TES is back in Town!! 10/09/2008

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It rained yesterday in Orlando and it's raining here in Orlando now. The weather has been bad this week.


I forgot about that rain. Its still raining?? Bummer.

well maybe theyll search for Jennifer now and then Caylee another time. I hope thats what the article meant.
It didn't rain in 'my neck of the woods' near Orlando today, but we had over 3 inches of rain yesterday. The problem is the ground is still so saturated from Fay that everything floods immediately - including my back yard! There is an open area by our house - it is a sod farm and during Fay it turned into a lake. I noticed this afternoon that it is, once again, a lake! If TES was hoping to search areas that were under water last time, I have a bad feeling they are now under water again! If the water recedes quickly enough, perhaps they can start searching Sunday - but weather people are saying more rain in the forcast :(
Nore, it is odd that you mentioned your dog & instinct to protect her pups. In May we had to have our beloved golden put to sleep. We have an adult son who is MR so I was worried about how he would be losing his dog. I have worked with a lot of hospice patients & believe in the "good" death. The day we had to do the deed, I took a lot of photo's of him & our dog. I bought a white lace silk baby pillow, a pink baby blanket & a rose. After normal vet hours my son & I took our golden in. I asked to stay with her in a regular room, we sat on the floor with her, the vet giving us as much time as we needed. When we were ready he adminstered the shot. She laid her head so sweetly on the pillow, went to sleep with us petting and loving her. Again the vet gave my son & I all the time we needed. It was a "good" death. I thought of this tonight when my son said he missed her. I thought of how we had taken more time, given more love to have our pet go peacefully than KC did her own child. I think it is this sort of thing we see in Tim Miller. His heart is broken at knowing his child didn't have the "good" death, that he wasn't there to hold her hand & ease her fear. He wants dignity & peace for all the victims & their families. I am so grateful we have a man like Tim Miller & am so grateful for all those who volunteer their time. How heart breaking it is for him to search for Caylee but more heart breaking has to have been looking into KC's blank eyes & seeing no soul. As so many other's have said, Tim is an angel. :praying::angel::angel:

LeLe 1953
I am in total agreement with you !
Briefly I mentioned in a posting how I cared MORE for my dog than Casey did her precious daughter ! Ruthless !

We lost our 12 yr. old Shi Tzu, Memorial Day weekend to congestive heart failure. I stayed with her when the vet gave her the shot, and so did my 11 yr. old Granddaughter.11 yr. old Grandchild wrapped her up in a blanket and placed Angel in the car. She knew I was too upset.

I held that dog until she took her last breath. Angel needed to know I was there with her, and that she gave me a lot of happiness for the last 12 yrs.
As difficult as this was for me, I did it , because I loved my dog, and it was important to me to let her die with dignity and love.

I could not bear to place her in the ground, so I had her cremated, and brought her "back home," where she will remain until I die, and then my sons were told that she goes in with me, for eternity.

IF you love someone or something, you want to do the "right" thing for them when they die. No decent person with a conscience would do anything
other than the "right" thing when they are approached with mourning !:blowkiss:

Just throwing this out there but I live about 45 minutes from Orlando. Am chomping at the bit for the go ahead on this upcoming search so I can head on over there. We've had rain here for days and yes there is standing water but nothing like there was a month ago. In other words, it's not deep water like it was.
Tim just said on the NG show that they are getting organized and the search will go forward later. But, not tomorrow. I don't believe he said it was rain hampered but more getting organized although he mentioned the rain.

He also said something odd. That he supports the Anthony family and hopes they find Caylee alive but the woods are thick etc. He mentioned that the searchers would be looking close to the entrances to the wooded areas as he didn't think someone would walk very far to dump the body.
Tim just said on the NG show that they are getting organized and the search will go forward later. But, not tomorrow. I don't believe he said it was rain hampered but more getting organized although he mentioned the rain.

He also said something odd. That he supports the Anthony family and hopes they find Caylee alive but the woods are thick etc. He mentioned that the searchers would be looking close to the entrances to the wooded areas as he didn't think someone would walk very far to dump the body.

Yup, heard him too. He's going to go in there tomorrow and take a look to evaluate then.
i don't know, it seems like stalling...he seems so terribly sad, permanently sad....anyway he said he was in meetings all day and wasn't expecting that.

seemed like stalling...I think something is up.
i don't know, it seems like stalling...he seems so terribly sad, permanently sad....anyway he said he was in meetings all day and wasn't expecting that.

seemed like stalling...I think something is up.

Tim takes every case to heart. He is genuinely a very compassionate soul. That's why he seems sad all the time because his heart goes out to the families and the people that care so much. Remember, he is speaking from personal experience.

You can take him at his word. If he says it's due to the weather, I can assure that is what he means. Ask some of the searchers here what it's like trying to find something under that much water. It's almost fruitless. Tim will preach over and over that you as a searcher have to put your safety first. That is what he tries to do with everyone.
i don't know, it seems like stalling...he seems so terribly sad, permanently sad....anyway he said he was in meetings all day and wasn't expecting that.

seemed like stalling...I think something is up.

The reason for the stalling is that Cindy and him are clashing on what TM is supposed to find. WFTV just said TM is set on finding skelton remains but Cindy told him he is going to find a live Caylee with the tips that came in. I hope TM is not having second thoughts about searching because Cindy is a b*tch.

Also it has been raining on and off for the last 5 days and it is all ending tomorrow with no chances of rain past Sunday. So hopefully he can search soon.
Last night on Scared Monkeys Radio, Tim spoke about the latest events. Yesterday he met with Orlando LE about both cases, Caylee & J.Kesse....he eluded to the fact that he may be starting with the Kesse case first. Because when he came into Florida the areas he decided to search, were still under some water. He wished that the conditions were that of when Caylee first went missing. I'll add a link when I find it.
Tim was on SMR last night, he was able to speak more candidly about the case. He also spoke about J. Kesse case. He said that when he flew into Orlando Aiport, the conditions were downpouring. He wishes conditions were that of when Caylee went missing...he says its more complicated to get in there and search. He also said he was in meetings all day with Orange County & Orlando Police Dept. about both cases. He met with Kesses parents too. It seems to me that they rain is not helping any, but they will start searching soon. He eludes that he may start with the Kesse case on Saturday first.


Leanord Padilla and Tim Miller on Scared Monkey Radio in a few minutes.

The reason for the stalling is that Cindy and him are clashing on what TM is supposed to find. WFTV just said TM is set on finding skelton remains but Cindy told him he is going to find a live Caylee with the tips that came in. I hope TM is not having second thoughts about searching because Cindy is a b*tch.

Also it has been raining on and off for the last 5 days and it is all ending tomorrow with no chances of rain past Sunday. So hopefully he can search soon.

If you're talking about this article, that's from early September. That's the way it WAS at that time. He was willing to go ahead with the search at that time in spite of the A's feelings. He will do it again. Tim knows Caylee is no longer with us.

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