The Doe Network: Part 1: Who is Princess Blue?

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Okay, it's quite possibly my error, as I am so new at this stuff, but I went to the "someone..." site and cannot find anything about the REL High School Yrbk stuff. Under the PB forum, there is no title saying anything about REL. What did I do wrong?

Thanks for the help!

I too, have not been able to find REL info on the site. Do you have to be approved to see these files?
I wonder what other crimes this whack job committed in Brazoria, Texas. He killed one girl in February of 1990. He was executed in 2002 for that crime. Could Princess Blue have been a victim of his? Other articles describe him as a "career" criminal.

ETA: I need to find out if he was out on parole in 1989-February 2, 1990

Tuesday, October 31, 2000

Gary Wayne Etheridge Scheduled To Be Executed

AUSTIN - Texas Attorney General John Cornyn offers the following information on Gary Wayne Etheridge who is scheduled to be executed after 6 p.m., Wednesday, November 8th.
Etheridge was convicted and sentenced to death for the February 1990 murder and sexual assault of 15 year-old Christie Chauviere.
Etheridge murdered Christie as he was attempting to rob Christie's mother Gail. Etheridge worked in the apartment/condominium complex managed by Gail Chauviere. Etheridge knew where Gail and her children lived because he had followed her home several days earlier to pick up a stray dog Gail was going to give him.
On the evening of February 2, 1990, Gail arrived home from work to find Etheridge's car in her driveway. She entered her home and found Etheridge sitting on a couch with her daughter Christie, looking upset, nearby. Etheridge demanded the money that Gail was known to bring home from the apartment complex. Gail told Etheridge she would give him the money and pleaded with him not to hurt Christie. Etheridge ended up stabbing Gail numerous times and knocking her into a semi-conscious state. He then sexually assaulted and repeatedly stabbed Christie, killing her.
Etheridge fled the scene in Gail's car. A neighbor across the street saw Etheridge leave. Etheridge was arrested five days later as he was hitchhiking back to Texas after wrecking and abandoning Gail's car in Mobile, Alabama. An off-duty Houston police officer spotted Etheridge hitchhiking and arrested him.
  • When Etheridge was arrested he said to the officer, "Yes, I know I'm under arrest for killing that 15 year-old girl. I'm sorry for what I did, and was going back to Brazoria County to turn myself in."
  • Etheridge confessed to the murder in a written statement shortly after being arrested.
  • A day after Etheridge was arrested, police tape recorded his statement. In that statement, Etheridge said, "I killed a girl."
  • Blood evidence from the crime scene matched Etheridge's profile.
  • Joe Juarez, a neighbor who lived across the street from the Chauvieres, saw Gail's car pull out of the driveway and drive towards him with only one person in the car.
  • After the taped interview, police allowed Etheridge to talk to his father. Police recorded the phone call with Etheridge's knowledge. In the call, Etheridge told his father to tell anyone that harassed the family that he (meaning Etheridge himself) killed Christie. Etheridge also said that he wanted to go to the press so he could tell them that he killed Christie.
  • Gail Chauviere identified Etheridge as the attacker and stated that he did not have anyone else with him.
More at link below:
Hi RKnowley:).

Although, Princes Blue may have been close to the same age as Christie, Christie's murder occurred in Brazoria County and Princess was found in Brazoria County, the murders may have occurred at similar times, and Etheridge may have been a career criminal, I have my doubts that Etheridge was our perp.

Princess Blue's body was dumped and is probably a secondary crime scene. Etheridge had the brass to walk right in sexually assault and murder Christie and attempt to murder Gail. Etheridge's primary reason for being at Gail's house was probably to rob her--sexually attacking and killing Christie(and stabbing Gail) was perhaps secondary to the robbery. I can't put my finger on it; but, I have a gut feeling that sexual assault and/or murder was Princess Blue's primary motive. I could be totally wrong on this, though.

