The GB4 and Shannan Gilbert-Connecting the dots

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I like the path you are going .......but.....You actually picked the 'nicer' ones in the area.

There are a bunch of real shady placed in the industrial parks of Western Suffolk County. I hear a lot of messed up stories about these places, basically that 95% of the girls that work there will be prostitutes as well. This is what I've heard, not saying its fact. I would imagine employees of those places might have some decent information on this case.

I picked the nicer ones because several things lead me to believe our guy is too upscale to frequent the bottom rung strip clubs. There's a reason these girls trusted this guy. Megan brags to her mom about "dating" lawyers, doctors, cops...then leaves her hotel room at 1:30 am for a date and doesn't bring her cell phone. Even though she NEVER did outcalls. Melissa get's offered $1000 for her last date, and won't tell BF anything about the guy. Amber, a street smart girl by all accounts, talks to this guy on the phone several times during then day, then agrees to a date for $1500 and leaves her cell phone behind? Sight unseen? What made these girls believe the client even had this kind of money to spend? What made them trust him? My best guess is that they'd all seen him before. He was upscale...he paid good money...he had some kind of standing in their eyes. In other words, not the kind of guy you'd find in a super sleazy, low rung strip club.

I picked the nicer ones because several things lead me to believe our guy is too upscale to frequent the bottom rung strip clubs. There's a reason these girls trusted this guy. Megan brags to her mom about "dating" lawyers, doctors, cops...then leaves her hotel room at 1:30 am for a date and doesn't bring her cell phone. Even though she NEVER did outcalls. Melissa get's offered $1000 for her last date, and won't tell BF anything about the guy. Amber, a street smart girl by all accounts, talks to this guy on the phone several times during then day, then agrees to a date for $1500 and leaves her cell phone behind? Sight unseen? What made these girls believe the client even had this kind of money to spend? What made them trust him? My best guess is that they'd all seen him before. He was upscale...he paid good money...he had some kind of standing in their eyes. In other words, not the kind of guy you'd find in a super sleazy, low rung strip club.


I see where you were going. It does make sense - but if that is the case, I'm lost as to how all the GB4 might have known and trusted him.
I see where you were going. It does make sense - but if that is the case, I'm lost as to how all the GB4 might have known and trusted him.

Repeat client? That's my guess anyway. We know Melissa had become chummy with an older man who lived on Long Island. And according to Terry, she also brought along a friend on occasion. If that's true, I'd sure like to know who this friend is, and where she is now.
I was watching a video the other day from a comedian named Lance Krall. He does prank calls and such. He does one where he pretends to be the assistant to Christopher Walken, and then he does his Christopher Walken impression (Very good too, I must say). Then today it hit me. We have been speculating why the GB4 would trust a John and leave their cells ( in some cases) and/or just get in the car with someone. Maybe he is acting like a personal assistant to a famous person, politician, ect... offers big money and demanding discretion. He says he will pick them up at set time and location, takes them to LI where celebs often live (from what I hear). I see this as a plausable ruse. Opinions?

I wondered the same thing when I was looking up the dr that sold his house on Anchor Way... can't name him since he has not been named in MSM... Anyway, I found a reference to a person with the same name on a blog by a women who seems to be connected with the Hollywood types... Closer to the bottom of the blog there is a picture entitled Party scene at the premiere of "The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3." After that the following:
Finally, on Friday night, I hit the last premiere of the week with my sometime partner in crime (person's name here), who was in L. A. for a quick visit. It was back to Hollywood one more time to the Egyptian Theater, where Kathryn Bigelow’s new Iraq war film drew an impressive A-list of supporters.

Sorry about being so cryptic... it may not be the same person, but I don't think it's a very common name. JMOO.
Interesting find bodhi! It sure isn't a common name, is it?

Yep. Probably the same story with Lace Party Girls.

Maybe later tonight I'll try to go through those early threads where we figured out the GB4's working names and tracked down their ads. I'm curious to see just how common it was for these girls to advertize on Back Page and Utopia Guide. Maybe that's the common denominator.

