It's also possible the victims had no association with pot at all...but that the murderer wanted to shame them and their families by making their deaths look like their fault for their choices.

I'm not saying TT couldn't be involved but I think if he did it, the notion he did it because they sold his brother drugs is weak. I also don't think whoever did this acted alone. It does not say anything about how the bodies were found, as in their position and location, and if they were tied up or not. But I find it hard to believe one person is going to get the chance to slit the throats of 3 grown men, with no struggle...it seems someon would have had to been there with them at gunpoint, while someone slit their throats.
Where is the link to the MSM article that says Tamerlan is definitely linked to that murder of three people? Isn't there another thread for discussing that?
So, David Petraeus was the Director of the CIA at that time, I believe, but he was also very busy with his biographer Paula Broadwell. He was also friends with Jill (Khawham) Kelley and her twin sister Natalie Khawam. They were born in Lebanon. What a mess!!! And now, he will be a visiting professor at CUNY starting August 1.

"He says in a statement released by Macaulay he's pleased to teach at the college, where most students are children of immigrants. He says he looks forward to leading a seminar on the global economic slowdown."

Just curious but why is it significant that he was friends with two lebonese women?
I have no idea where you would be flying to London from, but I can tell you from Boston you can get to London for under 500 bucks, I have flown there for about 380 before, I have also seen tickets to Istanbul from Boston or that same price in January. So the prices change depending on the time of year. Flights can be had quite cheaply is my point. The hard part about an American flying to Russia is that you have to obtain a visa to visit before you leave, and once you have it, you have about a 3 week window in which that visa is good for. Of course TT wouldn't have had to worry about the visa issue.
$380 is still a lot of bread for someone with no verifiable income who changes luxury cars like underwear. :waitasec:

Is car insurance mandatory in Mass.? At only 19 years old Jahar's must have cost a small fortune in itself.
It makes sense not to bury TT anywhere in America, but, the denouncing is an eye opener on the thought process. Could at least have a very private funeral service and cremation (if cremations are allowed). Of course I agree it would be better to take him home.
Maybe he won't get a funeral at all - I read at the DailyMail (so basically it's gossip) that nobody has come forward to claim his body).

Has anyone seen reports in MSM (from a reputable source) of this?
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