The aftermath of the verdict *MERGED*

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You mean there's even more ....?

There wasn't too much more tonight but stay tuned. All those lovers are still to come out of the closet and claim their cash prize for selling their story to the media.
I saw on ch7 tonight that when he arrived at wolston he could make one call. He called his parents sobbing proclaiming his innocence. Why would he do that? Is he in denial? Does he believe his lies? I don't understand why he'd be so loudly proclaim his innocence?!??? Puts an awful lot of confusion and questions in my mind. Does anyone have a link to it?? I'll try and find.

I'm now at a point where it's completely overwhelming. He seemed like a shady character before but now, with all the extra info, he seems like a very disgusting human being.

But I still cannot understand WHY he's acting this way?!? Will he deny it to the grave? Why? Wouldn't he be better admitting and asking for forgiveness in the hopes he may one day have a relationship with his kids.

Another question (sorry) - if he gets to see his kids, do they monitor this? It would be unspeakably bad if he manipulated those girls into thinking he was innocent - if he really wasn't.

He is still looking for attention and sympathy IMO. It's all part of the act.
He is still their father, despite what has happened. I don't know what will happen now that he has been found guilty, but if the girls want to see their father, I hope they are given that opportunity.

I feel sure the Dickies have the children's best interest in mind, they will be guided by Professional people who will be available to assist them during this time.
He is still looking for attention and sympathy IMO. It's all part of the act.

I firmly believe that due to his personality disorder he has managed to block out the events of the 19th April 2012 and convince himself he didn't do it. I sincerely hope he gets some help in jail for his illness so that he is able to confess to the crime, mainly for his daughters sake. I doubt it though.
I saw on ch7 tonight that when he arrived at wolston he could make one call. He called his parents sobbing proclaiming his innocence. Why would he do that? Is he in denial? Does he believe his lies? I don't understand why he'd be so loudly proclaim his innocence?!??? Puts an awful lot of confusion and questions in my mind. Does anyone have a link to it?? I'll try and find.

I'm now at a point where it's completely overwhelming. He seemed like a shady character before but now, with all the extra info, he seems like a very disgusting human being.

But I still cannot understand WHY he's acting this way?!? Will he deny it to the grave? Why? Wouldn't he be better admitting and asking for forgiveness in the hopes he may one day have a relationship with his kids.

Another question (sorry) - if he gets to see his kids, do they monitor this? It would be unspeakably bad if he manipulated those girls into thinking he was innocent - if he really wasn't.

My bold...

I think (if I remember rightly) that GBC's family had left the Court and GBC was still sitting there - by himself - with the wrath of 1,000 eyes on him.
EBC had left prior - then the rest of the BC clan followed afterwards. They did not stay to the end. There is something telling in that.
The family did not (like some other profile cases) watch GBC be taken away, making eye contact or trying to say one last word of comfort to him.
I suspect he needed to talk to them as the last parting showed their lack of solidarity.
Something was amiss.
Hope this is ok to comment on, as it's related to a facebook page - we'll see :) I've just read a post from the Australian Missing Persons Register and the gist is that they offered assistance (I assume by way of posting/spreading the word about Allison) to the BC family on the day Allison was reported missing, which was refused straight up. It's interesting in that the page admin claims it's the first time in 9 years that any family has turned away their help.

Wow. Well done for finding that. I have just read the post (it is from the coordinator of a legitimate community agency). It is so telling but entirely consistent with what we now know.
Mrs Dickie also confirmed yesterday that GBC had never come to the search headquarters.
Hope this is ok to comment on, as it's related to a facebook page - we'll see :) I've just read a post from the Australian Missing Persons Register and the gist is that they offered assistance (I assume by way of posting/spreading the word about Allison) to the BC family on the day Allison was reported missing, which was refused straight up. It's interesting in that the page admin claims it's the first time in 9 years that any family has turned away their help.

Did anyone put up Missing Person Posters fro Allison at the time?
If so, who were they done by, and who went out and posted them up?
I dont remember seeing any pics for a poster anywhere.
Wow. Well done for finding that. I have just read the post (it is from the coordinator of a legitimate community agency). It is so telling but entirely consistent with what we now know.
Mrs Dickie also confirmed yesterday that GBC had never come to the search headquarters.