I get the feeling that even if Etheridge had not been caught he may have wanted or at least not cared that the murder of Christie and the attack on Gail was found out. He did nothing to hide his crimes. He even let Gail live. Princess Blue's killer(s) may have removed her from the primary murder site possibly at least in part to careful not to be caught. He seemed to be more organized.

Etheridge's actions seem to indicate that he is disorganized. Although, a killer can become more or less organized over time, I just have a gut feeling that is not the case here. But, I would sure keep this slime on a list to check out later. And, I might indeed want to check to see when he was free on parole to kill some other young girl or woman.

We might want to remember that the TOD is now listed as, "unknown" on the TX DPS site. So we don't know with certainty the time period in which Princess Blue was killed. Because she still had bone marrow in at least one bone I am still thinking she may have been killed from between 6 mo. and 1 year prior to her remains being discovered.

This is just me thinking here FWIW. I was just told what FWIW means by Missie. Thanks Missie.


I wonder what other crimes this whack job committed in Brazoria, Texas. He killed one girl in February of 1990. He was executed in 2002 for that crime. Could Princess Blue have been a victim of his? Other articles describe him as a "career" criminal.

ETA: I need to find out if he was out on parole in 1989-February 2, 1990

Tuesday, October 31, 2000

Gary Wayne Etheridge Scheduled To Be Executed

AUSTIN - Texas Attorney General John Cornyn offers the following information on Gary Wayne Etheridge who is scheduled to be executed after 6 p.m., Wednesday, November 8th.
Etheridge was convicted and sentenced to death for the February 1990 murder and sexual assault of 15 year-old Christie Chauviere.
Etheridge murdered Christie as he was attempting to rob Christie's mother Gail. Etheridge worked in the apartment/condominium complex managed by Gail Chauviere. Etheridge knew where Gail and her children lived because he had followed her home several days earlier to pick up a stray dog Gail was going to give him.
On the evening of February 2, 1990, Gail arrived home from work to find Etheridge's car in her driveway. She entered her home and found Etheridge sitting on a couch with her daughter Christie, looking upset, nearby. Etheridge demanded the money that Gail was known to bring home from the apartment complex. Gail told Etheridge she would give him the money and pleaded with him not to hurt Christie. Etheridge ended up stabbing Gail numerous times and knocking her into a semi-conscious state. He then sexually assaulted and repeatedly stabbed Christie, killing her.
Etheridge fled the scene in Gail's car. A neighbor across the street saw Etheridge leave. Etheridge was arrested five days later as he was hitchhiking back to Texas after wrecking and abandoning Gail's car in Mobile, Alabama. An off-duty Houston police officer spotted Etheridge hitchhiking and arrested him.
  • When Etheridge was arrested he said to the officer, "Yes, I know I'm under arrest for killing that 15 year-old girl. I'm sorry for what I did, and was going back to Brazoria County to turn myself in."
  • Etheridge confessed to the murder in a written statement shortly after being arrested.
  • A day after Etheridge was arrested, police tape recorded his statement. In that statement, Etheridge said, "I killed a girl."
  • Blood evidence from the crime scene matched Etheridge's profile.
  • Joe Juarez, a neighbor who lived across the street from the Chauvieres, saw Gail's car pull out of the driveway and drive towards him with only one person in the car.
  • After the taped interview, police allowed Etheridge to talk to his father. Police recorded the phone call with Etheridge's knowledge. In the call, Etheridge told his father to tell anyone that harassed the family that he (meaning Etheridge himself) killed Christie. Etheridge also said that he wanted to go to the press so he could tell them that he killed Christie.
  • Gail Chauviere identified Etheridge as the attacker and stated that he did not have anyone else with him.
More at link below:
I'm not so certain that robbery was the main motive regarding Gary Etheridge killing Christie. When Gail arrived home Gary was already there and Christie was sitting on the arm of the loveseat. Gary asked Gail where the money was (he knew she always brought the money home with her) Gail told Gary where the money was and to Gary to take the bag and that she wouldn't tell why didn't he just take the money and leave? Christie did make a move towards her mother and Gary grabbed Christies hair and pulled her back towards him. They didn't find semen on Christie but she had been stabbed in the genital area.
Gary Wayne Etheridge had only been out on parole for 6 weeks prior to Christie being killed.

