The (Alleged) Abduction

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Do we all think she got in his car? Judging by LE, it doesn't seem they were able to see her in the car on surveillance. If JM did drug her, he may have been able to force her into his trunk without drawing a lot of attention.

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LE sure as heck thinks she got into his car. They got a search warrent and seized the car, even as they let JM go. Something made them hot on that car.
Supposedly, there was evidence in JM's car that HG was in there and possibly in his apartment. But, at the same time, Longo talks like he doesn't know if she was in there or not. Or is that just me thinking that way?
Do we all think she got in his car? Judging by LE, it doesn't seem they were able to see her in the car on surveillance. If JM did drug her, he may have been able to force her into his trunk without drawing a lot of attention.

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Or, she could have been slumped over or in the back seat. If she was barely able to walk, that would be a strong possibility.
In the picture JM's friend took of JM and that girl around 12:00, he looked really lit. Not sure how that affected his personality...or how good his memory was when he sobered up.

And he is wearing a gold chain. Has that been found intact? MOO.
Or, she could have been slumped over or in the back seat. If she was barely able to walk, that would be a strong possibility.

I could see that. But evidence of Hannah being in the car doesn't necessarily support an abduction charge . .at least without some other evidence that points to a struggle, etc.

I was talking to a family memeber yesterday who is a prosecutor and asked him what evidence could lead to the charge of abduction with intent to defile (we don't have that in our state, but a similar kiddnapping with intent to harm.) The first thing he said was evidence that the victim was in the trunk. That's what made me wonder if we think it's possible Hannah was put in the trunk. We really don't know what happened when they got to JM's car. That's why I asked what others thought.
In the picture JM's friend took of JM and that girl around 12:00, he looked really lit. Not sure how that affected his personality...or how good his memory was when he sobered up.
Have we seen that pic?
I could see that. But evidence of Hannah being in the car doesn't necessarily support an abduction charge . .at least without some other evidence that points to a struggle, etc.

I was talking to a family memeber yesterday who is a prosecutor and asked him what evidence could lead to the charge of abduction with intent to defile (we don't have that in our state, but a similar kiddnapping with intent to harm.) The first thing he said was evidence that the victim was in the trunk. That's what made me wonder if we think it's possible Hannah was put in the trunk. We really don't know what happened when they got to JM's car. That's why I asked what others thought.

Thats interesting. I was thinking they found the drinks from Tempo in the car, but that wouldnt indicate abduction. If she passed out before they made it to the car, he may have put her in the trunk, or if he raped her in the car, then put her in after that...ugh.
I could see that. But evidence of Hannah being in the car doesn't necessarily support an abduction charge . .at least without some other evidence that points to a struggle, etc.

I was talking to a family memeber yesterday who is a prosecutor and asked him what evidence could lead to the charge of abduction with intent to defile (we don't have that in our state, but a similar kiddnapping with intent to harm.) The first thing he said was evidence that the victim was in the trunk. That's what made me wonder if we think it's possible Hannah was put in the trunk. We really don't know what happened when they got to JM's car. That's why I asked what others thought.

I can see an abduction charge from the trunk evidence, but what about the intent to defile? I wonder what that evidence consists of?
This is my question, too. I put together a timeline with LOTS of holes. Feel free to edit and/or add...
Jesse Matthew-TIMELINE:
Saturday, September 13—1:45 A.M.—Walking away from Tempo
????-Days JM worked
????--Video showing JM is aired.
Saturday, September 20—Midday at Charlottesville Police Station. Went to parent's (or grandmother's) home and took off with mother in the car.
Where did he drop off his mother?
When did police intercept the call from Matthew to relative? (Louisiana to Virginia call?)
From Google Maps: On I-59 Charlottesville to Galveston Island-Drive Time 19.5 hours
Monday and Tuesday, September 22 & 23--Police estimate he had spent two nights on the beach on Galveston Island. That would be Monday and Tuesday nights??
Wednesday, September 24—Arrested on Galveston Island.
Friday, September 26—Returned to Charlottesville
Thanks for starting the timeline! I added a few bits

