The death of Princess Diana

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He could never be King if he was divorced and then remarried. Only could be King if Diana was dead and he remarried.
Re: The motorcycles around the speeding car.

Certainly the French authorities were extremely proactive in wanting to blame the crash on the paparazzi. Investigation after the arrests revealed that in actuality, of the seven photographers arrested at the scene only ONE photographer owned an actual motorcycle. That was Raould Rat, who owned a Honda 650.

All the rest of them were on motor SCOOTERS, which did NOT have the power to keep up with the Mercedes. ONLY the Honda 650 would have been anywhere near capable of doing that.

AND none of the police-confiscated photographs showed any photos taken after the Mercedes left the hotel area. Nor have any ever turned up on the open market since then.

The Conspiracy Theorists think the motorcycles seen "buzzing" the Mercedes were operated by "agents" and were designed to look like paparazzi.

The testimony of Mr. Rat (poor man, what an unfortunate name under the circumstances) and his driver is that they arrived in the tunnel after the Mercedes had already crashed. They drove past the crashed vehicle and parked "in front of it" - which at that point was beyond the back end of the car, due to it having turned 180 degrees during the crash. (The Mercedes ended up pointing back in the direction it had just come.)

If there were other motorcycles, they left the scene and disappeared from history, just like the infamous Fiat.

And most photos were scrubbed for obvious reasons, although I imagine there are still a few kept in vaults somewhere with instructions to reveal in 100 years or so.

Is Rat the one who had to be removed from the front area of the car because he was taking photos of the dead and injured?

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