The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 7th July - Trial Day 15

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Does anyone recall what the rainfall was between the 19th of April 2012, and the time Allison's body was found?

How does it differ from the rainfall at the bridge during the eleven days before the Jury went on their excursion to the bridge?

You will be able to look at that on the BOM website, I have used that sort of data from there before - like I have previously used years of tidal data to show correlation of tides over several years.
Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 2m
Byrne says is it possible she stayed up thinking about what had happened between her and Gerard. "The rawness had been opened up".#badenclay

Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 2m
Byrne is reading from Allison's journal. "I don't want to be alone". He says she's up late, thinking. #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 2m
Byrne: Leaves the house, after first placing Gerard's phone on the charger. #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 2m
Byrne: What if she decides to go for a walk to clear her head. What if she decides to take a Zoloft? #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 2m
Byrne says what if she goes on her normal walk, decides to walk a bit further. #badenclay
Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 1m
Byrne says maybe the Zoloft is absorbed, maybe we have Seratonin syndrome. #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 1m
Byrne says maybe, somehow, she ends up in the river. Could have rendered her unconscious, maybe she drowned in the river. #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 1m
Byrne says that's just one scenario. The jury may reject it. #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 59s
Byrne says they should reject that Gerard, for no apparent reason, with no apparent means, violently killed his wife. #badenclay

I just PMSL with THAT one....I am sorry but if I was QC for the Defence - no way would I have EVER presented this scenario - the whole day for defence has just gone out the window. LOL HOW EMBARRASSING!

FFS!!!!!! Are they serious, does he have a straight face when he's saying this
The time lapse is incorrect anyone doing senior mathematics at high school could tell you that.

For it to be even remotely useful....the time lapse SHOULD have been done on 19th-30th April not June. This is so that the tidal video could even be remotely similiar as to the 19th - 30th April 2012.....

Did the prosecution bring this up in their cross examination? I honestly don't remember.

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And she was late due to traffic (rang ahead to let them know) - guaranteed to make me stressed every time! Hate being late!

Allison should have been over the moon, Gerry called her and gave her permission to have a coffee before she came home.:drumroll:
Did the prosecution bring this up in their cross examination? I honestly don't remember.

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I don't think so - I am hoping they have a mathematician on hand to tell them this for their summing up
Just to be clear - the defence guy that did the Time lapse photography was there to photograph the tides ONLY. .....AND quite frankly the footage was S**House. My take is that OW suggested to GBC someone from their church who took photos, and it then GBC who suggested to his team of legal expertise that this guy could get some info on the tides out there. And so Ashton Ward went out and placed a few cameras to get some time lapse footage. Here is a plug for Gerry but - go take a look at his photos on Aussie crims of the area and you will see the work of someone who knows how to do photography. Ashton's photos are impossible to dicern the tidelines accurately and are way to far from the scene of Allison's proposed body site to glean any information about whether 'individual' leaves could become tangled in her hair. (VERY UNLIKELY!) Also, the tides had zero bearing to what happened to the week that dear Allison was dumped unceremoniously there. So I am completely non-plussed by the fact that this has become dare I say it the'gold standard' on debris traffic. As the botanist is clearly the expert, clearly did more to prove that these leaves were not in anyway likely to have been transferred into Allison's hair at Kholo. This 'a lot of debris is washed up and can stick to stuff' is a load of complete bs and has ZERO scientific basis.
Thank you! I missed a few days of evidence last week and was under the impression a hydrologist had done that footage. You've saved me from finding the answers for myself xo
I think everyone here has respect for the process and the defence attorneys.... It's more the defendant that is bringing out the nasties I think!

