The Canvas Laundry Bags

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I really wish we were able to capture and post the crime scene photos individually so that we could really break this down!

I'm thinking that animals got to the partially buried remains once the water subsided and that the animals drug the remains and bags around a bit.
I agree, except for one point. Partially buried remains? Let me think about that one. I have always wondered why the remains would have been so scattered if Caylee was in the laundry hamper thing.
You mean, the State putting GA on the stand, getting the canvas bag out of evidence, holding it up for GA and the jury and saying, "Mr. Anthony was THIS the LAUNDRY BAG you saw in the trunk of the Sunfire on June X, 2009?"

[I can hear the objections now...]
Yeah. Wouldn't it be a hoot?
The laundry bag found at the house is rectangular. If the crime scene photo really does show the body bag as a round laundry bag - then we don't have a match with the house laundry bag.

Additionally, these laundry bags have a wire hoop opening feature. That means they cannot be closed off to conceal anything within. They are always open.



  • laundry bag.jpg
    laundry bag.jpg
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The laundry bag found at the house is rectangular. If the crime scene photo really does show the body bag as a round laundry bag - then we don't have a match with the house laundry bag.

Additionally, these laundry bags have a wire hoop opening feature. That means they cannot be closed off to conceal anything within. They are always open.

Do you have a photo of what was found at the burial site? I haven't seen that yet.
Do you have a photo of what was found at the burial site? I haven't seen that yet.

That is two images. The left shows a new round laundry bag. The right is a photo from the crime scene. Some here think it shows the canvas laundry bag and a trash bag. The assumption is that the skull was right next to these. The skull was originally beneath the trash bag according to Kronk. He lifted the bag with his MR rod tool and saw the skull underneath, and then must have placed it back down alongside the skull.
I'm with you on this. I'm thinking that after Caylee was dead, she wrapped her in the Pooh blanket and stashed her in the trunk. After about 2.6 days, the body started to decompose badly and left the stain. She returned to the house and brought her into the back yard to bury her with the borrowed shovel. She tried to dig a grave but it turned out to be too difficult. She double bagged the body. Perhaps the "package" was hard to lift and she grabbed the laundry bag and used the handles to lift the body back into the car. After George saw the "laundry" in the car, she then went around the corner and dumped it all.

Plastic bags would tear if she dragged them into the woods. The laundry bag or hamper would proveide her with handles and enough stability to do the deed.
(bold above by me)

I'm going to say that we cannot be certain that the body was "double bagged", even though many people are now repeating this.

When the last doc dump came out there was a consensus of certainty that the laundry bag was inside the garbage bag. I pointed out that the docs did not say this and was chastised for my simplemindedness by a certain mustachioed Belgian detective who shall remain unnamed.

I do not discount the possibility that the body may indeed have been double bagged, but it may just be that there were two garbage bags inside the laundry bag.

This in itself could be an avenue for conjecture. If not double bagged, then why was the other bag there?
That is two images. The left shows a new round laundry bag. The right is a photo from the crime scene. Some here think it shows the canvas laundry bag and a trash bag. The assumption is that the skull was right next to these. The skull was originally beneath the trash bag according to Kronk. He lifted the bag with his MR rod tool and saw the skull underneath, and then must have placed it back down alongside the skull.
No, the left shows that the brand is the same from what was found at the burial site. Plus, who takes pictures of their laundry bags? I'm confused.
ThinkTank alerted me to crime scene photos which we both think show the laundry bag and part of a black plastic bag with yellow ties.


After reading the LE reports ... I am sure that is the white/tan canvas laundry bag and the black garbage bag with the yellow ties in that particular crime scene photo(s). The skull had been removed before this photo was taken, but I believe there are clumps of hair on the laundry bag, in the photo.

I agree, except for one point. Partially buried remains? Let me think about that one. I have always wondered why the remains would have been so scattered if Caylee was in the laundry hamper thing.
I'm not very surprised about the remains being scattered. I've had personal experience with raccoons making short work of Wheeling Steel garbage cans with locking lids. I don't think a fabric laundry bag with the top held open by a metal hoop would provide much of a challenge to the local critters.

Why do we think that the remains were "partially buried"? I don't recall that in the docs.
(bold above by me)

I'm going to say that we cannot be certain that the body was "double bagged", even though many people are now repeating this.

When the last doc dump came out there was a consensus of certainty that the laundry bag was inside the garbage bag. I pointed out that the docs did not say this and was chastised for my simplemindedness by a certain mustachioed Belgian detective who shall remain unnamed.

I do not discount the possibility that the body may indeed have been double bagged, but it may just be that there were two garbage bags inside the laundry bag.

