The Innocence Project and Darlie Routier

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
That 20/20 episode was short on the real facts and long on skewing the evidence, taking it out of context and out and out lies. It was disgraceful, profiting on the death of two children. Darin's window experiment for one thing. A completely open window, no screen, in an empty well lit garage. Yet the night of the murders photo shows the garage absolutely piled high with junk with a barely discernible path to the kitchen, plus dark. An intruder in the dark in an unfamiliar garage, hardly comparable to Darin's window experiment.

Skip Hollandsworth claiming when the police got there there were bloody footprints all over the kitchen but they didn't tell you they were
Darlie's footprints and no one else's.

Kathy Cruz claiming Darlie almost died. Not supported by the doctors who treated her at Baylor.

I noticed in the show, Darlie's neck wound looked thick and red, LOl but in the photos of her a few years after the murders, you can barely see the scar so they played that up.

No mention of any new evidence and no mention of the IP taking her case. The IP has not confirmed they are taking her case anyway, her mother is the source.
"Exactly. Whether she did it or not, the prosecution was willing to do whatever it took to get a conviction. The detectives even plead the 5th because they didn't want to reveal that they hid evidence. I was furious after seeing how the whole thing was handled. The juror who basically said because she bought jewelry and had breast implants she was a terrible person who must of done it. Thats not how I would want to pin down my suspect to a crime. I was disgusted."

None of this is true as the trial transcripts prove. The show didn't mention Darlie taking the 5th to every question asked her at the custody hearing for Drake. Why is she allowed to not incriminate herself and the police officers aren't? Isn't every American allowed that constitutional right? When the officers were accused by the defense attorney of committing a federal crime and that they were going to jail, the officer refused to answer until he consulted with an attorney.

As well, members of the jury were interviewed after the verdict and Rina Way, said she convicted Darlie on the evidence and she mentioned the evidence, not a word about her appearance or her breast implants or her jewellery.

Do you know that juror was interviewed for over 3 hours and they only show you one tiny thing she said to make it appear she was biased toward Darlie because of her looks and her breast implants. They did a good job of manipulating the viewers into believing Darlie has been wrongfully convicted when there is a mountain of physical, forensic evidence that she committed the murders.

The sock has been DNA tested at least 3 times. In 2015 the sock was Y-STR DNA tested, which isolates the male gene, no unknown male DNA was found on the sock or on other evidence tested including the bloody print. The state is not refusing to run that print through AFIS. The defense asked the print be put on hold so the Stay on the DNA testing could be lifted, that print will not be run until all the DNA testing has been completed. It's right in her appeals documents on her website.
"I need to find a way to watch it in canada. I’ve been 100% certain she did it. Also the husband is like a overzealous car salesman and gives me the willies. IMO I sure as **** will eat crow pie too and be totally mind blown if she’s innocent."

I live in Canada and I watched on ABC last Friday night. You can now see it on Youtube it has been posted.
After watching the 20/20 episode, I think she’s innocent. MOO Her response to touching the knife in the 911 call was taken out of context. The 911 operator told her not to touch anything and then she made the comment about touching the knife. The silly string video was after a video of a little memorial by the grave where she was crying and they were all praying. They never showed that first video. These are just a couple things that stand out. Also the fingerprint and sock. MOO

None of this is true either. Darlie brought up the knife first, not the operator, that's when the operator tells her not to touch anything. You can clearly hear it on the 911 call.

The reason the memorial video was not shown to the jury was because the defense didn't show it to them although they had the opportunity to at trial. What does that tell you? It tells me we won't see a grieving Darlie or we would have seen that video all over the programmes shown again and again. As for the sock and the bloody print, read my other post where I explain that the print was an agreement by the state with the defense to hold off running that print until the DNA testing is complete. It is the defense who is holding it up, not the state. It's right in the appeals documents on her website.
After watching the 20/20 episode, I think she’s innocent. MOO Her response to touching the knife in the 911 call was taken out of context. The 911 operator told her not to touch anything and then she made the comment about touching the knife. The silly string video was after a video of a little memorial by the grave where she was crying and they were all praying. They never showed that first video. These are just a couple things that stand out. Also the fingerprint and sock. MOO

None of this is true either. Darlie brought up the knife first, not the operator, that's when the operator tells her not to touch anything. You can clearly hear it on the 911 call.

