Thailand - FOUND ALIVE - 12 Boys And Coach Still Trapped In Cave , 23 June 2018 #2

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From everything that I have learned (armchair masochist enthusiast) about cave diving it is a step and so much beyond open water diving. It's a beast unto itself. There are many documentaries on Youtube about it-- enough to make most of us run screaming.

At least divers are trying, and it hurts that we've lost a good diver doing his level-best, heartfelt desire to aid these young men. Cave diving is no joke, and he may not have seen conditions like this before. Cave diving is a niche sport. But he did his best.

May the gods bless Saman Kunam. He is a hero, and an example of just what humanity will bear to go that extra mile. May he and his loved ones find peace.

Heartwarming words, SunVenus.

Indeed, we are witnessing great humanity.
I woke up this morning feeling that this is a good day for a miracle.

Hell YEAH! It is. :) Today is the day. Every day shows us miracles. If not these tough young men and their amazing rescuers, it will be something else. Never under-estimate the power of good in the world.

If it ain't our youngsters today, it may be tomorrow. The spirit of humanity is deeper and stronger than we all know.
We are not hearing much now on the condition of the boys/coach. With the oxygen levels so low I am so worried about the 3 who were not well. Not to mention the others. We need some news. Good news.
Hell YEAH! It is. :) Today is the day. Every day shows us miracles. If not these tough young men and their amazing rescuers, it will be something else. Never under-estimate the power of good in the world.

If it ain't our youngsters today, it may be tomorrow. The spirit of humanity is deeper and stronger than we all know.

I share your magnificent beliefs. They live in my heart.

It is almost impossible to find someone on this site who doesn't feel the same way.

Okay. I know this is serious. I know it is a serious company name, with real world credentials. This is fraught with danger and we are all worried and biting our nails. But really; "The Boring Company"! Elon Musk at least gets a LOL for that name, even though it fits.

Can you imagine the board meetings?
"Hi. I am Boring."
"Me too! So Boring!"
"Who else can we bore?"
"What boring drills must we place?"
"I am so boring.. on Mars."

long silence....

Boring, boring, boring, and hey! LOL. Lets pray LOLZ works.

Sorry to be irreverent, but that just hit my funny bone. If he has the tech, I pray the Thai admins let him in.

We cannot pick and choose at this moment. It sucks to laugh but maybe a drop of humour may help everyone. At least us Websleuthers. :)
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