He had scratches on his face. Everyone who had turned up at the house had asked him what they were. The least amount of people who saw him the better.
Hope this is ok to comment on, as it's related to a facebook page - we'll see :) I've just read a post from the Australian Missing Persons Register and the gist is that they offered assistance (I assume by way of posting/spreading the word about Allison) to the BC family on the day Allison was reported missing, which was refused straight up. It's interesting in that the page admin claims it's the first time in 9 years that any family has turned away their help.

Catswhiskers - I'm seriously gobsmacked by this.
My bold...

I think (if I remember rightly) that GBC's family had left the Court and GBC was still sitting there - by himself - with the wrath of 1,000 eyes on him.
EBC had left prior - then the rest of the BC clan followed afterwards. They did not stay to the end. There is something telling in that.
The family did not (like some other profile cases) watch GBC be taken away, making eye contact or trying to say one last word of comfort to him.
I suspect he needed to talk to them as the last parting showed their lack of solidarity.
Something was amiss.

Is it possible that they finally realised he was guilty ...???
Originally Posted by Isisrising

I know this is an awful question - and my apologies if it's been discussed and I missed it - but I was just watching the ACA footage of the blood in the back of the car.....

And if he smothered Allison (as was implied in court), what is all of the blood from? Just trying to make sense of it all.......

I've had someone smother me with his hands over my mouth and nose before. Having a hand roughly clamping your mouth closed tends to cut the inside of the mouth with teeth (especially when you're struggling to get free and open your mouth). You end up with a mouthful of blood. I'm guessing it dribbled from her mouth when she was laid into the car. :(

Back in the early days, the 1st 6 months after Allison went missing, we had intense discussion about a lot of things. I researched some medical descriptions of the impact and aftermath of smothering and of strangulation, and in both cases it was outlined that after a period of time (not sure how long) blood will start to trickle from the mouth, coming from some type of internal bleeding. So she might not have been bleeding immediately after death, but after he bundled her up and put her in the car, if her face was squashed against the door then blood could have started seeping out in transit. Gerard may not have noticed until the next day because it would have been dark in the car and out at Kholo Creek.

The other option is bleeding from the injury to the chin which couldnt be explained in detail but was apparent in some way. She may have been strangled in the carport during an argument, fell to the ground (which would explain the leaves in her hair) and hit her head which started bleeding under the hair, also because if she was on the ground he may have dragged her body into the car and caused some injury on the way, or similar to what Freya has said her teeth may have pierced her lip.
My bold...

I think (if I remember rightly) that GBC's family had left the Court and GBC was still sitting there - by himself - with the wrath of 1,000 eyes on him.
EBC had left prior - then the rest of the BC clan followed afterwards. They did not stay to the end. There is something telling in that.
The family did not (like some other profile cases) watch GBC be taken away, making eye contact or trying to say one last word of comfort to him.
I suspect he needed to talk to them as the last parting showed their lack of solidarity.
Something was amiss.

I think it was only EBC that walked out of court. I remember reading OW went pale and NBC slumped in his chair.

11:55am: Gerard Baden-Clay's father Nigel has slumped in his seat, taking deep breaths.

His son is now standing in the dock, waiting to be sentenced.

11:57am: Gerard Baden-Clay's mother Elaine has left the courtroom.

Allison Baden-Clay's mother Priscilla Dickie is now giving her victim impact statement.

12:16pm: Gerard Baden-Clay is shaking violently in the dock.

His father, sister and brother are sitting motionless in the public gallery, directly behind him.

Allison's sister Vanessa Fowler has stepped into the witness box to read her victim impact statement.

12:32pm: Mr Baden-Clay's family has retreated to another meeting room, just three metres away.