It's POSSIBLE that Princess Blue may have been walking down the street somewhere and Gary Wayne Etheridge tried to rob her or he threw her in his car (He did have one according to the article below) assaulted her and then dumped her at the spot she was found. He is a slim possibilty but one I'm not closing up shop on yet :twocents:

Also, I am keeping TOD in mind here. If Gary Etheridge only got out of prison 6 weeks prior to killing Christie. If he did kill Princess Blue he would have had to have killed her in early 1990.

Thank you for adding your thoughts and FWIW here :) I appreciate another perspective on things.

You can read the whole story at the link below:

Hi RKnowley:).

Although, Princes Blue may have been close to the same age as Christie, Christie's murder occurred in Brazoria County and Princess was found in Brazoria County, the murders may have occurred at similar times, and Etheridge may have been a career criminal, I have my doubts that Etheridge was our perp.

Princess Blue's body was dumped and is probably a secondary crime scene. Etheridge had the brass to walk right in sexually assault and murder Christie and attempt to murder Gail. Etheridge's primary reason for being at Gail's house was probably to rob her--sexually attacking and killing Christie(and stabbing Gail) was perhaps secondary to the robbery. I can't put my finger on it; but, I have a gut feeling that sexual assault and/or murder was Princess Blue's primary motive. I could be totally wrong on this, though.

I get the feeling that even if Etheridge had not been caught he may have wanted or at least not cared that the murder of Christie and the attack on Gail was found out. He did nothing to hide his crimes. He even let Gail live. Princess Blue's killer(s) may have removed her from the primary murder site possibly at least in part to careful not to be caught. He seemed to be more organized.

Etheridge's actions seem to indicate that he is disorganized. Although, a killer can become more or less organized over time, I just have a gut feeling that is not the case here. But, I would sure keep this slime on a list to check out later. And, I might indeed want to check to see when he was free on parole to kill some other young girl or woman.

We might want to remember that the TOD is now listed as, "unknown" on the TX DPS site. So we don't know with certainty the time period in which Princess Blue was killed. Because she still had bone marrow in at least one bone I am still thinking she may have been killed from between 6 mo. and 1 year prior to her remains being discovered.

This is just me thinking here FWIW. I was just told what FWIW means by Missie. Thanks Missie.

I see what your are saying. And, I think you have a good point. I have read that there are criminals who's primary motive is one thing(i.e. robbery) and that once at the crime scene to commit the originally planned offense the perpetrator spontaneously commits another crime, such as a sexual assault(s) and/or a murder(s). There may also be criminals who kill their victims to leave no witnesses to the originally planned crime. And, I have heard that there are criminals who plan to commit 2 crimes against one victim(s) with one crime being more important or at least the crime first thought of in the perp's mind.

I wonder if E didn't fit into the third and last scenario I mentioned. And, it could have been similar with Princess Blue. But, it seems that the MO's are vastly different. Princess Blue was taken to a secondary site with most likely no clothes, purse, belongings, other than her jewelry. Yet, Christie was murdered in her home, and Gail was stabbed. This crime seems to have committed very sloppily compared with what may have happened with Princess Blue.

Since I am only speculating and speaking about my own gut feelings based on facts, theories, and speculations, anything I say can be partially or fully incorrect. And, E could be the guy. There is another guy, Robert Browne who I posted about pages ago who may also be our guy. There is a huge number of people who could have killed Princess. Maybe we could begin a list of possible suspects. But, for now I am trying first to ID Princess and to keep potential suspects on a list for later. It may prove a wise move to keep possible POI's in such a list, for we never know what we might uncover.