If you need Maureen, Melissa, Megan and Amber's working names I know them.
If you would like them can I post them on this thread?
I wondered the same thing when I was looking up the dr that sold his house on Anchor Way... can't name him since he has not been named in MSM... Anyway, I found a reference to a person with the same name on a blog by a women who seems to be connected with the Hollywood types... Closer to the bottom of the blog there is a picture entitled Party scene at the premiere of "The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3." After that the following:

Sorry about being so cryptic... it may not be the same person, but I don't think it's a very common name. JMOO.

Wow, great insight - definitely plausible. And it's almost certainly the same person. There's also a mention from a real estate appraiser for his house that says they were contacted by an out of town client (this person) and offered cash for a quick appraisal. Offering cash seemed to highly motivate this appraiser and it sure reminded me of the SK's modus operendi with the GB4. Let me know if you'd like me to PM the link to you.

You may also remember that someone on LISK had mentioned that the Oak Beach Association has a shed across the street from this person's house that contained lots of burlap. You'll also notice a burlap rug in his house photos, but the house isn't sold since I saw a Craigslist ad recently for house rental, advertising 360 degree views of the entire area (i.e., JB's house, GC's house). Also has a relative that used to be in the landscaping biz on LI, another potential link to burlap. My theory is that this house would be the most logical place for SG to knock on the door after leaving GC's house, seeking help and shelter from JB who admitted to threatening her to make her leave.

Also, check out unsolved SKs in Hawaii (2000, 2007) and Newark (mid-late 80s). In the HI case, there's even a sketch.

Be sure not to personally identify this person because they could be totally innocent.
If you need Maureen, Melissa, Megan and Amber's working names I know them.
If you would like them can I post them on this thread?

Sure. It would save me time trying to go back and find the info. :)
Maureen~ Marie
Megan~ Lexi
Melissa~ Chloe
Amber~ Carolina
I hope this helps in you search.
Maureen~ Marie
Megan~ Lexi
Melissa~ Chloe
Amber~ Carolina
I hope this helps in you search.
Okay, I was yesterday a bit busy with other things, so I missed obviously a lot. To make a point clear here: I come from the profiling side, not the feet on the ground sleuthing side of this business. In fact, I came even to prfiling like a virgin to a child, so forgive me, if I go always down that road again.
The point, that triggered my attention here is the phone call story. I missed somehow the calls to Terry. He describes the caller as an older white guy half of the time drunk. Okay, I'm still not convinced, he can make a real reliable statement about skin color on the phone, that is based on speech patterns only, for obvious reasons. But he the estimation if someone is drunk or not (or some other influence) is pretty easy and therefore reliable. Interesting is also the alias "Mickey Mouse" and that he was called 8 months long, much longer than MB's sister.
First, what would be the meaning in calling the pimp longer than the sister? This contradicts the theory of normal sadistic behavior (now, that's a nasty term for it). The sister would be the more vulnerable target and therefore easier to torture on a mental level, She would have given a psychopath/sadist more emotional gratification. The switch to Terry would make sense only if ...
a.) Terry wasn't a pimp but really in love with MB (since he drover her to her clients, we can exclude this by all probabilities)


b.) He knew Terry, at least by sight, thus making Terry a personal target compared to the sister, who was maybe only a number on a phone list in MB's cell phone.

Of course, this is based on the assumption, it was the sk who called both.

Now, what means "Mickey Mouse". Mickey Mouse is mocking, of course. But here, it is used in a context. If you watch closely, the answer "Mickey Mouse" to the question "Who the hell are you" became only popular after "Enemy Mine" rumbled through the movies and was as book a bestseller as well. Before, nobody came to the idea. That was already in 1985, 26 years ago. That could indicate an age of about 40-45? So, if he is already in that age bracket, we would either find a late stressor in his history or he killed somewhere else before he came to the wider NYC area for the first time. Given the cool down phases between the murders and the concentration on June to September, I still think, he is most time of the years not in the area.
The problem with all of that is, that the sloppy work and the nearly panicky reactions of JB and CPH don't fit the LISK (as in the murderer of the GB4). This is all an entirely different behavioral pattern. Which would made SG unconnected unless we can prove, she escaped and ran into the real LISK later.
Okay, here's what we put together early on in terms of working names and ads with pics of the girls. Mel, feel free to correct any errors you know of.

