The 17 *New* Hairs

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I find it odd that so few hairs were found in her car. Wasn't it at least 10 years old? Someone must have really gone to town cleaning that car.

I'd be surprised if they didn't find hair from unidentified people. I think Lee owned the car before Casey. Every time someone entered that car they could have transfered hair from anywhere. For example, if Casey took Caylee to the doctor and put her diaper bag on floor, it could have picked up hair from the doctor's office...and that's just one example. Service men working on the car....friends transferring hair from their homes. The possibilities are endless.

The whole hair thing is a non-issue IMO. The only hair that counts is Caylee's with the death band. The rest is just smoke and mirrors from an unscrupulous defense team trying to divert attention away from the hair with the death band.

I really want to know who the hairs belong to. Someone the defense wants to throw under the bus or a live Caylee so they can try to say "look she was never dead in the trunk!"
I really want to know who the hairs belong to. Someone the defense wants to throw under the bus or a live Caylee so they can try to say "look she was never dead in the trunk!"

Maybe the hairs came from the squirrels.
Let's not get too upset about JB claiming the Dr. Lee found all these hair. This was JUST a motions hearing - that is all. IF he tries to use the same type of defense at the actual trial - the SA will be able to show exactly who found what, where they found it and when it was found - it's all there in the reports.

Dr. Lee, poor guy, was VERY good at what he did in the past. He made some serious errors and not many people are taking him seriously any more. I know people who have met him and every one says he is really a nice guy. I would be interested in knowing if he has testified in any other cases since the Specter fiasco? Do I think Dr. Lee 'planted' hair - NO! If you look at the transcript for the NG show he was on in November - he goes out of his way to praise OCSO and they way they handled the evidence - and I am sure the SA office had that transcript with them in court the other day, just in case they might have needed it :)

Worry more about this if it brought up at trial - don't worry too much about it now. It did give the SA a heads up as to what kind of defense is going to be presented. The defense can try to discredit every single piece of forensic evidence they want - it won't make a bit of difference once the jury hears '31 days'!
I really want to know who the hairs belong to. Someone the defense wants to throw under the bus or a live Caylee so they can try to say "look she was never dead in the trunk!"

George, Cindy, the tow truck guy, and one of the detectives all said they smelled a dead body in Casey's car. Lee said the smell was so strong it hit you like a wave and permeated throughout the house (there's a reason why they shut the car up in the garage...they didn't want the neighbors smelling human decomposition). George was very specific in saying it's a smell you never forget. The tow truck guy also knew the smell of death from towing a car where someone committed suicide. Cindy also said she was a nurse of decomposition or something silly like that which makes me believe she knew the smell of decomp as well. The lab tests confirmed human decomp in the car. Two cadaver dogs hit on the trunk of the car. The smell of death was still in the car months after LE had the car. There are text messages from Casey herself complaining of the smell...IMO trying to make excuses for the smell. The jury would have to be dumb as rocks to believe anything other than a deceased Caylee was placed in that trunk.
Off topic, but ROFL when I saw the line about the twins under your sreen name!!!!

you forgot to put "at your request....." it kills me that Lucy looks like my grandson. Yep, grandson....
Is Henry L@@'s credibility totaly shot after the Phil Sp... case?

My question too. Soon as I heard he found more hairs I thought "of course he did...." maybe he planted Lana Clarkson's fingernail in KC's car.....
George, Cindy, the tow truck guy, and one of the detectives all said they smelled a dead body in Casey's car. Lee said the smell was so strong it hit you like a wave and permeated throughout the house (there's a reason why they shut the car up in the garage...they didn't want the neighbors smelling human decomposition). George was very specific in saying it's a smell you never forget. The tow truck guy also knew the smell of death from towing a car where someone committed suicide. Cindy also said she was a nurse of decomposition or something silly like that which makes me believe she knew the smell of decomp as well. The lab tests confirmed human decomp in the car. Two cadaver dogs hit on the trunk of the car. The smell of death was still in the car months after LE had the car. There are text messages from Casey herself complaining of the smell...IMO trying to make excuses for the smell. The jury would have to be dumb as rocks to believe anything other than a deceased Caylee was placed in that trunk.

Too many rocks have been let onto juries........
After the OJ trial, I can't see how anyone could trust a word out of his mouth. If I were on a jury and he was called to testify I would automatically think guilty.

Which is what I think when I see a dream team of lawyers.........
Is Henry L@@'s credibility totaly shot after the Phil Sp... case?