12:32pm: Allison's family and friends have gathered in a meeting room outside the court where they are embracing each other, while police are congratulating each other outside Court 11

Read more:

A member of the Baden-Clay family said "we love you mate" as he was led into the watchhouse cells.
I may be wrong and feel free to correct me if I am But wasnt GBC in the courtroom when legal argument was happening in re:getting the murder charge downgraded?And also wasnt his family?If so then they heard the alternative theory about how an argument could have escalated etc?The judge made interesting comments in re; to this also.Surely his defence wouldnt have gone down this road without his ok (gbc)So my point is that how after hearing all this could his family or GBC possibly think him innocent?
So anyone care to hazard a guess on what grounds for an appeal they will go after, and importantly, what are chances of success? How many appeals are successful?

Was anyone there when verdict was announced? I'd just like to understand what they mean by him shaking uncontrollably? In what way?
I think he told them he was innocent and they thought he was innocent, with the exception of Daddy Nigel. I think he was devastated by the verdict obviously, and desperate to ensure he still had their support. The Judges words and the huge reaction to his sentence, the victim impact statements, along with everything else would have had a huge impact on him and he could have been concerned that their faith in him would be shaken and he would be left with no support. Now that so much more has come out about his activities and sick ways, I do think he is at risk of some of them starting to accept the truth. I feel that as time passes Olivia in particular will come to believe he is guilty. Who knows what the consequences of that will be, they certainly stick together to protect the Baden-Clay name so we may never know if Gerard experiences any backlash from his family.

I saw on ch7 tonight that when he arrived at wolston he could make one call. He called his parents sobbing proclaiming his innocence. Why would he do that? Is he in denial? Does he believe his lies? I don't understand why he'd be so loudly proclaim his innocence?!??? Puts an awful lot of confusion and questions in my mind. Does anyone have a link to it?? I'll try and find.

I'm now at a point where it's completely overwhelming. He seemed like a shady character before but now, with all the extra info, he seems like a very disgusting human being.

But I still cannot understand WHY he's acting this way?!? Will he deny it to the grave? Why? Wouldn't he be better admitting and asking for forgiveness in the hopes he may one day have a relationship with his kids.

Another question (sorry) - if he gets to see his kids, do they monitor this? It would be unspeakably bad if he manipulated those girls into thinking he was innocent - if he really wasn't.
So I'm sure he's going to appeal because of his huge ego/narcissism/denial/entitlement...

"The third avenue is miscarriage of justice, which can cover a variety of scenarios including whether jurors have been found to undertake their own research outside the courtroom...
Professor Douglas believes Baden-Clay's legal team could pursue a miscarriage of justice appeal because one juror had downloaded overseas' material on jury deliberations."

I'm sure this is next and HOPE it will be declined...

Also, where the hell are they getting the money from?? He was already in debt, to my understanding more than half a million dollars. And do you have any idea how much these barristers cost?? I understand just under one thousand an hour!. Think about all of the hours his legal team has already put in, actual court appearances and the rest of the behind the scenes stuff (these people charge by the hour for phone calls etc, anything related to the case). And if he's going to appeal?! I'm seeing big figures here... I can't believe his family can continue to help him fund this. I don't think banks give loans for funding defense in murder trials... It blows my mind!
So anyone care to hazard a guess on what grounds for an appeal they will go after, and importantly, what are chances of success? How many appeals are successful?

Was anyone there when verdict was announced? I'd just like to understand what they mean by him shaking uncontrollably? In what way?

""They'll be looking at every word and every direction, everything the judge said and everything that was presented in the trial."

Under Queensland law, there are three avenues of appeal, one being error of law, as in whether the judge has made incorrect directions to the jury."

Re: shaking uncontrollably, and apparently he was also short of breath. He thought the jury had fallen for him and believed his every word. He was in shock.
Hi all,

With Kimsters permission I post the link to the Jury Room is where you'll find my thread about Getting Together.

On my thread which is in the second section about 5 down currently, please read Kimsters notes and warnings about getting together and foregoing anonymity. It's a personal decision that needs to be considered carefully.

We can't discuss getting together on this thread so don't respond here just go to the Jury Room.
^^ sorry to be the bearer of bad news beechworth, but we are paying. He was on legal aid. Yes, really. :(
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