This in itself could be an avenue for conjecture. If not double bagged, then why was the other bag there?
Thank you for this post. This always confused me. Why would the laundry bag be in two plastic bags? Makes no sense. Unless Caylee was taken out of the home in the bassinet shaped bag then double wrapped in garbage bags, then put back into the canvas bag. If that's the case, it blows prosecutions theory out of the water that the same garbage bags were the same ones used from Anthony's home. The pieces of the puzzle aren't fitting yet.

I need to see what was found at the burial site in regards to a canvas bag.
I'm not very surprised about the remains being scattered. I've had personal experience with raccoons making short work of Wheeling Steel garbage cans with locking lids. I don't think a fabric laundry bag with the top held open by a metal hoop would provide much of a challenge to the local critters.

Why do we think that the remains were "partially buried"? I don't recall that in the docs.
The other poster said that not me, That the remains were "partially buried". I can see some leaves, etc. after the water receded. Maybe that's what they meant.
Yeah, it likely means that she chose that bag BECAUSE Caylee was decomposing in her trunk and she needed to put her inside of something that would not leak, and that would not be "noticed" as an odd thing to have in a trunk. I wonder how long she DID keep Caylee in that trunk...I think many days, and the decomp that tested 2.6 days was it? was how long she was in there inside of NOTHING and then Casey wrapped her and put her inside of that laundry hamper bag for Lord only knows how long after that!:eek:

Wow... Bit by bit the evidence is telling a story.

IMO, I think that KC killed Caylee (I believe in the car), hid her body in the trunk of the car for nearly 3 days (if decomp in air was 2.6 days, let's say gases began a few hours). When she noticed the odor, knew she had to do something but didn't want body found. She drove to the house, backed the car in the garage, bagged lil Caylee and then drove over and disposed of her. I guess its possible the plastic bag came undone by animals who picked up the scent of decomp???
Wow... Bit by bit the evidence is telling a story.

IMO, I think that KC killed Caylee (I believe in the car), hid her body in the trunk of the car for nearly 3 days (if decomp in air was 2.6 days, let's say gases began a few hours). When she noticed the odor, knew she had to do something but didn't want body found. She drove to the house, backed the car in the garage, bagged lil Caylee and then drove over and disposed of her. I guess its possible the plastic bag came undone by animals who picked up the scent of decomp???
Not only possible, probable that the animals got inside the bag(s). supposedly there were two. We do not know that for a fact yet. I know not to put my trash out too early because the squirrels get into it very quickly.
No, the left shows that the brand is the same from what was found at the burial site. Plus, who takes pictures of their laundry bags? I'm confused.

These two photos were taken by OCSO of a laundry bag found in the Anthony home. It's rectangular.


What is thought to be the laundry body bag appears to be round.
The other poster said that not me, That the remains were "partially buried". I can see some leaves, etc. after the water receded. Maybe that's what they meant.
I know it wasn't you. Sorry if it seemed like I was pointing fingers.

I've just been seeing this statement crop up a lot, and I wondered if I had missed something.
There were bones found beneath the surface of the soil. Technically, that alone constitutes "partially buried remains". I don't think there have been any official theories presented that suggest the bagged body was intentionally buried.

After reading the LE reports ... I am sure that is the white/tan canvas laundry bag and the black garbage bag with the yellow ties in that particular crime scene photo(s). The skull had been removed before this photo was taken, but I believe there are clumps of hair on the laundry bag, in the photo.


THANK YOU! It's great to be able to put up the photos to talk about each one...This is definitely one of the ones I thought was THE canvas bag and garbage bag combo.

I loved the Crime Scene photo thread from before we got the closer photos. People were amazing with their ability to sleuth, blow up the photos, etc. [Even though we were mostly WRONG about what we thought was there!] Now that we have thousands of closer photos (sans bones) it would be great to really scrutinize them.

On second thought, I could be wrong here but I think I do see bones and hair in this photo (though not a skull). Anyone else?
There were bones found beneath the surface of the soil. Technically, that alone constitutes "partially buried remains". I don't think there have been any official theories presented that suggest the bagged body was intentionally buried.
Okay. I'll buy that. Technically.

I think that it can lead to some mistaken preconceptions, though. Once said, the statement seems to lead to a lot of assumptions of intent.


I think it also leads to images in many minds that are not helpful when considering the state of the site scene, and the sequence of the disposal of Caylee's body.
Isn't it shocking how CLOSE to the road, the laundry bag (Caylee) was dumped! The reports say the black garbage bag with yellow ties, had been inside the white canvas laundry bag.


Yeah, it was approximately 87 feet or so from the light pole.

Casey was so LAZY-LAZY-LAZY.

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