The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 2nd July - Trial Day 14, Week 3

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would anyone like to take over David's tweets?
And THAT was going to HELP her mental strength?

He HAS to be a complete misogynist.

He IS a complete misogynist!

Treats women like disposable objects who you occasionally have to placate. Anything as long as the sex keeps coming.:facepalm:

I believe he hates women and sees them only as vessels for his own gratification!!:banghead:

(not that I'm angry or anything!!:floorlaugh:)
11:27am: Mr Fuller then suggested the deed was done by 1.48am on April 20, 2012, when Mr Baden-Clay's iPhone was connected to his bedside charger.

Mr Baden-Clay denied that.

The 43-year-old also denied covering his "tracks" by putting boxes of toys into his wife's Captiva and shaving to create cuts along the bottom edges of the scratches on his face.

Mr Fuller suggested Mr Baden-Clay was "pretending" when he told police he was worried about his wife's whereabouts.

"I was a concerned husband and I am a very concerned father ... it's not a facade," Mr Baden-Clay said.

Mr Fuller concluded his cross-examination.

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Found the saucers.....:)

Cup of tea for all...

10.45am: The jury will today hear continued cross-examination of the accused by Crown prosecutor Todd Fuller QC.

It will be Gerard Baden-Clay’s fourth day in the witness box.

Mr Fuller asked the accused whether he thought his wife may have had contact with his mistress Toni McHugh on April 19, 2012.

Baden-Clay said he did not think so.

He agreed his wife had his phone that night and Ms McHugh could have contacted him.

Baden-Clay agreed his mistress knew where he lived.

He said he did not remember Ms McHugh telling him that not going to the conference on April 20, 2012 was not an option.

Baden-Clay said he thought it was “probable” Ms McHugh would not call him after hours.

“By the end of the conversation she had calmed down a fair bit,” he said of a heated discussion with Ms McHugh in the late afternoon of April 19, 2012.

He said he did not tell police about his dealings with Ms McHugh on that day.

The accused said he did not tell his family about the affair until he was told by a journalist it would be disclosed in a story.
The issue is.... (according to Gerald) Allison was expecting to see Toni at the conference and she was still looking forward to it, she had just had her hair done finally to her satisfaction, there was no confrontation with Gerard that evening, and she was making plans with her friends for the next day...what would have been Allison's motivation for suicide?
Baden-Clay said he told the police.

“I didn’t anticipate the police were going to inform the media, but they did,” he said.

The accused said he spoke to police at the Brookfield Showgrounds on April 21, 2012.

He said he spoke to police on numerous occasions over those days and “answered every and any question they asked me”.

Baden-Clay agreed he did not make a formal statement.

“That was the only thing that they asked me and I told them and had a lengthy conversation with (Sgt) Chris Canniffe … I pleaded with him and said I’ve been given legal advice and said what would you do in my position and it was Mr Canniffe who calmed the situation,” he said.

The accused said he wasn’t sure what CIB stood for or what a crime scene was.

“I believe there were a couple of police I spoke to who were from the homicide,” he said.

Baden-Clay said he first met Sen-Sgt Narelle Curtis during a siege situation involving a cult at a property at Anstead.

“I think Narelle may have been the officer in charge when that all occurred,” he said.

He agreed that was a positive dealing.

Baden-Clay said he occasionally attended meetings with a Kenmore Police consulting committee.

He said police were “probably” in contact with him every day following his wife’s disappearance.

The accused said Sgt Canniffe was at first, very responsive, but as the days passed took longer to reply to phone calls.
Thank goodness he didnt know where Allison's diary was kept or that may have ended up missing like the phone

I bet he did know where it was but in his haste to make things as normal as possible he for got about Allisons Journal.

It was easier to stop the sex if he just didn't see her because when he saw Toni she would want sex #badenclay

Wasn't it his excuse to continue the affair with under the bus Toni was for the sex?
“I was very concerned about the whereabouts of my wife and often one communication and one text message a day was not enough for me, I desperately wanted to know what was going on,” he said.

He said he first spoke to his lawyer around midday on April 20, 2012.

He said he met his lawyer at a Yatala service station complex midway between his office on the Gold Coast and Brookfield that night.

Baden-Clay agreed the first call he made to his wife was at 6.32am.

He said he thought he sent her a text message before that but it was not recorded on the summary provided to the court.

“I don’t know why,” he said.

Baden-Clay agreed he phoned his family at 6.44am.

“My initial call was just to say have you heard from her or anything and in that conversation … they came over and helped,” he said.

The accused agreed he did not call his wife’s friends Kerry-Anne Walker or Wendy Mollah, in part because they lived too far away and he did not have Ms Mollah’s number at that time.

He said he did not get through to his parent’s house at Kenmore until 6.46am.

Baden-Clay said he took the Holden Captiva to look for his wife because his Prado had been in a car crash on Monday April 16, 2012.

He agreed his car, the Prado, was parked closer to the driveway.

He further agreed the Captiva had been parked nose-in to the car port.

Baden-Clay agreed he had driven the Prado all week despite the accidents, just not on April 20, 2012.
He said the car was not reversed into the car port when he got up that day.

The jury was shown a photo of Baden-Clay’s damaged Prado, which was side-swiped on the Monday before his wife went missing, parked in front of his wife’s car parked behind it in the car port.

“There was nothing to stop me taking the Prado,” he said.

The accused said he first noticed the toys in the back of the Holden Captiva the morning his wife went missing.

He said it was not a “total surprise” to him they were in the car.

Baden-Clay said he did not put the toys in the back of the car.

Mr Fuller: “You didn’t move them there to make it look … normal, or a semblance of normal?”

Baden-Clay: “No, I did not put them there.”

He said he called his wife’s parents at 9.30am.

