The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 26th June - Trial Day 11, Week 3

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Thanks guys, and thanks possum for the update... I'll catch up eventually!!!!! Crocodile tears, try and get the jury to believe him??? Aajharrgghhh!!!!!!! Drugged to the eyeballs and not helping at All yet, but it's only been a few hours! Views on whether we think GBC's
Performance will sway the. Jury in his favour???? Feeling anxious"!!!!!
Just wondering......I don't suppose there is a diagnostic tool or method used during an autopsy that would determine that cause of death was BOREDOM????

I can only imagine the hour upon hour that Alison had to endure listening to him wax lyrical about how he did this and he did that...look at me look at me.
Thanks guys, and thanks possum for the update... I'll catch up eventually!!!!! Crocodile tears, try and get the jury to believe him??? Aajharrgghhh!!!!!!! Drugged to the eyeballs and not helping at All yet, but it's only been a few hours! Views on whether we think GBC's
Performance will sway the. Jury in his favour???? Feeling anxious"!!!!!

Have some zoloft!
I'll close this thread in five minutes or so. We're going to move over to a new thread before this one starts bursting at the seams :)

[ame=""]Trial General Discussion Thread #3 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Hi all! Just home from hospital and in mega pain so won't be able to catch up tonight- can anyone give me a brief update on what's happened today??? Suspense is killing me!!!! Pretty please?? :)

basically to sum it up, Gerard is a legend in his own lunchtime, but don't despair you may only have missed a fraction of his biography, he could be telling us his wonderful qualities for days yet.
His fellow prisoners must be enjoying the peace while he is away, he must be going down a treat there (not)
<Respectfully snipped>

Just my opinion of course, no offence intended to any posters and I am certainly not baiting or trolling!

A good post, with plenty of food for thought. And yes, I think the prosecution may well have blown this one. I'm not a lawyer, so I missed the nuances of the subtle building of a case - it just seemed to go nowhere, gave the defence a lot of free kicks, and ended with a whimper. A lot of the material that has been discussed on here over the last couple of years wasn't even mentioned.

However, as much as I try to remain impartial and inbiased (I do, I really do), I also have come to certain conclusions. And being a local and also knowing several of the people involved in the case, I am acutely aware of being influenced by local feeling and the opinions of those even closer to this case than I am.

But, as Alioop correctly pointed out, it is the jury, and the jury alone, who will decide. Even the judge can only "direct" to a degree, I believe. The jury can still make up their own minds. And it has to be unanimous. No majority verdicts here. (For the benefit of our American friends on here).

So all we can do is watch and listen from the sidelines, and personally I hope that the prosecution can get a bit more creative and aggressive in their cross examination than they were in presenting their case.

And of course, the summing up will be so important.
Just wondering......I don't suppose there is a diagnostic tool or method used during an autopsy that would determine that cause of death was BOREDOM????

I can only imagine the hour upon hour that Alison had to endure listening to him wax lyrical about how he did this and he did that...look at me look at me.

Is it wrong that I had a chuckle at that? :p Regardless of what I've said in my previous posts, he is certainly an ummm, unusual character to say the least!
To take a completely (I hope) unbiased view of where we are at the moment:
- The question that I can't recall being asked yet is - WHY Kholo Creek? It is a long way from home to there, and there are other creeks and bridges much closer to their home. Moggill Creek is within 5 minutes walk, with several access points. Not to mention numerous dams - all the ones being searched by helicopters and divers at the time, including ours, which are plenty deep enough to go and drown yourself in after swallowing a packet of Zoloft.


Scout camp familiarity ?
Is it wrong that I had a chuckle at that? :p Regardless of what I've said in my previous posts, he is certainly an ummm, unusual character to say the least!

Nah I think that humour is part of our process of indignation.
If we are being drawn into semantics then yes, you are correct (however I never used the word fact). However Byrne QC would not have entertained the thought of making submissions as to no case to answer if he genuinely did not believe that the prosecution case was defective. Obviously I cannot and will not speak on his behalf but I'd be shocked if he wasn't chuffed at the defence position at the end of yesterday, and I've seen nothing damaging to the defence case today. In saying that, nothing has been said that enhances the defence case IMO but I feel that is a mere formality given the direction this trial has taken.


I was going to reply to this earlier but ran out of time.

<modsnip>. I understand that some here have formed an opinion and nothing will sway them from that belief and that is fine, there is no presumption of innocence in the court of public opinion but some comments say more about the poster than the target.

To those who are lamenting the fact that GBC is being allowed to speak at length about what they consider irrelevant matters (which would be challenged by both prosecution and Judge if they were truly irrelevant) consider this - Here is a man, a man on trial for a crime which if convicted, carries the distinct possibility of a sentence which will see him die in prison. One might make the argument that Allison was denied the most basic right of them all, the right to life but to disregard the right of the accused to a fair trial and to lead evidence on his behalf is terribly hypocritical.

As I've stated before, I have an opinion myself and for what it's worth I believe Allison has met with foul play. However if I was sitting on the jury at this point I could not say that Allison was the victim of a homicide beyond a reasonable doubt, much less that GBC was responsible for her death. Breaking it down to a few bullet points -

- No definitive cause of death (whether it be homicide, accident, suicide or natural causes)

- No crime scene

- No weapon

- Nothing that places GBC at the location of Allison's body

On this basis, I could not possibly convict and while I'm sure there will be a few dissenters at some point during deliberations, I personally believe a jury will come to the same conclusion <modsnip>

For those extolling GBC's apparent narcissistic "virtues", have you stopped to consider that whether someone who fulfils the DSM-IV criteria for NPD is capable of such elaborate concealment of both the murder scene and their whereabouts when disposing of Allison's body? Despite having some of the best investigators in the state being assigned to this case and basically unlimited monetary and technological resources at their disposal, they have been unable to locate a murder scene, weapon or place GBC at the bridge. Playing devil's advocate (although I hate that term), I don't believe that someone with NPD or even narcissistic tendencies would have the foresight to eliminate or conceal a wealth of potential forensic evidence as well as plan the disposal of the body in such a way that absolutely zero evidence was led that they were even in the remote vicinity.

Just my opinion of course, no offence intended to any posters<modsnip>!

There is a lot here that I agree with.

I personally believe he is guilty.

I don't think the case has been proven beyond a legal reasonable doubt.

I do have to say also that I don't believe the B-C clan sat down one day and decided the answer to all their problems was to kill Allison. They may not be the most likeable of families but consider their son and brother has been accused of a heinous crime and how would any of us act in those circumstances? Not at our best I would guess.

I also have this silly little hope that he is innocent. Not found innocent while really guilty, but actually innocent.

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Closing this thread now. Please move on over to new discussion thread...

[ame=""]Trial General Discussion Thread #3 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Gerard took the stand, burst into tears, and rabbited on about how fabulous he was as the husband of a depressed woman, how TM meant nothing to him, talked about what a great businessman he was, and proceeded to conduct the travel slide night from hell, with no slides until they shut him down until next week.

ETA: And said he wasn't proud of his extramaritals and failed to justify them by trying to give them a context. For TM, the genesis was his attempts to counsel her.

Nice summary with which to end this thread. :cheers:
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