The death of Princess Diana

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My, but spies have gotten sloppy these days:

They depended on Diana's car taking a route where the road would be relatively empty;

They counted on her driver going unusually fast (see previous sentence: empty road = fast speed);

They depended on Diana not wearing her seatbelt;

They assumed that if they briefly blinded the driver, he would swerve left and into a pole.

And after the accident, one spy walked over to the car and looked through the window. Using his x-ray goggles, no doubt, he was able to see that Diana's internal injuries were fatal, so he made the crossed arm ("mission accomplished") sign--even though she didn't die until several hours later.

Very sloppy/very lucky spies, if you ask me.
One thing that's always interested me involves the basic philosophies of EMS services - with the French it was "stay and play" (as their ambulances are top-heavy with life-saving equipment). In the U.S. it's "load and go." The French approach resulted in an estimated 70-minute delay getting her to a hospital. (Evidently; the time taken between the crash and the hospital arrival has in itself given birth to other conspiracy theories.)
This is like JFK. No one will ever truly know.
Here are the things that have bothered me (and continue to bother me to this day):
1.) Diana said IN WRITING (See book by the Butler, Paul Somebody) that she thought her husband was going to have her killed and that it would be by a car accident.

2.) The time the ambulance took to get her to a hospital that was about 5 miles away as I remember it.

3.) Delayed diagnosis of the actual problem that was killing her - a tear in the pulmonary artery. You have to read the account of what treatment was given in the ER when they FINALLY got her there to pick up on this. And it is obvious that the doctor who was treating her in the ambulance for over an hour had no idea what he was dealing with.

4.) The very high level of carbon monoxide found in the blood of the drunken driver. This was NEVER explained by anybody. And it was not just a little bit high, it was WAY high. People do not just have very high levels of carbon monoxide like this in their blood. His level was high enough that he would have been severely, noticeably impaired or even would have lost consciousness. And no, nothing "breaks down" after death and produces carbon monoxide in the blood. It is in there - attached to the heme portion of the red blood cell. Where the oxygen is supposed to be.

Another thing about high levels of carbon monoxide is that the patient looks very red - especially in the facial area. There was nothing of that sort noted in the autopsy report for the driver.

I think this SAS guy is a nut case. But I still was never satisfied with any of the investigations, including the last one. But I agree, we will likely never know.

But I sure don't trust that Charles was Mr. Innocent.
It was the only way Charles could marry Camilla. If Diana was dead.
I am on the fence on this one. I think its a lot of CT but still have questions which brings me into ct area :D. I do believe the time to get her to hospital was significant but due to the "stay and play", unfortunately what she had needed immediate surgery. But the cause? I have never been satisfied that there wasn't a wish to end her life and when you are powerful people things can be done that seem impossible at first sight. The latest allegation has some interesting "facts:
It is documented that Diana had signs and symptoms of internal bleeding - one of which would be a severe drop in blood pressure. In reading about the French emergency services, they had the ability AT THAT TIME to helicopter patients to hospitals for emergency treatment.

Also, one of the hospitals the ambulance by-passed was a military affiliated hospital that had trauma teams on site at the time.

Also the head of the city of Paris police came to the accident site and was there at the crash site before the ambulance ever left the site. The Parisian powers-that-be were quite defensive about the services that were provided to Diana that night. They made statements to the press that treatment was delayed because she had to be "cut out of the car". That was just not true.
The roof of the car was eventually cut off - to remove the driver's body. But it was untrue that Diana needed to be cut out.

Who knows what the outcome would have been if she had been helicoptered from the crash site? Another thing nobody will ever know.

But when you have a blood sample "from a driver" that shows an almost lethal level of Carbon Monoxide (I looked it up, it was 20%) and 5 minutes before that same driver is shown on video tape walking and talking normally, it leads to thinking:
1.) The lab that did the testing really, really screwed something up in the testing itself
2.) This was not the driver's blood

Either of the above raise a whole lot of questions.
Paul Burrell was the butler's name. But, he is not exactly trustworthy. Diana (as told to her friends) was getting ready to sack him for going through her personal correspondence, among other things. Plus, he perjured himself at the inquest.

I just don't know what to believe. I do believe that there were certain factions that wanted Diana out of the way, not which of the least was Charles.

I had never done any in-depth reading about the Diana "Conspiracy Theories". The last info I ever followed were the daily posted transcripts from the Coroner's Inquest held in England about 5 years ago or so.

There is an Australian author, John Morgan, a former investigative reporter, who has written several books which contain documents made public through the years via civil suits, Freedom of Information laws, or good old fashioned "leaks". Parts of his books can be read at using the "take a look inside" feature.

