The 911 Call

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Mary456 said:
Anyway, a lot of Darlies lined up to send him their hard-earned money, but Jeff never carried through. Not another word about it. He might still be floating around on the net, though, so it's worth a try. Just beware of scam artists, if ya know what I mean.
Oh, he's still out there. About a month ago, I found his address on the Delphi forum and we exchanged a couple of emails. The last one he sent me was a long, rambling diatribe to the evil anti-Darlies. I said "screw it" and didn't respond to it
Mary456 said:
Darlie and her lawyers had the same 911 tape that the prosecution had. She and her counsel went over it numerous times before she testified (it's in the transcript), and the only thing she disputed was the word "fighting". She changed that to "frightened" and then to "frightening". Other than that, they had no objections to the content, including Barry Dickey's testimony that she was moving from room to room while speaking to the operator.
So you're saying the copy transcribed on her sites are what was presented at trial? I thought they were, but then again, I believed they had homemade chicken soup that night. Once you mentioned it, I realized I've never read that anywhere official. Hmmmm
If they are lying about Darin coming downstairs twice, why do you think they would need to lie about it? He wrote it in his original hand-written statement. Liars don't lie for the heck of it. They have a reason, so why does it matter how many times he came and went?
Britlaw said:
I think I'll just give up, I'll stick to my arguments in the courtroom, I gets paid for those and in the main, people are civil.

Brit, please accept my apologies on behalf of that post. It won't happen again. Hope you stay~!
beesy said:
Oh, he's still out there. About a month ago, I found his address on the Delphi forum and we exchanged a couple of emails. The last one he sent me was a long, rambling diatribe to the evil anti-Darlies. I said "screw it" and didn't respond to it

Jeff refuses to believe that Darlie says "threw the knife down" when she is describing to the operator what happened, even though you can hear the words quite plainly on the tape. So, as Mary says, take what Jeff says with a grain of salt. He peeved me off so bad over this that I had to stop posting with him. Of course, it's incriminating so that's why he refuses to acknowledge she says it. Typical camp fire...just ignores anything that is incriminating and blames the PD, especially Patterson. Jeff is in love with Darlie too.
Britlaw said:
Did I suggest it was done as a frame up? Please stop implying that I think she was framed or fitted up by the police etc, as I dont. I would just like to see the actual exhibited transcript rather than those posted on Darlie sites which could include words not on the original (or omit those that were).

I have the 911 call burned to a cd...There is software you can purchase that will bring a voice up from the mud but it's very expensive. My friend Geoff is a sound engineer and he ran it through his equipment but we didn't hear much more than what I heard on my old mp3 player which you could buffer to reduce some of the static.

I've heard words that the transcript has "untelligible" to and also some that were transcribed incorrectly as many of us have. We tried a few years ago to make up a transcript from what, individually, we heard, LOL, I guess we didn't get too far.

I hear her say "I woke up, I was fighting him" but with her accent it comes out sounding like "fightin im" just as she says "yes m" to the operator a few times for "yes ma'am" (not pronounced "marm", (just a little Brit joke :D)).

"Who would do this" and "I don't even know who did it Darin" ....she says that a few times. Of course this is just my own interpretation.
As I listen to the 911 call, it is blatantly apparent she is acting....she "breaks character" when she yells "someone walked in here and INTENTIONALLY did this DARIN!" and then goes back to being the pitiful wailing hysterical woman. I have been an emergency dispatcher - people DO NOT behave that way. There are many areas of the 911 call that are noted to be "unintelligible" in the transcript - who transcribed this call? I believe I hear a child saying "mama?" and also what I believe to be what sounds like "stay in the kitchen!" with a whispered-through-the-teeth tone shortly after Darin is heard....

I hope she gets right with God before they throw the switch. opinion only.....
Darlie's acting is what has attracted me to this case from the very beginning.

Where do you hear these; can you give use the times?
At the 01:27 to 01:28 time marks that are labeled "unintelligable" I pick up something that sounds [to me] like "stay in the kitchen!" - although this could be radio static, or maybe I've listened to the tape too many times and WANT to hear something at that point....and at 05:19 time mark Darlie clearly makes the "someone who did this came in here.....Darin!" and she is ANGRY when she says this. I hear the "mama" just before the 01:44 mark. A passable audio can be found at and I found very interesting threads on the 911 call in the archives here at websleuths.

Edited to correct the time stamp where I hear "stay in the kitchen!" and to add the time stamp where I hear "mama".
Britlaw said:
I think I'll just give up, I'll stick to my arguments in the courtroom, I gets paid for those and in the main, people are civil.
I agree with some of your concerns over evidence issues, esp now that the scientific community is saying that some of the forensics we've relied on inthe past have significant problems and aren't as cut and dry positive as we have accepted/ But for me the most telling evidence against Darlie that I see no other way to explain is the patterns of droplets on her shirt duplicated in tests that have been tried and true for the world's top forensics experts. How do you minimize that? (Not you personally, but people in general) The bloody knife outline on the floor. The screen fiber dust and fiber on the bread knife...actually caught in the serrated edge. Plus no other obvious source it could have come from, and the fact that they had homemade chicken soup and homemade bread for dinner that night, which tells me that knife was used then and cleaned before the murders. The defense has never come up with any alternative possibilities that could lead to any logical conclusions otherwise. So bottom line, I think the evidence is there to prove she did it, but I am disturbed about how forensics is being handled and supervised in this country and how valid some of it might be. I hope to look into that more someday.
Britlaw said:
............ I think Darin said something to her or his body language did that was accusing her and she's defending herself, yeah..telling him to shut the f*ck up lol.
I agree. I think Darin said something to Waddel that made Darlie feel threatened and she reacted to it instantly.

