The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 7th July - Trial Day 15

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I think Byrne has just assured himself of getting very little female clientele in future unless of course appointed through legal aid. I totally understand the role of a defence in a trial but he just went beyond the pale. Are we seriously supposed to consider that 'parent' interviews are a mother only affair? I was so bored after my first parent/teacher interview my husband went for years after that. He also did tuckshop duty as I couldn't stand it. He was also on the after school care committee. What a “Allison, there are many questions that are unanswered, many pieces of a puzzle that need to be put together, and we your family pledge to you that we will have these questions answered. We will bring you justice and you deserve nothing less. Why then? Why there? Why now? We cry, why did she die? The heavens are silent.”load of hogwash.....

I know! Talk about stereotypes! Hope he is always fortunate enough that his partner doesn't want/have to work if/when he has a family. Because he/she is going to have a crap life if he has those thoughts on "mummy duties"
Well why wouldn't Mr Mom be there at the parent teacher interview - I personally would have liked any excuse not to go after the first couple of years !!

I don't even bother going to the parent teacher interviews because I learnt from past experience, with this particular school, they are a complete and utter waste of time.l do all my queries etc via email. I am not a bad mother by any means!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe he wanted to go to parent teacher interview alone so he could make a move on the teachers or sell them some real estate
What is BBM? I've been wondering for ages lol

It means Bolded By Me....took me ages to find out...I believe there is a page somewhere that spells out all the WS acronyms...Marly help??
3:43pm: Mr Byrne has encouraged the jury to consider the "shaving cuts" carefully.

"This is so important. This is a murder trial. A person is on trial [for] his life for murder," he said.

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Well one has to wonder why Gerard , in his defence, didn't ask for a razor to do it again?
Nooooo, he didn't. Because he couldn't .
He needed fingernails to make those gashes again.
I'm sorry , but a highlighter pen, just doesn't do it for me :moo:
Well wouldn't it be interesting to know how often GBC attended parent teacher interviews over the years? I'm a teacher myself and I can tell you that 9 out of 10 interviews are attended by mothers only (and that's a generous estimate). I can only recall a couple of father-only interviews across my couple of decades teaching, and in those cases they were single dads. Pfft - if anything I'd guess that maybe insisting her husband front up for an interview could have been another indicator of Allison's increasing strength and confidence.
I wonder what GBC's demeanor was like at said interview??
Just had another thought - maybe his attending interviews wasn't out of the ordinary? Maybe because of his profile with the P&C (and dare I say need for control) it was a role he took on happily??

And I know many many female teachers who send their husbands to interviews and who have hardly ever attended their own kids P/T interviews at all.
But she doesn't usually set out walking to throw herself off a bridge.

With that in mind she could have set off at 4.00am ... 3.00am ... 1.48am ...

and awww.. Alison.. what a saint.. sets off to suicide ,, but before she does ,. SHE PUTS HER HUSBANDS PHONE BACK ON THE CHARGER!!... folks.. I ask you!!..
Phew caught up at last, thanks to all those copying the tweets. I'm sure the Prosecution will be able to refute most of what the Defence suggests, and I'm sure the jury will remember the Prosecutions words being last.
I thought the Defence were OK, not great, but you can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear.
Still think it will hinge on the Judges summing up of what is "reasonable doubt" that is what worries me the most.
Could you tell I was getting cranky and clicking furiously and my keyboard keys are only just still hanging on???

You did awesome! I'm so sorry I had to bail out for a bit! Amazing how quick the tweets pile up if you look away for even a minute - superb job! :D
Wonder if the phone on charger will be explained tomorrow. Everything else that was gone over previously was repeated.
Will be interested in this coming up tomorrow.
that's the one slip Gerard and Byrne made... the phone charger ... someone had to do it. A human hand.. to keep Gerards story in the groove, it couldn't be him.. it can only be Alison , then.. ..

That phone being charged at 1.48 am is a big fat nail in your coffin, Gerard..
Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 2m
Byrne says is it possible she stayed up thinking about what had happened between her and Gerard. "The rawness had been opened up".#badenclay

Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 2m
Byrne is reading from Allison's journal. "I don't want to be alone". He says she's up late, thinking. #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 2m
Byrne: Leaves the house, after first placing Gerard's phone on the charger. #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 2m
Byrne: What if she decides to go for a walk to clear her head. What if she decides to take a Zoloft? #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 2m
Byrne says what if she goes on her normal walk, decides to walk a bit further. #badenclay
Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 1m
Byrne says maybe the Zoloft is absorbed, maybe we have Seratonin syndrome. #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 1m
Byrne says maybe, somehow, she ends up in the river. Could have rendered her unconscious, maybe she drowned in the river. #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 1m
Byrne says that's just one scenario. The jury may reject it. #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 59s
Byrne says they should reject that Gerard, for no apparent reason, with no apparent means, violently killed his wife. #badenclay

I just PMSL with THAT one....I am sorry but if I was QC for the Defence - no way would I have EVER presented this scenario - the whole day for defence has just gone out the window. LOL HOW EMBARRASSING!

He can only work with what he has, to be fair.
Thanks I didn't know that.

Anyway it sounds to me that GBC was the one most concerned about the baby being a boy as Allison said she thought he was disappointed while she seemed to be happy with either a boy or girl. The fact that it was him who wanted to know the sex and not her clearly points in that direction

Oops forgot to quote.


no one is going to believe that ALISON is distressed about the male child thing. EVERYONE over the age of 10 knows that its the father who carries the genetic code for male or female... Wouldn't matter who Gerard was slipping it to, he wouldn't make sons. His brother could, and his father could, but Gerard didn't have it in him. EVERYONE knows this... "
There were a lot of inaccuracies in Byrne's closing speech. He gave Fuller a lot to work with. I'm kind of secretly hoping that was his intent all along.
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