The evidence failed Caylee, not the Jury.

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He could probably get away with doing it, considering the fact that her lies to LE caused thousands of people to give up their time and money trying to track down her baby daughter.

Do you think that besides the above he does it to keep her safe and let things calm down or that would just be avoiding the inevitable.

Russ today said that if they had a speck of doubt they had to acquitt. He actually said that so I knew at least he didn't get it.
Kathy Reichs is on TV now saying there was not enough science to convict...WTH? sounds like the same crap they did with the OJ case when they rejected DNA science.
Do you think that besides the above he does it to keep her safe and let things calm down or that would just be avoiding the inevitable.

Russ today said that if they had a speck of doubt they had to acquitt. He actually said that so I knew at least he didn't get it.

He couldn't say he was doing it to keep her safe. ;)
I agree; the evidence leads me to conclude that the cause of death was homicide (by Casey) as well. But I think it is OK for other people to say that was not proved beyond a reasonable doubt. Perhaps it was an "accident" not quite amounting to manslaughter, with an incredibly stupid cover-up due to fear of prosecution for manslaughter. Perhaps that would have been the right thing for me to say if I were on the jury, as I must admit that I have entertained the accident theories many times and harbored some doubt at those times. Perhaps if I were on the jury and voted for 1st degree murder, it would be because I strongly believe Casey to be guilty of murder, and not because I am convinced beyond a reasonable doubt.

It is a very personal decision and a huge responsibility. I don't think we should be maligning these jurors, even though I do think Casey got away with murder and it makes me sick. :sick:

I sure as heck hoped the evidence would show that the duct tape was clearly placed over the nose and mouth and was there prior to death. I wish we could have seen the photos more clearly, but from what I saw they did not look like what we all imagined they would look like.

Doesn't the idea of it being an accident get ruled out when the perp applies THREE layers of tape on the face of a child. I call that overkill, not accident. In a staging, it would not be necessary to manipulate three cuts of tape and put it on your dead child's face. One would suffice to stage an event..Three shows rage.
Doesn't the idea of it being an accident get ruled out when the perp applies THREE layers of tape on the face of a child. I call that overkill, not accident. In a staging, it would not be necessary to manipulate three cuts of tape and put it on your dead child's face. One would suffice to stage an event..Three shows rage.

The staging theory is silly IMO. But the problem is that the evidence did not show three layers of tape on the face of a child, as I and others had assumed from the medical examiner's report it would show. It showed 3 pieces of tape near the face of a child after the skull was, admittedly, moved/rotated in some manner by a meter stick.
Juror # 3 says that prosecution "Didn't even paint a picture for me to consider." She also said "How can you punish someone when you don't know what they did?" (cause of death) She also said how the person died is an important question and they didn't answer it. Also she didn't believe a thing George said because he was evasive and didn't give straight answers to either the prosecution or the defense.
IOW, this juror is saying she believes everything Jose says and she tuned out the SA.

None of these I#$ts debated, checked evidence, discussed. They did nothing but bide their time. They all knew what they were going to do. They clearly preferred JB and imo that alone shows they have poor judgement.:banghead:
I do not think this Jury took this decision lightly and i do not care who dropped out of school, who has a dui, who does what, when, where or how. They were chosen to take on the ultimate burden in this case and i am grateful that they sacrificed weeks of their lives to do so.

They saw all this evidence (including photos of her remains) and had it repeated to them a mind numbing amount of times. I don't believe 12 people came in with their minds already made up to her being not guilty. In fact i am sure some think she did do something but you can't find someone Guilty of 'something'.

They looked at what the Prosecution was offering and sadly for many, it turns out there just wasn't enough evidence. JA saying Caylee was taped three times and demonstrating how does not give a murder weapon. Hoping she used Chloroform does not prove she did. Presenting computer searches as evidence of premeditation and then having that stomped on before the jury does not prove premeditation.

The Prosecution did what they could with what they had but in the end it wasn't enough.

I respectfully disagree. The State proved this case beyond a reasonable doubt.
LDB hit the nail on the head. Common sense was lost amongst all the rhetoric.
The staging theory is silly IMO. But the problem is that the evidence did not show three layers of tape on the face of a child, as I and others had assumed from the medical examiner's report it would show. It showed 3 pieces of tape near the face of a child after the skull was, admittedly, moved/rotated in some manner by a meter stick.

You lost me. If the skull was manipulated thay way, the tape may have moved...down. but it didn't. it was holding the mandible and the hair together.
You lost me. If the skull was manipulated thay way, the tape may have moved...down. but it didn't. it was holding the mandible and the hair together.

No, it wasn't. It was sticking to the hair and a little bit to the mandible in one spot, and Dr. G opined that the mandible stayed in the proper placement because the duct tape previously had been holding the skull together.

This is why I would really like to see those photos of the skull, even though they would probably haunt me forever. The blurred photos don't help us see the difference between reality and what we had imagined after reading the ME report.
I listened to the comments of Ms. Ford (Juror #3) and it seems as though this jury took the phrase "Beyond a Reasonable Doubt" to mean that the state HAD to prove with absolute certainty that Casey was guilty. Another mistake was that the jury believed that motive was a requirement for a conviction, (it was not.) Than, when they could come up with no agreement as to Caylee's death, they thought "The prosecution has no case" so they had to believe almost everything the defense told them.

This jury seemed to be more concerned with Casey's troubled past, rather than justice for Caylee. So I would have to ask the board, what does "Beyond A Reasonable Doubt" mean to you? I think if "Preponderance of Evidence in a Civil Case puts liability at 51% or better." I think "Beyond a Reasonable Doubt should be at 75% or better. This jury wanted "Beyond ALL doubt" for the prosecution to prove their case, and that's just not fair. You cannot walk such a tightrope and fine line.