The reason the memorial video was not shown to the jury was because the defense didn't show it to them although they had the opportunity to at trial. What does that tell you? It tells me we won't see a grieving Darlie or we would have seen that video all over the programmes shown again and again. As for the sock and the bloody print, read my other post where I explain that the print was an agreement by the state with the defense to hold off running that print until the DNA testing is complete. It is the defense who is holding it up, not the state. It's right in the appeals documents on her website.
Thanks Cami for posting these replies to the 20/20 comments/postings. Mine being one of them. I remember this case quite well but never really delved into it. After watching the 20/20 episode it appeared she could be innocent. After reading your replies, it seems the show may have been a bit biased. I need to do some more reading on this case.
That 20/20 episode was short on the real facts and long on skewing the evidence, taking it out of context and out and out lies. It was disgraceful, profiting on the death of two children. Darin's window experiment for one thing. A completely open window, no screen, in an empty well lit garage. Yet the night of the murders photo shows the garage absolutely piled high with junk with a barely discernible path to the kitchen, plus dark. An intruder in the dark in an unfamiliar garage, hardly comparable to Darin's window experiment.

Skip Hollandsworth claiming when the police got there there were bloody footprints all over the kitchen but they didn't tell you they were
Darlie's footprints and no one else's.

Kathy Cruz claiming Darlie almost died. Not supported by the doctors who treated her at Baylor.

I noticed in the show, Darlie's neck wound looked thick and red, LOl but in the photos of her a few years after the murders, you can barely see the scar so they played that up.

No mention of any new evidence and no mention of the IP taking her case. The IP has not confirmed they are taking her case anyway, her mother is the source.
I'm starting to learn more about the case since watching the 20/20 special. It's so hard to find shows, and even podcasts, that aren't one sided. It sucks you always have to question the info you're receiving and how you're receiving it. I did watch a Forensic Files special someone from here linked me to that enlightened me quite a bit! It is just so heartbreaking! I hate especially when it's mom or dad, cause all i can think is how much more terrifying that must be for these poor innocent babies! I'm sure she is right where she is suppose to be. This case, especially, is just so hard for me to understand what the heck her motive was to just snap and do this one night....
Cami, I have "stalked" you for years and have posted several times thanking you for your accuracy and willingness to post the facts, ad infinitum. Thank you again for parsing the ABC "documentary". It is shameful that they construct a shameless, biased program. So, thanks again, for your tireless efforts.

After watching the 20/20 episode, I think she’s innocent. MOO Her response to touching the knife in the 911 call was taken out of context. The 911 operator told her not to touch anything and then she made the comment about touching the knife. The silly string video was after a video of a little memorial by the grave where she was crying and they were all praying. They never showed that first video. These are just a couple things that stand out. Also the fingerprint and sock. MOO

None of this is true either. Darlie brought up the knife first, not the operator, that's when the operator tells her not to touch anything. You can clearly hear it on the 911 call.

The reason the memorial video was not shown to the jury was because the defense didn't show it to them although they had the opportunity to at trial. What does that tell you? It tells me we won't see a grieving Darlie or we would have seen that video all over the programmes shown again and again. As for the sock and the bloody print, read my other post where I explain that the print was an agreement by the state with the defense to hold off running that print until the DNA testing is complete. It is the defense who is holding it up, not the state. It's right in the appeals documents on her website.
I thought Darlie was likely guilty once I watched the birthday party video years ago. But, last year that changed for me. The beloved 28-year-old daughter of a friend of mine was dying of cancer, and it was a brutally painful ending. She died at home. But, before she died the whole family gathered at my friend's home, including my daughter and me. At one point people were joking, and then everyone starting singing. No one would ever have known my friend's daughter was dying. People react in different ways. I do not know if Darlie is innocent or guilty. But, if she is innocent, I hope she is proven so.
It's always the little things the killer forgets that gets them busted like the security light out back that stays on after being tripped. It stays lit for 15 minutes so the cops ask her where did the phantom killer go? "Out back, just now he just ran out" Darlie said. Well, that light had not been tripped, the cop set it off when he went out back to chase the guy. The gate was another issue, it was hard to close and made a lot of noise. No killer fleeing the scene with cops on their tails would have bothered to close that gate. No fingerprints to speak of, look at that crime scene, this killer must have floated above the den leaving no trace of him.