“I thought that she’d gone for a walk I called them later on when the police were there,” he said.

Baden-Clay said he called them after he was “interrogated” by police for a couple of hours.

Mr Fuller: “But you called your friends first, didn’t you?”

Baden-Clay agreed he called his closest friends before he called his wife’s closest friends, Ms Walker and Ms Mollah.

He said police did not prevent him from making calls on April 20, 2012.
Baden-Clay teary on wife's birthday
The accused agreed police let him call his children’s school and take a call from the president of the P&C.

He agreed police were supportive of him with respect to his children and his dealings with the school.

Baden-Clay said he was not concerned by the line of questioning from police, not like his father or his sister.

He said he called his wife’s parents as soon as he could.

“I couldn’t see, my informing them was not necessarily for them to drop everything and come up, obviously that’s a natural reaction and that’s what they did,” he said.

Baden-Clay said he did not call Ms McHugh, either.

He agreed his wife was at least an hour overdue by 8am.

The accused agreed it was “completely out of character” for his wife to be late to meet a colleague, such as Kate Rankin, or an appointment.

“I didn’t ring her parents until there was an opportunity to do so,” he said.

Mr Fuller asked the accused again why he rang his friends before he phoned his wife’s friends.

“I called the Christs because we had plans for a sleepover that evening … I wanted them to be aware that Allison was missing and I wanted to ask if they had seen anything, I didn’t think that she would have walked to their house … we didn’t have any close friends … but I just didn’t think it was likely,” he said.

“I anticipated she was coming home any minute but I was concerned about what was going to happen in the afternoon.

“If Allison was in hospital and we found her, that would obviously throw all the plans…”

He said he called the Cheesmans because their home was going on sale that day and he was going to put some finishing touches on the property that day.
Baden-Clay denies struggle, scratches
Hi everyone, I need to do so work ...could someone take over the tweets from Kate for the rest of the day? I am glad others were experiencing websleuths site crashing It was happening whenever I went to make another post..I didn't want to let you guys down:scared::scared:
Baden-Clay said he asked his father to go in his stead, but he was prevented from doing so by the police.

“I was concerned about my wife but I obviously had my family and my business that was operating as well,” he said.

He agreed an employee took over the Cheesmans open house the next day.

Baden-Clay said he did not know why he called his friend Peter Cranna that day, then added it was because he lived close by.

He agreed he and his wife had significant insurance policies.

Baden-Clay said they had discussed reducing them because the premiums were high.

He agreed he contacted an insurance agency on May 1, 2012 about making a claim, at his father’s behest.

The accused said he was at his office when a media report came through on April 30, 2012.

Baden-Clay said he went to Brisbane city and met his lawyer and barrister Peter Davis in his chambers.

He agreed police told him a body had been found.

“They confirmed it was Allison,” he said.

Mr Fuller: “Are you confident of that?”

Baden-Clay: “Yes, because we knew a body had been found and it was at that meeting they told us they were sure it was Allison. I remember being physically shocked by that.”

10am: Gerard Baden-Clay will face more cross examination from prosecutor Todd Fuller today.

There is a short delay for legal discussion, the trial will begin when the jury enters the court
Well - that was a bit of a rush! Thanks to everyone for tweets and comments - I was reading so fast I forgot the thanks button.

David Murray @TheMurrayD · 11m
Gerard: I wanted to distance myself physically. The physical side was important to Toni #badenclay

So... what? I thought he said it was only physical for him

There are so many contradictions he's made this week it would take days to go through and itemise them :facepalm:
It's my belief GBC wasn't in relationships for the sex at all

It was so he could become the centre of a woman's attentions and energies

It's the attention his narcissistic self needed

He gave women sex in return for ego satisfaction
Caroline Overington ‏@overingtonc 42s

'I am offended' he says, of the questions #badenclay

GBC YOU'RE offended ......???
You have NO idea what offended is.
You have no idea how offended Allison's family is; or how most of Australia is OFFENDED.
And outraged!
Offended we are indeed!
David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 37s

Fuller: completely out of character for your wife, always met her commitments. Gerard agrees #badenclay

David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 46s

Fuller: something dramatic had happened, yet you don't call her parents #badenclay

Katrina Blowers ‏@katrinablowers 43s

#badenclay refers to questioning by police the morning he reported Allison missing as 'interrogations'. @7NewsBrisbane

David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 45s

Fuller: why did you ring your friends ahead of her friends. Gerard: called the Christs because we had sleepover plans #badenclay

Goodmorning folks, just catching up here.. but that comment gets me. He called the Christs first up, as the kids had sleep over plans for that night. It was mentioned a couple of days ago that Allison missing might affect those plans.. Surely this is not a major priority first up- because at this stage GBC thought Allison had gone for a walk- ok, she was kinda missing as she was late home. But no reason to suspect at this point that it would interfere with the nights sleepover plans, as surely you'd be thinking she'd be home before then. Maybe as the day progressed and Allison still hadn't returned home, THEN you may think it necessary to ring the Christs and cancel the sleepover. But first up? I believe this was even before ringing Allisons parents?

The phone call to the Christs was another call made too soon IMO (Like the 000 call). Taking a leaf out of the prosecution book, I suggest, he rang, because he KNEW already Allison would not be back that night- or ever.
I haven't read this thread sorry. Just about to catchup. I did want to put this out there before I forget. My apologies if someone else has already said this.

What if those xxl pants she was found in were actually in the garbage bag in the car port from the clean out waiting for collection. That means they were hers but no longer fitted or used. Just pure luck for GBC that they were there.

If she was dragged to the carport and the pants needed changing perhaps GBC just grabbed whatever was handy of Alison's and that happened to be a pair of oversized pants that she had cleaned out of the wardrobe to donate to the charity ....

I honestly can't see them being EBC pants.
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