I'm not so certain that robbery was the main motive regarding Gary Etheridge killing Christie. When Gail arrived home Gary was already there and Christie was sitting on the arm of the loveseat. Gary asked Gail where the money was (he knew she always brought the money home with her) Gail told Gary where the money was and to Gary to take the bag and that she wouldn't tell why didn't he just take the money and leave? Christie did make a move towards her mother and Gary grabbed Christies hair and pulled her back towards him. They didn't find semen on Christie but she had been stabbed in the genital area.
Gary Wayne Etheridge had only been out on parole for 6 weeks prior to Christie being killed.

It's POSSIBLE that Princess Blue may have been walking down the street somewhere and Gary Wayne Etheridge tried to rob her or he threw her in his car (He did have one according to the article below) assaulted her and then dumped her at the spot she was found. He is a slim possibilty but one I'm not closing up shop on yet :twocents:

Also, I am keeping TOD in mind here. If Gary Etheridge only got out of prison 6 weeks prior to killing Christie. If he did kill Princess Blue he would have had to have killed her in early 1990.

Thank you for adding your thoughts and FWIW here :) I appreciate another perspective on things.

You can read the whole story at the link below:
I too am focussing on indentifying Princess Blue. But after pouring through I don't know how many missing persons files and not finding anything I decided I would go another route and try to see what other crimes occured around the area around the same time, etc. to see who was responsible for those crimes.

I also like to keep POI's in mind. Does LE need to be notified about these POI's so that they can question them (I know they can't question Gary Etheridge but they could Robert Browne) to see if they are connected to Princess Blue's death?

You are right that MO for the killing of Christie and Princess Blue are very different but I'm still not giving up yet :slap:

Keep up the good sleuthing!

I see what your are saying. And, I think you have a good point. I have read that there are criminals who's primary motive is one thing(i.e. robbery) and that once at the crime scene to commit the originally planned offense the perpetrator spontaneously commits another crime, such as a sexual assault(s) and/or a murder(s). There may also be criminals who kill their victims to leave no witnesses to the originally planned crime. And, I have heard that there are criminals who plan to commit 2 crimes against one victim(s) with one crime being more important or at least the crime first thought of in the perp's mind.

I wonder if E didn't fit into the third and last scenario I mentioned. And, it could have been similar with Princess Blue. But, it seems that the MO's are vastly different. Princess Blue was taken to a secondary site with most likely no clothes, purse, belongings, other than her jewelry. Yet, Christie was murdered in her home, and Gail was stabbed. This crime seems to have committed very sloppily compared with what may have happened with Princess Blue.

Since I am only speculating and speaking about my own gut feelings based on facts, theories, and speculations, anything I say can be partially or fully incorrect. And, E could be the guy. There is another guy, Robert Browne who I posted about pages ago who may also be our guy. There is a huge number of people who could have killed Princess. Maybe we could begin a list of possible suspects. But, for now I am trying first to ID Princess and to keep potential suspects on a list for later. It may prove a wise move to keep possible POI's in such a list, for we never know what we might uncover.

Hey there RKnowley:). Funny, I did what you did. I took a break from looking at missing after missing after missing pics after Robert Browne struck me as a remotely possible POI.

As for contacting LE with possible POI's I imagine they probably already know and have been sent info throughout the years by various civilians and agencies. But, someone may have been overlooked.

I think it may be wise to do all research possible(was the person in question known to be in the area at the approximate time of Princess Blue's disappearance? Did that person commit similar types of crimes? Did that person live or work near to where PB was found?, etc..) and come to a conclusion that that person may indeed warrant further investigation as a possible POI in the case. Otherwise, LE is likely to not take what we have to say seriously. And, unless we have enough people willing and able to focus on that we may want to wait until we become more organised and are well on our way in our search for Princess Blue's ID. What are your thoughts?


I too am focussing on indentifying Princess Blue. But after pouring through I don't know how many missing persons files and not finding anything I decided I would go another route and try to see what other crimes occured around the area around the same time, etc. to see who was responsible for those crimes.

