TES might pull out of Caylee search for good...

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Money is apparently the official issue. $5,000 was given from confiscated drug money. How much of that drug money is left in the pile? How about the locals that are worth half a billion and up? Rich Devos, Shaquille O'neal, Tiger Woods? TES donations are tax write-offs and the money needed to properly fund TES is pennies to these guys.

Cindy needs to realize she is not in charge of the investigation and is a hindrance, not a help in the search for Caylee. She has yet to look at all.

I reckon witches don't just appear on Halloween
If money is the issue then I wonder why he went back to Orlando to begin with. Wasn't he aware of his financial status before he came? There has to be more to the story.
This case is such a roller coaster of emotions. But at the end of the day IT'S ALL ABOUT JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE!
Yes, What'sThat, I have seen that on news websites as well...that TM met with the Kesse family. This is all very mysterious...killin me!:crazy:

But then, certainly Tim would have to study the Keese case a little before he dives in, and I am sure that with most of Orlando's focus being on Caylee right now, he would feel as if he was doing a disservice to the Keese family for not being completely on her case. I am sure that when he comes to search for her, he doesn't want the distractions that he would get from the general public right now who want to find Caylee. I have so much faith in Tim, and I think for whatever reasons that are not being shared with the public dealing with Caylee, he will certainly be back for Keese.

I was so nervous to be talking to him I did not get into details thinking he would prob not tell me. I'm so new at this I felt as if I were going to have a panic attack. Ever since reading the news about TES pulling out I have had a horrible feeling. I do apologize for freezing up and not asking the right questions.
No need to apologize! You are a braver soul than I am!!!:woohoo: You did great!
And again, thank you so very much for this information! I appreciate you Coley!!!:blowkiss:
If money is the issue then I wonder why he went back to Orlando to begin with. Wasn't he aware of his financial status before he came? There has to be more to the story.
It sounds like it all really comes down to his meeting with LE and MN.
If money is the issue then I wonder why he went back to Orlando to begin with. Wasn't he aware of his financial status before he came? There has to be more to the story.

I personally think there is more to it. Something is being hidden from the public and from what LP said to Coley then we might have an indictment tomorrow.

It is also a Cindy issue too and her and TM are clashing about what to find according to news outlets here. She wants him to find a live Caylee and he is trying to tell her no he is finding bones. CA still beleives her granddaughter is alive and well. Hence why TM might be pulling out after talking to MN. I think she needs some serious mental help right now.

Also to let you know it has not rained here in 2 days so he is probably stalling because of the rain issue too. It rained all last week here. I don't know there are alot of wierd things going on right now and I guess we have to wait until tomorrow to see what the "verdict" is.
I can understand Tim's dilemma here. There are so many families that have missing children and no one in the family has a single clue where that child may be, they may know where the child was last seen, and that is a start.
Clearly in the A family one person knows exactly where to find Caylee, or in the very least, the last place she put Caylee. No one in the family is cooperating with Tim. Yes everyone outside that family wants Caylee found and given a proper resting place, but someone in that family knows where she is and won't cooperate. I'm sure Tim is spitting nails over this ridiculous situation.
No need to apologize! You are a braver soul than I am!!!:woohoo: You did great!
And again, thank you so very much for this information! I appreciate you Coley!!!:blowkiss:
Well, Thank you. I appreciate all of you all here on WS. Without people like us Caylee wouldn't have anyone that cares.

OT- Familiar with Balsam in WNC?
Coley, thanks for the breaking news! You are a brave soul. The ONLY reason TM would go back on his word is they have already found the body and he can not afford to waste the funds of the foundation. jmo
Thanks so much Coley. LP is being a total sweetie, too! :woohoo:

Thanks very much for all of your investigative work! Great job...you got us some scoop! :blowkiss:

I think definitely think there is definitely more here than meets the eye with TES pulling out. Tim met with MN then was supposed to have a meeting with the A's on Saturday or Sunday, correct? Then he announces he may be pulling out for good.

