Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #9 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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I'm sure we will hear from KR herself at some point in the future. I personally feel very very sorry for the woman, I would bet that she is very remorseful, horrified, scared and depressed right now.

I do hope she did not tip TT off that Thursday evening. But if she didn't and given that this information, which came from DT, has been in the media for days now, wouldn't her lawyer have made an immedient statement that it is not true? I'm worried that the silence means that it is in fact true and she gave TT a heads up, as reported.
True....BUT this wasnt KT's friend......it was her HUSBAND .....

Just imagine for two seconds you are sitting there watching the 5 o'clock news and your husbands face pops up on TV saying he's wanted for questioning.....what would be your first instinct?

I think most people NORMAL first response would be to call their husband, like I thin 2 seconds, without thinking too much into it.

I don't think many people would think "oh my husbands face is on TV, he must be guilty, let me call the FBI" . I'm just being realistic, in that moment, I think instinct would be to pick up your phone and hit your speed dial.

Did she end up tipping him off... Probably, but I don't exactly think her intention was to tip him off so he could flee and evade the FBI.

After some thought should she have perhaps contacted the FBI, perhaps. But not doing it could have been more about denial and confusion then aiding and abetting.

Since he last had the child, I'd be worried about the child.

McCaul is the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. He was on Fox's Sunday morning show. Not much in the way of news, but this bolded part did interest me:

McCaul also was critical of the Obama administration, saying just days after the deadly April 15 bombings there was no foreign terrorist connection to the suspects.

“They just got captured,” McCaul said. “Yet the narrative being played out by the administration is there is no connection. … It’s a rush to judgment.”

He said the FBI just got a hold of a computer used by at least one of the suspects and that agents have just arrived in Russia and the surrounding region.

I wonder if that means that landfill searchers did find a laptop. All MOO
respectfully snipped for space :)

There was an article a couple of days ago saying that TT called her "prostitute" and other names.

Three of Katherine Russell's pals at Suffolk University watched as she was terrorized by the dead bombing suspect after they began their on-and-off relationship in 2007, NPR reported.

Angry and controlling, Tsarnaev called Russell a "*advertiser censored*" and a "prostitute" and was known to throw furniture or other objects at her during fits of rage, the unnamed roommates said.

This manipulative behaviour might well have led to her wearing a very conservative attire - just to please him and escape his abuse.

More here: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...stitute-courtship-roommates-article-1.1325216

Does she always wear black or is that because she's a widow in mourning?
IIRC: we don't know who actually was watching the child.

He had the child when she last saw him. I assumed he had someone else watch the child AFTER his face was flashed all over the television, and then left the apartment (after waiting for his brother to get there, since TT's car was in the shop.)
He had the child when she last saw him. I assumed he had someone else watch the child AFTER his face was flashed all over the television, and then left the apartment (after waiting for his brother to get there, since TT's car was in the shop.)

Only we haven't heard anything about him asking someone to watch the child.
He had the child when she last saw him. I assumed he had someone else watch the child AFTER his face was flashed all over the television, and then left the apartment (after waiting for his brother to get there, since TT's car was in the shop.)

We assume he had someone watch the 3 year old, but who? From what we are hearing ( excption being his mother) he had few friends. Hopefully KRT's next statement via her attorneys will answer that. Who was watching her daughter whhile her husband was setting off the bombs at the Marathon?

DT & TT's parents retreat to village and, as we have already heard have cancelled their trip to US.
Speaking in the garden of a large house, Anzor Tsarnaev said he believed he would not be allowed to see his surviving son Dzhokhar, who was captured and has been charged in connection with the April 15 bomb blasts that killed three people and wounded 264.
"Unfortunately I can't help my child in any way. I am in touch with Dzhokhar's and my own lawyers. They told me they would let me know (what to do)," Tsarnaev said in an interview in the village where he relocated with the suspects' mother.
He agreed to the face-to-face meeting on condition that the village's location in the North Caucasus, a string of mainly Muslim provinces in southern Russia, not be disclosed.
"I am not going back to the United States. For now I am here. I am ill," said Tsarnaev
We assume he had someone watch the 3 year old, but who? From what we are hearing ( excption being his mother) he had few friends. Hopefully KRT's next statement via her attorneys will answer that. Who was watching her daughter whhile her husband was setting off the bombs at the Marathon?

