The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 2nd July - Trial Day 14, Week 3

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Baden-Clay also told the court of the moment his wife's body was found in a creek, revealing he was at his lawyer's office when news came through. He was later contacted by police to say the body had been identified as Allison's.

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The police came to Gerard's office, I happened to be in Gerard's office at the time, and the police came to Gerard's office to tell him," he said.

"But we had actually heard before that because it was actually on the internet before the police got to his office.

"We were aware a body had been found under the Kohlo Creek Bridge." :waitasec:

There is video of police arriving at his office to tell him the news about a body being found.

If someone hasn't found it already I'll look for it shortly.
Hi royster,
I understand how you are feeling hon, many of us have followed Allison's since day 1 and Allison is the reason I'm here. I'm not joking when I posted iI'll need a shrink if he walks free as it could be a very sad day for us and society in general. I'll smash my TV before I see the BC's smirking down a camera into my living room.
I know many of us will need the friendship and support of our fellow sleuthers well after the Brisbane Courthouse closes it's books on GBC.

Now if he's not convicted well who did kill Allison?? Maybe the site will continue longer.......

I commend you sitting through his drivel . I'm a washed out mess from the sidelines. Prob not going to get employee of the month either ��
I got drawn to this case two years ago due to my sister . So many similarities with husbands. I worry a lot. You can lead a horse to water but can't force it to drink... The dickies must feel this way I bet. We have tried so hard to get my sister ( & kids) out but the pressure of financial worry and going by herself is too much . This is with the unconditional supportof 2 parents and 6 siblings and their partners . I feel so hard for women who feel this trapped. I believe a big worry in these situations is having to " share" custody with someone they know is a deranged moron.
Hi Cattail :)

Yes - her face was unrecognisable - she couldn't be identified that way. Large areas of her soft tissues had been decomposed with areas of her skull showing. Only a part of the tongue could be found.

So in short, without going into too much gory detail, it was impossible to look for, or to find, those classical signs of smothering.

From memory she was positively identified via dental records.
Re: the Find My Phone app. I'm sure I read in the police computer expert's report that Find My Phone had not been installed on GBC's phone -- or something on those lines. Anyone know for sure?

The constable said that the app hadn't been used, and that you would be stupid to say that it had. Toni said the sex was good but Gerard was an idiot. I see a theme here.
Due to vodka I can't post links to either.
the jury would have to find, and the judge would have to instruct them of this option, that Gerard unlawfully killed Alison in his sleep .... and also, by extension, interfered with her corpse while asleep..

*squinty eyed* ........ that sentence doesn't even want to lay down on the screen.. I am PMSL......not fair!!
Can Doc or other medical people tell me please if the delay in finding Allison would have masked all of the following signs of smothering?

TIA :)

"Throughout the investigation of a death by suffocation or smothering the pathologist will look for the tell tale signs: the bloodshot eyes, the high levels of carbon dioxide in the blood and will also look for bruising around the nose and mouth and may even collect trace evidence such as hairs and fibres from around the nose and mouth of the deceased."

Don't know about the blood gases but in the case of everything else the relevant tissue was missing or too decomposed to be assessed.
The constable said that the app hadn't been used, and that you would be stupid to say that it had. Toni said the sex was good but Gerard was an idiot. I see a theme here.
Due to vodka I can't post links to either.


Originally Posted by Amee View Post
Gerard Baden-Clay admits to 'more affairs'

The 43-year-old said it was his suggestion that he and his wife install the “Find My Phone” application on their mobile phones so they could know each other’s whereabouts at all times.

“It was me that found it and me that loaded it onto our phones and showed Allison how to use it,” Mr Baden-Clay said.

But Mr Baden-Clay said the application occasionally failed or malfunctioned.

“And on the one day you needed it, it failed you,” Mr Fuller said.

“And on the one day that I needed it failed me, yes that is correct” Mr Baden-Clay said.

The court has previously heard Mr Baden-Clay tried to use the phone application to find his wife on the morning of April 20, 2012, to no avail.

He told police the application was “switched off” that morning.

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So GBC lied before the court?

And it would seem Fuller was aware he lied ? And allowed GBC to repeatedly lie?
Re: the Find My Phone app. I'm sure I read in the police computer expert's report that Find My Phone had not been installed on GBC's phone -- or something on those lines. Anyone know for sure?

It was installed, but the logs showed that it had NOT been used that morning. At one of the bail hearings, I think it was Judge Peter Applegarth commented that to claim that you'd used the app, when it clearly had NOT been used, would have to be pretty stupid - or words to that effect.

Super-searcher Marly can probably find the quote.

I was a bit surprised that Todd Fuller, while talking about how the app had "failed him that morning when he needed it most" didn't make that point.
Don't know about the blood gases but in the case of everything else the relevant tissue was missing or too decomposed to be assessed.