It should have been shot after OJ Simpson's trial because of the blood evidence that he lied about BUT I think it was shot after Michael Peterson's trial when he spit ketsup on a white board. No one has ever forgotten that one. It really was pitiful :twocents:
Too many rocks have been let onto juries........

That's what scares me the most about this case. Casey could get away with murder because a jury may not be able to apply simple logic, reasoning, and common sense. 17 hairs is meaningless when you look at the big picture.
George, Cindy, the tow truck guy, and one of the detectives all said they smelled a dead body in Casey's car. Lee said the smell was so strong it hit you like a wave and permeated throughout the house (there's a reason why they shut the car up in the garage...they didn't want the neighbors smelling human decomposition). George was very specific in saying it's a smell you never forget. The tow truck guy also knew the smell of death from towing a car where someone committed suicide. Cindy also said she was a nurse of decomposition or something silly like that which makes me believe she knew the smell of decomp as well. The lab tests confirmed human decomp in the car. Two cadaver dogs hit on the trunk of the car. The smell of death was still in the car months after LE had the car. There are text messages from Casey herself complaining of the smell...IMO trying to make excuses for the smell. The jury would have to be dumb as rocks to believe anything other than a deceased Caylee was placed in that trunk.

Plus the cadaver dog hit on the trunk.
I find it odd that so few hairs were found in her car. Wasn't it at least 10 years old? Someone must have really gone to town cleaning that car.

I'd be surprised if they didn't find hair from unidentified people. I think Lee owned the car before Casey. Every time someone entered that car they could have transfered hair from anywhere. For example, if Casey took Caylee to the doctor and put her diaper bag on floor, it could have picked up hair from the doctor's office...and that's just one example. Service men working on the car....friends transferring hair from their homes. The possibilities are endless.

The whole hair thing is a non-issue IMO. The only hair that counts is Caylee's with the death band. The rest is just smoke and mirrors from an unscrupulous defense team trying to divert attention away from the hair with the death band.

Also, remember that LE has the vacuum cleaners....
George, Cindy, the tow truck guy, and one of the detectives all said they smelled a dead body in Casey's car. Lee said the smell was so strong it hit you like a wave and permeated throughout the house (there's a reason why they shut the car up in the garage...they didn't want the neighbors smelling human decomposition). George was very specific in saying it's a smell you never forget. The tow truck guy also knew the smell of death from towing a car where someone committed suicide. Cindy also said she was a nurse of decomposition or something silly like that which makes me believe she knew the smell of decomp as well. The lab tests confirmed human decomp in the car. Two cadaver dogs hit on the trunk of the car. The smell of death was still in the car months after LE had the car. There are text messages from Casey herself complaining of the smell...IMO trying to make excuses for the smell. The jury would have to be dumb as rocks to believe anything other than a deceased Caylee was placed in that trunk.

George and Cindy later blamed the smell on pizza but I remember George in a interview...I believe it was with the FBI where he said that he grabbed the bag of garbage in the trunk and threw it in the garbage can at the place where he picked up the car. I think it was across a fence or something like that.
George and Cindy later blamed the smell on pizza but I remember George in a interview...I believe it was with the FBI where he said that he grabbed the bag of garbage in the trunk and threw it in the garbage can at the place where he picked up the car. I think it was across a fence or something like that.

The pizza box was empty.
I heard about that on the news. I'm not really worried about it. Sounds like JB's just trying to throw out some kind of suspicion. Even if the hairs turned out to be someone else, I still know KC murdered poor Caylee. Too much other evidence against her.

All the defense has to prove is "reasonable doubt". According to NG, that is something LEE is known for, creating reasonable doubt.
It should have been shot after OJ Simpson's trial because of the blood evidence that he lied about BUT I think it was shot after Michael Peterson's trial when he spit ketsup on a white board. No one has ever forgotten that one. It really was pitiful :twocents:

I've always wondered if that was ever filmed and put up on You tube. Does anyone know? That would be a hoot to watch now that Casey's trial date is set. Does Dr. Lee have his own thread?
That's what scares me the most about this case. Casey could get away with murder because a jury may not be able to apply simple logic, reasoning, and common sense. 17 hairs is meaningless when you look at the big picture.

Juries can be scary. A very good attorney once told me that your odds are better in Vegas than to predict what a jury will do. I was totally on the fence with Scott Peterson's jury until the verdict came back.

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