The wedding dress left out and wedding pics, well they later told a story about redoing their vowels. I think cops decided it was more like she left that as a dig at Darrin. She planned on killing herself and just couldn't do what she did to those kids. Hurt too much I guess? Chickened out? They are self-inflicted wounds.

Cops aren't stupid, they hired in an experienced agent who saw right away the real picture and it was tragic. She is right where she belongs, JMO
What do you all think about the Innocense Project accepting Darlie's case? All I can say that if they help prove Darlie is indeed innocent I will have a lot of crow to eat! I've believed her to be guilty for years but if they can prove me wrong I'm willing to admit I was wrong and offer my appologies. Just curious what everyone thought about them accepting her case after all of these years.
Omg Omg !! I really really don't think she did it, Ive never trusted Rowlette from an incident with a friend of mine who lived there from before this happened , but I have always thought she was a (cough sacrifice) from the other one in the house or it was a robbery gone bad setup situation, but I'm so glad !!! thank you JenniferTX!!
I actually didnt know about amphetamines. That's interesting! I also do agree the diary isn't favorable for her either! The whole thing just kind of baffles me. And I am generally on the side of guilt! Especially in these particular kinds of cases! They are just so heartbreaking either way...

Yes but diet pills and methamphetamine's are over the counter available and if she had postpartum and totally flipped IMO she does not need to be on death row , I just don't think she did it, I never have . Welcome Ashley :) (that's my middle name )
I remember seeing the "silly string" birthday at the gravesite on TV back when it happened. I thought it made it obvious that she was guilty. Fast-forward 20 years; my husband passed away suddenly, at a young age. My behavior became SO bizarre I didn't even recognize myself. After several years, I now look back at the strange things I did and CAN'T believe it was ME!! I just watched Darlie's story on 20/20, I don't believe she killed those children. I KNOW the strange things people do when they're in shock and grief; I lived it. I don't think it's right that the biggest reason people believe she's guilty is because of the "silly string" incident. The one question I DO have is in the 911 tape. She keeps referring to "they", not "he". Anyone else notice that?
I agree with you frankly I did some really weird stuff when my grandson passed , I mean really odd and self destructive , now on that note I am in TX and I refer to singular people as "they"all the time Maybe its a regional thing or I just mangle grammar:)
What do you all think about the Innocense Project accepting Darlie's case? All I can say that if they help prove Darlie is indeed innocent I will have a lot of crow to eat! I've believed her to be guilty for years but if they can prove me wrong I'm willing to admit I was wrong and offer my appologies. Just curious what everyone thought about them accepting her case after all of these years.

Wow, just saw this thread. I can't believe the innocent project is accepting her case. I always thought she was guilty but the bloody sock that was found down the road always bothered me. Moo
What do you all think about the Innocense Project accepting Darlie's case? All I can say that if they help prove Darlie is indeed innocent I will have a lot of crow to eat! I've believed her to be guilty for years but if they can prove me wrong I'm willing to admit I was wrong and offer my appologies. Just curious what everyone thought about them accepting her case after all of these years.
I'm all for doing everything possible to exonerate an innocent person, regardless of how I've felt about that person. Guilty is guilty, and innocent is...well, you get it. Whatever the Innocence Project concludes, I hope that justice is served.
I agree with you frankly I did some really weird stuff when my grandson passed , I mean really odd and self destructive , now on that note I am in TX and I refer to singular people as "they"all the time Maybe its a regional thing or I just mangle grammar:)
I grew up in Texas and came back and live here now. I have never said 'they' when referring to one person. MOO

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