No blood gases after 11 days, NM. At least, none that would have the slightest meaning.
Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 24s
Fuller asks whether they told him it was possibly Allison, or likely Allison. Gerard says he was told definitely. #badenclay

This interchange between Todd Fuller and GBC today really got to me. GBC seemed vague on when he learned a body had been found vs when he discovered for certain it was Allison. Fuller seemed to push him on this a little.

To me, GBC seemed to be suggesting that "of course he knew it was Allison" --- adding something like "a body had been found and it was at ..." [in my mind he then seemed to correct himself/backtrack ever so slightly and say "it was at that meeting" when I almost was expecting him to say it was at [a particular location] and that's how he knew.

Did anyone else who was there get this at all? It has stayed with me all day. Did he come this close to slipping-up? Or perhaps I just read too much into it. Dunno.
Don't know about the blood gases but in the case of everything else the relevant tissue was missing or too decomposed to be assessed.

The way Gerard has described his life, Allison was a prop, a front, part of his snake oil show. As said prop, he was going on to the next act - the widower snake oil show. Under the bridge was clever, he had been to a cult siege at a rental property in that area with the police. Out in the boondocks of Brisvegas, an alien place with secrets.
The constable said that the app hadn't been used, and that you would be stupid to say that it had. Toni said the sex was good but Gerard was an idiot. I see a theme here.
Due to vodka I can't post links to either.

Ha- due to red wine I understand !
I'm thinking you perhaps opened the wrong door mate...

Pistorious trial thatta way -------------------->

Wow Marly, when did you become a super moderator? I've been so engrossed I never really noticed until now. Well I don't think I saw that before.

Maybe a verrrry belated congratulations but here comes the crackers....listen and watch



It was installed, but the logs showed that it had NOT been used that morning. At one of the bail hearings, I think it was Judge Peter Applegarth commented that to claim that you'd used the app, when it clearly had NOT been used, would have to be pretty stupid - or words to that effect.

Super-searcher Marly can probably find the quote.

I was a bit surprised that Todd Fuller, while talking about how the app had "failed him that morning when he needed it most" didn't make that point.

It is surprising. Maybe Fuller is saving it for later. The jury can't know what it isn't told
Ive just remembered... Carol Overington. . who has been doing the tweets from the court ,relayed into here by those specialist WebSleuthers with astounding reliability.. ..

she wrote a book about a murder.. a horrible thing, ..Jamie Ramage.. he murdered his wife.. but he used, as a defence , the concept of Provocation. His sentence so outraged the general public that the law of Provocation has been struck from the books since his case...

Wouldn't Gerard have loved to plead on those grounds.. Alison being provocatively depressed and compliant, and civil and non violent.. non abusive and forgiving..

Since his case and the striking off of Provocation as a defence, a new one has been used - Defensive Homicide. Now that is about to be abolished as a defence in Victoria, as the use of it to date has been as a replacement to the defence of Provocation. And yes, you guessed it - murdering husbands/partners/boyfriends have used it successfully to obtain reduced sentences, such as 7-8 years instead of 15+ years. Great that it is to be abolished in my view.
I so want to hear about the voices, and the posture, laidan.. * :please::please::please::please::please::please::please:

Troops - Todd was calm but has a quick questioning format down pat. He fires these questions off in rapid succession and they don't necessarily have to do with anything he has been previously talking about. So its like,
I put it to you at 4pm you purchased baked beans from Woolworths? And of course you were calling your best mate Bruce at 5am right?

And by the time he has gotten to the third question GBC is struggling to bring the lie around to match the truth and keep the questions going. Fuller is aggressive but not overtly - simply dominating from his voice. His body language was strong and mostly passive but not passive aggressive.

Fuller was incredibly powerful today. His persona took over when he was questioning the witnesses from the defence. Basically these guys needed to go home and lick their wounds after Fuller had dissected them. One would think Mr Fuller had a degree in toxicology the jargon and depth of conversation that he was able to engage with the expert. Stunning!

Fuller NEVER raised his voice, he was articulate, in that he never said ummm or hesitated when he asked a question. Sometimes he even took his own sweet time to ask. But usually it because he was about to lauhch into those rapid fire questions but just in a simple conversation voice that really - it really troubled GBC - and got him unstuck quite a bit.

When he was summing up GBC was very irritated by his questions, (Fuller-) I put it to you that you smothered your wife, she scratched you and you dragged her body to the car port where she picked up the plant material and you then took her to Kholo creek. Well GBC was drinking his water and denying the truths all over the place.

Danny was great too - but forgive me the Umm factor was annoying, but I think it is part of his 'way'. He looks slow and help me out here - I am not catching on to this and BANG he blows their witness. Well that is what happened to the last guy on the stand today.

Not sure this is what you were after troops, I was so impressed with Fuller and Boyle today, they were undeniably professional and so brilliantly damming with their cross examinations!
Now that GBC has finally stopped talking there is something that should be noted:




Why, I wonder?
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