The 911 Call, LE Radio Call & Police Report

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Ron worked overtime that night (I believe unplanned overtime because it was reported a barge came in that they had to unload). Since Misty didn't answer Ron's phone calls, I'm not so sure she would know Ron had to work until 3:00.

If she didn't know, why was she standing in the front of the MH with the door wide open, when he pulled up to the home? :waitasec:
The path down to the river from the MH is a public one.
if they somehow determined that the print was Haleigh's, (I guess they could do that if they had the for thought), & then match another one to say, Joe, who claims he had very little contact with Haleigh,well, there's circumstantial evidence. Also, Joe's lawyer could take that same print, (if it's not his), & work it towards reasonable doubt. I have no idea if LE, in any way preserved that print. maybe an enlarged photo, with Haleigh's bare foot print would be enough...IDK.
When I listened to the 911 call I get the impression that Misty was in extreme shock or extremely strung out - she could not answer questions, in a daze of some sorts, at one point she didn't even want to talk but Ron made her get back on the phone. I'm not even sure why Misty would be calling and not Ron himself, and then he hangs up on them??? That really puzzles me, but hey, what do I know - thank heavens I've never had to be, and pray never have to be in that situation.

but if they find some prints around it that don't match Ron or Misty, they might can determine a shoe size, shoe type. Did Ron say that Haleigh was wearing shoes or barefoot?
He wouldn't know, Dodie. He was at work. If LE found the one child's footprint, I'm confident that they examined any surrounding footprints and the patterns of footprints for anything of relevance.
What time did Ron get off? Was it 3? Didn't he stop on the way home? Perhaps to her it felt like 5 min because she was frantic; she noticed it was three-something, knew Ron would be home soon, and so wanted to find Haleigh prior to Ron getting home?

LE has not confirmed what time Ron worked that night. The only answer they give is, "Their Satisfied".

Ron's lawyer mentioned on NG that Ron was due to get off work at midnight but a barge came in and he chose to work 3 hours overtime.

I find it suspicious that he would want to work overtime when he and Misty had a fight over the phone regarding babysitting allegedly at 8:30PM. Not including the big fight the days priors...
Not only did he work the over time but took time to stop for beer, cigg's and nuts before he got home. It has been reported he made around 90 calls that night as well.

I also find it suspicious that Misty would freak out by seeing the lights on when she woke. If she knew that Ron worked the night shift, she knew he would be home at midnight, it could of been him in the kitchen? Ron was due home at around midnight, so I didn't buy Misty's story then nor now. I don't buy any of their stories.
Ron worked overtime that night (I believe unplanned overtime because it was reported a barge came in that they had to unload). Since Misty didn't answer Ron's phone calls, I'm not so sure she would know Ron had to work until 3:00.
It's been pointed out that 20-90 calls went unanswered. It has not been said that no calls were answered after the 7:30-8:00 call.
Ron's stop for peanuts and beer at the Kangaroo is documented. The 911 call time is documented. Personally, I find inconsistencies in the reported times during the half hour period between 3 and 3:27 a.m. somewhat irrelevant. Misty's disordered order of events upon awakening is more significant.
I fully believe that when Misty cries out "Don't"...........I just woke up" that Ron knocked the He77 out of her.

This is what I thought also! I always felt that Ron was abusing Misty during the 2nd call. Sounded like she was struggling with him -
At one point Misty says, I swear to you, and she is NOT playing, I do think he was doing something to her, and she had almost about had enough at that point, I think he was taking his "act" a little too far, like he was like an actor who was in character.
sounds like Misty asked (someone??) "What did you do with her?" and then immediately I hear Ron say, "someone is playing games with me" and then he says, "I am going to kill somebody" then dispatch says "I understand" and asks "What's her date of birth?"
I found Ron's comment (kinda funny here - sorry) "Her date of birth is we need to find her"
Sounded like a doorbell to me earlier also. Does the MH have a working doorbell?

o/t: I have read that an officer happened to be in the area at Toms about 10 minutes before this 911 call regarding a dog complaint. Documenation is posted on a website that some discount as unimportant because they think this person is a nutcase, KWIM.
sounds like Misty asked (someone??) "What did you do with her?" and then immediately I hear Ron say, "someone is playing games with me" and then he says, "I am going to kill somebody" then dispatch says "I understand" and asks "What's her date of birth?"
I found Ron's comment (kinda funny here - sorry) "Her date of birth is we need to find her"
Sounded like a doorbell to me earlier also. Does the MH have a working doorbell?

o/t: I have read that an officer happened to be in the area at Toms about 10 minutes before this 911 call regarding a dog complaint. Documenation is posted on a website that some discount as unimportant because they think this person is a nutcase, KWIM.