I also like to keep POI's in mind. Does LE need to be notified about these POI's so that they can question them (I know they can't question Gary Etheridge but they could Robert Browne) to see if they are connected to Princess Blue's death?

You are right that MO for the killing of Christie and Princess Blue are very different but I'm still not giving up yet :slap:

Keep up the good sleuthing!
Hi sloane. I read somewhere that Princess Blue's TOD was 6 mo. to 1 year prior to be found. She was out in the open in Brazoria County, and I understand the influences of climate, temperature, and weather on human body decompostion. So the fact that her state of decomp was to the point of skeletal remains with at least some viable bone marrow left fits with her having been dead for between 6 mo. and 1 year. But, I see that the TX site (see link)

lists her TOD as unknown. Do you know why? This is messing up my math:crazy:.


Good Evening LionRun!
Boy, you do spend a lot of time here, don't you? :innocent: You're a dear.
The only place I've ever seen PB's TOD listed has been in that newspaper article, "Ring is Top Clue" that has been on here before and in many other places. As with the weight being pegged at 175# bec. of the class ring size, the article may not have been writing on complete knowledge, or at least not complete substantiation. Sometimes what happens is some kind of initial report goes out to the public based on the PRELIMINARY ideas, medicals, etc., and not followed up on (publically) later to see indeed what the true results ended up being. Maybe tha's what happened here and is why the TX MPCH changed the PMI (TOD) to Unknown.

Good evening to all- hope everyone had a nice weekend.

As far as all the missing persons, I agree it is absolutely STAGGERING! It's quite hard to grasp such numbers, and so saddening. But LionRun was asking about how many were (and weren't) listed...I don't know for sure if there is another place to look for missing and unidentifieds except the state sites and persons' private webpages, or volunteer agencies (kind of like this one). But I do know that the ones listed w/ at least basic case info. on the state sites have had that info. turned in to them by one of the initial investigating agencies. It could be an ME's offc., a sheriff's office., a Pd, whomever. Have you noticed that sometimes there will be the stats without even a likeness posted? (Some type of photo, drawing, or reconstruction.) Well, I guess PB's case was like that for awhile, wasn't it? Some cases seem to be quick for a call to action soon after discovery, even w/o a face of the deceased, and others never even get listed. Curious.

Hi MrsG - thank you for the welcome. I appreciate it! And thanks for more codes / abbreviations. So what is FWIW? "For Whatever It's Worth?"
I'd love to know the address of the dump site where she was found so that I can "Google earth" it. Any luck, Lion?

I am glad you're here, sloane. WTG!
WTG= Way to go

IMHO = In my humble or Honest opinion

JMO = Just my opinion

W/B= welcome back

AFK = away from keyboard

BRB= Be right back

The place PB was discovered is NOT a busy area, even now, which makes one think it had to have been even more desolate 17 yrs. ago. It was open pasture (for whomever suggested the security camera idea since that general area was a "dumping ground" --they were referrring to a many square-mile area within the county. Would have been nice, though!)

Anyway, the closest road to her discovery dead-ends into a canal, at least currently. I don't know if it had been built back then. Even today, it is an area not completely developed. Some nice homes are being built and a subdivision is being formed, but there are still lots of open grassy areas. Not many trees at all though, interestingly. But one of the other next-closest roads is a bigger, 4-lane highway. I guess that could aid in a speedy arrival or getaway, but these two roads do not intersect one another. Apparently one little area out there had become a place to discard trash items, such as tires, which is where she was, of course. But to look at it now, the area is super clean.

Sloane, please tell us the name of the 4 lane highway, if you know. Also, do you know how we can find out the sizes of the other 4 rings that Princess wore in addition to the HS ring?

Sloane, please tell us the name of the 4 lane highway, if you know. Also, do you know how we can find out the sizes of the other 4 rings that Princess wore in addition to the HS ring?