Melissa~ Shadowwraiths was able to find one ad for Melissa under the name Chloe. It was advertized as BDSM/roleplay, and mentioned that Chloe was available for car dates.

Megan~ Lexy, Lexi, Tiffany, Jasmine. A few interesting things with respect to the ads we dug up for Megan: the day of her disappearance she (or someone) had posted an for under the name Lexi through Major Escort Service Agency. Many of the ads listed the location as Suffolk, and one on Sept.2, 2009 (8 months prior to her disappearance) listed her location as Hauppauge/Smithtown.

Maureen~ Mari. But we were never able to find any ads for her, since we didn't know her working name until Mel provided it.

Amber~ Carolina. We were able to to track down 4 ads with pics. There were only 2 numbers used on these ads. One number tracked to within 2 miles of NYPA Bus Terminal, the other tracked to within 2 miles of Massapequa. That's interesting in light of the fact that Maureen's last call was from The Bus Terminal, and I believe Melissa's phone pings were traced to Massapequa.

(I think that's all I have.)
Okay, here's what we put together early on in terms of working names and ads with pics of the girls. Mel, feel free to correct any errors you know of.

Melissa~ Shadowwraiths was able to find one ad for Melissa under the name Chloe. It was advertized as BDSM/roleplay, and mentioned that Chloe was available for car dates.

Megan~ Lexy, Lexi, Tiffany, Jasmine. A few interesting things with respect to the ads we dug up for Megan: the day of her disappearance she (or someone) had posted an for under the name Lexi through Major Escort Service Agency. Many of the ads listed the location as Suffolk, and one on Sept.2, 2009 (8 months prior to her disappearance) listed her location as Hauppauge/Smithtown.

Maureen~ Mari. But we were never able to find any ads for her, since we didn't know her working name until Mel provided it.

Amber~ Carolina. We were able to to track down 4 ads with pics. There were only 2 numbers used on these ads. One number tracked to within 2 miles of NYPA Bus Terminal, the other tracked to within 2 miles of Massapequa. That's interesting in light of the fact that Maureen's last call was from The Bus Terminal, and I believe Melissa's phone pings were traced to Massapequa.

(I think that's all I have.)

Yes, nothing can be found on Maureen because she would have posted on Craigslist. Craigslist only keep ads up for a limit amount of time.

Melissa, when looking for her could not find too much of her ads either. I believe her posts would be on Craigslist also..

By the time Megan and Amber went missing that would leave only backpage to post on. Backpage escort site is still up and running to this day. " My opinion that site listing should be banded also"

Megan was Lexy or Lexi.. I have seen Megan's ads and the review on her on a review site before and it was under Lexy. " I have to say those review site should be taken down as well as the posted sites." Not sure about Tiffany. I know she did not go by Jasmine.

Amber, went by Carolina. I have found ads and review sites on Amber but since the media got a hold of it that site are now down.
Did all the GB4 advertise 'role playing'? I have had a hunch this may be a factor.
Did all the GB4 advertise 'role playing'? I have had a hunch this may be a factor.

Only Melissa that I know of. Megan listed herself as "vanilla".

One thing I've wondered about, and am wondering more and more about, is film. Is that maybe how this guy lured them in? I recall one of the girls wanting to be an actress, and SG, I think, wanted to be an actress/singer. Of course, if the guy did use the promise of *advertiser censored* star status to these girls, I would think he'd have actually had to have backed that up with something. Melissa and Amber both seemed pretty street smart to me.
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