Jesse Matthew-TIMELINE:
Saturday,September 13
1:45 A.M.—Walking away from Tempo​
Sunday 14 HG reported missing
Monday 15 Police begin search for Hannah
Tuesday 16
Wednesday 17
Thursday 18 Last time Landlord saw JM
Friday 19 First Search warrant JM's House &
5:45 AM Search warrant time - Car​
Saturday, September 20—
Early/mid afternoon Charlottesville Police Station with family members, speaks to lawyer​
3.04 changes fb picture​
5.00 last seen (wanted poster) Went to parent's (or grandmother's) home and took off with mother in the car.​
Sunday 21—
Monday 22—
Afternoon LUMBERTON, Texas
Authorities are looking at surveillance video and other evidence that indicates Jesse Matthew was in the Hardin County area on Monday.
Matthew checked in Monday afternoon at Village Creek State Park and rented a tent space under an assumed name. only stayed a few hours Taco Bell LUMBERTON​

Police executed a new search warrant at his home

Tuesday—, September 23
Wednesday—, September 24—
Arrested on Galveston Island.​
Friday, September 26—
Returned to Charlottesville​

please correct and add
(Louisiana to Virginia call?)
From Google Maps: On I-59 Charlottesville to Galveston Island-Drive Time 19.5 hours
Police estimate he had spent two nights on the beach on Galveston Island
the man who gave him a fish
One statement I keep reading over and over in our threads is that Hannah was drunk. Some say drunk out of her mind but mostly it seems everyone agrees Hannah was drunk. I can't find any facts that say Hannah was drunk before or after she made it to Tempo. One eyewitness is reported as saying they saw her at Tempo and she seemed drunk. There is only one MSM report that I've seen of anyone who was with Hannah before she left and headed downtown was from a male friend who says Hannah was at the party for 25-35 minutes, said she was leaving, he offered to walk her and she declined. He does not say Hannah was drunk. I have seen 2 hallway shots of Hannah before she walked downtown and she does not look drunk to me, I don't think I can tell how sober she is at this time. Chief Longo has stated in two press conferences that Hannah walked with a purpose when she came on the mall. Although some of the video scenes look like Hannah and JM are together walking it is possible they are just walking together while passing the cameras. Her stop outside Tempo could have been to get closer to other people. Hannah and JM are witnessed by a few people leaving Tempo together, it's been said JM had his arm around her and was "helping" her walk. There are a multitude of reasons he could be helping her walk besides Hannah was drunk, one is he could have walked up to her nicely punched her in her side, grabbed her around the waist and told her to walk and not make a sound, all in less than 2 seconds, seriously. I am not saying this is what probably happened, I am just saying there is no proof Hannnah was drunk at all that night let alone still drunk hours after anyone has seen her drink at the party she attended for less than an hour. I don't think we should assume Hannah was drunk with the facts that we have been given so far. Her abduction seems swift and possibly somewhat in the open to me.
To me she definitely looks inebriated in the higher resolution video from outside McGrady's.
One statement I keep reading over and over in our threads is that Hannah was drunk. Some say drunk out of her mind but mostly it seems everyone agrees Hannah was drunk. I can't find any facts that say Hannah was drunk before or after she made it to Tempo. One eyewitness is reported as saying they saw her at Tempo and she seemed drunk. There is only one MSM report that I've seen of anyone who was with Hannah before she left and headed downtown was from a male friend who says Hannah was at the party for 25-35 minutes, said she was leaving, he offered to walk her and she declined. He does not say Hannah was drunk. I have seen 2 hallway shots of Hannah before she walked downtown and she does not look drunk to me, I don't think I can tell how sober she is at this time. Chief Longo has stated in two press conferences that Hannah walked with a purpose when she came on the mall. Although some of the video scenes look like Hannah and JM are together walking it is possible they are just walking together while passing the cameras. Her stop outside Tempo could have been to get closer to other people. Hannah and JM are witnessed by a few people leaving Tempo together, it's been said JM had his arm around her and was "helping" her walk. There are a multitude of reasons he could be helping her walk besides Hannah was drunk, one is he could have walked up to her nicely punched her in her side, grabbed her around the waist and told her to walk and not make a sound, all in less than 2 seconds, seriously. I am not saying this is what probably happened, I am just saying there is no proof Hannnah was drunk at all that night let alone still drunk hours after anyone has seen her drink at the party she attended for less than an hour. I don't think we should assume Hannah was drunk with the facts that we have been given so far. Her abduction seems swift and possibly somewhat in the open to me. just my time to opine
LE also told us Hannah was drinking and was impaired. I assume they had sources that told them this
LE also told us Hannah was drinking and was impaired. I assume they had sources that told them this
Yes, in press conference 1 and 3 they say that they have at least witness that says they saw her inside Tempo and she appeared drunk.
One statement I keep reading over and over in our threads is that Hannah was drunk. Some say drunk out of her mind but mostly it seems everyone agrees Hannah was drunk. I can't find any facts that say Hannah was drunk before or after she made it to Tempo. One eyewitness is reported as saying they saw her at Tempo and she seemed drunk. There is only one MSM report that I've seen of anyone who was with Hannah before she left and headed downtown was from a male friend who says Hannah was at the party for 25-35 minutes, said she was leaving, he offered to walk her and she declined. He does not say Hannah was drunk. I have seen 2 hallway shots of Hannah before she walked downtown and she does not look drunk to me, I don't think I can tell how sober she is at this time. Chief Longo has stated in two press conferences that Hannah walked with a purpose when she came on the mall. Although some of the video scenes look like Hannah and JM are together walking it is possible they are just walking together while passing the cameras. Her stop outside Tempo could have been to get closer to other people. Hannah and JM are witnessed by a few people leaving Tempo together, it's been said JM had his arm around her and was "helping" her walk. There are a multitude of reasons he could be helping her walk besides Hannah was drunk, one is he could have walked up to her nicely punched her in her side, grabbed her around the waist and told her to walk and not make a sound, all in less than 2 seconds, seriously. I am not saying this is what probably happened, I am just saying there is no proof Hannnah was drunk at all that night let alone still drunk hours after anyone has seen her drink at the party she attended for less than an hour. I don't think we should assume Hannah was drunk with the facts that we have been given so far. Her abduction seems swift and possibly somewhat in the open to me.