They had known the landlord, who I believe lived on the first floor, for over ten years. He may have asked her to look after the child. Also, while TT may have had few friends, DT did still have friends in the area, so the child may have had friends. (I'm talking about Thursday night here.)

As far as Monday, the day of the bombing, it was a state holiday and the wife may have had the day off. We had various home care aides for a relative over the years from anywere from 3 hours a day to overnight) and I remember that the agency charged double time for holidays (this was not MA, though.)
From the above link:

"The suspects' mother, Zubeidat, was with Anzor Tsarnaev in the village but did not wish to speak.

"She is ill, she is shocked, she is depressed. She lost her children," Tsarnaev said. The couple are divorced but have stayed together."

So Mama has finally shut the heck up!

Interesting that the couple divorced but they are together. In the U.S. becoming divorced is a known tactic for a woman to qualify for welfare benefits.

Another quote from the same article:

The father said he had no hope that Tamerlan's body would be released by the U.S. authorities to be buried in his homeland.

"They won't give us his body," he said, his voice breaking with emotion. "We wont be able to bury him in our land."

I am assuming the "us" phrase refers to a brother (uncle of bomber) who attempted to obtain release of the body. Here in Pennsylvania, it is not legal to release the body of a married man to anyone other than to the wife unless the wife has specifically -in writing - given permission. (Encountered this within my own family when a visiting relative died here during a visit.)

Wonder which uncle it was who attempted to obtain the body? If you read the transcript of the very long interview of Mama and Papa from Thursday, they talk about it being very expensive to bring his body over to Dagestan. They also mention talking to a brother who is here in America about what to do about burial. Does not say which brother.

The family name is quite distinct. It can be searched using free public records search engines. Yes, it appears there was a name change at some time, but not all THAT long ago. I will not say any more and hope this info does not violate terms of service.


"Do you think he left the child alone in the apartment? "

One would hope not. But this issue of he child raises SO many questions. The mother is at work, sees the TV report, calls the apartment and tells Older Bomber "you are being watched", according to news reports.

You are being WATCHED? What the heck is that supposed to mean? Not "Your picture is all over the TV"?
But, hey, maybe if someone has already expressed a fear of "being watched", then what you would do is to call them and confirm that yes, indeed, you ARE being watched. I don't know, but that wording just sounds so hinky.

So the wife then does what? We don't know. There seems to be a gap in information. Did she go home to the apartment to retrieve the child?

I'm lost as to when LE learned the name of the Dead Bomber. Or the address of the apartment. I know the Younger Bomber had ID on him when captured. But did they have an identity on Older Bomber right away or did they have a dead unknown perp on their hands?

So many unanswered questions!
Once the photos were released to the public, multiple people called in.
So presumably identity of the suspects was learned then.
From the above link:

"The suspects' mother, Zubeidat, was with Anzor Tsarnaev in the village but did not wish to speak.

"She is ill, she is shocked, she is depressed. She lost her children," Tsarnaev said. The couple are divorced but have stayed together."

So Mama has finally shut the heck up!

Interesting that the couple divorced but they are together. In the U.S. becoming divorced is a known tactic for a woman to qualify for welfare benefits.

Another quote from the same article:

The father said he had no hope that Tamerlan's body would be released by the U.S. authorities to be buried in his homeland.

"They won't give us his body," he said, his voice breaking with emotion. "We wont be able to bury him in our land."

I am assuming the "us" phrase refers to a brother (uncle of bomber) who attempted to obtain release of the body. Here in Pennsylvania, it is not legal to release the body of a married man to anyone other than to the wife unless the wife has specifically -in writing - given permission. (Encountered this within my own family when a visiting relative died here during a visit.)

Wonder which uncle it was who attempted to obtain the body? If you read the transcript of the very long interview of Mama and Papa from Thursday, they talk about it being very expensive to bring his body over to Dagestan. They also mention talking to a brother who is here in America about what to do about burial. Does not say which brother.

The family name is quite distinct. It can be searched using free public records search engines. Yes, it appears there was a name change at some time, but not all THAT long ago. I will not say any more and hope this info does not violate terms of service.


"Do you think he left the child alone in the apartment? "

One would hope not. But this issue of he child raises SO many questions. The mother is at work, sees the TV report, calls the apartment and tells Older Bomber "you are being watched", according to news reports.