The jury also failed to realize the intensity at which excessive lying to the police that Casey did, could have caused her to lie about everything concerning what she said happened to Caylee. I was shocked that they seemed to blame George MORE than Casey!

The interviews to me indicated that they expected perfection, a perfect crime scene, Casey's DNA, HD photos of everything. It's almost like they would have had to have seen Casey do the murders before they could convict. And that's just not right!

I wish that the Double Jeopardy Rule. (No person can be retried twice for the same crime) could be overturned, so that if new evidence is presented and the DA's office believes they could do better a second time, that cases could be re-tried after an acquittal. But US Constitutional Law prevents that.

"Beyond a Reasonable Doubt" does NOT mean absolute certainty. If it did, hardly anyone would be convicted in a criminal case!

What does three pieced of tape on a baby's face mean? And why did she find it necessary to abandon the zanny story and go with this one? For three freaken years people have cared and hoped the murderess would pay for her crime...but instead 17 jurors decided not to listen to anything JA and LDB told them. It is a travesty and they should be sick in the stomach but I consider it referred pain. They are sick in the head.
Lippman has a new job, i hear. He has to rate all the threats and pump up the security. What is he? like a personal assistant to the royal couple? The Drama has started again. George and Cindy will be at their best.

......Bring out the hammers and the bats!!! Lippman is being cagey. How much does he get and who is paying him?
Cindy wants all the gift given to hospitals...I bet she went through the envelopes..LOL>
One comment today by a lawyer (Tanya) on HLN today consoled me a bit. She said that the system ensures a fair process, but not necessarily a fair result.
Lippmans' words about security leads us to assume that when ICA is released, she is welcome to come home. If she wasn't he would have said so.

my, ms fancy pants must be giggling w/delight at all the money offers. Baez has a NY media on board. She will need those white sunglasses that Lindsy used to wear to keep up w/her image. I wish I could say it tickles my heart but all it does is give me ventricular fib.
No, it wasn't. It was sticking to the hair and a little bit to the mandible in one spot, and Dr. G opined that the mandible stayed in the proper placement because the duct tape previously had been holding the skull together.

This is why I would really like to see those photos of the skull, even though they would probably haunt me forever. The blurred photos don't help us see the difference between reality and what we had imagined after reading the ME report.

JA just said the PICs will show the tape clearly on the face. Gosh, from the pic of the tape, It looked as if were wrapped completely around the head.:banghead:
I listened to the comments of Ms. Ford (Juror #3) and it seems as though this jury took the phrase "Beyond a Reasonable Doubt" to mean that the state HAD to prove with absolute certainty that Casey was guilty. Another mistake was that the jury believed that motive was a requirement for a conviction, (it was not.) Than, when they could come up with no agreement as to Caylee's death, they thought "The prosecution has no case" so they had to believe almost everything the defense told them.

Do you not understand why juries look for motive? That is one of the most important factors in deliberations. Without knowing the motive of the defendant, the reason WHY the defendant supposedly committed the crime, a jury cannot properly convict him/her. One of the major reasons Casey Anthony wasn't convicted is because the prosecution did not show motive. The best argument they could come up with was this shaky "beautiful life" BS theory that Casey felt held back and unable to enjoy life with Caylee alive. That she wanted to get rid of Caylee so she could continue living the hard partying life she had been living thus far.

It seems as if the ONLY people that believed this motive was true was Nancy Grace and the majority of the "Caylee Crusaders for Justice" supporters who blindly bought into any murder plot that Casey could have been planning.

The rest understood that she was living her life in this carefree manner while Caylee was alive, that she had no real purpose or motive to kill Caylee since she was partying it up and shirking her responsibilities for pretty much the entirety of Caylee's life. She had absolutely nothing to gain from Caylee's death, Cindy and George took care of Caylee and basically raised her as their own daughter.

If the prosecution hadn't pressed so hard at this "Bella Vita" theory and actually focused on presenting a PLAUSIBLE motive as to why Casey would kill Caylee, I guarantee the jury would have had a tougher decision to make.

This jury seemed to be more concerned with Casey's troubled past, rather than justice for Caylee. So I would have to ask the board, what does "Beyond A Reasonable Doubt" mean to you? I think if "Preponderance of Evidence in a Civil Case puts liability at 51% or better." I think "Beyond a Reasonable Doubt should be at 75% or better. This jury wanted "Beyond ALL doubt" for the prosecution to prove their case, and that's just not fair. You cannot walk such a tightrope and fine line.

No properly instructed and intelligent jury would convict someone of murder if the prosecution could not provide:

a) a plausible motive

b) an accurate manner of death

c) concrete physical evidence

If they even had ONE of the above, combined with the circumstantial evidence at hand, the jury would have found her guilty for at least agg manslaughter and possibly even murder. But when you present your case and provide none of the above key elements, you cannot convince a jury of murder, much less any wrongdoing.
I think I may have accidentally double posted
BBM & snipped for space.
What proof do you require, a video showing the crime being committed?
Most criminals destroy evidence to avoid being caught, if a body is found with stab wounds or a gun shot and no knife or gun are recovered does that mean they these weapons did not cause the wounds?
These jurors failed Caylee, they failed us, they failed the state of Florida, they failed my country and finally they failed themselves because someday they will come to the realization that they allowed a killer to have another chance to kill and destroy more lives and that is a very heavy burden to bear.

The state had a lot of evidence and had lesser charges included and this jury chose to ignore them, I guess they felt that Caylee wrapped the duct tape around herself and magical thinking transported her body to the dump site.

They didn't think that Caylee's body magically transported to the dump site, they thought that the state failed to prove that the accused did it.
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