The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 25th June - Trial Day 10, Week 3

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Very sorry to learn about your sister. You did answer Cattail's question quite correctly, though.

Thanks LadyBird1 and Cattail. If there is one thing I have learned from this awful event in my life is that no matter how long ago it is that you had this person in your life - for me it is 41 years - you NEVER forget them. You remember everything about them....or at least my family and I do. We have never stopped talking about her, we talk about her as if she was just around the corner, or had stepped out for the day. It was probably our way of coping at the time and it seemed to suit us, so that's the way it has stayed. Even my daughters and grandchildren seem to think they have met her, which for me is an absolutely beautiful thing. It means I have done my job and kept my sister with her family.

I hope that Allison's girls in particular, can learn to include Allison in their lives in the future the same way we have.
In summarising the agreed points today the prosecution made a point of highlighting that Gerard drew a floor plan of Toni's house. I wonder why this is significant enough that they included it among the irrefutable facts?

I am not sure they are irrefutable, they are merely agreed. It is important because it was in Gerred's handwriting, which ipso factomeans that GBC knew about the existence of the diary, knew what day it was drawn, thereby making the entries made by Allison in the days before her murder not just poignant but extremely important evidence.
Thanks LadyBird1 and Cattail. If there is one thing I have learned from this awful event in my life is that no matter how long ago it is that you had this person in your life - for me it is 41 years - you NEVER forget them. You remember everything about them....or at least my family and I do. We have never stopped talking about her, we talk about her as if she was just around the corner, or had stepped out for the day. It was probably our way of coping at the time and it seemed to suit us, so that's the way it has stayed. Even my daughters and grandchildren seem to think they have met her, which for me is an absolutely beautiful thing. It means I have done my job and kept my sister with her family.

I hope that Allison's girls in particular, can learn to include Allison in their lives in the future the same way we have.

This is a beautiful post.
You know, I can't believe that GBC is still keeping it together (somehow) after all this time. I mean, the man is not exactly a convincing liar (IMO).

On he morning of the 20th, I'm surprised the police didn't arrive to find him running out of the house in his pyjamas with sneakers, foam on his face, saying: "Sorry, I've been trying to s@$t, shower, and shave, but cut myself with my decade old razor which I keep using! I'm a bit hurt but I'm okay. It's business as usual, but my late wife...I mean my wife is under a bridge, I mean down a hole, I mean missing, and the app wouldn't work. By the way, I can help you buy a house in the area..." (hands out business cards)

Ohhhh ROFl that was so funny I had tears thankyou :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
All part of the elaborate 'story' methinks. Despicable! MOO
The little girl had all the details of the razor cut. But I guess it was a bad one. So the shaving thing was made into a big thing that morning in front of the daughter. If you actually made a time line of the shaving and when the daughters woke up it would probably be interesting. I really think this Daddy is a really bad liar. Interesting listening to his police interview where he had to correct himself and get the order of things right. I don't think any self respecting defence will put him on the stand.
... And the little girl's note on the kitchen table? Was that shown? Because I don't recall the wording being reported on.

Dear Possum
Just think it has taken us two plus years to digest every bit of info around this case. If the Prosecution were to present everything that we think is relevant the trial would go to Xmas and the jury would deliberate for a year. In representing the Crown, the Prosecution has to be meticulous and fair, to justice and the law overall. I think they have presented a good case, with sufficient evidence to convict him. I am not a legal person, so all IMOO
On the phone and have navigation issues. About 20 pages back the middle child said her dad was awake and dressed when he woke her and then in pajamas with shaving foam and needed a band aid? is this correct that it was two different versions by middle child?

Can anyone pretty please have a look back for me? Thanks x

PS: Sorry for earlier confusion regarding a closed court on fridays!
I think on the first Friday that the trial was running they conducted some legal arguments without the jury present. I recall someone, possibly Marly? posting a summary for the days court matters and Baden-Clay was listed, but we then learnt it was just legal stuff, no jury.

I think that was a one off.

Thanks Freya!

I think if you are guilty you are better off with a judge only and if you are innocent then a jury. Judge only trials are very difficult to obtain in Qld. Even Dr Patel was not granted a judge only trial when he requested it. I was amazed he didn't get it at the time.

A judge only trial makes it harder to get a verdict overturned on appeal too doesn't it?
I'm so torn as to whether to try and go to court today.

If I don't go and GBC takes the stand I'll be devastated.

If I do go I imagine it will be the start of the summing up and I can probably read about that here and on twitter.

I think that Gerard might just take the stand. He's a gambler, he's cocky, he's really got nothing to lose.....
I even think he'll pull out some tears.
I can't see the need for the defence to call any of their own witnesses as I think the prosecution's case is unfortunately very weak (not saying he didn't do it but there just isn't any undeniable proof).

The only type of witnesses (if any) I can imagine the defence calling are professionals to dispute the prosecutions claims. For example I imagine it would be possible to find some kind of phone guru to say that an iphone can glitch and stop/start charging on its own. I cant imagine them calling friends or family at this point due to the risk of having stories unravelled under cross examination and harming their case.

