The Case of JonBenet Ramsey-CBS Sept. 18 # 2

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I thought they had samples of all the Ramsey's handwriting?

If I was a kid who forged a note to look like an adult, I can almost garantee I wouldn't then later make the same effort in my hand writing sample knowing exactly why it's be asked. And it's also like,y that any schoolwork I did likely would have been half assed too.
But that doesn't make sense. BR murders JB, then PR wakes up and says "I better write a fake ransom note"?

Unless.....they were in it together and planned the whole thing! Perhaps they tried to frame JR too. That would explain how they manipulated Arndt to ask JR to search again.

Well you are assuming Burke did everything, and there is no evidence for that. But even if he did, why do you think it doesn't make sense for the parents to cover for him?

And why do you think it was planned?
I seem to be constantly at least 20 pages behind in reading so I'm just going to throw this thought out there. Is it possible a therapist or hypnotist could have a wiped out Burkes memory of what he might have done Christmas night. Could he be getting little breakthroughs and that's why on the Dr. Phil show he said he went back downstairs that night? And that that taunting "maybe" response when asked about the pineapple. So opposite of his years earlier response of not even recognising pineapple in the bowl when being interviewed.
IIRC Haney is showing PR a photo of BR's bedroom and she is confused as to why the bed is made cause he never made his bed. She then tries to imply someone else did. But me thinks maybe he didn't go to bed at all that night ?

Pretty sure Fleet made up Burke's bed as they left or after he came back from taking Burke to his house. I think he admitted that somewhere in his statements to police or attorneys.
I think that would be the best thing that could ever come from the truth, and the best way for Burke to honor JBR.

To make the truth about the difficulties families face when they have children with severe psychological issues a better known and a better understood problem. So that this increase in support and awareness can prevent another family from suffering another instance of illness turned tragedy.

Unfortunately, because of how this was handled, it's very difficult to change the Ramsey narrative at this point - especially while John is alive. And what would that do to Lin Wood's reputation if Burke just came out and said: "Yes, I did it, I was young, had issues, and didn't realize the extent of what I was doing. My father and lawyer insisted that I not tell anyone what really happened, but now I'm responsible for myself and I want to tell the truth. It is my hope that this will help other families understand more about this kind of family problem and in some small way help atone for what I did."

But from what we've seen of Burke's personality, there's no reason to believe that he would say anything like that.
Unfortunately, because of how this was handled, it's very difficult to change the Ramsey narrative at this point - especially while John is alive. And what would that do to Lin Wood's reputation if Burke just came out and said: "Yes, I did it, I was young, had issues, and didn't realize the extent of what I was doing. My father and lawyer insisted that I not tell anyone what really happened, but now I'm responsible for myself and I want to tell the truth. It is my hope that this will help other families understand more about this kind of family problem and in some small way help atone for what I did."

But from what we've seen of Burke's personality, there's no reason to believe that he would say anything like that.

He could also admit to being abused as a child himself. He'd absolutely get a free pass in that case.
Well, there is plenty of evidence that BR had scatological issues. Just hard for me to picture him dropping trowel and crapping on her candy. Probably right in front of her. Possible though. Seems that PR would be the molester, as JR always seemed to be away at work. Maybe things were going on in the train room. Can't see PR interested in toy trains. It's possible BR was first molested in the basement. That would explain why he chose to take JBR down there.
I know.. It bordered on hoarding! I remember reading LPH's account, and I think she had not been at the house doing house work in a week, maybe?

I feel like we have heard the housekeeper complain (long ago) that they often just shoved stuff in the basement and forgot about it.
I'm not a child psychartrist, but it is fairly odd behaviour to me. .........Oh, just checked. fecal smearing can occur if the child has some autism. Aspergers is very related to autism. Like a high functioning version. And I'm a layman expert on that. And if BR isn't an aspy, I'll eat my hat. They come in all shapes and sizes. But I'm pretty sure he is on the spectrum. Plays video games. Works at computers. Socially awkward. And if you look at his movements during the interviews, physically awkward. They sprout walk. Can't read people. Ask me anything. Never heard of fecal smearing though. He would be happy to be left alone.

That woman on that special, when I saw her light up and try to explain what and why, when she was looking at the BR interview, I could not believe how ignorant she was. I could pick his every move. Why he did what he did, and his jerky physical movements, and the way he arranged his body. But then again, I've had years and years experience. And I knew exactly why he was looking intently at the bowl. And I know why he smiles, even though it is at what others judge at inappropriate times. I know why his parents were so protective of him.