You are being WATCHED? What the heck is that supposed to mean? Not "Your picture is all over the TV"?
But, hey, maybe if someone has already expressed a fear of "being watched", then what you would do is to call them and confirm that yes, indeed, you ARE being watched. I don't know, but that wording just sounds so hinky.

So the wife then does what? We don't know. There seems to be a gap in information. Did she go home to the apartment to retrieve the child?

I'm lost as to when LE learned the name of the Dead Bomber. Or the address of the apartment. I know the Younger Bomber had ID on him when captured. But did they have an identity on Older Bomber right away or did they have a dead unknown perp on their hands?

So many unanswered questions!

Indeed! And good ones.

But I can answer one of them for you:

the uncle who tried to claim TT's body is Alvi Tsarni, also living in Montgomery Village, Md, as uncle Ruslav. Alvi went to Boston and has asked twice that body be released to him, without success.

Link: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/...ston-marathon-bombings-uncles-family/2113771/
Quite interesting piece in Grantland, investigating at length the information-flow:
So it's no surprise that the facts, the idea of precise and correct information, took on an outsize importance in both cases. Not that facts are ever unimportant. After a tragedy, facts can prevent misunderstandings with terrible consequences. Facts can prevent people from being wrongfully blamed, or groups from being wrongfully targeted. Facts can prevent disasters from being repeated. Facts matter immensely. But after both Hillsborough and Boston, the facts assumed an almost salvific quality. In the case of Hillsborough, the quest for fact was also the quest to exonerate the dead; in the case of Boston, the sense that one was pursuing fact, waiting for fact, was what distinguished not only good reporters but also in some way good citizens. Think about the blog posts that went up clarifying "what we know about the bombings" — what a relief they were. How moral they seemed. How moral the impulse behind them really was.
In one article it said that information gathered from DT as well as from New Bedford Russian friends led them to believe it was in the dump.

I kinda get where he's coming from. Not that the subsidy funded the bombs themselves, but that the subsidy funded the people making the bombs. In MA we are required to have health insurance - we will be financially penalized for not being adequately covered. If you're unemployed and/or not wealthy enough to buy your own insurance, there's a MA-funded public assistance program called MassHealth that will be given to you the way food stamps or welfare benefits would be. So I think he was saying that State funding was helping them live their lives while they were making bombs to terrorize and murder.

And, honestly, as a MA resident who gets taxed out the rear end, I'm with him on that one. I have to admit the way he said it was weird though - like MassHealth was buying gunpowder or cellphones. But the heart of the issue - taking benefits with one hand while murdering in the name of hating the same system that's caring for you - is one that enrages me, too.

I too am a mass residents and quite familiar with mass health. The thing is its not quite that simple. Due to the insurance requirements in Ma any business over 5 full time employees are required to provide insurance to employees ... Small business have few employees....therefor theyget crappy rates from insurance companies and pass on hefty costs to their employees. Teachers in a small private school making 25k a year and paying 495 dollars a month in health insurance....when a fidelity employee making over 100k a year can have an insurance rate of under 100 dollars a month for two!...not exactly a fair system despite the fact it is required. And when an employee offers you insurance no matter how epensive it is, you are required to accept that durance, and are ineligible for state insurance. My point is that acquire state insurance means a lot of screening prior, they don't just give it out easily. So I understand the frustration you are describing...but its nt like mass health is given out to everyone who applies. They obviously met soe criteria.
And when an employee offers you insurance no matter how epensive it is, you are required to accept that durance, and are ineligible for state insurance.

Incorrect. Quite a lot of the time a recipient will get what is called "premium assistance" in which the state actually pays the recipient in the form of a check to offset the cost of the healh insurance they are receiving at their job, but no... it is NOT required to automatically take whatever insurance is offered privately "no matter how expensive it is." Wrong.


To get and keep MassHealth, you must:

enroll in any health insurance that is available to you at no cost, including Medicare;
enroll in health insurance when MassHealth determines it is cost effective for you to do so; or
keep any health insurance that you already have.

You must also give MassHealth information about any health insurance that you or a family member already have or may be able to get. We will use this information to determine:

if the services covered under your private health insurance meet MassHealth standards; and
what we may pay toward the cost of your private health insurance.

And here is the premium assistance information.
Once the photos were released to the public, multiple people called in.
So presumably identity of the suspects was learned then.

Why wasn't LE at the Cambridge apartment and at UMass-Dartmouth that Thursday night? They weren't at those places until sometime Friday.
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