I hope so. Some of the posts seem directed at him, but it could be my interpretation. :)

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I don't attend parent teacher night either! My husband always goes! I am so involved with the school as it and parent teacher night is the one thing he attends and enjoys! I am not a bad mother either! This defence comment Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 12s
Byrne says the hair appointment clashed with a parent teacher interview. "Why would a mother do that," he says.
seriously made my blood boil! BBM
It didn't clash, and I so hope the prosecution realises this.
Thank you so much to all the tweet posters and media posters - you have done a great job again and it is really appreciated :)

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What a day.
The Defense did their swith what they had.
Still - there are as many holes in it as a string bag - me thinks

Awesome job by the Re-Tweet Team!!!
It was a huge re-tweet today - 3 times more than usual.
Without you we wouldn't have kept up with the days proceedings.
Very grateful!

:tyou: :tyou: :tyou:
Byrne's statement as to why a mother with strong maternal attachment would book a hair appointment that clashed with a parent teacher interview... then suggesting it was to make herself feel better.... is pretty poor and desperate IMO. There is absolutely no evidence that Allison was lapsing into major depression at the fact there is evidence to the contrary.
If she was lapsing into MAJOR depression (major enough to attempt suicide), she would have failed to attend both the parent-teacher interview AND the hairdresser appointment, because it would all have been too overwhelming and it would have been too difficult to go out and interact with people.
But she doesn't usually set out walking to throw herself off a bridge.

With that in mind she could have set off at 4.00am ... 3.00am ... 1.48am ...

If Allison was suffering so badly from depression and sadness about a male child being born into the family bother to return Gerry's phone to the charge then set off to commit suicide?
Well the funny thing is that she was actually WORKING at the time of the parent teacher interviews, which were a around 3:45pm.

She had to rush to the hairdresser and arrived late as it was.

Suggesting Allison had her hair done while Gerard attended the meeting is. Complete LIE. She was working at the damn business and had training that day.

Someone had to learn the ropes seeing GBC couldn't keep his little thing away from the help.

Helping with homework, running resilience classes, dance lessons - hardly a mother disconnected from her children's schooling IMO. Allison could have been in regular contact with the teacher & didn't need to sit in on the meeting, GBC could have been killing 2 birds with 1 stone also attending to matters at school in his P & C role. Maybe they simply flipped a coin as many parents do - especially where there are 3 meetings in this case, usually held twice a year. What am I doing... this shouldn't even need defending, but I hope it's refuted in some way just out of principle!
If Allison was suffering so badly from depression and sadness about a male child being born into the family bother to return Gerry's phone to the charge then set off to commit suicide?

and she remembers to leave him ... this non male producing sorry piece of work.. the beneficiary of her life insurance policy.. this is extreme sainthood... beyond all known parameters..
Byrne's statement as to why a mother with strong maternal attachment would book a hair appointment that clashed with a parent teacher interview... then suggesting it was to make herself feel better.... is pretty poor and desperate IMO. There is absolutely no evidence that Allison was lapsing into major depression at the fact there is evidence to the contrary.
If she was lapsing into MAJOR depression (major enough to attempt suicide), she would have failed to attend both the parent-teacher interview AND the hairdresser appointment, because it would all have been too overwhelming and it would have been too difficult to go out and interact with people.
I hope so. Some of the posts seem directed at him, but it could be my interpretation. :)

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Yeh, sometimes it's easy to shoot the messenger! I think deep down people know he's doing his job and everyone deserves their day in court ;)
I have been following from the beginning.
Just some my thoughts
maybe GCB went crazy that night because Allison paid too much get her hair done, especially since he couldn't afford a new razor. She only had $20 in account and their credit cards were maxed out.
And maybe he hid the fact the parent teacher interviews were even on, to make him look like an awesome father and Allison a bad mother. My hubby wouldn't have a clue, if I didn't tell him. He might have got the note and made the time knowing Allison would be at the hairdressers

No the hairdressers was a freebie. The evidence that they had over $10000 in bank accounts surprised me and I don't think they were as poor as we were led to believe. The parent teacher interview, I have been to plenty of them WITHOUT my husband I don't think that makes him a poor father.
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