Poor Burke.

'Poor Burke'

Kid, WE get it that you identify with Burke Ramsey for some reason, thereby making is difficult - downright impossible even - to objectively follow this case and the evidence therein. Now, it's time that YOU get that.
I seem to be constantly at least 20 pages behind in reading so I'm just going to throw this thought out there. Is it possible a therapist or hypnotist could have a wiped out Burkes memory of what he might have done Christmas night. Could he be getting little breakthroughs and that's why on the Dr. Phil show he said he went back downstairs that night? And that that taunting "maybe" response when asked about the pineapple. So opposite of his years earlier response of not even recognising pineapple in the bowl when being interviewed.

Nah, if he did what it looks more and more like he did, no one could "wipe" his memory like you can wipe a hard drive. It's true that sometimes a traumatic memory is not preserved in its entirety though. I will give an example from my own life. After my mother died, I had a terrible phobia of hearing sirens in the night. It would always throw me into anxiety, and I could never figure out why. This went on for years and years. I finally got over it. I was talking to my sister about it and she said, "Oh I know why you were scared. Don't you remember that Dad had to call an ambulance for Mom a couple of times?" I had NO memory of that at all, but as a young child, would have been scared to see my mom being taken away in an ambulance and connected that fear with the siren. I still cannot remember anything about my mom being taken away in an ambulance. (p.s. I must have been at least 8 or 9 years old since my mother died when I was 10.)
Unfortunately, because of how this was handled, it's very difficult to change the Ramsey narrative at this point - especially while John is alive. And what would that do to Lin Wood's reputation if Burke just came out and said: "Yes, I did it, I was young, had issues, and didn't realize the extent of what I was doing. My father and lawyer insisted that I not tell anyone what really happened, but now I'm responsible for myself and I want to tell the truth. It is my hope that this will help other families understand more about this kind of family problem and in some small way help atone for what I did."

But from what we've seen of Burke's personality, there's no reason to believe that he would say anything like that.

No, I know it's unlikely, but if he does, you should be his PR person. That's sounds perfect!
Nope can last a few hours in the open. Its not ordinary milk but condensed, that's why it lasts. This snack is one of my favorites, and I vary it between those tins of fruit cocktail you can buy and pineapple fresh or tinned.

Kolars story about JonBenet taking some of BR's pineapple doesn't any sense. since there was a serving bowl on the table, so BR would not be bothered if JonBenet took a lump or two.

Anyway I reckon it was JonBenet who was eating the pineapple all planned by BR, it was Christmas, so he and JonBenet were going to have fun.


A serving bowl? Looked like a cereal bowl (comparing to the size of the glass with the teabag) to me. The interviewer asked Burke "could it be cereal" which would be a silly question if it was a serving bowl! Who mixes up a serving bowl of cereal and milk for people to help themselves?
Well, there is plenty of evidence that BR had scatological issues. Just hard for me to picture him dropping trowel and crapping on her candy. Probably right in front of her. Possible though. Seems that PR would be the molester, as JR always seemed to be away at work. Maybe things were going on in the train room. Can't see PR interested in toy trains. It's possible BR was first molested in the basement. That would explain why he chose to take JBR down there.

I can see PR as a verbal abuser, possibly physical abuse, but I do not see her as a sexual predator. I just don't see her getting a high from that, her highs came from attention and adoration.
Unfortunately, because of how this was handled, it's very difficult to change the Ramsey narrative at this point - especially while John is alive. And what would that do to Lin Wood's reputation if Burke just came out and said: "Yes, I did it, I was young, had issues, and didn't realize the extent of what I was doing. My father and lawyer insisted that I not tell anyone what really happened, but now I'm responsible for myself and I want to tell the truth. It is my hope that this will help other families understand more about this kind of family problem and in some small way help atone for what I did."

But from what we've seen of Burke's personality, there's no reason to believe that he would say anything like that.

So true...For the reasons you have given, I don't think JR or BR will ever change their stories. They are in, far too deep, and, at this point in time, probably believe the stories they have been telling for the past twenty years.


'Poor Burke'

Kid, WE get it that you identify with Burke Ramsey for some reason, thereby making is difficult - downright impossible even - to objectively follow this case and the evidence therein. Now, it's time that YOU get that.

Personally I have a great deal of empathy for Burke. I see him as a scared, hurt, confused, frustrated, and angry boy who didn't get the support he so desperately needed. But that doesn't make me any less objective to this case. I don't think seeing Burke as a human being, means that one is being blinded to what he was capable of
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