Britlaw said:
............ I think people here think I am a Darlie supporter and I am not.
Not me, but when you question LE some folks get uptight and that is on all the Darlie boards, not just this one, I think maybe they worry that picking apart the state's case will end with people thinking she didn't do it. I don't think there is much of a possibility of that even if the state did make mistakes/ I think both sides should be questioned and picked apart a little.

Britlaw said:
............ I think that LE and the prosecution were under tremendous pressure to get this case done and dusted quickly. The case came before the courts in record time. I have never accused the LE or the prosecution of a 'frame up' or unprofessional behaviour. We have bitter experience in the UK of public & media pressure on prosecutions and as a result had a series of high profile convitions quashed. I dont believe in the death penalty but I want to see guilty people locked up. Like many people, I get angry when I see OJ on the telly - whatever one thinks about the case, the person who butchered two people is out there. If Darlie is going to be executed, I would prefer there to be no lingering doubt as to whether she is guilty or not (if you are a death penalty supporter then you should want this too).
I think we would all like to see this, esp if she did not act alone, but I don't think there is much of a question of "if" regarding her guilt. I don't see anything wrong with the most incriminating forensics against her and without weaking that, I don't see how anyone can think her innocent.
cami said:
Jeff refuses to believe that Darlie says "threw the knife down" when she is describing to the operator what happened, even though you can hear the words quite plainly on the tape. So, as Mary says, take what Jeff says with a grain of salt. He peeved me off so bad over this that I had to stop posting with him. Of course, it's incriminating so that's why he refuses to acknowledge she says it. Typical camp fire...just ignores anything that is incriminating and blames the PD, especially Patterson. Jeff is in love with Darlie too.
Sounds like his theories are evolving. LOL!
Ha Ha Goody's back, every post ends with your name nice to see ya chick
beesy said:
I don't know if I've said anything about this before, but here goes: many Southerners say cain't,sounds like paint, for can't. Is it possible that's the long A sound we are hearing?
Sad, but true. We have a funny way of saying things, compared to people in other parts of the country. :eek: I use two syllables to say the word fire. :eek: :eek: :eek: I do however, say "can't" the proper way. :D
Britlaw said:
I take it all back....Oh my, how could I forget Rosemary and Fred West.....*shudder*....Lord knows why I forgot them. I think that we Brits like to forget these horrible people (like Shipman, Huntley, Hyndley, Brady et al). Yes they did kill their own daughter but you have to admit its not quite the same as the Routiers. The wests killed and buried their own daughter under the floor of the house/in the garden with a shed load of other poor young girls. They never lead an ordinary life as a couple like the Routiers. We never know what goes on behind closed doors but there wasnt a queue of people lining up to give positive character statements about the Wests at their trial.

Gawd, thats made me feel quite ill recalling the Shipman, Fred West the coward killed himself in jail. I dont believe in the death penalty but those two sure do test ones convictions.

If you must know more
OMGosh...I just read that link! :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: What is wrong with some people? :confused:
deandaniellws said:

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Now I am scared. It is Sunday, so the help isn't here. My husband is out playing cards with his group. I wish I hadn't read that link!!! My dogs started barking a few minutes ago and it FREAKED me out! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
You could always just do what that woman in the Routier neigborhood who says she actually saw 2 men trying to break into her house did. Wait up watching the windows until hubby came home instead of calling the cops
beesy said:
You could always just do what that woman in the Routier neigborhood who says she actually saw 2 men trying to break into her house did. Wait up watching the windows until hubby came home instead of calling the cops
I always thought that lady was wacked! :confused: I am really spooked! LMAO! I know it is silly, but............ :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: If I called my husband to come home, he would make MAJOR fun of me. He should be here pretty soon! :loser:
deandaniellws said:
Sad, but true. We have a funny way of saying things, compared to people in other parts of the country. :eek: I use two syllables to say the word fire. :eek: :eek: :eek: I do however, say "can't" the proper way. :D
I think saying cain't is a Virginia thing, but I'm not sure. Nearly every word I say has 2 sylllables...ground, down, fire, tire, school and countless others.
deandaniellws said:
I always thought that lady was wacked! :confused: I am really spooked! LMAO! I know it is silly, but............ :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: If I called my husband to come home, he would make MAJOR fun of me. He should be here pretty soon! :loser:
Yeah, but hopefully you don't actually see someone jimmying your window screen two different times. I'd call the cops before I called my husband. What's he going to do anyway? Tell me to call the cops.
beesy said:
Yeah, but hopefully you don't actually see someone jimmying your window screen two different times. I'd call the cops before I called my husband. What's he going to do anyway? Tell me to call the cops.
I hope not because I was on the third floor!! LMAO. :woohoo: If they were looking in my window...they were flying!!! :D He came home shortly after I posted this last one to you. I was never so glad to see someone. I have no idea why I got that spooked except that when we move in here, there was an urn on the third floor. I have NO IDEA why anyone would leave it, but there it was. I put it up in the attic because I didn't want to be disrespectful to the dead. Anyway, I started thinking...hummmm....wonder how that person died? I was just being a nut job last night. :chicken: :chicken: :chicken:

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