Maureen, when Longo gave his first pressers he said hannah was drunk but he didn't want people to focus on that instead of looking for her. Longo also said she was not in condition to make the wisest decisions. Im sure the articles are linked in our media thread.
LE also told us Hannah was drinking and was impaired. I assume they had sources that told them this

Not only did LE say that Hannah was "extremely intoxicated', they indicated that a lot of those at the party she had attended earlier also were. It appears that the students there 'fessed up. Everyone that saw her that night and was interviewed mentions that she was on something, either drunk or some other substance that made her look that way. The woman at the door at Tempo said so in her interview. It seems to be pretty clear that she was impaired, and people from the party seem to be open that she and they were all heavily drinking.
Not only did LE say that Hannah was "extremely intoxicated', they indicated that a lot of those at the party she had attended earlier also were. It appears that the students there 'fessed up. Everyone that saw her that night and was interviewed mentions that she was on something, either drunk or some other substance that made her look that way. The woman at the door at Tempo said so in her interview. It seems to be pretty clear that she was impaired, and people from the party seem to be open that she and they were all heavily drinking.
do you know where to find interviews from the party goers who knew Hannah? I can't find one, TIA!!
Assuming HG was in Tempo, JM was also drinking that night based on the Coy Barefoot article. It's possible his unwise decision to be seen with her in Tempo was due to his own impairment.
Could he be so far down the alcholism trail that he was in alcoholic blackout?

His father has convictions for drinking so the genetic component is there
Do we all think she got in his car? Judging by LE, it doesn't seem they were able to see her in the car on surveillance. If JM did drug her, he may have been able to force her into his trunk without drawing a lot of attention.

Maureen, when Longo gave his first pressers he said hannah was drunk but he didn't want people to focus on that instead of looking for her. Longo also said she was not in condition to make the wisest decisions. Im sure the articles are linked in our media thread.

Hambirg and Cherie, I was reading the quotes in your signature section and I wanted to say that it is amazing how true each of these are for the night Hannah disappeared...

The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.--Albert Einstein

“It is remarkable how a seemingly insignificant action or event can change entire lives.” Wm. Paul Young

If only someone stepped in while seeing her stumble down the street; if only she wasn't turned away at McGrady's; oh, the list goes on one on.

We've talked about whether Hannah was a passenger in JM's car, either in the front seat or, in a more cumbersome way (because it was a two door), slumped in the back seat. And, now that Hambirg mentions the trunk, it sort of got me thinking…has there been any mention of where JW had parked his car? Not sure if I missed it. It would be rather difficult, I think, to throw her in the trunk if he was either parked on the street or in a lot downtown. Possibly too many people around. I am thinking, if she got into his car, that she sat in the front seat initially and, if the next events were as we expect, that he then put her in his trunk. Just not initially, IMO. How are they going to find her?!?!

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