For some reason, I feel this is orchestrated because there is definitely more going on behind the scenes - whether they found the body, or someone told TES what happened to the body and it is not recoverable for some reason...just a thought.
"people do not like the fact that Tim is wasting time on a family that does not want her to be found"

It shouldnt be about the family, searching for this girl is not wasting time in any way shape or form, SHE deserves to be found, and laid to rest. Screw her 'family' if they dont feel the same. Thats what I was trying to say earlier, he doesnt need the A's permission to look for a murdered child, they have no say.

The fact that Caylee has no one is a good reason to stay, NOT leave. Every missing person deserves to be found. To leave a child behind because her family has abandoned her breaks my heart. She deserves just as much effort as a child whose family cares...she is just as valuable and even more alone.
Well, Thank you. I appreciate all of you all here on WS. Without people like us Caylee wouldn't have anyone that cares.

OT- Familiar with Balsam in WNC?
I do know where Balsam is. Hubby and I went for an anniversay week end over there a while back and stayed at the Inn. Beautiful country over that way! I'm in Hendersonville NC, close to Asheville.:)
Something that baffles me about Tim pulling out.......the news article states:

"We gotta think about what's good for Equusearch in these tough economic times, because people who donate money may not donate again if all our money goes to one person when there are more (missing persons) out there,"

No disrespect intended, but Equusearch has spent years and probably much more money on the Natalie Holloway search.

But the money rolled in in donations for that search. And all the players were likeable and actually tried to further the invetigation. The A's seem to try and hinder it at every turn and are disgusting people. TES's donations for this search have not really come in because of the A's. And there are thousands of missing kids families who want TES's help. The A's do not. A found body dries up the gravy train.

I reckon that Texas feller may get his back up and ignore the polecats. He may find her just to spite 'em.

"The fact that Miller says Equusearch has already spent $44,000 on the search for Caylee, only having recouped $5,000 from the Orange County Sheriff's Office and another $7,000 from private donations, and the fact that the Anthonys are not cooperating, is forcing Miller to reconsider continuing the search." (from above linked story)

Sad news indeed.

I can understand the financial issue, but to stop because the Anthonys are not cooperating would be a shame. Whether from a desire to cover up a crime, or from denial so deep-seated it cannot be budged, their motives cannot be good. :furious:

On the other hand, there are other families out there that are desperately longing to know what happened to their missing loved ones. Much as I hate to say it, perhaps the efforts of TES are better spent trying to bring closure to grieving families that actually want it.

In any case, TES and TM are doing heroic and much-needed work in this world. Just sent them a donation (couldn't afford much, but I figure every little bit helps).
If money is the issue then I wonder why he went back to Orlando to begin with. Wasn't he aware of his financial status before he came? There has to be more to the story.

It is also possible that in his meetings with LE last week that he was told they have plenty without a body. IMHO, all missings are equal in his eyes so he may just go find others whose families are decent and cooperative.

I was so nervous to be talking to him I did not get into details thinking he would prob not tell me. I'm so new at this I felt as if I were going to have a panic attack. Ever since reading the news about TES pulling out I have had a horrible feeling. I do apologize for freezing up and not asking the right questions.

Coley, you have nothing to apologize for!!! It was very brave of you to call, as I am sure he gets hundreds of calls a day from people who are following this case. I trust LP and believe him to be a stand-up guy. I appreciate him telling you what he did and that you were willing to share with us!!

As for TM... I believe with all my heart that he would NEVER lie about his reasons, whatever they are. It's possible that he cannot say everything right now. If it is due to the A's refusal to cooperate, then all I can say is God help them... they will have to face the consequences sooner or later. All I know is... I trust Tim, I believe he is honest and sincere, and I don't believe he would knowingly try to fool anyone!

I am sure that we are going to hear things that shock us in the coming days. Be prepared... it's going to get ugly!
The fact that Caylee has no one is a good reason to stay, NOT leave. Every missing person deserves to be found. To leave a child behind because her family has abandoned her breaks my heart. She deserves just as much effort as a child whose family cares...she is just as valuable and even more alone.

I couldn't have said it better softsoul. It is heartbreaking and I can not wrap my brain around the familys behavior. :furious: With that said, I am going to keep the faith that tomorrow will bring answers. For today I am shutting my computer off before I explode!
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