The BRAND NEW Zanny the nanny story that KC wrote in jailhouse letters

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I think I may have figured it all out!!!

Casey went to hand Caylee off to Zany at the steps of Sawgrass Apartments and told Zany that she needed her to keep Caylee for a few days while she made her final plans on escaping the evil molestors. Zany's apartment #210 was going through some renovations so she said that she could not watch Caylee at the apartments so Casey said "Well, you have a key to my house... go ahead and go over there, but make sure you're out by the time my parents get home." On Casey's lunch break she met Zany and Samantha at JBP to "bond" with Caylee... that's when Zany assaulted her and Samantha took off with Caylee.

This is where things get a little complicated. Soon after Zany took Caylee away from Casey... Jesse Grund seen them at the Florida Mall and snatched Caylee from Zany. Zany freaks out and goes into hiding.

Jesse then has Amy fly Caylee to PR with her so that Rev. Grund could accompany Caylee on to Columbia where Rev. Grund then hands Caylee off to Roy Kronk to take Caylee to Venuzuela.

I'll have to wait to find out who else they throw under the bus to continue with what happens after then... Someone connected to Hugo Chavez obviously! I would say Joy Wray but she is friends with George Bush and George and Hugo do not like one another??

So the saga continues...

This is obviously just a joke... poking fun at Casey! Sorry, I couldn't help it.

You left out the part 'bout Kevin Bacon. :snooty:
You left out the part 'bout Kevin Bacon. :snooty:

You all are TOO FUNNY! I read as far as MagicCats double kidnapping and said WTH - I need a drink! Then thankfully it got worse but in this case it got better.

It can be scary missing a night on the boards and fast reading to catch up!
I am glad we have not all lost our sense of humor swimming in this ocean of lies! Kevin Bacon huh...and flying monkeys...that fits right in with KC and the Tell Lies

I just hope that the State can wade through this murky sea of lies and make the TRUTH apparent in the trial...KC's behavior, outside of what she did to her own daughter, is reason enough for punishment...consequences...a thing she has never known.
Bolded by me: KC says in the letters that she doesn't think her good friend Zany for four years that she doesn't have one picture of or phone number for - that she doesn't think Zany had anything to do with Cays being hurt. So what IS KC or shall I say the "defense" telling us here?

They are saying that after KC left Caylee with Zany that ZANY was responsible for Caylee and that ZANY is the negligent one who either let Caylee be kidnapped or allowed something to happen to her. Is KC saying that someone else then kidnapped Caylee from Zany?

IS this a double kidnapping?

Will they say JG found Zany and then took Caylee from ZANY? Are they saying that ZANY was irresponsible and caused an accident that killed Caylee and then got scared and framed KC?

PROBLEM is HOW will the DEFENSE convince the jury that there is INDEED a Zany?

I believe JB will use his old standby: "Who are you going to believe me or your common sense." (Original quote was eyes)
I don’t think “The Boys” will use any of the Zanny the Nanny stories for her defense. But I bet “The Boys” will try the George and Lee lie.

I can see it now… Uh Judge, due to the large amount of evidence the State has against my client, showing the Zanny the Nanny did not exist, I would like to go to plan B, and ask for George, Cindy and Lee to stand. Ok KC, start the BUS.
Would someone be able to tell me (please) what order the letters are in? Are the first ones actually the newest, or the oldest?
Would someone be able to tell me (please) what order the letters are in? Are the first ones actually the newest, or the oldest?
They don't seem to be in order, but from some of the events disclosed, they seem to be in semi-order with the first in the PDF being the last ones written.

I also wanted to add, since this is about the NEW improved Zanny, Zenny, Zani, Zany, Zenaida the nanny story that in Maya D's interview she discloses that the PLACE this NEW story supposedly took place? KC's this to me REEKS of KC trying to make her STORY, her FAIRYTALE, fit the facts as they have been uncovered. Yep, Zani was babysitting at KC's house (for a few days) when she asked her to "take Caylee for a few days" and THAT is how she got the garbage bags, the laundry bag, the duct tape and the blanet! Now that all makes much more sense to us, right?
KC is so obviously and apparently a desperate caged convict, and is spending her time spinning yarns to make all her lies appear as truth. I don't think it is going to work KC...too many lies to untell. It is just making you look even MORE like a liar each and every time you compose a new TWIST to your FAIRYTALE...:banghead:
Has anyone on this forum seen ANY media outlet report THIS information from the letters?

I know they reported the sexual abuse allegations like a big dog, but nothing that I have seen concerning this new and improved Zenaida her "real" friend of 4 years story.:banghead:

The story goes like this. KC forgives Zany and in fact she does not even think she, Zany, had ANYTHING to do with Caylee's death. She actually completely changed the story and said she gave Caylee to Zany to babysit for a few days while she got together some money she had been saving and bought new clothes and new everything so she and Caylee could leave town together...but days later when she went to collect Caylee Zany would not tell her where Caylee was... She also does not blame Zany for not coming forward and sitting in jail along with herself for something she did not do.

Has one news story run on it at all?

Adding the actual story here:
Here is what the part in question actually says:
pg 11 of the letters

"I've had to forgive what happened to my Caylee but I'm still angry. If it weren't for God, screw where I'm sitting now, if it weren't for him, and for my unconditional love for my daughter, I would end whoever is responsible. It's not my battle.

