The Grand Jury & Trial

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Is Leanna still in jeopardy? I'm not so sure that she is innocent in this. JMO

AFAIK Leanna is home free and not a suspect. It's going to be interesting if she's called to testify though. I'd like to hear more about her early statement that she too researched hot car deaths on the Internet. Was that truthful or was she just trying to protect Ross? And her comment to the daycare people that Ross must have left Cooper in the car.

It's kind of hard to believe Ross was spending so much time sexting and even meeting women in person for sex yet Leanna had no inkiling that her marriage was tanking.

“Her story and her beliefs have never once wavered. She believes it was an accident. There was no intent,” Lawrence Zimmerman said.

Zimmerman says Taylor was unaware her ex-husband was texting other women, but that doesn’t change her beliefs.

Zimmerman believes Taylor will be called on to testify during Harris’ trial, though he did not say which side, defense or prosecution, plans to call her to the stand.
AFAIK Leanna is home free and not a suspect. It's going to be interesting if she's called to testify though. I'd like to hear more about her early statement that she too researched hot car deaths on the Internet. Was that truthful or was she just trying to protect Ross? And her comment to the daycare people that Ross must have left Cooper in the car.

It's kind of hard to believe Ross was spending so much time sexting and even meeting women in person for sex yet Leanna had no inkiling that her marriage was tanking.

“Her story and her beliefs have never once wavered. She believes it was an accident. There was no intent,” Lawrence Zimmerman said.

Zimmerman says Taylor was unaware her ex-husband was texting other women, but that doesn’t change her beliefs.

Zimmerman believes Taylor will be called on to testify during Harris’ trial, though he did not say which side, defense or prosecution, plans to call her to the stand.

Though they've never come out and said so, it appears prosecutors no longer believe she/Leanna was in cahoots with her former husband.

She has, however, been subpoenaed by the state. Perhaps to augment their contention that Harris killed his son in part because he wanted out of his marriage.

Leanna is also expected to be called by the defense, which has already used testimony from some of the other women in Harris' life.
Many spouses of people convicted of crimes support their spouse through the trial. I find it interesting that Leanna's divorce became final just before the trial was going to start. In her statement, she said she still loved and supported her ex and didn't believe he purposely killed their son.

Well, if she believes he didn't do it, why divorce him prior to the trial? If she still loves him, why didn't she wait to see the outcome?

The possibilities are so numerous that I can't even start a list without posting here all night. I'll try to give a few...

1. She doesn't really love him anymore.
2. She believes he killed the baby.
3. She's found another love.
4. She knew about the plan and wants to distance herself from him.
5. Her family talked her into the divorce.
6. She's moved on in her life and has other plans we know nothing of.

Nevertheless, she's been subpoenaed by the prosecution and is supposedly also going to testify for the defense. Should be interesting how that will work out.

I've followed tons of trials and most spouses seem to wait until after the verdict (usually guilty) to divorce. As a still-married, supportive partner, she would be of great value to the defense. I wonder if the topic will come up during the trial.

I'd love to hear what you all have to say about this development.

As with you, I've followed the case from the beginning and have been lurking here and reading faithfully. I do hope the judge rules for the prosecution on the latest motion. I especially want the jury to see/sniff the car. I don't know if the odor of death lingers, but the jurors will be able to bend down and peek in the window to see how visible Cooper must have been.

This case demands full justice! Not all cases should result in a life sentence, but this one surely does. One local case her that happened a few years ago is one where I agreed with LE that the father didn't need any further punishment than the horrible guilt he felt about the hot-car death of his baby girl. To give his wife a chance to go out with her friends and give her a break from taking care of their 7 children, aged about 14 and below, by taking them all grocery shopping. The baby's car seat was in the back row of the family's mini-bus. The oldest child was in charge of getting the baby out of the car.

Well, there were dozens of bags of groceries and it took a while to unload the car and corral the children into the house. In all the confusion, the oldest forgot to take the baby out, but thought she did. She'd told the dad the baby was in her crib, asleep.

Hours later, after putting all the groceries away and making dinner for the family, he did a head count and realized the baby wasn't there. She wasn't in her crib. He didn't try to put blame on his eldest. Instead, he told the police it was all his fault. He was the one in charge and failed to account for all the children. You have to know that he guilt and grief follow him every day.

Harris, IMHO, never expressed guilt for the loss of his son. Rather, he told the police that there was no malicious intent! Wow! Instead of tears and pulling out his hair, he was mainly concentrating on the finer points of law.

I can't wait to watch his facial expressions and other body language during the trial. I'll be glued to the screen for the duration.
Will the trial be livestreamed????

WAT - Wild About Trials will be streaming the trial.

Justin Ross Harris
[h=4]Justin Ross Harris Live Stream[/h]
Many spouses of people convicted of crimes support their spouse through the trial. I find it interesting that Leanna's divorce became final just before the trial was going to start. In her statement, she said she still loved and supported her ex and didn't believe he purposely killed their son.

***Snipped for Brevity***

BBM - Leanna's attorney has given a couple of interviews recently. He stated his client/Leanna remains convinced Cooper's death was an accident. I have not heard or read any statement given by Leanna that she still loves and supports JRH. Perhaps I missed it. Do you have a link ?
Magnolia, I don't have a link, I'm assuming my memory is faulty on that point!

Is there a Twitter account to follow for trial?

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Is there a Twitter account to follow for trial?

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I've been following # Justin Ross Harris
#Hot car death and @naticialance

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@DuffieDixon from 11 Alive News and @VinnoePolitan are tweeting too.
Duffie has been doing well keeping me up to date!

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BBM - Leanna's attorney has given a couple of interviews recently. He stated his client/Leanna remains convinced Cooper's death was an accident. I have not heard or read any statement given by Leanna that she still loves and supports JRH. Perhaps I missed it. Do you have a link ?