Sampling Morgan's writings plus several others' it is clear that the deadly Carbon Monoxide level found in what was purported to be the driver's blood has been a sticking point with many, many people. Plus there are revelations of things I had never heard of, such as photos showing another male body in the morgue alongside Henri Paul's body; that the pathologist who performed Paul's autopsy recorded a height and weight that did not match Henri Paul's height and weight; that autopsy records show five vials of blood taken from Paul, yet only three vials were ever processed; that the two French officials who performed the autopsy refused to testify at the British Coroner's Inquest. And on and on.

And it goes on and on. The white Fiat Uno that collided with the Mercedes just prior to the fatal crash that was never found. None of the French "road cameras" being operable that night along the route from the hotel to the crash site. Eyewitnesses who when contacted by British investigators in preparation for the Inquest stated it was their first interview, that they were never contacted nor interviewed by the French investigators.

At the very least, the French provided lousy emergency medical care and conducted a sloppy investigation.

I am not a conspiracy theorist kind of person, but I am always willing to keep an open mind. In this particular case, the more you read the more appalled you become.
I just keep going back to the original accusation, which is that the paparazzi were chasing them. They got in front of, beside, and behind the car and they worked together to box in Henri Paul and they were using flash bulbs. Henri was under the influence and speeding, which of course delayed and distorted his reaction. I think it was this perfect storm of factors that led to the accident. Naturally, the paps are going to flee because they know they were pursuing too aggressively and that they just caused an accident for the People's Princess! They panicked.

There may have been a conspiracy to have Diana silenced but it didn't happen this night. All JMO.
Also Henri Paul was trying to be a superhero, and so was Dodi and his father IMO. Testosterone everywhere, and everyone trying to be the hero. Didn't Diana's bodyguard say as much himself?
Also Henri Paul was trying to be a superhero, and so was Dodi and his father IMO. Testosterone everywhere, and everyone trying to be the hero. Didn't Diana's bodyguard say as much himself?

Her old police guard, Ken Wharfe said that, yes. He lays a lot of the blame on Trevor Rees-Jones and Kez Wingfield for what happened. He said they should have noticed that Henri Paul wasn't acting right, and that they should not have kept changing plans at Dodi's command.

Re: The motorcycles around the speeding car.

Certainly the French authorities were extremely proactive in wanting to blame the crash on the paparazzi. Investigation after the arrests revealed that in actuality, of the seven photographers arrested at the scene only ONE photographer owned an actual motorcycle. That was Raould Rat, who owned a Honda 650.

All the rest of them were on motor SCOOTERS, which did NOT have the power to keep up with the Mercedes. ONLY the Honda 650 would have been anywhere near capable of doing that.

AND none of the police-confiscated photographs showed any photos taken after the Mercedes left the hotel area. Nor have any ever turned up on the open market since then.

The Conspiracy Theorists think the motorcycles seen "buzzing" the Mercedes were operated by "agents" and were designed to look like paparazzi.

The testimony of Mr. Rat (poor man, what an unfortunate name under the circumstances) and his driver is that they arrived in the tunnel after the Mercedes had already crashed. They drove past the crashed vehicle and parked "in front of it" - which at that point was beyond the back end of the car, due to it having turned 180 degrees during the crash. (The Mercedes ended up pointing back in the direction it had just come.)
Interesting thread !
I have always wondered... IF she was murdered, what would have been the main motive ?
Just the Charles/Camilla romance ?
Or was it something else ?
If I can find the link, I'll post it --- on youtube, there was a program about the possible conspiracy involving Lady Diana's death. And in this video, Camilla herself at one time thought there might have been a 'staged' accident aimed at her.

Other possible motives are that Diana had become more popular than the royal family themselves, and there was a conflict of interest.
Also , there was the (last?) interview where Diana had maybe become too candid about the problems she was having with the royals ; and thus a breach of security ?
Interesting thread !
I have always wondered... IF she was murdered, what would have been the main motive ?
Just the Charles/Camilla romance ?
Or was it something else ?
If I can find the link, I'll post it --- on youtube, there was a program about the possible conspiracy involving Lady Diana's death. And in this video, Camilla herself at one time thought there might have been a 'staged' accident aimed at her.

Other possible motives are that Diana had become more popular than the royal family themselves, and there was a conflict of interest.
Also , there was the (last?) interview where Diana had maybe become too candid about the problems she was having with the royals ; and thus a breach of security ?

How about to ensure that the future king of England stayed in England??
Any cover-up would have required the cooperation of the French.

Since when have the French cooperated with anybody?

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