The Case of JonBenet Ramsey-CBS Sept. 18 # 2

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How does misspelling hide your identity?


In the eye of the author, misspellings would be to steer investigators towards a less well-read or familiar with the language (foreign) person than the author is in reality. She proves afterwards that she knows how to spell those words.
In the eye of the author, misspellings would be to steer investigators towards a less well-read or familiar with the language (foreign) person than the author is in reality. She proves afterwards that she knows how to spell those words.

Maybe, people make mistakes, so I doubt you can place any reliance on bad spelling.

Understood. I don't disagree with anything you said. I am also about 19yrs behind most of you in researching this case so please bare with me . I just get an overwhelming feeling that a major part of this story is completely missing from the narrative. JMO
I think the part that's missing is the honest truth what happened that night/morning. Unfortunately, I doubt we will ever get the truth. At least while John is alive. Maybe Burke will tell the truth once the last person besides him is gone. That's what I hope for at least. Sometimes honesty can take a person a long way. I'd be more forgiving if he were to come forward. He was a child then and although he may be responsible for her death, in the end it falls on the parents and their lack of proper treatment of BR's possible illness. To save their reputation they sold their souls. Welcome to the Ramsey case! :greetings:
Maybe, people make mistakes, so I doubt you can place any reliance on bad spelling.


I don't agree. It was an obvious thing for someone trying to hide their identity to do.
Here is how I see it: BR assaults JonBenet and probably kills her. BR does some minimal staging, possibly PR adds to this, enter JR stage left, and the staging is all changed to reflect an abduction, if it works then the R's can leave town ASAP.

So JR tells PR to author a RN, whilst he wipes down and redresses JonBenet, wraps her in the blanket and hides her somewhere in the house.


The more I think about it (can't STOP thinking about it) the more I wonder if Patsy was angry at John and that is why she makes little snide remarks like "Don't try to grow a brain" and "use that good southern common sense." (She knew he wasn't from the south after all).

I don't think BR did any staging at all. I think everything he did was directed at hurting JBR or testing to see if she was really not going to get up again (the train track wounds). I think Patsy found her in a very bad way, already dead (thus the headstone with 12-25) from the choking, and woke John up, and they decided on the plan, and implemented it. It worked quite well, must have surprised them really, in retrospect. But once you are committed, you have to go forward with the lies...
That wasn't "CBS" who expressed that opinion. It was Spitz -- the one person (IMHO) who has done as much to derail any serious investigation as Smit.

Spitz admitted on the CBS show that he was given ONE slide of tissue from one of the ME's assistants. (I wonder if Dr. Meyer was aware of that little tidbit before he announced it on TV.) That was all he had to base his opinion on. He said that in that one tissue slide, he found a microscopic trace (sorry, I don't remember his exact words) of a splinter. I'm certain that one slide is not the only one that had any evidence of wood in it, or else the ME would have no evidence should it ever go to court. Spitz didn't examine the body, and he wasn't given the same evidence that was shared with the panel that had been consulted by Dr. Meyer. Spitz seemed to insinuate in the CBS show that this was some kind of conspiracy to exclude him from finding out the truth; but in actuality it was simply his trying to insert himself into the middle of the case for whatever reason or reasons one might want to assume. His saying that she was not sexually assaulted is as misleading as almost anything else he has (unfortunately) had to contribute.

That's it! I'm now off to change my avatar back to what it was before questfortrue was gracious enough to share with me something she had found.
Forgive me for being half blind! I want to see your avi better! What does it say??
I also don't believe at all those spelling mistakes were purposeful. One word was Business and the other another double SS mistake I believe?
I am a very good speller myself but often make mistakes with the double SS's. Either adding one when I shouldn't or missing one when it should be there.
Bussiness, Assesment etc..

Same here. I think the ransom note writer ( whom I believe to be PR) would have misspelled more words and used much worse grammar and punctuation if she were really trying to drive home the fact that a "foreign faction" was responsible for the non-kidnapping. Her personality could not help but come through in the RN as well as veritable matches to her own pre-crime handwriting.
I also don't believe at all those spelling mistakes were purposeful. One word was Business and the other another double SS mistake I believe?
I am a very good speller myself but often make mistakes with the double SS's. Either adding one when I shouldn't or missing one when it should be there.
Bussiness, Assesment etc..

Did you watch the CBS special? The linguist concluded that" bussiness" was misspelled bc it was right after the author mentioned "foreign faction"... the author was deliberately misspelling the word to appear to be uneducated in the English language
I wouldn't write a note at all if I was trying to hide my identity.

But if you were trying to point the finger at some nefarious "group of individuals" you'd have to put something at the scene that would deflect the investigation *away* from you and your family members. It worked very well, b/c the Ramseys were not treated as suspects, Burke left the house and never returned, friends were allowed in the house, victim advocates came over and brought food and cleaned up after the detectives, and eventually, after the body had been found, they got to leave the house with who-knows-what-and-how-much evidence secreted in their pockets and/or purse!
I don't agree. It was an obvious thing for someone trying to hide their identity to do.

Sure, but its not an implied truth, its just an observed correspondence. If I mispronounce words does it follow I'm hiding my identity or am foreign, could it be I have speech disorder, was not taught to speak properly, or went to the wrong school?

I wouldn't write a note at all if I was trying to hide my identity.

Well then police would come to the house and you would have nothing to evidence a kidnapping. No clues to an outside perpetrator at all.
As I said, even if you think the evidence is inconclusive, there was enough evidence there to bring up the question and force an investigation.