If the members of the jury truly came into this without an opinion either way then I think it will be a not guilty verdict. MOO

Like many others, I also expected a last minute clincher from the Prosecution. I was also disappointed that we were already aware of almost all the evidence. Nothing particularly new or compelling seemed to come up.

However, on reflection, I realised that the Jury would have been hearing nearly all of this for the first time. Anyone who had been following the case as much as we have is likely to have been excluded.

So, I imagined myself in "fresh ears" mode and came to the conclusion that, all of these small and, to us, ho hum pieces of information presented in a concentrated way would be shocking to virgin ears. IMO, it would scream GUILTY!!!!!!

My main fear is that there will be a rogue Jury member or 2 who will dig their heels in just because.
Would love to be a fly on the wall at <modsnip>
During the last twenty four hours!!
Not too many neighbours dropping in lately!!
Has the penny dropped!!!
Wonder what today will bring?

Hoping for a good day for the Dickie's , Allisons beautiful children & her family & friends. :praying:

I'm able to to the tweets today also.
I'm so torn as to whether to try and go to court today.

If I don't go and GBC takes the stand I'll be devastated.

If I do go I imagine it will be the start of the summing up and I can probably read about that here and on twitter.

I think that Gerard might just take the stand. He's a gambler, he's cocky, he's really got nothing to lose.....
I even think he'll pull out some tears.

If I was you & had the chance to go, I'd go!!! ;)
Thanks LadyBird1 and Cattail. If there is one thing I have learned from this awful event in my life is that no matter how long ago it is that you had this person in your life - for me it is 41 years - you NEVER forget them. You remember everything about them....or at least my family and I do. We have never stopped talking about her, we talk about her as if she was just around the corner, or had stepped out for the day. It was probably our way of coping at the time and it seemed to suit us, so that's the way it has stayed. Even my daughters and grandchildren seem to think they have met her, which for me is an absolutely beautiful thing. It means I have done my job and kept my sister with her family.

I hope that Allison's girls in particular, can learn to include Allison in their lives in the future the same way we have.

This is such a beautiful post. Thank-you for sharing Waiting for Justice.
Like many others, I also expected a last minute clincher from the Prosecution. I was also disappointed that we were already aware of almost all the evidence. Nothing particularly new or compelling seemed to come up.

However, on reflection, I realised that the Jury would have been hearing nearly all of this for the first time. Anyone who had been following the case as much as we have is likely to have been excluded.

So, I imagined myself in "fresh ears" mode and came to the conclusion that, all of these small and, to us, ho hum pieces of information presented in a concentrated way would be shocking to virgin ears. IMO, it would scream GUILTY!!!!!!

My main fear is that there will be a rogue Jury member or 2 who will dig their heels in just because.

I think the thing that has nailed it for me was the agreement to the phone being put back on charger. It just neatly slipped in there didn't it. Because for a while we thought that because it was reported to be a glitch about a facetime chat, that there was nothing suggesting GBC being awake in the middle of the night.
This is the thing for me that has made me think that there will be a guilty verdict.
Gottcha! I hope the jury pick up on that.
For the medical people - do you have to have a cracked skull for a blow to the head to be fatal? I thought a subdural haematoma (sp?) could be fatal without a crack in the skull? Just curious.

Morning :)

Short answer - no, you do not have to have a skull fracture to die from a blow to the head. They often do go together, with the fracture reflecting the severity of the blow, but many, many people die from blows to the head with no fracture.

But in Allison's case, the only reason the possibility of a sub-dural haematoma was even raised was due to the tiny amount of some granular tissue overlying the brain at one spot. But even under the microscope, it could not be shown to be blood, clotted or otherwise. But it merely raised the possibility - not the probability. Hence the thoroughness of putting it in the report.
My sister fell off a push bike many years ago and hit her head on the road (long before helmets). She did not have a fracture anywhere but died from a subdural haematoma. So you are correct Cattail!

Im so sorry, I know how precious my one and only sibling (sister) is xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Let’s just say, the unthinkable happens and he walks. What exactly is GBC walking into? I can’t imagine anyone bankrolling a new business venture for him. He’s hardly going to be employable on any level. I doubt Toni would have him back. Can’t imagine any woman taking on a known serial cheater.
Even if he collects the insurance money – there are debts to creditors and lawyers, not to mention three broken little girls to provide and care for. With no income for rent, its back to <modsnip> in the spare room, friends distancing themselves, a tarnished reputation, a hyphenated name besmirched, the public humiliation across his entire personal, professional and social image. A mighty fall from grace with a resounding thud.
All in all, permanent residency with the lads offers a better lifestyle.
Morning :)

Short answer - no, you do not have to have a skull fracture to die from a blow to the head. They often do go together, with the fracture reflecting the severity of the blow, but many, many people die from blows to the head with no fracture.

But in Allison's case, the only reason the possibility of a sub-dural haematoma was even raised was due to the tiny amount of some granular tissue overlying the brain at one spot. But even under the microscope, it could not be shown to be blood, clotted or otherwise. But it merely raised the possibility - not the probability. Hence the thoroughness of putting it in the report.

Thanks Doc :)
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