The HW or WH belt evidence at gilgonews

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Correct me if I'm wrong. Didn't Amanda say the killer has a emphasis on his s's and t's?

I found the quote for this, it wasn't one of the calls to Amanda in this case, but it was info from Sara Karnes, friend of Maureen Brainard-Barnes, in a phone call she received: "Karnes, who passed her information on to the police, says the man she spoke to didn’t have an accent. “He definitely isn’t from New York, Boston or Maine, because those are the strongest places the accent comes out of. But he accentuated his S’s and his T’s. He spoke properly.”

Long Island Serial Killer Case: How Close Are Authorities to Catching a Killer?
I don’t know if it’s been discussed but does anyone know if this belt was found near a specific body. Was it ever discussed where exactly it was found? Also was there ever mention on a size?
Its been mentioned that MBB's name was originally posted in SCP photo but has since been removed. In addition to the belt size, Hart made a comment that it was a large man's size - but that may have been a slip up on her part. They've been trying to keep that under their belt. no pun intended lol
I don’t know if it’s been discussed but does anyone know if this belt was found near a specific body. Was it ever discussed where exactly it was found? Also was there ever mention on a size?
Its been mentioned that MBB's name was originally posted in SCP photo but has since been removed. In addition to the belt size, Hart made a comment that it was a large man's size - but that may have been a slip up on her part. They've been trying to keep that under their belt. no pun intended lol
Speculated to be found near MBB. Former PC Hart supposedly stated 1.5" wide belt for a larger man. If someone has a reference, feel free to post.

For comment on belt size approx marker post 2:00
The belt…

It has been strangely absent from SCPD’s new transparency in regards to the case, in terms of appealing to the public for additional information (rememer, the public only ever saw blown up images of 1/2 inch x 1/2 inch embossed initials from the belt)…
That sort of makes sense, I guess, in that it is one of only a handful of pieces of actual physical evidence; but on the other hand it doesn’t jive with the new full discolsure/transparency (remember, former SCPD Commissioner Hart always claimed that the purpose of releasing the photo was in an effort to obtain additional info from the public)…
I don't know know if anyone else has mentioned this, but there is a company named (wh)ORE Haus studios that makes belt buckles. Could the belt had come from them? Given he referred to *advertiser censored* and whorehouses, the name of the company stuck out to me.
This is really great sleuthing but it seems that the brand was founded in 2012 after the 4 were already known to be dead.
How decayed was burlap? Were the bags in same condition of decay, do we know for sure they were moved at the same time?

MBB , 1st of GB4
missing 7-10-07
Found 12--10
Evidence photographed 2-10-11 ?
the theory of first kill, sloppiest makes sense, in some ways as physical evidence left, unless there is other physical evidence left we don't know about

missing 7-10-09
Phone calls to sister last for about 5 weeks from date she went missing
Found 12--10

missing 6-6-10
Found 12--10

missing 9-2-10
Found 12--10
Great question about the state of the burlap! Also the more years I follow this case I have started to believe that the first was a frantic drop and sloppier kill and when the body wasn't found, and the killer wanted another taste of the experience, it was only logical to continue dropping subsequent victims in the same place!
I agree with the person who said the initials appear to be "freeze branded." A welder or steel worker would have access to and know how to make one's own brands. And some sort of history with working on farms might be the link to the knowledge of both branding hides and burlap sacks (potato farming was apparently also once a thing in Suffolk county). Or, it points to a youth raised elsewhere (on a farm) who settled on LI as an adult with lack of a strong accent.

The belt doesn't appear to be expensive in my opinion so I'm dismissing the idea that it belonged to Heather Malone who was known to purchase such things at a high end furrier.

There exists a community of transient workers called WWOOFERS who can apply and relocate to farms all over the world and obtain free lodging and farm skills in exchange for their labor. There are currently 2 locations offering this opportunity on LI -- one in Brentwood (212 acres) and another smaller one acre location in Oakdale. I found a farm in Brentwood which after scrolling through the photos, realized they do in fact use burlap. Could a transient guest of theirs have been using technology to contact sex workers as well?

The distance from the farm to where MW was last known to be alive on camera.

Was the belt found with Maureen?
The issue of burlap?
It can be found at any garden center, including Home Depot and Lowe's.
WH= Woman Hater

Hopefully someone can figure out what it really means or identify the belt & letters.
Sara said she received a call from the killer. He said Maureen was last seen at a *advertiser censored* house in Queens.
Does WH represent *advertiser censored* house?
It's a stretch. Probably not.
The killer likes to leave clues perhaps.
I say that because of the Barbie doll that was found on O.P. Megan's mother spoke about that.
Sara said she received a call from the killer. He said Maureen was last seen at a *advertiser censored* house in Queens.
Does WH represent *advertiser censored* house?
It's a stretch. Probably not.
The killer likes to leave clues perhaps.
I say that because of the Barbie doll that was found on O.P. Megan's mother spoke about that.
I'd go with a stretch.. not even sure what you're supposing here.
I 100% believe that the belt is a misdirection. All of that caution with burner phones, just to leave a belt with initials behind? It's like a big neon sign that says, "Hey SCPD! Look over there!"

It lay there for three years, at a dumpsite that he revisited on three occasions.

Why didn't he retrieve it if he left it there by mistake?

If he is still at large, he probably got a kick out of seeing the attention it received.
I 100% believe that the belt is a misdirection. All of that caution with burner phones, just to leave a belt with initials behind? It's like a big neon sign that says, "Hey SCPD! Look over there!"

It lay there for three years, at a dumpsite that he revisited on three occasions.

Why didn't he retrieve it if he left it there by mistake?

If he is still at large, he probably got a kick out of seeing the attention it received.
The bodies were left intentionally. So of course the belt was left intentionally (with the bodies). The belt could have been the murder weapon used on one or more victims; after all, the cause of death for all was strangulation. I doubt it was left intentionally as some sort of intentional ‘misdirection’ though…

It is more likely that the bodies were transported from their original location in haste for some reason, burlap was used as the transport and—for lack of a better term—container to house the bodies at new location (Ocean Pkwy). The belt was intentionally left, just as the bodies were.
The internet censored what I wrote.
It's wh_re house.
That's what I referred the WH meaning.
I don’t think it’s much of a stretch at all to believe that the psychopath that murdered all of these young women—who were all working as prostitutes—would brand a belt he owned with initials that represented some sort of deranged image etched into his sick, twisted mind.
The bodies were left intentionally. So of course the belt was left intentionally (with the bodies). The belt could have been the murder weapon used on one or more victims; after all, the cause of death for all was strangulation. I doubt it was left intentionally as some sort of intentional ‘misdirection’ though…

It is more likely that the bodies were transported from their original location in haste for some reason, burlap was used as the transport and—for lack of a better term—container to house the bodies at new location (Ocean Pkwy). The belt was intentionally left, just as the bodies were.

I don't believe they were transported in haste. It was a desolate stretch of road, with a roadside thicket that is filled with poison ivy.

It was the perfect spot for a quick "stop and drop". The burlap was probably used to contain the remains and help them blend in with the thick undergrowth.

There is nothing to suggest that he transported them there at the same time. The most likely explanation is that he realized it was the perfect dumping ground and continued using it.

It was pure luck that they were found as soon as they were. If the cadaver dog wasn't brought down Ocean Parkway, it probably would have been 2019 before they were found (the year when the greenway was built).

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