The inappropriate relationship (sexting) with minor

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Talk about some screwed up laws... IMO

"Yes, my sweet-sixteen darling, let's get together and... BUT DON'T SEND ME ANY PICTURES!"

If they won't fix that, they should at least expressly correct that TEACHERS should not have sex with their 16 year old students!!!! Consensual DOES NOT EXIST in those types of relationship, IMO.... would be like telling you it's ok to have sex with your psychotherapist if it's "consensual."

All just MO... don't mind me ;)

No kidding. It makes me ill. What is the matter with people in GA that they would allow this?
I think he had to have a stand in for his member. Probably an internet download

Hadn't even thought of that :giggle:
Or it took six kikker's/texts/im's/etc... to get his attention? ewww
you sit calmly in a court room because if you don't you can be removed
No kidding. It makes me ill. What is the matter with people in GA that they would allow this?

Just an FYI that after a high profile case where a teacher did get away with having sex w a student 16 or older, GA passed a bill in 2010 making it illegal for a teacher to have sex with a student even if they are 16 or older. See link for an example and some background.

The age of consent in GA is still 16 so having sex w a person 16 or older is legal. Sharing or receiving dirty pictures w a person under 18 is not legal. It's a very simple and easy to convict case IF they are sure the girl that sent the breast pictures is under 18....possession of child *advertiser censored*.
I just had a funny thought.
When I was a teenager and creepy guys would cat call and whistle, I used to say "take a picture it will last longer"

Hmm, apparently taking a picture sends you to jail longer too- (if she is under 18) [emoji12]

None of it makes sense!
IMO Cooper is gone so daddy could keep up his other persona.
IMO, him googling the age of consent in GA will work in his favor (as long as it was done before the event). Any normal person would think the consent law would go for photos and sex. But we all know that ignorance of the law is no excuse, so he will still get in trouble for it.
IMO, him googling the age of consent in GA will work in his favor (as long as it was done before the event). Any normal person would think the consent law would go for photos and sex. But we all know that ignorance of the law is no excuse, so he will still get in trouble for it.

Him googling the age of consent is not going to help him, because he googled the wrong thing. Age of consent for sex is 16. Age of consent for photos is 18. Him not knowing the law doesn't absolve him of responsibility.
Him googling the age of consent is not going to help him, because he googled the wrong thing. Age of consent for sex is 16. Age of consent for photos is 18. Him not knowing the law doesn't absolve him of responsibility.

Yup, that's about what I said.
So, this is the thing we may have here...RH sexting his erect penis to a minor, receiving sexting, exposed breasts, from a minor...all in the presence of a minor, his 22 month old child (IF it can be shown he did it during the timeline Stoddard gave while on the stand regarding time of waking, watching cartoons, etc.)

So....I really have to question how this guy found SIX girls/women to sext with him. I don't want to be "looks-ist" but--how shall I put it??--this guy is no George Clooney. I mean, I'm not disputing that he was sexting with at least six people while his baby was roasting to death in the SUV, I'm just boggled at the general taste level of these women/girls.

And like ticya, I think the 30 second delay in exiting his vehicle that morning was to take a picture of his 'junk' (and NEVER has a word been more appropriate!) Whether or not he was extra-excited by the fact that he knew he was going to be 'child-free' by later that afternoon I don't know, but it's possible that LE knows exactly where that pic was taken (could show part of the interior of the car.)
So....I really have to question how this guy found SIX girls/women to sext with him. I don't want to be "looks-ist" but--how shall I put it??--this guy is no George Clooney. I mean, I'm not disputing that he was sexting with at least six people while his baby was roasting to death in the SUV, I'm just boggled at the general taste level of these women/girls.

And like ticya, I think the 30 second delay in exiting his vehicle that morning was to take a picture of his 'junk' (and NEVER has a word been more appropriate!) Whether or not he was extra-excited by the fact that he knew he was going to be 'child-free' by later that afternoon I don't know, but it's possible that LE knows exactly where that pic was taken (could show part of the interior of the car.)

Would the pic have a date on it? Also I think if any background shows they could tell.
Yes, it should have a date/timestamp on it, which he wouldn't have had time to meddle with (I'm guessing) as events moved so quickly after he 'discovered' Cooper's death.
Yes, it should have a date/timestamp on it, which he wouldn't have had time to meddle with (I'm guessing) as events moved so quickly after he 'discovered' Cooper's death.

Yay! Thank you :)
tycla posted above:

Imoo there is no way this won't be used in some context during the trial because it points to dad's inappropriate behavior with a minor (s).
Add to that dad sexting with someonie while his son was dying in the car... ugh.

This guy is a real .