Blood in her underwear. Blood below her vagina. Blood on her legs. (And this after she was wiped clean, so I'm going to assume it was worse before that.) A torn hymen with at least one injury that would have been quite painful. One of the police officers present at her autopsy described the state of her genitals as "shocking."

Do you think if the police had been called they would have said, "Well, we can't be sure if she was sexually violated or not, so we won't investigate"?

I think a potential investigation doesn't drive parents to garrote their daughter.
Sure, but its not an implied truth, its just an observed correspondence. If I mispronounce words does it follow I'm hiding my identity or am foreign, could it be I have speech disorder, was not taught to speak properly, or went to the wrong school?


I think you're making it more complicated than it is. The most logical and simplest explanation usually works. And there are very few of them in this case, but this one is quite easy to spot. What makes it easier is you already know you are dealing with a bogus note, designed with only two intents in mind - to throw LE off the Ramsey scent and prepare the way for JonBenet being found dead.
I doubt very much that he was thinking something like: "not only are you going to die but I'm going to make sure you suffer doing it." But I can't really wrap my head around his state of mind while this was happening. Maybe if I knew more about that Christmas day and why Kolar thinks Christmas presents were part of the motivation. Maybe if I knew more about the Christmas party and why JBR wasn't feeling pretty. Maybe if I knew why he messed up his sisters Christmas candy - I'm not thinking she did it

Thanks for mentioning JBs not feeling pretty. I have been wanting to mention this.
PMPT Page 198-202

Linda Hoffman-Pugh Story

'On December 23rd, JonBenet was playing with makeup.

"JonBenet, you are not going anywhere with all that on," Patsy told her. "You take some of it off." JonBenet did.

At one o'clock she went to play with some friends and was back by four o'clock. Late that afternoon she didn't want to wear a dress for their Christmas party. Patsy got a little agitated. Finally, JonBenet put on a velvet one with short sleeves.

I stuck around with my daughter Ariana to see Santa. We hadn't planned to stay, so Ariana wasn't dressed up. Patsy gave my daughter a Christmas sweater and a vest. Even lent her a pair of her shoes. At the last minute, Patsy wrote a little verse about Ariana for Santa to read.'

I have had the thought that JonBenet did not feel pretty because her mother made her take MOST of her make up off and JonBenet probably got told frequently how pretty she was when she was all dressed up and in make up for the Pagents and it is very sad that a six year old didn't feel pretty as herself. And what's with telling her to take most of the makeup off. I was in sixth grade and put lipstick on at school and boy did I get in trouble when I got home.
She does look like she had lipstick on, but maybe that was as much as Patsy allowed? I can see how she might have been conditioned to believe that the more makeup she wore, the 'prettier' other people saw her. Especially if people where complimenting her at pageants.
That wasn't "CBS" who expressed that opinion. It was Spitz -- the one person (IMHO) who has done as much to derail any serious investigation as Smit.

Spitz admitted on the CBS show that he was given ONE slide of tissue from one of the ME's assistants. (I wonder if Dr. Meyer was aware of that little tidbit before he announced it on TV.) That was all he had to base his opinion on. He said that in that one tissue slide, he found a microscopic trace (sorry, I don't remember his exact words) of a splinter. I'm certain that one slide is not the only one that had any evidence of wood in it, or else the ME would have no evidence should it ever go to court. Spitz didn't examine the body, and he wasn't given the same evidence that was shared with the panel that had been consulted by Dr. Meyer. Spitz seemed to insinuate in the CBS show that this was some kind of conspiracy to exclude him from finding out the truth; but in actuality it was simply his trying to insert himself into the middle of the case for whatever reason or reasons one might want to assume. His saying that she was not sexually assaulted is as misleading as almost anything else he has (unfortunately) had to contribute.

That's it! I'm now off to change my avatar back to what it was before questfortrue was gracious enough to share with me something she had found.

But didn't Henry Lee and the others agree that there wasn't sexual abuse?

I don't recall Kolar raising his hand and saying: now wait a minute ...'
I think you're making it more complicated than it is. The most logical and simplest explanation usually works. And there are very few of them in this case, but this one is quite easy to spot. What makes it easier is you already know you are dealing with a bogus note, designed with only two intents in mind - to throw LE off the Ramsey scent and prepare the way for JonBenet being found dead.

And possibly implicate people lower on the social strata than the Ramseys - i.e. LHP and perhaps the Whites, and anyone else they could point the finger at as being suspicious. They'd have thrown their pastor under the bus if they needed to and thought it would fly with the BPD!
But didn't Henry Lee and the others agree that there wasn't sexual abuse?

You're not paying attention. The evidence from the autopsy is that there WAS sexual abuse, but this TV show either didn't want to stress that b/c people would go back to the pedophile intruder theory, or perhaps Lin Wood & Co. had already made some phone calls. Read Kolar's book, or Thomas' book. The autopsy was clear that Jonbenet had been previously penetrated (finger or ??) and that she also had wounds from the paintbrush (but had not been raped that night). Whether you call that sexual abuse or not, them's the facts.
And possibly implicate people lower on the social strata than the Ramseys - i.e. LHP and perhaps the Whites, and anyone else they could point the finger at as being suspicious. They'd have thrown their pastor under the bus if they needed to and thought it would fly with the BPD!

Very true. Disgusting, despicable people, no morals whatsoever.
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