If it were up to me, property rooms would be like they are on "Cold Case." Does anyone watch that show? You know how their cold case files are up in that huge room that is impeccably clean and every case fits neatly into a white office-sized cardboard box? They're all lined up neatly in some kind of order (date, case #, alphabetically, something!) I'd like to know what they do when they get a piece of evidence that doesn't fit inside the 10 x 12 box, like bed linens, or a baseball bat, or a computer?
Anyway, Manvel is a town with a poulation that just topped 3,000...and that is today. You can imagine it must have been even smaller 17 yrs. ago. So their property room is probably far from advanced. Someone is going to have to search for this little envelope or box of rings, if they're even still available. I hope it is possible. In my mind, you just go back in date order and find it on a shelf somewhere, stick each one of them on a mandrill, and you've got your sizes...but who knows what the real situation is? :(
If it were up to me, property rooms would be like they are on "Cold Case." Does anyone watch that show? You know how their cold case files are up in that huge room that is impeccably clean and every case fits neatly into a white office-sized cardboard box? They're all lined up neatly in some kind of order (date, case #, alphabetically, something!) I'd like to know what they do when they get a piece of evidence that doesn't fit inside the 10 x 12 box, like bed linens, or a baseball bat, or a computer?
Anyway, Manvel is a town with a poulation that just topped 3,000...and that is today. You can imagine it must have been even smaller 17 yrs. ago. So their property room is probably far from advanced. Someone is going to have to search for this little envelope or box of rings, if they're even still available. I hope it is possible. In my mind, you just go back in date order and find it on a shelf somewhere, stick each one of them on a mandrill, and you've got your sizes...but who knows what the real situation is? :(

Wowza, sloane! Now I understand the work needed to find ring sizes on the chance that we can solve or help to solve this case. I can see why this might not happen, and I understand it.

It is too bad that the ring sizes were not recorded with original report. Those ring sizes may have further indicated the true weight of the victim. If all of the the rings were large, for example, then Princess perhaps either had very thick fingers, she indeed was somewhere near 175 LB(not common in 1989-1990-it would have stood out), or she possibly had a joint disease.

If the ring was found on her skeletonized finger, I assume at least one finger bone was examined(?). Joint or bone disease or an anomaly would likely have been noted and recorded. So, I am thinking joint or bone disease or an anomaly was not a factor.

Do you know how we can find out the name of the 4 lane highway ( a county road, I read) near to where Princess Blue was found? Would that be difficult or time consuming to find out?

Are ring sizes something that are listed on the ME's report? Maybe the info is in there.

(OT: Sorry I haven't been around for a few days. I'm working night shift and have been adjusting to the time change on my body. I'll be able to roll my sleeves up and get busy on this Friday.)
I finished up with what I could do with the females listed on the gmail alumni contact spreadsheet if anybodyelse wants to tackle them to see if they can find out their contact info that would be cool :cool: . If not, then that's ok too :rolleyes:
Are ring sizes something that are listed on the ME's report? Maybe the info is in there.

(OT: Sorry I haven't been around for a few days. I'm working night shift and have been adjusting to the time change on my body. I'll be able to roll my sleeves up and get busy on this Friday.)

Hi there Jaded:). Awe, I can imagine it may feel similar to jet lag. We're glad you're back--almost--on Friday anyway.

I finished up with what I could do with the females listed on the gmail alumni contact spreadsheet if anybodyelse wants to tackle them to see if they can find out their contact info that would be cool :cool: . If not, then that's ok too :rolleyes:

Hiya RKnowley:). This is great news! Do you by chance know if all of the names from the yb are on the spread sheet?

Let the games begin! Thank you for making it so clear as to what is needed on the spreadsheet. You made changes in such an organized and easy to understand manner, that even I can read it easily--and I don't usually do spreadsheets!:D. It will make it easier for those of us working with it for the first time. Per our meeting, is this the point where those who volunteered take a group of names to responsible for? If so, I think I take the 2nd 75 names. Thank you so much for all of the hard work you did. I can see you made a huge dent in it!:blowkiss:.

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