Yeah, I thought that was a very clever response from Ronald, being witty when asked a tough question, his whole tone of voice changes, its obvious he probably didn't even know HaLeighs birthday, I would bet the house on it.

sounds like Misty asked (someone??) "What did you do with her?" and then immediately I hear Ron say, "someone is playing games with me" and then he says, "I am going to kill somebody" then dispatch says "I understand" and asks "What's her date of birth?"
I found Ron's comment (kinda funny here - sorry) "Her date of birth is we need to find her"
Sounded like a doorbell to me earlier also
. Does the MH have a working doorbell?

o/t: I have read that an officer happened to be in the area at Toms about 10 minutes before this 911 call regarding a dog complaint. Documenation is posted on a website that some discount as unimportant because they think this person is a nutcase, KWIM.

~BBM I heard a doorbell sound too. Almost like a cell phone doorbell sound when a text is rec'd... (at least my phone makes that (similar) sound .Some folks thought a cell phone turning on or off? But RC asked where his phone was during the 911 call so that makes no sense. MC was talking to 911, RC couldn't find his phone so if it was not a doorbell, who else was there with a cell phone turning it on/off? I have no idea!

The officer at 116 Tyler had been there for over an hour I believe the call was made at like 2:13amIIRC... that's too long for a barking dog call IMO...
in addition the next day LE did serve nuisance barking dog papers at 116 Tyler I believe at 11:00am. BUt thta was from a report from several days earlier and the time was like 6:30am until 11:30 -12 noon.

all MOO
There is a thread here at WS regarding Law Enforcement looking for a doorbell chime early on in the investigation. very early in the investigation. Are you guys saying you heard a doorbell chime during the 911 call? TIA
I believe the doorbell you are talking about is Patty G's doorbell..
Perhaps, someone else can explain.. I was new to the case when the doorbell issue was discussed......
I believe the doorbell you are talking about is Patty G's doorbell..Perhaps, someone else can explain.. I was new to the case when the doorbell issue was discussed......

I think you may be right!!!! I did hear that before.
I believe the doorbell you are talking about is Patty G's doorbell..
Perhaps, someone else can explain.. I was new to the case when the doorbell issue was discussed......

Patty G assured me that she had a grandfather clock that gave that chime and she thought it might have been recorded onto one( or several) of the youtube video's, that was pretty clear. But, what I thought I read above is that someone thought they heard a doorbell chime on the 911 call that is what I was trying to ask....did someone hear a doorbell chime on the 911 call? Was the 911 call that is being listened to one of Patty G's video's or another copy somewhere else that wouldn't have Patty G's grandfather clock chime?
Patty G assured me that she had a grandfather clock that gave that chime and she thought it might have been recorded onto one( or several) of the youtube video's, that was pretty clear. But, what I thought I read above is that someone thought they heard a doorbell chime on the 911 call that is what I was trying to ask....did someone hear a doorbell chime on the 911 call? Was the 911 call that is being listened to one of Patty G's video's or another copy somewhere else that wouldn't have Patty G's grandfather clock chime?

bolded by me...Could the chime have been ...a car door..chime..??? a car door being opened ..with the keys..still in the ignition? My car does that??..Could R/M have been outside..making the 911 call???..and some one pulled up??? and got out??? TN??? My guess...IMO...
I don't know, I personally have never heard the chime( and I have listened to the 911 call numerous times) one would think if there was a doorbell chime on the 911 call, it would be on every recording. But, like I said I don't know. lol.

My curiosity gets piqued every-time the discussion about the door chime comes up!
I don't know, I personally have never heard the chime( and I have listened to the 911 call numerous times) one would think if there was a doorbell chime on the 911 call, it would be on every recording. But, like I said I don't know. lol.

My curiosity gets piqued every-time the discussion about the door chime comes up!

Did NOT hear a chime/bell on ETA: CORRECTION I DO HEAR A CHIME AT 3:32
but I Do hear another voice at 6:26 a female... could be a tv a radio? sounds too far away to be MC
Did NOT hear a chime/bell on

but I Do hear another voice at 6:26 a female... could be a tv a radio? sounds too far away to be MC

Bolded by me...Yes..I hear a female voice also...I agree..too far away to be Misty..I don't think it is a radio/tv..since it was NOT heard earlier on the call......I don't see why R...when asked by the 911 operator as to what kind of PJ's H might have been wearing...R gets angry..repeats ..I was at work!!!...INSTEAD of asking M what H wore to tell the operator

So much anger from answering the operator...!!!!

all in my own opinion..
IMO RC is talking with someone in the background. Is it just me or does he "act out" more loudly when asked for addl info by MC?

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