In spite of her divorce filing this week, though, Leanna Harris is still in her husband's corner, friends and others close to the family said. They say Leanna called her husband's family on Wednesday to tell them she planned to file and also to say that she still loved them and she still loved Ross. But she also said she needed to move on.

I wonder if Leanna's expecting Ross to be in prison for a while. I agree that the timing is awkward, given that she believes Ross isn't guilty and claims she still loves him. OTOH, after that victim impact statement where she made it all about her, forgetting Cooper for the most part, I get the feeling that Leanna's priorities begin with her needs...
AFAIK Leanna is home free and not a suspect. It's going to be interesting if she's called to testify though. I'd like to hear more about her early statement that she too researched hot car deaths on the Internet. Was that truthful or was she just trying to protect Ross? And her comment to the daycare people that Ross must have left Cooper in the car.

It's kind of hard to believe Ross was spending so much time sexting and even meeting women in person for sex yet Leanna had no inkiling that her marriage was tanking.

“Her story and her beliefs have never once wavered. She believes it was an accident. There was no intent,” Lawrence Zimmerman said.

Zimmerman says Taylor was unaware her ex-husband was texting other women, but that doesn’t change her beliefs.

Zimmerman believes Taylor will be called on to testify during Harris’ trial, though he did not say which side, defense or prosecution, plans to call her to the stand.

My opinion is that if LH gets up there trying to explain her man and his actions, she's going to be confused and the Pros. will be able to crack her if there is anything to get. I know you don't want for the jury to think you are attacking a grieving mother, but in those previous hearings, she sit there, wide-eyed, looking around, chewing her gum and never shed a tear or looked upset about what was being said about the death of her only baby. It certainly didn't make me feel sympathic to her. I really wanted to smack her, to see if she was really awake.

I cried, and Cooper wasn't mine.

Audrey Washington ‏@AudreyWSBTV 20m20 minutes ago
I'll break down what I heard inside court today, during the #RossHarrisTrial The story, beginning at 12pm. @wsbtv

Audrey Washington ‏@AudreyWSBTV 1h1 hour ago
Defense asked 2nd potential juror if she wants to be on jury. She said "no." "I do not wish to see pictures or learn more details." @wsbtv

Audrey Washington ‏@AudreyWSBTV 1h1 hour ago
Defense asked 2nd potential juror if she was leaning towards innocent or guilty. She said leaning towards guilty but "not dead set." @wsbtv

Audrey Washington ‏@AudreyWSBTV 2h2 hours ago
Potential juror said she saw TV reports about affairs, negligence & sexting. Said husband said "he doesn't see how it could happen." @wsbtv

More at the link. Hoo boy, jury selection is gonna take a while...
I can only imagine what she must have looked like and/or or the amount of drug addiction and mental illness she must suffer from...
I thought this girl was a minor?

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A 17-page questionnaire filled out Tuesday by potential jurors for the trial asks whether they have ever left a child in a hot car, how much they have seen about the case in the news media and their social media habits.

Jurors are set to be called in groups, beginning Wednesday morning, to answer more questions from the judge and the lawyers in the case as jury selection extends at least into next week. The questionnaire notes the case could last four to six weeks from the beginning of opening statements.

Potential jurors were asked if they would be able to look at evidence, including photos and video, that have to do with a child's death. The questionnaire also asks if they or someone they know has suffered the death of a child.

The questionnaire also asks potential jurors if they or someone they know has ever: forgotten and left an animal or a child somewhere; forgotten and left a child or animal in a car, even if only briefly; ever almost forgotten a child or animal in a car.

Potential jurors were also asked if they or someone they know has ever had a romantic or sexual relationship with someone they met online. Since at least one was alleged to have been under 18, the questionnaire asks about whether potential jurors can be fair and impartial given that the case involves allegations of inappropriate communications with a minor.

the questionnaire also seeks to determine how much the potential jurors know about the case. Having heard about details in the case is not enough to disqualify a potential juror, as long as the juror has not formed a fixed opinion about Harris' guilt or innocence.

The questionnaire also asks whether the potential jurors believe they can be fair and impartial to both sides and whether they've ever expressed an opinion about the case either online or in casual conversation.

The questionnaire asks if they've ever visited certain locations specifically because of their link to the case, including: the Chick-fil-A restaurant where Harris and his son had breakfast the morning of Cooper's death, the strip mall parking lot where Harris pulled his lifeless son from the SUV, Harris' office and Cooper's day care.

Read more here:
The expected testimony of two potential defense witnesses is the focus of other motions from prosecutors, as they seek to exclude evidence that could be shared by two experts named by Harris’ attorneys — Dr. Bhushan Agharkar and Dr. David Diamond.

Agharkar has served as a defense witness in the area of forensic psychiatry in death penalty cases in Georgia and Arkansas.

Diamond is identified on the University of South Florida’s website as a professor, whose Ph.D. is in cognitive and neural sciences. His research, according to the site, includes studies of the neurobiological issues surrounding “Forgotten Baby Syndrome,” or the “failure to remember that a child is in one’s car.”

No date has been set for Staley to hear arguments on these state motions as well as several filed last week by Harris’ defense team.
"She quietly, however, filed for legal separation the day of Cooper's death."


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Yeah, what the heck? Is that correct? BBM:

"Leanna Harris publicly stood by her husband in the days following their son's death.

'Ross is, was and will be a good father if we ever have children again,' Mrs. Harris told the crowd gathered at her son's funeral in Alabama.

She said she was not mad at her husband for what happened.

She quietly, however, filed for legal separation the day of Cooper's death. Leanna Harris filed for divorce in February 2016, writing in her petition that the couple's marriage was 'irretrievably broken.'"
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