Totally agree about . However, I have had one thought since Thursday that won't go away.

If you have even an average IQ, and own a TV, and were planning to murder your child in the worst possible way, wouldn't you have enough sense to NOT be sexting that day?

I mean, common sense, right? The cops are bound to do at least a perfunctory investigation even if you are the most believable idiot parent to ever have done this.

I agree he is garbage and I am mostly convinced of his guilt, but this one thing throws me. Why was he sexting that day? He had enough sense to make the phony call to his wife about picking up his "buddy" which had to be for pure show, but that seems to indicate he knew the cops would be checking his phone??
Totally agree about . However, I have had one thought since Thursday that won't go away.

If you have even an average IQ, and own a TV, and were planning to murder your child in the worst possible way, wouldn't you have enough sense to NOT be sexting that day?

I mean, common sense, right? The cops are bound to do at least a perfunctory investigation even if you are the most believable idiot parent to ever have done this.

I agree he is garbage and I am mostly convinced of his guilt, but this one thing throws me. Why was he sexting that day? He had enough sense to make the phony call to his wife about picking up his "buddy" which had to be for pure show, but that seems to indicate he knew the cops would be checking his phone??

I've thought about it, too, and here is my theory: based on his research on 'hot car deaths' he may have seen that parents who leave their children in hot cars may sometimes be charged (and usually NOT with felonies) and that those charges are frequently dropped by sympathetic judges/juries who feel that the parent 'has suffered enough.' I believe he may have thought that while he might be charged with neglect or child cruelty, those charges would be those applicable when there was 'no malicious intent' (remember how he expressed that, in those words, when being questioned by LE?) and that while he might spend a few days/weeks in jail on a misdemeanor charge (thus his searches on 'how to survive in prison') that ultimately the charges would be dropped, or he would be found not guilty, and meanwhile the donations would roll in from a sympathetic public. I don't believe it ever entered his mind that LE would search his cell phone or home/work computers, much less obtain surveillance videos on his movements that morning. So my speculation (further supported by the wife's over-the-top behavior at the funeral) is that while he (and possibly LH) expected to experience a few temporary inconveniences and negative experiences, ultimately he (they?) would be seen as the terribly unfortunate grieving parents, not facing felonious murder charges. So I believe he saw no need to curtail his sexting activities that day, possibly thinking they would only obtain his call records or only look at certain things like the fact that he called his wife & the daycare, all the things a shocked, grieving father might do.

I know a lot of people say/think, "No could be so stupid to do x, y, or z if he was *planning* to commit murder" but you have to factor in arrogance and over-confidence. MOO!
Totally agree about . However, I have had one thought since Thursday that won't go away.

If you have even an average IQ, and own a TV, and were planning to murder your child in the worst possible way, wouldn't you have enough sense to NOT be sexting that day?

I mean, common sense, right? The cops are bound to do at least a perfunctory investigation even if you are the most believable idiot parent to ever have done this.

I agree he is garbage and I am mostly convinced of his guilt, but this one thing throws me. Why was he sexting that day? He had enough sense to make the phony call to his wife about picking up his "buddy" which had to be for pure show, but that seems to indicate he knew the cops would be checking his phone??

There are people who have the compulsion. They have to do it, no matter what else is happening.
Totally agree about . However, I have had one thought since Thursday that won't go away.

If you have even an average IQ, and own a TV, and were planning to murder your child in the worst possible way, wouldn't you have enough sense to NOT be sexting that day?

I mean, common sense, right? The cops are bound to do at least a perfunctory investigation even if you are the most believable idiot parent to ever have done this.

I agree he is garbage and I am mostly convinced of his guilt, but this one thing throws me. Why was he sexting that day? He had enough sense to make the phony call to his wife about picking up his "buddy" which had to be for pure show, but that seems to indicate he knew the cops would be checking his phone??

It might have been a way for him to not think about it, to escape, relieve stress, etc. occupy his mind elsewhere. But then that May point to him having the smallest sliver of a conscience, which he doesn't have.
which makes me ask this KiK account, you must provide an email in order to sign up. I think I remember hearing that RH and LH also communicated via KiK. Is this fact or assumption? Because if fact, it makes me wonder what email RH used to sign up for the app and if it was a personal one, work one, known to LH or not known to LH. Also wondering if you can have more than one KiK username/identity.

Trying to work out in my own mind how likely or unlikely it was that LH knew the depth of his extracurricular activities and how he was going about them logistically. It all goes to whether I can land on one side or other about LH and possible conspiring with RH to create this "accident" in which their son died.

She remained so calm during the time this was brought out in court, my money is on, she already knew it.
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