You want to know something I know that Caylee's nanny, the "real Zenaida, the girl who was my friend for 4 years, I know in my heart that she's not responsible, and I don't blame her for not showing her face. Would you want to be sitting here with me for something you didn't do? Considering the circumstances you technically are, and it sucks. And I know this goes without saying, but outside of myself and my legal team not a soul knows this. I was going to take Caylee and move away. Unfortunately my plans got beyond tangled when Zany wouldn't tell me where she and Cays were. I asked her to take Cays for a few days, so I could put the rest of our stuff together, money I had saved, new clothes, new everything. That's why I waited to report her missing because she was and she wasn't. I would give anything to go back to that day and to not have let Caylee out of my sight. I have no more secrets just a small empty place in my heart that only God can fill."

What is going on?????????????????

I feel like I am in a warp zone of some kind...where I am screaming really loudly but nobody can hear me...

Does anyone else here at Websleuths find this odd or strange that nothing is in the news about this???

When KC writes..... Would you want to be sitting here with me for something you didn't do? Considering the circumstances you technically are, and it she talking to Robin here or is she talking to Zany? ... now you would assume she is talking to Robin right .....or is she saying that Zany is technically in jail because she is in hiding .....
When KC writes..... Would you want to be sitting here with me for something you didn't do? Considering the circumstances you technically are, and it she talking to Robin here or is she talking to Zany? ... now you would assume she is talking to Robin right .....or is she saying that Zany is technically in jail because she is in hiding .....

In her "backwards" sort of way, yes. Or she is saying Zany is in jail and hiding because KC is Zany. jmo
How can anyone say that KC does not tell lies, that that is our opinion, when there are three different nanny versions, two of which are in her own writing???? And how will they defend her without using an accident if they have these three stories (or however many) to wade through? Oh, yeah, they just file motion after motion and delay the trial since "the end of days is near" so maybe it will never get to trial.
How can anyone say that KC does not tell lies, that that is our opinion, when there are three different nanny versions, two of which are in her own writing???? And how will they defend her without using an accident if they have these three stories (or however many) to wade through? Oh, yeah, they just file motion after motion and delay the trial since "the end of days is near" so maybe it will never get to trial.
It boggles the mind to say the least. :)

My own son lives about thirty minutes away from me (not in the same house :) ) and he has a small child. Although I do not see them daily, or even weekly, including my grandchild, I KNOW every person who has ever watched her. They tell me where she is and who she is with in passing all the time. I have met their friends. I have met their neighbors. I KNOW who has my granddaughter, and when they cannot find someone suitable to take care of her in a pinch? They bring her to me, of course...even though I am thirty minutes away.

Now although I do not know every persons phone number who watches her? I DO know where each one of them lives. It is just a normal part of life for your CHILD to disuss things like that with you and for you, as a parent to be INTERESTED in whom has your grandchild.

So why all these different "nanny tales" from KC? Why is there NO composite SKETCH of this NANNY? Why has the defense or the family NOT had a drawing made so this person could be LOOKED for in every face, around every corner? Why did NOBODY know where she lived? Why had NOBODY ever seen her? Why has NOBODY ever even heard her voice?

BECAUSE SHE DOES NOT EXIST! There is no other explanation. We leave trails behind us in this world. Phone records, DMV records, bank records, emails, texts, FRIENDS, family. It is difficult to BE a ghost in this day and age. So why is there NO path that leads to ZANNY the NANNY? Because she is not real. She does not exist. She never did exist. And this is all one big huge fairytale that KC concocted to remove suspicion from her own self.

SHE is the nanny. SHE forgives herself for what she has done. SHE does not even hold herself accountable and in fact says she does not even think SHE, the nanny, had anything to do with it. They found that resume', where she states her WORK EXPERIENCE as NANNY-it does not get much plainer than that. She felt herself to be the NANNY and NOT the mother at all. This made what she did easier for her probably, because, hey, it's not like she was killing HER child-she was just the nanny.

Stories do not change like hers have when they are the truth. The ONLY reason to lie and lead the police on a wild goose chase is apparent. SHE is the nanny. She killed her baby. She is guilty. She deserves whatever is coming to her.
All the nanny stories just for reference:
I dropped Caylee off at Sawgrass Aptmts.
I dropped Caylee off in the stairwell and did not actually go in the apartment.
The nanny lived here (old folks home).
The nanny lived there (a place I took Caylee every day but cannot now locate)
The nanny lived with her mother.
The nanny let Caylee call me on July 15th.
The nanny would not answer my calls and her number was disconnected.
When I tried to call back on the number that registered PRIVATE, it was disconnected.
The nanny and her sister met me at Blanchard Park and held me down and stole Caylee.
They nanny gave me a script to follow and said I would get Caylee back after I learned my lesson.
I had the nanny watch Caylee for a few days so I could get things together to leave town. Then she would not tell me where she and Cays were.
The nanny is Zenaida Fernadez Gonzales.
I don't think my friend, ZANI, had anything to do with what happened to Caylee.

The only part of these stories that has not changed is that she gave Caylee to the nanny. Otherwise? What we are hearing NOW in no way resembles what she told the police and her family, initially, nor does it match the story she told the family (Blanchard Park) later.

She is trying to accomplish something with each new story-to cover an aspect of evidence and to try to explain it away...I think.
Still waiting for that composite drawing defense was suppose to provide....hum. Do you think they are afraid of anyother lawsuit????? jmo
Still waiting for that composite drawing defense was suppose to provide....hum. Do you think they are afraid of anyother lawsuit????? jmo

they did one.

baez, when he saw it, said 'casey i didnt ask for a self portrait'
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